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CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS JUNE 2002 GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level MARK SCHEME SYLLABUS/COMPONENT :9702 /2 PHYSICS (STRUCTURED QUESTIONS (AS)) ‘Unierstry of Camarince Local Examinations Syndicate Page Wark Serena “AS Laval Exaiiiinations = June 200Z Syllabus | Paper ‘S70Z Zz Categorisation of marks The marking scheme categorises marks on the MACB scheme. B marks: These are awarded as independent marks, which do not depend on other marks. For a B-mark to be scored, the point to which it refers must be seen specifically in the candidate’s answer. M marks: These are method marks upon which A-marks (accuracy marks) later depend. For an M-mark to be scored, the point to which it refers must be seen in the candidate's answer. Ifa candidate fails to score a particular M-mark, then none of the dependent ‘A-marks can be scored. C marks: These are compensatory method marks which can be scored even if the points to which they refer are not written down by the candidate, providing subsequent working gives evidence that they must have known it. For example, if an equation carries a C-mark and the candidate docs not write down the actual equation but does correct working which shows he/she knew the equation, then the C-mark is awarded. ‘A marks: These are accuracy or answer marks which either depend on an M-mari, or allow a. C-mark to be scored. Conventions within the marking scheme BRACKETS ‘Where brackets are shown in the marking scheme, the candidate is not required to give the bracketed information in order to earn the available marks. UNDERLINING In the marking scheme, underlining indicates information that is essential for marks to be awarded. Page 2 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus, ‘AS Level Examinations — June 2002 ‘8702 Paper 2 1 (a) allow50g - 500g (b) allow 3MJ - 4MI (© allow 6.0-8.0) x 107m (a) allow (5 x 10°) > (5 x 105} Pa (ignore sig. fig. in (a), (b), (¢) and (d).. 2 (a) because all readings have same error OR can’t be eliminated by repeating and averaging .. error is systematic (do not allow ‘systematic’ if argument is fallacious) (b) micrometer measures to fraction of millimetre so is precise OR if repeated, reading is (almost constant) but all readings have error so is not accurate 3 (a) point at which (whole) weight of body may be considered to act {aliow definition based on gravitational force) (b) @ 380N . (ii) position nearer A than B (iii) clear indication about which point moments are taken eg. 980xx = 380% 17 x= 68em . distance = 108 cm or 108m {accept 2 sig fig) BI BI BL BL MI Al BI BI Bl cl Cl Al 0) 1) a OM] (23 2} G2] (6] Pages Mark Scheme Syllabus [Paper ‘AS Level Examinations ~ june 2002 ‘9702 2 4 (a) v= 2gh vi = 2x98 x16 vy =5.6ms” ... (b) (working leading to k= 144m (ii) mgh = Yam? v= 2x98 14d (©) Ap = mv ~ 2) OR p=mv .... m = 0.073 kg 0.073 x (5.6 + 5.3) = O80Ns (@) steel plate (and Earth) Bt mast gain momentum of 0.80 N s Mi in downward direction Al (idea of Earth/plate and ball as the system scores 1/3) 5 (a) increase the height of the cylinder (b) take heat out of gas OR expand gas OR cool it... (c) compress the gas OR increase pressure OR heat at constant volume 6 (a) (i) top plate positive (i) E= Vid. : ¥ = 3.0x 10x 12% 107 = 360V Al (b) F = ma cl 3.0 x 10° x 1.6.x 107" a= 83x10" ms” 91x 10% Pe) 4 Bl BI it i) tH) 34 2) (Faget ‘Mark Scheme Syllabus ‘AS Level Examinations ~ June 200d ‘9702 Paper 2Z 7 (a) Fig.6.1(a): approximately circular wavefronts centred on gap) .....---- constant wavelength (allow this in (a) or (b) Fig. 6.1(b): wavefronts plane at centre curved at edges (b) 8 = % (162-136) = 13°. dsind = na dsinl3 = 2x 630.x 10° d= 56x10%m (Use of = 162° or 136°, max 2/4) (c) ©g. more slits for light to pass through narrow so more diffracted light and“ off-axis’ fringes clearer 8 (a) (i) two resistors in series (i) two resistors in parallel bination if connections to external circuit ‘not clear) () @ P= PR 0.81 = 1007 = 0.090 A (i) current in 25 Q resistor power = 0.051 W 9 (a) q-particles not able to penetrate air between source and window (b) (rapid drop in count rate for small thicknesses (up to 2mm) _ ‘OR most f's stopped by few mm of aluminium ...... (i) very slow drop-off in count rate for thicknesses greater than 2 mm OR y much higher penetration than B .... (do not allow ‘y not stopped by aluminium’) cl Al cl Al {5] (4) ny 4] 4] 1] {4

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