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A. Answer the questions below clearly and correctly (50 points).

1. Give explanation clearly related to assessment according to Brown and Hudson (1998).

As indicated by Brown and Hudson (1998), students are expected to Perform real-life,
authentic task approximations, typically using the productive abilities not only for
speaking or writing, but also reading or writing or mixing abilities. Tasks used in these
evaluations can include writing essays, interviews, tasks for problem-solving, role-
playing, and discussions in pairs and groups. Assessment is an ongoing concept that
occupies a much key terrain. A instructor should take several things into account in
assessing the students' final scores in order to make an assessment.

2. Give explanation clearly related to authenticity according to Bachman and Palmer


Authenticity can be seen by Bachman and Palmer (1996) as a crucial quality of language
tests. Authenticity is characterized as the degree of correspondence of a given language
test task to the characteristics of a TLU task (Target Language Use). So, there are three
elements of authenticity: the test task, the test taker, and the TLU domain. Authenticity as
the degree of correspondence of the characteristics of a given language task with the
characteristics of a TLU task as well as situational authenticity, interactivity for
interactional authenticity was also replaced as suggested by Bachman in order to estimate
the degree of correspondence between the tasks of the test and TLU. Based on Bachman
and Palmer, in order to determine the authenticity of the test tasks, the framework was
proposed as a checklist of the task characteristics, including the information given in the
test as well as the expected output resulting from the input by characterizing not only the
test tasks but also the interaction of the test takers with them.

3. Give explanation and examples clearly about kinds of tests based on response.

There are two types of tests based on response. They are subjective tests and objective
tests :
1. Subjective test
Subjective test is a test in which the potential or performance of the learner is judged by
the opinion and judgment of the examiner. The illustration of a subjective test is the use
of an essay and a short answer.
2. Objective Test
Objective test is a test in which the learner's potential or performance is computed using a
specific response set, which means that there are only two possible answers, right and
wrong. In other words, the score is the right answer. The objective test type includes
multiple choice tests, true or false tests, matching and problem-based questions.

4. Give explanation clearly about the limitations of multiple-choice items.

While multiple-choice items are processed quickly, they are time-consuming to create. It
means they require time to develop effective stem questions and corresponding choices
They do not produce any qualitative, purely quantitative, data. They limit the respondent
in their answers, which is why it is important to provide a textbox with a other option. It
also limited feedback to correct student understanding errors. The ability to focus on low-
level learning objectives and outcomes may be influenced by reading ability or exam.

5. What are the advantages of standardization? Explain clearly.

Standardization can help to identify problem areas for individual students, as well as for
schools and curriculum content. It sets out guidelines for the curriculum. Standardization
also provides teachers with the structure of what needs to be taught. This helps to keep
classroom materials consistent across the country.

B. Design assessments and scoring scales based on the instructions below (50 points).

1. Make an assessment, scoring scale and answer key to assess speaking for responsive
speaking for 9th grade of junior high school students.
Assessment :
1. What do you know about narrative text?
2. can you give me the example of narrative text title?
3. where we can find the kind of narrative text?
4. tell me about the structure of narrative text!
5. what do you know about the resolution?
Scoring scale
Comprehensible; acceptable target form = 2
Comprehensible; partially correct target form = 1
Silence, or seriously incorrect target form = 0
Key answer :
1. A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people 
2. The example of narrative text title are such as cinderella, snow white, malin kundang
and etc
3. We can find it on novel, short story, fabel and etc.
4. The stucture of narrative text is  Orientation, Complication and Resolution
5. Resolution is where the problems in the story is solved. The end of story that tell it
will end with happy ending or sad ending

2. Make an assessment, scoring scale and answer key to assess writing for intensive writing
for 12th grade of senior high school students.
Assessment : Write a proceudure text how to make something!
Scoring scale :

Excellent to very good 90-100 All content pointes elaborated well. Fully
coherent text
Very good 80-89 Most content points elaborated. Good
Good 70-79 Many content points elaborated. Enough
sentence and coherent
Fair 60-69 Some content points elaborated. Frequent
lack of coherent
Unsatisfactory 0-59 No content point elaborated. Lack of
Key answer :
How to make a French toast

You are going to need:

4 pieces spoon of sugar

2 eggs
A quarter of a cup of milk

Before you start to cook, you have to read the recipe. Now you can get ready. After you
read the recipe, put everything on the counter.
When everything is ready, break the eggs, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl, then add
a small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk and sugar.

Next, put a piece of bread in the bowl with the eggs, milk and sugar. Turn over the bread.

Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on the stove. When the pan is hot, take the bread
out of the bowl and put it into the pan. After you cook one side of the bread, cook the
other side. After you finish the first place of the bread, cook the other pieces. Now you
have French toast!

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