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Student id: 20183290317

Department: civil engineering


Homework 2

Q1. What is the conceptual difference between load and action?

Answer: A weight or source of pressure borne by someone or something. Construction Loads
are defined as, loads imposed on a completed or temporary structure during and as a result of
the construction process.
Q2.Explain the difference between direct action and indirect action?
Answer: Direct action is a kind of various forces that act or effect directly on the structure. It
produces by different environmental factors, such as- gravity, earth pressure water pressure,
wind pressure etc.
Indirect action factors that can cause structural internal forces, deformation and some other
effects. Such as- earthquake, temperature changes, foundation settlement etc.
Q3. What types of effect are there? Please give examples of which are direct effects? What are
the indirect effects?

Answer: There are three types of effect and they are permanent effect, variable effect and accidental
effect. Among them gravity, earth pressure, strom, water and wind pressure are the direct effects and
the indirect effects are earthquake, temperature changes, foundation settelments. There are also some
other effects like fixed effect and actionable effects.

Q4.What is an effect? Is it right only direct action can produce an effect?

Answer: Effect is an internal force, displacement, stress, strain, velocity, acceleration etc. of the
structure. Not only direct action but also indirect action can produce an effect.

Q5. Give examples of what are permanent effects? What are variable effects? What are
accidental effects?
Answer: Permanent effects:- Structural weight, earth pressure, water pressure, pre-stressing
foundation settlement, welding etc.

 Variable effects:- vehicle gravity, personal equipment gravity, wind load, snow load,
temperature changes etc.
 Accidental effects:- Earthquake, flood, fire, strom, cyclone etc.
Q6. True or false
(a) Strictly speaking, only direct action can be called a load.
Ans: True
(b)Earth pressure, wind pressure, and water pressure are loads, and the inertial forces
acting on objects caused by explosions and centrifugal effects are not loads.
Ans: True
(c)According to the definition of indirect action, temperature changes, uneven foundation
settlement, braking force, earthquake, etc. are all indirect actions.
(d)Only direct actions can cause structural effects, and indirect actions cannot cause
structural effects.
Ans: false

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