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The Crisis Intervention Semi-Structured


Kevin R. Kulic, PhD

The purpose of this article is to introduce the Crisis Intervention Semi-Structured Interview
(CISSI) (Kulic, 2001), and to describe the validation research completed on the
instrument. The CISSI is intended for use by novice and experienced clinicians working
with clients in crisis situations who may require emergency psychiatric care. The goal of
the instrument is to provide a standardized method of arriving at psychiatric intervention
decisions. [Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention 5:143–157 (2005)]

KEY WORDS: crisis intervention, clinical assessment, reliability, validity.

Crisis intervention as a coherent school of vided the dividing line between two major,
thought has existed for several decades. Before yet different, types of crisis—maturational-
its emergence in the professional research developmental and accidental-situational.
literature, it was practiced by those who knew Maturational-developmental crises occur along
it best—those on the front lines of emer- the continuum of Erickson’s developmental
gency situations, such as police, fire, medical, theory of personality. Crises occur at the points
and psychiatric personnel. Several writers at which individuals either get stuck or progress
and theorists throughout the mid-twentieth in their development as persons, from the earliest
century first documented crisis intervention stage of trust vs. mistrust of others, to the last
as a coherently emerging field, with the ear- stage of coming to terms with whether or not
liest and most influential works coming from
one has made a significant contribution to the
Lindemann (1944), Erickson (1959, 1963), and
world. Accidental-situational crises arise when
Caplan (1964).
individuals are affected by unexpected life
Lindemann’s (1944) study of the survivors of
events, such as the death of a loved one, or other
the 1943 Coconut Grove fire in Boston led him to
major personal loss or trauma. The literature on
posit a theory of sequential stages of crisis
crisis intervention notes that individuals in crisis
or grieving. Later, Erickson (1959, 1963) pro-
are somewhat open to suggestion, more so than
From the Department of Social and Behavioral Science, they would normally be. It is at the highly sug-
Mercy College. gestible point that professional intervention
Contact author: Kevin R. Kulic, Mercy College, 555
Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522. E-mail: kkulic@
can have a particularly beneficial effect. Crisis intervention as it stands today is a still-
doi:10.1093/brief-treatment/mhi010 growing field that leaves much to be desired in
ª The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permission, please e-mail:


terms of both training and service delivery. Behavioral Emergencies’’ (American Psycho-
Crisis intervention skills are an integral com- logical Association [APA], 2000), APA’s Di-
ponent of good training programs for clinicians vision 12, Section 7 (Clinical Emergencies and
and ought to be a closely supervised part of any Crises) noted that ‘‘[d]espite the data on the
clinical services training program. Unfortu- incidence and impact of patient life-threatening
nately, this is often not the case. In any given behaviors on clinicians, the profession of
master’s or doctoral training program, there is psychology appears to have done little to
often not a component of training specifically prepare clinicians specifically to cope with
dedicated to crisis intervention. Baldwin (1979) such events.’’ Additionally, the report states
commented that although crisis intervention as that ‘‘virtually all psychology practitioners
a standard of care was, at the time, on the rise, it have behavioral emergencies of one type or
was not being strongly emphasized in graduate another in their practice . . . all practitioners
psychology training. Bongar and Harmatz need to be formally educated and trained to
(1989) conducted a survey of member depart- deal with them.’’ Roberts (2002) continues to
ments (N ¼ 115) of the Council of University note the dearth of training opportunities in
Directors of Clinical Psychology Programs graduate and postgraduate settings, though he
(CUDCP) to discover how much training in predicts that these opportunities will grow as
suicidology (research and treatment of suicide) a response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
was being offered. They noted that of the 92 The significance of having a valid and reliable
(80%) departments that responded, only 35% assessment instrument for crisis situations is of
offered any formal training in the study of great importance; the prediction of dangerous-
suicide. In a survey of the National Council of ness to self or others has long been a goal of
Schools of Professional Psychology (NCSPP) psychiatry, psychology, and related human
and the CUDCP, Bongar and Harmatz (1991) service fields (Douglas, Cox, & Webster, 1999).
found that only 40% of all graduate programs Prior to the 1980s, accurate prediction of risk of
in clinical psychology offered formal training in violence to self or others was not considered
the study of suicide. Fauman (1983) lamented likely to occur. Douglas et al. (1999) noted,
the absence of crisis intervention training for ‘‘Until fairly recently, it may have been argued
psychiatrists, noting that psychiatrists often that the state of knowledge did not provide any
develop crisis intervention skills through luck sort of reliable or trustworthy direction on
and that emergency services in psychiatry are violence risk assessment. This position seems
typically accorded a lower level of prestige than no longer tenable’’ (p. 149). Throughout the
other areas of professional psychiatric practice. 1980s and 1990s evidence began to accumulate
Another example of the acute need for training that risk prediction was possible (Dolan &
in crisis intervention was demonstrated in Doyle, 2000). Steadman (2000) believes that the
a study by King, Price, Telljohann, and Wahl next quarter-century will provide clinicians
(1999). This study sought to measure high with practically useful tools to use in risk
school counselors’ perceived self-efficacy in prediction, the likes of which would not have
recognizing students at risk for suicide. Out been possible 20 years prior. Mossman (2000),
of 183 respondents, 87% of the counselors however, argues that research is unlikely to
surveyed believed it was their responsibility produce an instrument that will be practically
to identify students at risk for suicide, yet only helpful in predicting violence.
38% believed that they could do it. Finally, in The prediction of risk of violence to self or
its ‘‘Report on Education and Training in others is a difficult task. Suicide and other forms

144 Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005

Crisis Intervention Assessment

of dangerous behavior are low-occurrence take. Buchanan (1999) reported that actuarial
events, even in special populations (e.g., the methods were most likely to provide accu-
mentally ill), making accurate prediction of rate prediction instruments. Some research
these behaviors difficult because of the relative has pointed to the effectiveness of actuarial
rarity of the event(s) (Shergill & Szmukler, risk prediction over clinical risk prediction
1998). Fremouw, de Perczel, and Ellis (1990) (Gardner, Lidz, Mulvey, & Shaw, 1996). Fuller
explain the problem of low-occurrence events and Cowan (1999), however, demonstrated that
as the ‘‘base-rate problem.’’ The term base-rate clinical prediction could rival actuarial models.
refers to how often an event occurs given Ferris et al. (1997) reviewed the literature on
a particular population. Low base-rate occur- risk assessment of violence to third parties and
rence of an event makes it extremely difficult to found that risk assessment may be carried out
predict behavior on an individual basis; pre- in a number of ways, but must all be thorough
dictions for low base-rate events are more and systematic. Davison (1997) also argues for
reliable when made as a group. Predictive an integrated approach to risk prediction.
difficulties are not unique to suicide but result Monahan, a noted researcher in the risk
from statistical probabilities (Fremouw et al., prediction literature (APA, 1991), wrote that
1990). Better results for group-based predic- ‘‘actuarial approaches are more likely to be
tions, however, are of no comfort to the clinician promoted as adjuncts to clinical judgment than
who needs to determine the safety of a client, or as replacements for it’’ (Monahan, 1997, p. 167).
to the crisis intervention worker dealing with Dolan and Doyle (2000), in a review of the
a possibly psychotic and homicidal patient, research on violence risk prediction for men-
or to the telephone hotline worker trying to tally ill offenders, noted that ‘‘[s]ystematic/
convince a person in crisis to reveal her address structured risk assessment approaches may
so police personnel can complete a safety check. enhance the accuracy of clinical prediction of
However, recent research points to the possi- violent outcomes. . . . [but] violence risk pre-
bility of successful prediction of violence to diction is an inexact science and as such will
both self and others at both the individual and continue to provoke debate’’ (p. 303). Accord-
group levels (Douglas et al., 1999). ing to Litwack (2001), ‘‘in time, various ac-
There are two types of risk prediction: tuarial assessment schemes will be developed
clinical and actuarial (Groth-Marnat, 1997; and validated in a manner that significantly
Marchese, 1992). Clinical risk prediction is assists many dangerousness assessment tasks’’
defined as any prediction effort that is not (p. 443).
a probability-based statistical prediction and There are models available to help clinicians
is typically considered to be based solely on in their crisis assessment duties. For example,
clinician assessment and judgment (Groth- Roberts’ (2000) Seven Stage Crisis Intervention
Marnat, 1997; Steadman, 2000). Historically, Model guides clinicians through the appropri-
clinical risk prediction was the predominant ate steps to take when dealing with a client in
modality utilized by mental health professio- crisis. Similarly, Roberts’ (2002) ACT (Assess-
nals. Actuarial risk predictions, on the other ment, Crisis Intervention, and Trauma Treat-
hand, are based upon statistical probabilities ment) intervention model for acute crisis and
and mathematical models (Steadman, 2000). trauma treatment provides a framework for
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s there was responding to many different types of crises,
a debate in the risk prediction literature as to with inclusion of the Seven Stage Model
which form successful risk prediction would (Roberts, 2000) and Critical Incident Stress

Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005 145


Debriefing (Mitchell & Everly, 1993) as compo- psychosis/homicide, and substance abuse) are
nents. However, a thorough review of the considered to be the main sources of risk to the
literature demonstrated that no semistruc- patient and others. Any one of these scales alone,
tured interview instrument existed that would elevated enough, may result in the need for
help clinicians to assess crisis situations for radical intervention for the patient (i.e., hospi-
the possibility of a behavioral emergency; for talization or the need for further evaluation).
example, there is no crisis intervention in- However, the moderator scales (general risk
strument listed in Corcoran and Fisher’s (2000) factors, social support, and individual/support
review of published assessment scales. There- needs) are not weighted enough by themselves or
fore, the CISSI (Kulic, 2001) was created; it was in combination with one another to categorize
designed to enable both the novice and the a patient as a clinical imminent risk. The
experienced clinician to assess clients in crisis moderator scales are conceptualized much like
intervention situations so that the best possible the masculinity/femininity scale of the Minne-
clinical outcome is achieved. sota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; they
tend to ‘‘color’’ the primary scales to some degree
(Groth-Marnat, 1997, p. 248). Clearly, if a patient
The Crisis Intervention Semi-Structured is at imminent risk for harm to self according to
Interview the depression/suicide scale, then no amount of
moderator, great or small, should have an effect
The CISSI was developed from an integration of on the clinician’s decision. Yet, a moderate score
the literature and practical experience in crisis of suicidality, combined with poor scores on the
assessment. Initial construction and continual moderating scales, should raise a red flag for the
refinement of the CISSI have resulted in an clinician.
instrument with a possible total of 78 questions.
Because the questions of the CISSI are asked in Subjects
a decision-tree format, many questions and/
or sections may be omitted based upon the The sample comprised 47 master’s- and
presenting problem(s). doctoral-level counseling students from a large
university in the southeastern United States.
There were 15 males (31.9%) and 32 females
Scales (68.1%). Thirty-two of the subjects were white
The CISSI is composed of six scales. Each scale (68.1%), 12 were African American (25.5%),
includes scored and nonscored questions. The 1 was Latino/a (2.1%), 1 was Asian/Pacific
scored questions are used to determine the Islander (2.1%), and 1 was unspecified (2.1%).
client’s overall score as well as the client’s scale The average subject’s age was 28.3 years old
scores. The nonscored questions are intended to (range, 22 to 47).
assist the clinician in gathering as much
relevant data as possible (e.g., if the client has
been losing weight, how much weight in how
long of a time?), to add to the clinical decision- The CISSI was validated through the use of an
making process and assist in building rapport. analogue videotape design, which was used in
There are two types of scales in the instrument: the initial evaluation of the SAD PERSONS scale
primary scales and secondary, or moderator, (Patterson, Dohn, Bird, & Patterson, 1983) (Sex,
scales. The primary scales (depression/suicide, Age, Depression Previous attempt, Ethanol

146 Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005

Crisis Intervention Assessment

abuse, Rational thinking loss, Social supports Subjects viewing the depressed and possibly
lacking, Organized plan, No spouse, Sickness). suicidal white female filled out the Scale
In the Patterson et al. study, two videotapes for Suicide Ideation (SSI) (Beck, Kovacs, &
were created for viewing by study subjects. Weissman, 1979) for comparison against the
One tape featured an interview with an in- depression/suicide scale. Those viewing the
dividual judged by three experts to be at low psychotic and possibly homicidal black
risk for suicide; the second tape, with an male filled out the Manchester Scale (MS)
individual judged to be at high risk for suicide. (Krawiecka, Goldberg, & Vaughan, 1977) for
A similar, though modified, design was utilized comparison against the psychosis/homicide
in the current study. scale. For the purposes of the current study,
The two scales of the CISSI validated in the the first three scales of the MS (depression,
current study were the depression/suicide scale anxiety, and medication effects) were omitted
and the psychosis/homicide scale. from the comparisons: Psychologists at the
present time are not qualified to make judg-
ments about psychiatric medication, and the
depression and anxiety subscales have not been
First, the subject completed a demographic in- borne out by research (Jackson, Burgess,
formation form, then watched a videotape of Minas, & Joshua, 1990).
a counselor using the CISSI to evaluate an Next the subjects watched a second video
analogue client. While watching the video, the vignette. The second set of video vignettes
subject completed the CISSI along with the consisted of the same clients from the first set of
counselor but was unable to view the counselor’s vignettes, discussing their symptoms in mono-
CISSI. The subject was asked to complete the logues, directly to the camera. After viewing
instrument according to the answers provided the second, shorter vignette, the subjects were
by the client in the interview. Subjects were not asked to make a decision about the severity of
trained in the use of the CISSI but were briefly the clients based on the monologue. Subjects
introduced to it, and several important details completed a short form asking whether the
about its construction and layout were explained clients’ symptoms were severe enough to
to them. Because the CISSI is a lengthy in- warrant further action, such as psychiatric
strument, questions the subjects were required hospitalization, medical detoxification, or out-
to answer were printed in bold to avoid their patient treatment. Additionally, subjects were
missing questions and getting lost during the asked questions about whether they would
interview. Additionally, subjects were permitted seek supervision or consultation for the clients,
to stop the videotape and rewatch portions if the and why.
tape went too fast for them. The rationale behind
stopping the videotape if needed was that the
study was not measuring how quickly subjects Results
could fill out the CISSI or whether they could
keep up with the counselor in the video. There were four research hypotheses proposed
After the subjects finished watching the at the outset of the current study: (1) The CISSI
video and completed the CISSI, they were scale for depression/suicide will achieve
asked to complete a validated instrument that acceptable levels of convergent validity (r >
was hypothesized to measure the same content .70) as determined by correlation with the SSI;
as one of the two validated scales of the CISSI. (2) the CISSI scale for psychosis/homicide will

Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005 147


achieve acceptable levels of convergent validity statistically significant at the .01 level of
(r > .70) as determined by correlation with the significance. This suggests that the psychosis/
MS; (3) individual items of the CISSI will homicide scale measures a similar construct as
correctly be endorsed by a majority of raters the MS, i.e., psychotic behavior. A statistically
when presented with symptom-based video significant correlation between the psychosis/
analogues, as determined through item analy- homicide scale of the CISSI and the MS
sis; and (4) the CISSI will differentiate between demonstrates convergent validity for this scale.
video analogue severity levels more success-
fully than raters not utilizing the instrument,
Item Analysis of Specific Scales of
who rely solely upon clinical judgment.
the Crisis Intervention Semi-Structured

Convergent Validity of the Crisis The items in the CISSI were analyzed by
Intervention Semi-Structured Interview conducting a frequency count for the answers
to each item and comparing the frequency
Depression/Suicide Subscale. A Pearson cor- count with an answer key. Traditional correla-
relation coefficient was calculated between the tional reliability measures could not be used in
depression/suicide scale and the SSI (Beck et al., the data analysis because of the type of data
1979) to establish convergent validity. Subjects collected, so the frequency of item answers was
(n ¼ 17) who viewed videotapes of the mild, analyzed and then discussed in order to make
moderate, or severe levels of symptomatology in inferences about the reliability and effective-
the depressed/suicidal female completed both ness of the CISSI.
a CISSI and an SSI. A one-tailed correlation For each data set a frequency count was
produced a correlation of .70 between the two conducted to measure the number of different
scales, which is statistically significant at the .01 responses given for each item. This item
level of significance. This correlation suggests frequency list was then examined to note differ-
that the depression/suicide scale measures a sim- ences in answer patterns within each analogue
ilar construct as the SSI, i.e., depression elevated client’s data sets. The main criterion used for
to the level at which suicide subjectively supporting the reliability of the CISSI was
becomes a possible behavior for the client. A whether subjects correctly answered the ques-
statistically significant correlation between the tions on the CISSI, as defined by the answer key
depression/suicide scale of the CISSI and the SSI for each analogue client. If the analogues were
demonstrates convergent validity for this scale. well constructed, and if the CISSI is a perfectly
reliable instrument, all of the answers provided
Psychosis/Homicide Scale. A Pearson cor- on the analogue CISSIs should have been correct.
relation coefficient was calculated between Of course, perfection was not achieved, but the
the psychosis/homicide scale and the MS results were encouraging for further develop-
(Krawiecka et al., 1977) to establish convergent ment and clinical use of the CISSI.
validity. Subjects (n ¼ 15) who viewed video-
tapes of the mild, moderate, or severe levels of Analogue Client 1: Depressed and Possibly
symptomatology in the psychotic/homicidal Suicidal White Female. For the severely
male completed both a CISSI and an MS. A depressed white female, both the general scale
one-tailed correlation produced a correlation of and the depression/suicide scale demonstrated
.81 between the two scales, which was significant variability. Subjects incorrectly

148 Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005

Crisis Intervention Assessment

TABLE 1. Questions Demonstrating Variance for the Depressed and Possibly Suicidal White Female
Analogue Client.

Number and
Percentage of
Analogue Analogue Number and Percentage Items with 1 Number and Percentage
Client Client Subscale Under of Items Answered Incorrect of Items with More Than
Type Severity Examination Completely Correctly Answer 1 Incorrect Answer

Depressed Severe General, 12 items 5 items, 41.7% 7 items, 58.3% 0 items, 0%

and Depression/suicide, 15 items, 60% 4 items, 16% 6 items, 24%
possibly 24 items
suicidal Moderate General, 12 items 11 items, 91.7% 0 items, 0% 1 item, 8.3%
white Depression/suicide, 11 items, 44% 7 items, 28% 7 items, 28%
female 24 items
Mild General, 12 items 9 items, 81.8% 0 items, 0% 3 items, 27.2%
Depression/suicide, 8 items, 32% 15 items, 60% 2 items, 8%
24 items

assessed important information related to the psychotic black male client, the CISSI per-
details of the client’s suicidal ideation and formed acceptably. The general scale as utilized
whether the client could guarantee her own by subjects was accurate, and the psychosis/
safety. However, many of these items were homicide scale performed well. However, one
answered correctly by a majority (83.3%) of of the items that was incorrectly answered by
subjects. For the moderate client, the depression/ a subject could result in the unnecessary
suicide scale demonstrated some variability, as hospitalization of the client. For the moderately
was expected. The client was not suicidal but psychotic black male, the CISSI performed
was rated as suicidal by half of the subjects. This acceptably. Two important items on the
result is troubling, because rating a client as psychosis/homicide scale demonstrated vari-
suicidal could result in an unnecessary hospital- ability, yet only one of these items could
ization. The data continue along a somewhat adversely impact the client’s disposition. For
incongruous path, with some of the subjects who the mildly psychotic black male, the general
interpreted the client as suicidal endorsing scale and the psychosis/homicide scale per-
various things about that client’s suicidality, formed well. The only item that caused concern
though the number of subjects consistently dealt with the severity of the client’s halluci-
measuring suicidality is not constant. However, nations. See Table II for the breakdown of
it is gratifying to see that when subjects interpret correctly and incorrectly answered questions
suicidality as being present, they continue to for this client.
assess it. For the mildly depressed white female,
the CISSI appears to have performed acceptably. Analogue Client 3: Alcoholic and Possibly
See Table I for the breakdown of correctly and Depressed White Male. For the severely
incorrectly answered questions for this client. alcoholic white male, the general, substance
abuse, and depression/suicide scales performed
Analogue Client 2: Psychotic and Possibly well. There were several minor variations
Homicidal Black Male. For the severely in clinician responses, none critical. For the

Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005 149


TABLE 2. Questions Demonstrating Variance for the Psychotic and Possibly Homicidal Black Male.

Number and Number and

Number and Percentage of Percentage of
Analogue Percentage of Items Items with 1 Items with More
Analogue Client Client Subscale Under Answered Completely Incorrect Than 1 Incorrect
Type Severity Examination Correctly Answer Answer

Psychotic and Severe General, 12 items 11 items, 91.7% 0 items, 0% 1 item, 8.3%
possibly Psychosis/homicide, 18 items, 90% 0 items, 0% 2 items, 10%
homicidal black 20 items
male Moderate General, 12 items 7 items, 58.3% 3 items, 25% 2 items, 16.7%
Psychosis/homicide, 18 items, 90% 1 item, 5% 1 item, 5%
20 items
Mild General, 12 items 11 items, 91.7% 1 item, 8.3% 0 items, 0%
Psychosis/homicide, 18 items, 90% 1 item, 5% 1 item, 5%
20 items

moderately alcoholic white male, the substance Table IV presents the average percentage
abuse and depression/suicide scales fared of items answered correctly across all client
positively. The general scale demonstrated analogues.
some variability, with the continued anomaly
of subjects underinterpreting what constituted
Comparison of Unassisted Clinician
major life events for clients. For the mildly
Decision-Making Outcomes with
alcoholic white male, the CISSI performed
CISSI-Assisted Outcomes
acceptably. Two items from the general scale
demonstrated variability, one of which was A comparison was made between the hospital-
problematic throughout the data. The other ization decisions made by subjects who used
incorrect item required the subjects to demon- the CISSI to assess clients and the hospitaliza-
strate good listening and inferential skills with tion decisions made by subjects using clinical
the client, which may help explain some judgment only. Subjects watched the video
variability in answers. Several of the items monologue, then answered the following ques-
from the substance abuse scale demonstrated tions: (1) Would you make an inpatient or
variance, but the majority of subjects (80%) outpatient referral for this client? (2) Would
answered almost all items correctly. All of the you seek immediate supervision or consultation
depression/suicide scale items were answered on this decision? (3) If you do seek supervision/
correctly (100%), which is a positive result. See consultation, why? and (4) If you do not seek
Table III for the breakdown of correctly and supervision/consultation, why not?
incorrectly answered questions for this client.
Depressed and Possibly Suicidal White
Female. The CISSI and unassisted clinician
Summary of Item Analysis Results. Overall, decision making performed somewhat equally
the CISSI performed borderline acceptably for the severe and moderate client analogues,
for the depressed female client analogue, yet with clinical judgment producing a better re-
quite well in the other two client analogues. cord. The CISSI did not achieve a 100% success

150 Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005

Crisis Intervention Assessment

TABLE 3. Questions Demonstrating Variance for the Alcoholic and Possibly Depressed White Male
Analogue Client.

Number and
Percentage Number and
of Items Number and Percentage of
Analogue Answered Percentage Items with
Analogue Client Client Subscale Under Completely of Items with 1 More Than 1
Type Severity Examination Correctly Incorrect Answer Incorrect Answer

Alcoholic and Severe General, 12 items 10 items, 83.3% 0 items, 0% 2 items, 16.7%
possibly Substance abuse, 11 items, 91.7% 0 items, 0% 1 item, 8.3%
depressed 12 items
white male Depression/suicide, 20 items, 80% 2 items, 8% 3 items, 12%
24 items
Moderate General, 12 items 8 items, 66.7% 3 items, 25% 1 item, 8.3%
Substance abuse, 8 items, 66.7% 3 items, 25% 1 item, 8.3%
12 items
Depression/suicide, 24 items, 96% 0 items, 0% 1 item, 4%
24 items
Mild General, 12 items 10 items, 83.3% 1 item, 8.3% 1 item, 8.3%
Substance Abuse, 8 items, 66.7% 3 items, 25% 1 item, 8.3%
12 items
Depression/suicide, 24 items, 96% 1 item, 4% 0 items, 0%
24 items

rate for the severe analogue client, which referrals and 40% making inappropriate
suggests that the depression/suicide scale may referrals.
need further refinement. The numbers are
reversed for the mild client analogue, with Alcoholic and Possibly Depressed White
CISSI performance at 100% and clinical judg- Male. The CISSI performed acceptably com-
ment at 40%. These results are unusual and pared with clinical judgment alone for the
merit further data collection. alcoholic and possibly depressed white male.
For the severe client, the CISSI achieved 100%
Psychotic and Possibly Homicidal Black accuracy, while 100% of subjects made in-
Male. The CISSI performed well compared accurate referrals for this client, possibly
with clinical judgment alone for the psychotic endangering the client. For the moderate client
and possibly homicidal black male analogue analogue, both the CISSI and unassisted clinical
client. For the severe client, the CISSI achieved judgment achieved 100% accuracy. For the
100% accuracy, while 80% of subjects made mild client analogue, the CISSI continued to
inaccurate referrals for this client, possibly achieved a 100% success rate, except for one
endangering the client and/or others. For the subject who found reason to give a full scale
moderate and mild client analogues, the CISSI score to the client on the depression/suicide
continued to achieve a 100% success rate, scale, which would be equivalent to recom-
whereas clinical judgment alone improved, mending an inpatient referral. Clinical judg-
though remaining only moderately effective, ment alone performed well, achieving a 100%
with 60% of clinicians making appropriate accuracy rate with an outpatient referral.

Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005 151


TABLE 4. Average Results Across All Client Analogues. Deciding whether an individual may be
a danger to self or others may often be difficult.
Once that decision has been made, many of the
remaining dispositional decisions are matters of
of Items
Analogue Subscale Answered routine, either outpatient referral or inpatient
Client Under Completely hospitalization/short-term stabilization. The
Type Examination Correctly current study appears to provide preliminary
Depressed General, 71.3% support for the use of the CISSI to assist in
and possibly 12 items making critical decisions about clients in crisis.
suicidal Depression/suicide, 45.3%; 80% The data are equivocal for use of the CISSI with
white female 24 Items when combined clients who are primarily depressed/suicidal,
with questions
but they strongly favor use of the CISSI for
incorrectly by
clients who are psychotic/homicidal and for
only 1 subject clients who are substance-abusing/depressed
Psychotic General, 12 items 80.6%
(the substance abuse scale has not yet been
and possibly Psychosis/homicide, 90% validated; this is the current subject of a follow-
homicidal 20 Items up study).
black male The CISSI (Kulic, 2001) was constructed to
Alcoholic General, 12 items 77.8% serve an important need in clinical service.
and possibly Substance abuse, 75% Crises in clinical work are expected, yet there is
depressed 12 items little training in traditional graduate programs
white male Depression/suicide, 90.7%
to account for crisis intervention training
24 items
needs, such as how to deal with a suicidal client
(Bongar & Harmatz, 1989, 1991). The accurate
Discussion assessment of other clinical syndromes, such as
psychosis and substance abuse, are similarly
There are several implications for the develop- important. Training in crisis intervention is
ment of a valid and reliable crisis intervention more often obtained during the delivery of
semistructured interview. Crisis intervention, clinical services, through accidental exposure
as conceptualized by the current author, rather than through intentional experiences. If
contains nine components: (1) recognition of student clinicians do not obtain experience in
a crisis or a crisis in development in the life of crisis intervention while being trained, it is
a client, (2) assessment of the client through his/ unlikely that they will pursue that training on
her current and recent thoughts, feelings, and their own, which may leave them ill-equipped
behaviors, (3) assessment of the client through to effectively deal with crises.
reports from significant others, (4) consultation In the course of the current study, two of the
about the client with other professionals, (5) three major scales of the CISSI (depression/
deciding whether the crisis has precipitated suicide and psychosis/homicide) were shown to
a behavioral emergency situation, (6) interven- possess convergent validity. Correlation with
tion with the client based on the full assess- the SSI (Beck et al., 1979) demonstrates good
ment, (7) intervention, (8) outcome assessment convergent validity for the depression/suicide
of crisis assessment and intervention, and (9) scale. Strong correlations of the psychosis/
follow-up assessment of treatment outcome at homicide scale with the MS (Krawiecka et al.,
a later date. 1977) further strengthen convergent validity.

152 Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005

Crisis Intervention Assessment

For two of the three analogue clients (the The CISSI provides a symptom-based frame-
psychotic male and the alcoholic male), the work within which all clinicians can work,
CISSI proved to be an acceptable clinical regardless of their theoretical orientation.
assistant in helping clinicians make disposition Novice clinicians, who may be just forming
decisions. For the depressed female analogue a theoretical identity, can rely on the CISSI to
client, efficacy of the CISSI appeared to drop assist them with the assessment of clients in
somewhat, though results were somewhat crisis. The structure of the CISSI, because of its
confusing. The CISSI’s effectiveness never clearly outlined scales and decision-tree ap-
dropped below 67%, while the accuracy of proach, may provide a guideline for the
clinical judgment alone dropped below 50%. It clinician to be effective in crisis situations.
appears that clinicians more reliably utilized Standardization helps the CISSI to provide the
the CISSI to make critical clinical decisions, structure of an effective clinical interview,
such as whether to hospitalize a client, than while also allowing the clinician freedom to
they did utilizing clinical judgment alone. This build rapport with the client.
result has important implications for the de- Advanced clinicians, if not well versed in
livery of crisis intervention services. If the use crisis intervention, can integrate the CISSI into
of a structured clinical instrument can help the their practice with the knowledge that the
CISSI is another point of assessment that can
practicing clinician gather the most amount of
assist them in their decision-making process.
relevant data in the shortest time possible,
The structured format and decision-tree mod-
allowing for the best clinical decision to be
eling ensure that all relevant data are collected.
made, then it possesses utility for use in
Even knowledgeable crisis interventionists can
practice. Though the CISSI is currently a re-
use the CISSI to standardize their practice. More
search instrument, it shows promise for use in
data about clients are always advantageous for
both training and practical settings. The re-
the clinician. Additionally, having the same
vised CISSI is currently in its second round of
type of data available about clients each time
research. a clinician engages in crisis intervention can
Crisis intervention as a field of study has provide a sense of structure and process to what
remained largely atheoretical, enabling clini- can be an unstructured and chaotic situation.
cians to practice crisis intervention as an
extension of their therapeutic modality, rather
than having to learn a new way of working Training Uses
with clients. However, the conceptualization of There is a slowly widening selection of training
crisis intervention as atheoretical is not entirely materials to choose from in crisis intervention,
accurate. It is possible to integrate the core mostly small texts. The CISSI can be used as an
principles of crisis intervention into almost any important tool in the training of new clinicians.
theoretical model, yet there is a specific skill set The current data show that when utilizing the
that a clinician needs to learn to effectively CISSI, novice clinicians more reliably make the
engage in crisis intervention. This skill set is correct dispositional decision about some types
largely congruent with brief therapy or solu- of clients in crisis, as opposed to the utilization
tion-focused models and entails that clinicians of clinical judgment alone. As scope of practice
be quick, efficient, and accurate in their becomes an increasingly important issue, and as
thoughts and actions. Time is of the essence in ethical/legal responsibility for clients increas-
crisis intervention. ingly takes center stage in the public and

Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005 153


professional awareness, it will be more impor- diction and that accuracy of assessment is
tant than ever to thoroughly train clinicians in paramount in these efforts. The CISSI repre-
crisis intervention. King et al. (1999) noted that sents an attempt to integrate three primary
only 38% of the school counselors surveyed areas of assessment in crisis intervention:
believed that they could identify a student at depression and suicidal ideation, psychosis
risk for a suicide attempt. With the perception and homicidal ideation, and substance abuse.
of school violence on the rise in the late At the time the literature was reviewed for the
twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, current study, instruments existed to measure
clinicians in schools, as well as many other the primary content areas of crisis intervention
settings, will continue to need improved crisis separately, but few instruments existed that
intervention skills, especially preventive ones. combined these content areas into one compre-
The CISSI and its accompanying videos could hensive crisis intervention assessment. No
be used as an assessment tool for clinicians in instrument existed that combined the necessary
training at the graduate level. Competencies in content areas into a comprehensive crisis in-
crisis intervention could be tested by requiring tervention semistructured interview that
students to go through a process similar to that could be used by clinicians at all skill and
experienced by the subjects in this study. After training levels. The CISSI effectively fills this
students have learned particular content areas, gap in the professional literature and can serve
such as substance abuse, depression and as the basis for creating a valid and reliable suite
suicide, and psychosis, they could be tested in of crisis intervention assessment instruments
their ability to accurately assess for these for use by mental health professionals with
clinical issues. The mild symptom-severity clients and their social support systems.
videos could be utilized to help students
recognize the signs of symptomatology, while
the moderate and severe videos could be used
to thoroughly test students’ assessment and There were several limitations in the current
crisis intervention abilities. By comparing study. The first limitation lay in the methodol-
students’ clinical judgment with their CISSI- ogy. It was not possible at the time of the study
assisted judgments, assessments could be made to test the CISSI with real clients, because of the
about students’ strengths and weaknesses. complexities involved with interfacing with the
Instructors could create their own videos if mental health system, where clients in crisis are
they wanted to specify different symptom- usually seen; an analogue methodology was
severity levels, or could simply substitute used instead. Though the analogue methodol-
symptoms in role-plays with students. ogy included three different types of clients
across three levels of severity, it would have
contributed greatly to external validity for the
Professional Uses
instrument to be piloted with actual clients.
The assessment of risk in crisis intervention is However, using the analogue clients provided
critical to the success of clinicians in protecting the study with internal validity, because total
the client, the public, and themselves. Mulvey control was retained over the clients’ character-
and Lidz (1998) noted that the current era of istics. Actors were used in the filming of the
managed care and community management of videos, and these actors were coached and
patients has ushered in a new realm of re- directed through multiple ‘‘takes,’’ to create
sponsibility in violence assessment and pre- the exact conditions that clinicians would

154 Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005

Crisis Intervention Assessment

encounter with clients in crisis. The next logical as meaningful, for example when the difference
step in the validation of the CISSI is to pilot the between 60% and 80% of a sample represents
instrument with real clients, whether as an 1 subject. It would be worthwhile to increase
assessment for clients in crisis or as part of an the sample size per analogue client in order
intake and assessment process. to increase the power of the analyses.
A second limitation of the current study also A fourth limitation of the current study was
lay in the design. During the client analogue ascertained after the study was completed.
videos, the clinician was often forced to Subjects who watched an analogue video of
interpret what the client had said, because the a client in the semistructured interview did not
subjects were unable to interact with the client. watch the same client in the monologue video.
When interviewing clients for specific infor- Therefore, the subjects did not make judgments
mation, it is common to hear elaborate stories about the same client. It was reasoned that
instead of discrete, concrete answers to ques- as long as the questions were answered by
tions. The analogue clients in the videos were subjects with approximately the same level of
intentionally scripted so that they sometimes clinical experience, the data would be fine,
rambled instead of giving simple answers, yet which was true. However, it would have been
concrete symptoms were always provided in interesting to see whether subjects made the
the rambling. It is up to the clinician, however, same referral decisions with the same client
to harness that data and reflect them in the seen in the two different presentations; this
CISSI. The CISSI is intended to assist the would have provided a good demonstration of
clinician in consistently catching assessment the difference between the two conditions.
data, though it is apparent from the results with However, such a design may have caused
one of the analogue clients—the depressed and difficulty if the subjects ascertained that they
possibly suicidal white female—that this task were watching the same client being presented
may sometimes be difficult. in two different ways. It was for this reason that
The third limitation of the current study was subjects watched two different clients in the
the sample size. Data for 47 subjects were two videos. Instead of comparing subjects with
gathered, so each client analogue was observed themselves, they were compared with other
by at least 5 clinicians. It would be helpful to subjects, which enabled analysis for this set of
increase the sample by at least threefold. It data at the group level only. It would be helpful
would also be helpful to gather data from two to be able to analyze the CISSI’s performance at
different populations, novice clinicians and the level of the individual clinician for
experienced clinicians, to test for differences particular client types.
between them. The sample size for each
analogue client was also small. Though the
Future Directions
overall sample consisted of 47 subjects, each of
the nine analogue clients were observed by 5 or The CISSI was created to enable both novice
6 subjects. Though adequate for the current and experienced clinicians to make more in-
study, this small sample size for each analogue formed decisions when working with clients in
client limits the generalizability of the con- crisis. It is intended that the end result of the
clusions that can be drawn from the data. The research on the CISSI will result in a valid and
data were reported in percentages in order to reliable instrument to help clinicians accurately
make comparisons across and within analogue assess clients in crisis. The current study lays
clients, yet the conclusions drawn may not be the foundation for both the validity and the

Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 5:2 May 2005 155


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