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LYNVIL FISHING ENTERPRISES, INC. aside the Decision of the Labor Arbiter.

v. ARIOLA The private respondents except Elorde Baz

filed a Petition for Certiorari before the
FACTS: Lynvil is a company engaged in
Court of Appeals alleging grave abuse of
deep-sea fishing, operating along the
discretion on the part of NLRC. The Court
shores of Palawan and other outlying
of Appeals found merit in the petition and
islands of the Philippines. Lynvil received a
reinstated the Decision of the Labor
report from Romanito Clarido, one of its
Arbiter except as to the award of
employees, that on 31 July 1998, he
attorneys fees. Hence, this petition.
witnessed that while on board the
company vessel Analyn VIII, Lynvil ISSUE: WON dismissal was illegal
employees conspired with one another
HELD: No. An employer may terminate an
and stole 8 tubs of "pampano" and
employment based on fraud or willful
"tangigue" fish and delivered them to
breach of the trust reposed on the
another vessel, to the prejudice of Lynvil.
employee. The Labor Code provides that
By reason of the report and after initial
an employer may terminate an
investigation, Lynvils General Manager De
employment based on fraud or willful
Borja summoned respondents to explain
breach of the trust reposed on the
within 5 days why they should not be
employee. Such breach is considered
dismissed from service. Failing to explain
willful if it is done intentionally, knowingly,
as required, respondents employment was
and purposely, without justifiable excuse,
terminated. Lynvil, through De Borja, filed
as distinguished from an act done
a criminal complaint against the dismissed
carelessly, thoughtlessly, heedlessly or
employees for violation of P.D. 532, or the
inadvertently. It must also be based on
Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law
substantial evidence and not on the
of 1974 before the Office of the City
employers whims or caprices or suspicions
Prosecutor of Malabon City. First Assistant
otherwise, the employee would eternally
City Prosecutor Rosauro Silverio found
remain at the mercy of the employer. Loss
probable cause for the indictment of the
of confidence must not be indiscriminately
dismissed employees for the crime of
used as a shield by the employer against
qualified theft.
a claim that the dismissal of an employee
Upon being informed about this, Ariola, was arbitrary. And, in order to constitute a
Calinao, Nubla and Sebullen went to the just cause for dismissal, the act
Lynvil office. However, they were told that complained of must be work-related and
their employments were already shows that the employee concerned is
terminated. Aggrieved, the employees unfit to continue working for the
filed with the Arbitration Branch of NLRC- employer.
NCR a complaint for illegal dismissal with
In addition, loss of confidence as a just
claims for backwages, salary differential
cause for termination of employment is
reinstatement, service incentive leave,
premised on the fact that the employee
holiday pay and its premium and 13th
concerned holds a position of
month pay from 1996 to1998. They also
responsibility, trust and confidence or that
claimed for moral, exemplary damages
the employee concerned is entrusted with
and attorneys fees for their dismissal with
confidence with respect to delicate
bad faith.
matters, such as the handling or care and
Labor Arbiter Ramon Valentin C. Reyes protection of the property and assets of
found merit in complainants charge of the employer. The betrayal of this trust is
illegal dismissal. NLRC reversed and set
the essence of the offense for which an accomplished. The last element, the so-
employee is penalized. called “control test”, is the most important

Applying the control test, Sonza is not an
FACTS: In May 1994, Respondent ABS-
employee but an independent contractor.
CBN signed an agreement with the Mel
Individuals with special skills, expertise or
and Jay Management and Development
talent enjoy the freedom to offer their
Corporation (MJMDC) where the latter
services as independent contractors.
agreed to provide Sonza’s services
Control test is based on the extent of
exclusively to ABS-CBN as talent for radio
control the hirer exercises over a worker.
and television. ABS-CBN agreed to pay
A radio broadcast specialist who only
Sonza a monthly talent fee of P310k for
needs his talents and skills to perform his
the first year and P317k for the second
job and works under minimal supervision
and third year. In 1996, Sonza wrote a
is an independent contractor. The records
letter to ABS-CBN for resignation and
do not show that ABS-CBN exercised any
rescission of the contract. The letter also
supervision and control over how SONZA
contained the waiver and renunciation for
utilized his skills and talent in his shows.
recovery of the remaining amount
The rules imposed by ABS-CBN on Sonza
stipulated but reserves the right to seek
did not control his performance but these
recovery of the other benefits under said
were merely guidelines towards the
Agreement. Sonza then filed with DOLE a
achievement of the mutually desired
complaint alleging that ABS-CBN did not
result, which are top-rating television and
pay his salaries, separation pay, service
radio programs that comply with
incentive pay, 13th month pay, signing
standards of the industry. Even the
bonus, travel allowance and amounts
exclusivity clause in the Agreement is not
under the Employees Stock Option Plan
a form of control which ABS-CBN
(ESOP). ABS-CBN contended there’s no E-
exercised over him. The hiring of exclusive
ER. However, ABS-CBN continued to remit
talents is a practice not designed to
Sonza’s monthly talent fees. LA dismissed
control the means and methods of work of
the complaint and aid there is no E-ER
the talent, but simply to protect the
relationship and ruled that he is not an
investment of the broadcast station. Not
employee by reason of his peculiar skill
every performance of services for a fee
and talent as a TV host and a radio
creates an employer-employee
broadcaster. Unlike an ordinary employee,
relationship. To hold that every person
he was free to perform his services in
who renders services to another for a fee
accordance with his own style. NLRC and
is an employee – to give meaning to the
CA affirmed the LA.
security of tenure clause – will lead to
ISSUE: WoN E-ER relationship between a absurd results.
television and radio station and one of its
talents, a program host.
HELD: No. Elements of an E-ER
relationship are selection and engagement
of the employee, the payment of wages, FACTS: Respondents were employed as
the power of dismissal and the employer’s drama talents by DYWB-Bombo Radyo, a
power to control the employee on the radio station owned and operated by
means and methods by which the work is petitioner Consolidated Broadcasting
System, Inc. They reported for work daily cause order of the station manager to
for six days in a week and were required respondent Danny Oberio and memoranda
to record their drama production in either noted or issued by said manager.
advance. Sometime in August 1998, Petitioner, on the other hand, did not
petitioner reduced the number of its present any documentary evidence in its
drama productions from 14 to 11, but was behalf and merely denied the allegations
opposed by respondents. DOLE conducted of respondents. It claimed that the radio
through its Regional Office, an inspection station pays for the drama recorded by
of DWYB station. The results thereof piece and that it has no control over the
revealed that petitioner is guilty of conduct of respondents.
violation of labor standard laws, such as
underpayment of wages, 13th month pay,
non-payment of service incentive leave 1. WON respondents were employees of
pay, and non-coverage of respondents petitioner
under the Social Security
System.Petitioner contended that 2. WON their dismissal was illegal
respondents are not its employees and
refused to submit the payroll and daily
time records despite the subpoena duces 1. Yes. Petitioner failed to controvert with
tecum issued by the DOLE RD. Petitioner substantial evidence the allegation of
further argued that the case should be respondents that they were hired by the
referred to the NLRC because the RD has former on various dates from 1974 to
no jurisdiction over the determination of 1997. If petitioner did not hire
the existence of employer-employee respondents and if it was the director
relationship which involves evidentiary alone who chose the talents, petitioner
matters that are not verifiable in the could have easily shown, being in
normal course of inspection. Vexed by the possession of the records, a contract to
respondents’ complaint, petitioner such effect. However, petitioner merely
allegedly pressured and intimidated relied on its contention that respondents
respondents. Respondents Oberio and were piece rate contractors who were paid
Delta were suspended for minor lapses by results. Note that under Policy
and the payment of their salaries were Instruction No. 40, petitioner is obliged to
purportedly delayed. Eventually execute the necessary contract specifying
respondents were barred by petitioner the nature of the work to be performed,
from reporting for work; thus, the former rates of pay, and the programs in which
claimed constructive dismissal. they will work. Moreover, project or
Respondents filed a case for illegal contractual employees are required to be
dismissal, underpayment/non-payment of apprised of the project they will undertake
wages and benefits plus damages against under a written contract. This was not
petitioner. LA dismissed the case without complied with by the petitioner, justifying
prejudice while waiting for the decision of the reasonable conclusion that no such
the Secretary of Labor on the same issue contracts exist and that respondents were
of the existence of an E-ER relationship in fact regular employees. In ABS-CBN v.
between petitioner and respondents. On Marquez,18 the Court held that the failure
appeal to the NLRC, respondents raised of the employer to produce the contract
the issue of E-ER relationship and mandated by Policy Instruction No. 40 is
submitted the following to prove the indicative that the so called talents or
existence of such relationship, to wit: time project workers are in reality, regular
cards, identification cards, payroll, a show employees.
nonetheless, sent several articles through
mail. Petitioner claims that her then
Moreover, the engagement of respondents
editor, Ms. Logarta,6 told her that
for a period ranging from 2 to 25 years
respondent Leticia Jimenez Magsanoc, PDI
and the fact that their drama programs
Editor in Chief, wanted to stop publishing
were aired not only in Bacolod City but
her column for no reason at all and
also in the sister stations of DYWB in the
advised petitioner to talk to Magsanoc
Visayas and Mindanao areas, undoubtedly
herself. Petitioner narrates Magsanoc
show that their work is necessary and
informed her that it was PDI Chairperson
indispensable to the usual business or
Apostol who had asked to stop publication
trade of petitioner. As to the payment of
of her column, but that in a telephone
wages, it was petitioner who paid the
conversation with Apostol, the latter said
same as shown by the payroll bearing the
that Magsanoc informed her (Apostol) that
name of petitioner company in the
the Lifestyle section already had many
heading with the respective salaries of
columnists. On the other hand, PDI claims
respondents opposite their names. Anent
that in June 1991, Magsanoc met with the
the power of control, dismissal, and
Lifestyle section editor to discuss how to
imposition of disciplinary measures, which
improve said section. They agreed to cut
are indicative of an employer-employee
down the number of columnists by
relationship,20 the same were duly proven
keeping only those whose columns were
2. Yes. In labor cases, the employer has well-written, with regular feedback and
the burden of proving that the dismissal following. In their judgment, petitioner’s
was for a just cause; failure to show this column failed to improve, continued to be
would necessarily mean that the dismissal superficially and poorly written, and failed
was unjustified and, therefore, illegal. In to meet the high standards of the
this case, petitioner merely contended newspaper. Hence, they decided to
that it was respondents who ceased to terminate petitioner’s column. Aggrieved
report to work, and never presented any by the newspaper’s action, petitioner filed
substantial evidence to support said a complaint for illegal dismissal,
allegation. Petitioner therefore failed to backwages, moral and exemplary
discharge its burden, hence, respondents damages, and other money claims before
were correctly declared to have been the NLRC. LA ruled in favor of petitioner.
illegally dismissed. Furthermore, if doubts NLRC affirmed, sustaining the LA’s
exist between the evidence presented by reasoning that respondent PDI exercised
the employer and the employee, the control over petitioner’s work. CA set
scales of justice must be tilted in favor of aside the NLRC Decision and dismissed
the latter – the employer must petitioner’s Complaint. First, private
affirmatively show rationally adequate respondent admitted that she was and
evidence that the dismissal was for a [had] never been considered by petitioner
justifiable cause. PDI as its employee. Second, it is not
disputed that private respondent had no
employment contract with petitioner PDI.
In fact, her engagement to contribute
articles for publication was based on a
FACTS:, PDI engaged the services of verbal agreement between her and the
petitioner to write a weekly column for its petitioner’s Lifestyle Section Editor.
Lifestyle section. She religiously submitted Moreover, it was evident that private
her articles every week, except for a 6- respondent was not required to report to
month stint in NYC when she, the office 8 hours a day. Further, it is not
disputed that she stayed in NYC for 6 the methodology and bind or restrict the
months without petitioner’s permission as party hired to the use of such means. The
to her leave of absence nor was she given first, which aim only to promote the
any disciplinary action for the same. result, create no employer-employee
These undisputed facts negate private relationship unlike the second, which
respondent’s claim that she is an address both the result and the means
employee of petitioner. used to achieve it.

ISSUE: WON petitioner is an employee of

PDI, and if the answer be in the
The main determinant therefore is
affirmative, whether she was illegally
whether the rules set by the employer are
meant to control not just the results of the
HELD: Court rules in favor of work but also the means and method to
respondents. Petitioner has misconstrued be used by the hired party in order to
the "control test," as did the Labor Arbiter achieve such results. Thus, in this case,
and the NLRC. we are to examine the factors enumerated
by petitioner to see if these are merely
Not all rules imposed by the hiring party
guidelines or if they indeed fulfill the
on the hired party indicate that the latter
requirements of the control test.
is an employee of the former. Rules which
serve as general guidelines towards the Petitioner believes that respondents’ acts
achievement of the mutually desired are meant to control how she executes
result are not indicative of the power of her work. We do not agree. A careful
control. Thus, this Court has explained: examination reveals that the factors
enumerated by the petitioner are inherent
It should, however, be obvious that not
conditions in running a newspaper. In
every form of control that the hiring party
other words, the so-called control as to
reserves to himself over the conduct of
time, space, and discipline are dictated by
the party hired in relation to the services
the very nature of the newspaper business
rendered may be accorded the effect of
itself. The Inquirer is the publisher of a
establishing an employer-employee
newspaper of general circulation which is
relationship between them in the legal or
widely read throughout the country. As
technical sense of the term. A line must
such, public interest dictates that every
be drawn somewhere, if the recognized
article appearing in the newspaper should
distinction between an employee and an
subscribe to the standards set by the
individual contractor is not to vanish
Inquirer, with its thousands of readers in
altogether. Realistically, it would be a rare
mind. It is not, therefore, unusual for the
contract of service that gives
Inquirer to control what would be
untrammelled freedom to the party hired
published in the newspaper. What is
and eschews any intervention whatsoever
important is the fact that such control
in his performance of the engagement.
pertains only to the end result, i.e., the
submitted articles. The Inquirer has no
control over [petitioner] as to the means
Logically, the line should be drawn or method used by her in the preparation
between rules that merely serve as of her articles. The articles are done by
guidelines towards the achievement of the [petitioner] herself without any
mutually desired result without dictating intervention from the Inquirer.
the means or methods to be employed in
attaining it, and those that control or fix
Petitioner has not shown that PDI, acting driver. He had signed several employment
through its editors, dictated how she was contracts with the company that identified
to write or produce her articles each him as a project employee although he
week. Aside from the constraints had always been assigned to work on one
presented by the space allocation of her project after another with some intervals.
column, there were no restraints on her Trinidad further alleged that in December
creativity; petitioner was free to write her 2004 petitioner company terminated him
column in the manner and style she was from work after it shut down operations
accustomed to and to use whatever because of lack of projects. He learned
research method she deemed suitable for later, however, that although it opened up
her purpose. The apparent limitation that a project in Batangas, it did not hire him
she had to write only on subjects that back for that project. Petitioner company
befitted the Lifestyle section did not countered that it was in the construction
translate to control, but was simply a business. By the nature of such business,
logical consequence of the fact that her it had to hire and engage the services of
column appeared in that section and project construction workers, including
therefore had to cater to the preference of respondent Trinidad, whose employments
the readers of that section. had to be co-terminous with the
completion of specific company projects.
For this reason, every time the company
Contrary to petitioner’s protestations, it employed Trinidad, he had to execute an
does not appear that there was any actual employment contract with it, called
restraint or limitation on the subject Appointment as Project Worker. Petitioner
matter – within the Lifestyle section – that company stressed that employment
she could write about. Respondent PDI did intervals or gaps were inherent in the
not dictate how she wrote or what she construction business. Consequently, after
wrote in her column. Neither did PDI’s it finished its Boni Serrano-Katipunan
guidelines dictate the kind of research, Interchange Project in December 2004,
time, and effort she put into each column. Trinidad's work ended as well. In
In fact, petitioner herself said that she compliance with labor rules, the company
received "no comments on her articles… submitted an establishment termination
except for her to shorten them to fit into report to the DOLE.
the box allotted to her column."
Therefore, the control that PDI exercised
over petitioner was only as to the finished LA dismissed Trinidad’s complaint. LA held
product of her efforts, i.e., the column that, since Trinidad was a project
itself, by way of either shortening or employee and since his company
outright rejection of the column. submitted the appropriate establishment
termination report to DOLE, his loss of
work cannot be regarded as unjust
WILLIAM UY CONSTRUCTION CORP. dismissal. LA found no basis for granting
VS. TRINIDAD Trinidad overtime pay, holiday pay, and
13th month pay. NLRC affirmed. CA
FACTS: Respondent Trinidad filed a reversed.
complaint for illegal dismissal and unpaid
benefits against petitioner William Uy
Construction Corporation. Trinidad claimed
ISSUE: WON the CA correctly ruled that
that he had been working with the latter
petitioner company's repeated rehiring of
company for 16 years since 1988 as
respondent Trinidad over several years as
project employee for its various projects project. This termination marked the end
automatically entitled him to the status of of his employment with DMCI as he was
a regular employee. not rehired again. Jamin filed a
complaintfor illegal dismissal, with several
HELD: No. The CA held that, although
money claims (including attorneys fees),
respondent Trinidad initially worked as a
against DMCI and its President/General
project employee, he should be deemed to
Manager, David M. Consunji. Jamin
have acquired the status of a regular
alleged that DMCI terminated his
employee since petitioner company
employment without a just and authorized
repeatedly rehired him in its past 35
cause at a time when he was already 55
projects that lasted 16 years. The CA
years old and had no independent source
explained that Trinidad's work as driver of
of livelihood. He claimed that he rendered
the company's service vehicle, dump
service to DMCI continuously for almost
truck, and transit mixer was vital,
31 years. DMCI denied liability. It argued
necessary, and indispensable to the
that it hired Jamin on a project-to-project
company's construction business. The
basis, from the start of his engagement in
intervals between his employment
1968 until the completion of its SM Manila
contracts were inconsequential since
project on March 20, 1999 where Jamin
stoppage in operations at the end of every
last worked. With the completion of the
construction project was a foreseeable
project, it terminated Jamins employment.
interruption of work.
The LA dismissed the complaint for lack of
merit. On appeal, the NLRC affirmed the
But the test for distinguishing a "project
decision of the LA. On further appeal, the
employee" from a "regular employee" is
CA reversed the NLRC decision and ruled
whether or not he has been assigned to
that Jamin was a regular employee.
carry out a "specific project or
Hence, DMCI seeks a reversal of the CA
undertaking," with the duration and scope
rulings on the ground that the appellate
of his engagement specified at the time
court committed a grave error in annulling
his service is contracted. Here, it is not
the decisions of the labor arbiter and the
disputed that petitioner company
contracted respondent Trinidad's service
by specific projects with the duration of ISSUE: WON Jamin is a regular employee
his work clearly set out in his employment
HELD: Yes. Once a project or work pool
contracts. He remained a project
employee has been: (1) continuously, as
employee regardless of the number of
opposed to intermittently, rehired by the
years and the various projects he worked
same employer for the same tasks or
for the company
nature of tasks; and (2) these tasks are
vital, necessary and indispensable to the
usual business or trade of the employer,
then the employee must be deemed a
FACTS: Petitioner D.M. Consunji, Inc. regular employee. While the contracts
(DMCI), a construction company, hired indeed show that Jamin had been engaged
respondent Estelito L. Jamin as a laborer. as a project employee, there was an
Sometime in 1975, Jamin became a almost unbroken string of Jamins rehiring
helper carpenter. Since his initial hiring, from December 17, 1968 up to the
Jamins employment contract had been termination of his employment on March
renewed a number of times. On March 20, 20, 1999. While the history of Jamins
1999, his work at DMCI was terminated employment (schedule of projects) relied
due to the completion of the SM Manila upon by DMCI shows a gap of almost four
years in his employment for the period
between July 28, 1980 (the supposed
completion date of the Midtown Plaza
project) and June 13, 1984 (the start of FACTS: Several employees of private
the IRRI Dorm IV project), the gap was respondent Benthel Development
caused by the companys omission of the Corporation, including the petitioners, filed
three projects above mentioned. To a Complaint for illegal dismissal with
reiterate, Jamins employment history with various money claims and prayer for
DMCI stands out for his continuous, damages against the latter. LA found
repeated and successive rehiring in the private respondent guilty of illegal
companys construction projects. In all the dismissal and ordering it to pay its
38 projects where DMCI engaged Jamins employees separation pay.
services, the tasks he performed as a
carpenter were indisputably necessary and
desirable in DMCIs construction business.
The employees, including the petitioners
He might not have been a member of a
herein, appealed to the NLRC. NLRC
work pool as DMCI insisted that it does
favored petitioners and affirmed the
not maintain a work pool, but his
decision of LA with modification that
continuous rehiring and the nature of his
private respondent pay backwages
work unmistakably made him a regular
computed from the respective dates of
employee. Further, as we stressed in
dismissal until finality of the decision.
Liganza, respondent capitalizes on our
Private respondent filed MR to NLRC.
ruling in D.M. Consunji, Inc. v. NLRC
NLRC denied the motion ruling that
which reiterates the rule that the length of
private respondent failed to establish the
service of a project employee is not the
date of the completion of the project.
controlling test of employment tenure but
Private respondent went to CA. It was
whether or not the employment has been
dismissed. The employees, including the
fixed for a specific project or undertaking
petitioners, upon the finality of the Court’s
the completion or termination of which
resolution, filed a Motion for Execution
has been determined at the time of the
before the LA of its decision. The LA
engagement of the employee."
ordered for the issuance of a writ of
execution directing the computation of the
awards. Private respondent filed an appeal
"Surely, length of time is not the from the said Order with an urgent prayer
controlling test for project employment. for the issuance of a TRO and/or
Nevertheless, it is vital in determining if preliminary injunction with public
the employee was hired fora specific respondent NLRC. It was denied.
undertaking or tasked to perform
functions vital, necessary and
indispensable to the usual business or
Private respondent appealed to NLRC
trade of the employer. Here, private
contending that the computation for
respondent had been a project employee
backwages must be only until the
several times over. His employment
completion of the project and not until the
ceased to be coterminous with specific
finality of the decision. NLRC affirmed the
projects when he was repeatedly re-hired
Order of LA but reduced the total amount
due to the demands of petitioners
it has previously rendered. Private
business.Without doubt, Jamins case fits
respondent filed a petition for certiorari
squarely into the employment situation
with the CA, alleging NLRC committed
just quoted.
grave abuse of discretion. The CA granted activities which are usually necessary or
the petition, therefore, annulling and desirable in the usual business or trade of
setting aside the decision and resolution the employer, except where the
of the NLRC as to the award for employment has been fixed for a specific
backwages and remanded the case to the project or undertaking the completion or
same public respondent NLRC for the termination of which has been determined
proper computation of the backwages due at the time of the engagement of the
to each of the petitioners herein. But the employee or where the work or service to
petitioners did not agree with the be performed is seasonal in nature and
reduction made by the NLRC, hence, the the employment is for the duration of the
present petition. season.

ISSUE: WON petitioners were project An employment shall be deemed to be

employees or regular employees. Thus, casual if it is not covered by the preceding
how should the backwages be computed. paragraph: Provided, That, any employee
who has rendered at least one year
HELD: Petitioners are project employees.
service, whether such service is
According to the CA, petitioners are
continuous or broken, shall be considered
project employees as found by LA because
a regular employee with respect to the
they were hired for the construction of the
activity in which he is employed and his
Cordova Reef Village Resort in Cordova,
employment shall continue while such
Cebu, which was later on affirmed by the
activity exists.
NLRC. The only discrepancy is the Order
of the NLRC that petitioners are entitled to
backwages up to the finality of its
The principal test for determining whether
decision, when as project employees,
particular employees are properly
private respondents are only entitled to
characterized as “project employees” as
payment of backwages until the date of
distinguished from “regular employees” is
the completion of the project. In a later
whether or not the project employees
resolution on private respondent’s MR, the
were assigned to carry out a “specific
NLRC changed its findings by ruling that
project or undertaking,” the duration and
petitioners herein were regular employees
scope of which were specified at the time
and, therefore, entitled to full backwages,
the employees were engaged for that
until finality of the decision, citing that
project. Such duration, as well as the
petitioners’ repeated rehiring over a long
particular work/service to be performed, is
span of time made them regular
defined in an employment agreement and
is made clear to the employees at the
time of hiring.

Article 280 of the Labor Code The length of service or the re-hiring of
distinguishes a “project employee” from a construction workers on a project-to-
“regular employee,” thus: project basis does not confer upon them
regular employment status, since their re-
Article 280. Regular and Casual
hiring is only a natural consequence of the
Employment − The provisions of written
fact that experienced construction workers
agreement to the contrary
are preferred. Employees who are hired
notwithstanding and regardless of the oral
for carrying out a separate job, distinct
agreement of the parties, an employment
from the other undertakings of the
shall be deemed to be regular where the
company, the scope and duration of which
employee has been engaged to perform
has been determined and made known to
the employees at the time of the employment of project employees cannot
employment , are properly treated as be terminated prior to expiration.
project employees and their services may Otherwise, they shall be entitled to
be lawfully terminated upon the reinstatement with full backwages.
completion of a project. Should the terms However, if the project or work is
of their employment fail to comply with completed during the pendency of the
this standard, they cannot be considered ensuing suit for illegal dismissal, the
project employees. employees shall be entitled only to full
backwages from the date of the
termination of their employment until the
In this case, petitioners did not have that actual completion of the work.
kind of agreement with respondents.
Because there was no showing then that
Neither did they inform respondents of the
the project for which their services were
nature of the latter’s work at the time of
engaged had already been completed, the
hiring. Hence, for failure of petitioners to
private respondents were illegally
substantiate their claim that respondents
dismissed and thus entitled to backwages.
were project employees, SC declare them
While it may be true that in the
as regular employees.
proceedings below the date of completion
The Court markedly stressed the of the project for which the private
importance of the employees’ knowing respondents were hired had not been
consent to being engaged as project clearly established, it constitutes grave
employees when it clarified that “there is abuse of discretion on the part of NLRC for
no question that stipulation on not determining for itself the date of said
employment contract providing for a fixed completion instead of merely ordering
period of employment such as “project-to- payment of backwages until finality of its
project” contract is valid provided the decision.
period was agreed upon knowingly and
voluntarily by the parties, without any
force, duress or improper pressure being
brought to bear upon the employee and
absent any other circumstances vitiating
his consent”

CA was correct in finding that petitioners

were project employees. It is not
disputed that petitioners were hired for
the construction of the Cordova Reef
Village Resort in Cordova, Cebu. By the
nature of the contract alone, it is clear
that petitioners’ employment was to carry
out a specific project.

As project employees, private respondents

are only entitled to payment of the
backwages until the date of the
completion of the project. It is settled
that, without a valid cause, the

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