Pulse 1

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I believe it is important to know how to take someone's pulse because not only does it tell you

that the person is alive it allows you to hear that their heart is working properly and it's a direct

measurement of the heart's function. I've learned how to properly take one's pulse rate and that

there are not just one pulse site but eight of them in total. The eight pulse sites where one's heart

rate can be measure are the carotid(on the neck) , brachial (above the arm) , radial (wrist),

posterior tibial (tendon in the leg) , popliteal (back of the knee) , temporal (near the eye/temple)

, femoral(thigh) and the dorsal pedal (located on the foot) . I also must recognize that the bpm

was different for each pulse site. These differences would occur because your blood flows

differently to each part of your body. Exercising , stress, anxiety, and drugs can affect these

different pulse rates as well, so it's important whether the patient being examined has just

finished an exercise, has been taking drugs , or tends to be stressed or has a history of anxiety.

There are different ways to measure the different pulse sites.Typically when measuring these

sites you would use two fingers most , index and middle finger. I learned it is very important to

not use your thumb when palpating for a pulse because the thumb has its own pulse. There are 3

major factors of pulse; Rate, Rhythm and Volume. The normal pulse rate is 60-100bpm , pulse

rhythm is either regular or irregular, and volume is the strength or intensity of the pulse. If i were

to palpate an athlete i have to take into consideration that their bpm may be lower than in non

athletes. I learned there are many things that increase and decrease one's pulse. An increase can

mean one may have exercised, stimulant drugs, fear, fever, and nervousness. A decrease typically

is caused by heart disease, sleep, depressant drugs, physical training, and a coma. Not only is this

important for me to know but having the patient tell me beforehand so that it doesn't affect the

way their pulse rate is measured because not telling me may affect them. It is important for me to

know how to measure a pulse because I will use this especially if an athlete were to get hurt and I
can't feel their pulse in one area. I can measure it in another. If there is a pulse present that means

the person is alive if there is no pulse the person has died.

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