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Japanese Assignment

Cultural Festival


Sidharth Kumar Jha

Hinamatsuri :

Hinamatsuri is one of the five seasonal festivals ( go-sekku) that are held on auspicious dates of the
Chinese calendar: the first day of the first month, the third day of the third month, and so on.

The festival was traditionally known as the Peach Festival (Momo no Sekku), as peach trees typically
began to flower around this time. Although this is no longer true since the shift to Gregorian dates,
the name remains and peaches are still symbolic of the festival.

Kodomonohi :

Kodomonohi, meaning "carp streamer" in Japanese, are carp-shaped windsocks traditionally flown in
Japan to celebrate Tango no sekku , a traditional calendrical event which is now designated a
national holiday: Children's Day (Kodomo no Hi).These windsocks are made by drawing carp patterns
on paper, cloth or other nonwoven fabric. They are then allowed to flutter in the wind. They are also
known as satsuki-nobori .
1) I have not heard kodomonohi or hinamatsuri before. I seems an amazing festival and if I got
chance , I would like to visit Japan to watch it .
2) Yes, In India we celebrate Navratri where girls tend to make dolls of three goddesses ,
Lakshmi, Parvathi and Saraswati.
3) I have never worked on Origami before, and I would like to learn more about origami art.

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