Review Related Literature

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Chapter 2


In this chapter a brief review of the literature and studies pertaining to the

marketability of food cart businesses.

Locale Literature

According To the Franchise Philippines (2015), the food cart industry is very

hailed in the Philippines. The market trend in the Philippines now also demonstrates

that engaging in the food cart industry has now become one of the top choices of the

entrepreneurs for build small business. Food carts can easily found anywhere, like in

the local Barangays and mostly in the MRT and LRT Station down every corner. One

can instantly enjoy a serving of siomai, pizza, empanada, hotdogs, waffles, and good

old comfort foods like mami and rice porridge. Schools and even the churches have

now become the tiny hubs where these small and sometimes moveable kiosks have


When starting a small business like a food cart they could start in low income and

expenses to operating a food cart and they could be ranked in the local street for will be

easy to find their business. It is very affordable for people to eat local food because

there are differences between the restaurant and local food due to ways of operating a

strange food.

According to The Foodcartlink (2014), Food Cart Businesses’ successes were

because of its Small capital, easy set-up and a good chance of success and this is why

Food Cart Business is thriving in the Philippines. The status of market trend today, Food
cart business is the choice of most aspiring entrepreneurs. A mobile food cart is a

business where people can start on low capital ranging from P30, 000 to a maximum of

P300, 000. But it could be a little lower though, depending on how you will put it up —

by franchise or on your own. Over the last few years, food service carts have sprouted

all over the metro — from MRT and LRT station, malls, sidewalks, church, schools,

markets etc.- name it and for sure, people will find a food cart there. Today, there are

about 800 different food cart formats available in the market–pizza, waffle, fishball,

siomai, rice toppings, baked goodies, rice in a box, hotdog and a lot more. Carts are

easier to manage and operate; they require less capital and rental cost: Carts are easy

to transfer if the location is not good they need less maintenance and few workers; and

Carts are ideal for businesses offering limited products or services.

Basically the article created by Foodcartlink point out the advantages of having

Food Cart Businesses; require less capital and less cost, easier to manage and

operate, needs less maintenance and few workers, easy to transfer if the location is not

good and are easy to launch. Most entrepreneurs chose food carts business because of

its many advantages. The foodcartlink stated that over the last few years, food cart

businesses have sprouted all over Metro Manila which suggest that it really became

famous as the years pass by

According to Mishell M. Malabaguio (2012), of entrepreneur magazine

Philippines, Small capital, easy set-up and a good chance of success are just some of

the reason why Food Cart Business is thriving in the Philippines. The market trend

today, Food cart business is the choice of most aspiring entrepreneurs. Little capital,

easy set-up and a decent chance of success are recently some of the reason why Food

Cart Business is flourishing in the Philippines.

Food cart nowadays is very popular and some of people choose this a business

to have some extra money it can be a successful because it is cheaper and have less

lease or rent cost. It is very convenient to satisfy him/her wants and profession in

making a business. Maintaining a food cart business can be testing. Furthermore, it

takes a decent measure of arranging with a specific end goal to succeed.

Locale Study

According to Ervin Valenciano (2010), In putting up a food cart business, the first thing

to consider is the product you will be Selling. It could be an exceptional product, maybe a family

recipe not known to many, perhaps an innovation or variation of an existing product, or simply a

very affordable product. The choice of product will also determine the equipment needed. Let

say that a person wants to sell flavored French fries; it will mean getting frying equipment and a

strainer. The product, of course, will also determine the concept design for the cart. They can

buy ready-made food carts or customized ones. The food cart maker will ask for the


Ervin Valenciano stated some tips on how to put up a food cart business, in his

study he had elaborately explained the ways and what to consider in a food cart

business. He also stated the things that may encounter in putting up a food cart

business. Besides the insight and tips on starting a food cart business he also gave an

elaborate explanation and definition of this.

According to Aquino et al. (2015), the fastest-growing industry in the world is in

hospitality field that focuses on customer satisfaction. Part of this is the food service

industry that is improving its existence for the past years. In hospitality industry, there

are various kinds of businesses and one of them is “street food” that is not properly

sanitized yet affordable and delicious. One major concerns with thesis the food safety.
Food safety guides and educates people on the advantages and disadvantages of

eating this kind of food. Food-borne illness is one of the main worries when it comes to

eating street foods.

Aquino discuss how the food service are improving over the past years, this

includes the street foods which becoming so popular in our country, Philippines. Street

foods however mostly are not properly sanitized. They also discuss the safety

guidelines for the people eating this kind of food; it may be helpful for them to avoid

some illness.

According to Tacio (2012), it is an integral part of the landscape and culture of

Filipinos. They are known to enjoy the average three meals a day. Street food is a

significant part of urban food consumption for millions of low and middle-income

consumers in urban areas on a daily basis. It is inexpensive, accessible, and it provides

a somewhat nutritious and balanced meal, if consumed properly. Yet, this is also one of

the most harmful health factors in human food consumption. It is a segment of the food

industry that is rarely scrutinized, regulated or reviewed for safety.

The food cart is must be clean and examine or inspect closely and thoroughly for

all people who will eat because some of people might have sick if the vendors or the

business owners did not maintain of their quality food. It can affect the business may it

be close and their product will fail or the profit may be lose. Most people doing it a

business to provide their source of income.

Foreign Literature

According to Greg Rodgers (2019), Travelers often wonder if Asian street food is

safe to eat. Some guidebooks warn against enjoying treats from the many street carts,
but travelers and locals alike are often lined up for good, cheap food from the many

carts that line the streets of Asia. From quick snacks to entire meals, people can often

find the cheapest meals and most interesting cultural experiences by skipping the tourist

restaurants and instead visiting the many street food carts in Asia sometimes called

hawker food, noodle carts, street carts, or hawker stalls, street food is served from

simple carts that usually specialize in one dish or only a small handful of offerings.

Because the cook solely prepares the same dish night after night, they master it well.

It is true that the Asia is very rich in culture, the same in street foods. In the

article of Asian street food, they have stated the uniqueness of every street foods in

each country and the most famous delicacy each country has, most of these delicacies

are served in food carts which explain its popularity and how marketable it is. Because

of the cheap price of street foods they became more popular.

According to JOHN COLEBOURN of THE, The unveiling of a

dozen new food carts to be spread out around Vancouver on Monday, Coughlin’s

parking brake was on and her mobile kitchen in full gear as she talked about her second

year of operation. She has been allowed to move her meals on wheels this spring from

a Granville and 11th Avenue spot to a new and busier location at Hastings and Thurlow

in Vancouver’s busy downtown area. Therefore Coughlin said the sudden willingness of

Vancouver in the last few years to allow mobile kitchens to operate at specific locations

around the city. “I think this is a fantastic way for young entrepreneurs to operate,” she

said of the food cart concept.

The best way to build a small scale food cart is to have a concept or a plan, it

will save a lot of time in planning and execution, but it will cost a lot more and that is one
of the way to easily gained a profit. A business plan is a blueprint for success Moreover;

a comprehensive business plan will be useful if they need to find partners or investors

for venture. Having one gives an impression that they committed to succeed.

According to Brown, Richard S. in the Academy of Entrepreneurial (2010),

Differences in industry structure can help to explain divergences in the strategic

planning that new ventures undertake. Considering that entry barriers are lower in

highly fragmented industries, one would expect to find that many new entrepreneurial

firms gravitate toward these industries. Among the topics that are key to this issue is

that the new firm’s strategic planning and, more specifically, it’s strategic planning. The

strategic marketing plan for a new venture is crucial firm survival for a number of

reasons dealing with the nature of scarce resources in startup companies.

For a business like this his/her has make a strategy: strategy is defined as, “a

plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.” Business strategies help

give direction to the entire business and prevent its individuals from losing sight of the

end goals. A strategic plan is a written document that points the way forward for your

business. It both lays out the company’s goals and explains why they’re important. The

strategic planning process also helps you uncover ways to improve performance. It can,

for instance, spark insights about how to restructure the organization so that it can

reach its full potential. Developing new products, expanding operations, reaching into

new market segments, solving organizational problems – as the business grow, a well-

designed strategic plan will dictate how to respond to opportunities and challenges of

every color, shape and size.

Foreign Study

Street foods run deep throughout human history and show the movements of

peoples and their foods across the globe. For example, mandoo, manti, momo, and

bāozi: all of these types of dumplings originated in Central Asia and spread across the

Old World beginning in the 12th century. The study surveys common street foods in

about 100 countries and regions of the world, clearly depicting how" fast foods of the

common people" fit into a country or a region's environments, cultural history, and

economy. The entries provide engaging information about specific foods as well as

coverage of vendor and food stall culture and issues. (Bruce Kraig and Colleen Taylor

Sen, 2013)

According to Bruce Kraig and Colleen Taylor (2013), Street foods have gone

throughout history which means that it is part of the lives of the peoples in certain

countries. Based in their study, Asia is the richest and famous for their street foods,

example of this is Japan and India. They also featured the most famous street foods in

each country around the world. These explain the love of every people on eating street

foods and how street foods are inseparable on every person who loves foods.

According to urban planners Rodgers and Roy (2010), Food cart should have

color to identify their business and sell. Each food cart have a unique menu and dining

experience; Taco and Torta trucks patrol city: sandwich, sausage, soup, and Sushi

stalls side by side in downtown of parking lots; falafel is served alongside shawarma to

eager eaters at neighborhood.

If they are making a business like food cart, they should have a unique strategies

and mostly to encourage the customer to buy their products. It is important for a food
cart business to have their own trademark to let the consumer identify their product.

Trademarks provide protection for both businesses and consumers, making them an

important part of running a successful company.

According to Buliyaminu Adegbemiro Alimi and Tilahun Seyoum Workneh (2016), Street

food vending is still popular in developing countries despite the giant stride recorded in

the areas of food processing and global food supply in the last century. Its contribution

to the socio‐economic development of the countries is evidenced by the volume of trade

involved and provision of employment for significant portion of rural and urban

populace. However, there has been persistent global concern on the risks of street food

to the health of consumers because of the attitudes of practitioners throughout the


Throughout history, street food became popular especially in developing

countries besides this; health risk also occurred the same time the street food became

popular however the countries eventually developed a certain solution on this. Street

food became a common business to those entrepreneurs who has a low budget to put

up a business which is why there has been an increase in their population.

Chapter 3


This chapter describes the design used in the study, the locality where the

experiment was done and the composition of the sample that was used as the subjects.
It explains how the instruments used was developed and the procedures conducted to

gather the data as well as the statistical analysis used in the data.

Research Design

The descriptive normative survey was use research design is best procedure to

investigate the marketability of food cart businesses as perceived by the vendors. This

method focuses at the present condition. It gathered information about how profitable is

the food cart business in selected areas in Quezon City.

Sample and Sampling Technique

The researcher will use the purposive sampling. This is done by giving

questionnaire and asking some questions to the vendors of food cart business

individually if they are willing and available to answer the survey question to complete

this study. The researchers are choosing the purposive sampling because they are

focus in the vendors.

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