Lesson Observation and Feedback-1

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Teacher: Arthur Centre:

Observe Leon Programme and

r: Year Group:
Subject: Physics Date of Lesson: 2019.Apr 20

The following were viewed:

Individual lesson plan Curriculum planning Student assessment records

Brief statement of learning objectives:

Review AS Physics Material Part: 1. Hooke’s law,∆F = k∆x 2.

stress and strain, Young modulus E = σ/ε
3. limit of proportionality, elastic limit, yield point, elastic deformation and plastic deformation
stress-strain graphs ,breaking stress
elastic strain energy, ∆Eel = ½ F∆x


Go over the book contents according to the chapter without special arrangement or classification

Relationship with students:

Loose contact and few interactions

Organisation and delivery of the learning:

Go over the learning materials in a fast speed and give an outlines of learning points in a way
Monitoring of student progress:

Preparation and use of resources:

Centre teaching and learning target:


Grading: Excellent Good Development Unsatisfactory


Observer’s Signature: Date:

Grade Descriptors

Students make significant observable progress and show very positive and engaged attitudes
to their work, as a result of highly effective teaching. The teacher’s superior knowledge of the
subject inspires confidence in the students. Students are highly motivated and work
independently where appropriate. Classroom management is highly effective. Based upon
thorough and accurate assessment that informs students how to improve, the teacher
differentiates work to meet the full range of students’ needs. The level of instruction
challenges all students. In addition, students have opportunities to assess their own or peers’
work where appropriate, which informs further learning. Resources are used with full

Students make measureable progress and show positive attitudes to their work, as a result of
effective teaching. The teacher’s subject knowledge lends confidence to the teaching style,
which engages students and encourages them to work well and independently where
possible. Any unsatisfactory behaviour is managed effectively. The level of challenge stretches
students without inhibiting. Based upon thorough and accurate assessment that informs
students how to improve, work is closely tailored to the full range of students’ needs.
Students are guided to assess their work themselves where possible. Resources are well

Development required
Some students make progress but others show uncooperative attitudes towards their work.
Some students are off task and this is not fully addressed. Teacher’s knowledge of the
curriculum and the course requirements are satisfactory but the level of challenge is not
always correctly pitched. The methods used do not always sufficiently engage and encourage
students. Some independent learning takes place; however, some students remain passive.
Formative assessment is infrequent, so teachers do not have a clear enough understanding of
students’ needs. Some students do not know how to improve. Resources are not fully utilised
to support learning where applicable.

Students generally do not make measureable progress and show uncooperative attitudes
towards their work. Students are often off task. Teacher’s knowledge of the curriculum and
the course requirements are incomplete and the level of challenge is inappropriate for the
majority of students. The teaching methods used do not sufficiently engage and encourage
students. Not enough independent learning takes place or students are excessively passive.
Challenging behaviour is not adequately managed. Formative assessment is minimal, so
teachers do not have a clear understanding of students’ needs. Students do not know
how to improve. Resources are inadequately utilised to support learning where applicable.

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