1503-Saim Ali Teepo

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Government College University, Lahore

Concepts of IR

Final Paper

Submitted To Ma’am Saadia Rafique

Submitted By

Name: Saim Ali Teepo

Roll No: 1503
Semester: 4
Session: 2019-23
Department: Political Science

Question 1

The Cold War was one of the most deadly war after World War ll. All world had to
face the repercussions of Cold War and in today’s world it also influences the stage of
world politics. The Cold War was fought between the USA and USSR on the basis of
ideology. The war was described as Capitalism vs Communism. The word cold
means that it was not like the conventional war of arms but it was based on
diplomacy, making allies and influence the policy making of other countries. After
Cold War USA emerged as the sole victor of the war.

The Cold War was a period of ideological and geopolitical tension between the
USA and the USSR, and their respective allies. The Cold War was waged on
political, economic, and propaganda fronts and had only limited recourse to weapons.
The conflict was based around the ideological and geopolitical struggle for status of
super power by the two powers. A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
The term cold was coined by George Orwell in his book. The term cold is used
because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two supper powers of
the world , but they each supported major regional conflicts known as proxy wars.

Result of Cold War

The Cold War ended on the collapse of USSR in 1992. USSR had divided into 15
independent states like Russia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and etc. The collapse of USSR
put end to the Cold War. As a result, USA emerged as the super power of the world
with no rival to challenge it. A a. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

Impact on Foreign Policy:

The Cold War lasted more than 40 years and it has impacted foreign policy of
countries at that time to till now. All countries were directly or indirectly involved in
the Cold War. The Cold War was fought to win the stage of world politics as a sole
superpower of the world. Many countries had to think about their self interest and
how that can be protect in the region. The alliances were formed to gain support and
to gather as much countries in their camp to give defeat to other. The foreign relations
of these countries are very influenced by the Cold War till today.

The world has gone through a rapid progress and transformation in last few decades
but the impact of Cold War on the foreign policy of the countries still can be seen in
present’s world. The USA and its allies still consider Russia as one of the major
threats for them. A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

Nord Stream 2
Nord Stream 2 is a important project of importing gas from Russia to Germany. It is a
phase 2 of currently running Nord Stream project. The phase 2 will double the gas
supply rising from 55 billion cubic meter to 110 billion cubic meter.During Cold War,
Germany was in the camp of USA and also a part of many alliances like NATO and
etc. Germany has a large population and it needs a huge amount of gas for daily use
in his country. Russia is the most economical viable country for the import of gas and
can also cater the needs of the Germany. The agreement of gas pipeline was finalised
in 2019. The many countries of Central Europe puts objections on it . USA also put
sanctions on the pipeline in the view that the influence of Russia will increase in
region. This give us view that many countries in Europe and also USA form policies
in influence of Cold War and see Russia not as a friend.

NATO was a military alliance formed to counter Warsaw Pact. After the collapse of
USSR, NATO was no dissolved however it achieved its objective. The intention is
cleared that Russia is one of the threat to the USA and the other countries of Europe.
The alliance is formed till today to counter the influence of Russia in Europe and the
world. Many times NATO has put sanctions on the Russia to cripple its economy.
This can easily be interpreted that the influence of Cold War on the formation of
international policies have not diminished till today.

Sanctions of USA:
There is a long record of USA sanctions on Russia. The sanctions ranged from
expelling diplomats, diplomatic relations cut off, economic sanctions and military
sanctions on the Russia. In response, Russia also put several sanctions on USA.
However, Russia has a weak economy as compared to America and this result as
destruction for Russian Ruble. This weak Russia internally and internationally. USA
see Russia as one of the major threat and rival for itself even after the end of Cold
War. A a. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

Sanctions On Iran
USA has put sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear programme. However, Russia has
strengthened its ties with Iran. Both countries has signed mutual agreements to

progress economic and military. The policy of Russia after sanctions to join hands
with Iran to counter the influence of USA in Middle East after post Cold War . The
countries still make relations with other countries on the history of enmity between
USA and Russia. It is a proverb the enemy of enemy is a friend and Iran established
stronger ties with Russia to counter sanctions of USA.

Conflict of Syria
The area of Syria is in conflict and directly affected after the Post Cold War. It has
became a battleground for both proxies of USA and Russia to fight to gain the
dominance of the area. The power struggle between both countries is carried even
after the end of Cold War and saw this as a race between each other to defeat each
other . There are many times that both countries supported their proxies blatantly. The
peace for Syria has became a child’s dream and the both countries are fighting to gain
the control of the area. This is a pure reflection of Cold War era time in which both
countries are engaging in foreign conflict and try to compete each other by defeating
each other. A a. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

Alliances in Region:
The USA has made great alliances with Japan and South Korea to counter the power
of USSR in the region. The USA had good relations but mutual agreements and
friendship increased in the era of Cold War. This gave boost to the strong alliances of
USA with South Korea and Japan. This alliances are still formed and becoming
stronger day by day in realisation to counter rising Russia. This acts as balance of
power in the region. A a a. As. A a a a. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

European Union:
European Union was formed after the collapse of USSR.The European Union is a
political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in
Europe. One of the objectives of EU was to oversee the aftershocks of collapse of
USSR. The members countries of Eu has increased since the fall of USSR. Many
countries of eastern bloc of Europe which was part of the USSR also joined this
alliance to counter the remaining influence of Russia. European Union is like a
umbrella for these countries to save from Russian influence. European Union also
watches the activities of Russia closely and monitors actions of Russia in regard to
freedom of expression. European Union had put many sanctions on the Russia and it
is cleared that they see Russia as a threat even after the end of Cold War.

The Cold War was one of the important event happened after World War ll. This
affect all the world and its aftershocks can seen still today. This was was fought on

every front like diplomacy, alliances, propaganda, economy, space and proxy wars.
The important events were Cuban Missiles Crisis, Korean War, Space war and etc.
Even in the Post Cold War Era, the Cold War stills influences the policy makers of
countries and countries still make alliances or economic activities in view of policy of
Cold War. A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

Question # 2


The theory of zero sum and non zero sum situation is used to explain lose and gain of
countries in International Relations. This is important to understand because this can
affect relations of two countries and in a same way world politics . The both countries
may have some gains or, likewise, the gain of one country is the loss of other country.
This theory focus what a country gets or lose in a situation and either both of
countries lose or gain on the basis of his foreign policy. These situations are used in
Political Theory to explain the gains and loss of one state in that particular event or
situation. A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

Explanation of Theory
The theory of Game is constructed by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern
and these situations are important part of the theory to explain gain and loss. This
situations are used in economic, business, politics, social and also in foreign relations
to view the gains and loss of both countries

Zero Sum Situation

“Zero Sum Situation is a description of a situation in which the gain of each
member is the loss of other party and vice versa. This is called zero sum situation.”
The result of zero sum is always be zero.

Examples of Zero Sum Situation:

• China & Hong Kong
The issue of Hong Kong and China is one example of zero sum Situation. Hong
Kong was the former colony of British and it was given to British Empire for a lease
of 99 years by Chinese Empire. Hong Kong developed rapidly between that time.
However, China has a authoritarian government and there was less freedom of
expression as compared to Hong Kong. After the lease, Hong Kong was handed over

to China. China wanted to curtail the freedom of expression in Hong Kong. This
raised concern among international community and there is a lot of criticism on
China. According to zero sum Situation, the gains are for China like getting
access to Hong Kong, power to make laws and in a same loss is for Hong Kong
where freedom of expression decreases and draconian laws are made to crush
the dissents. A a. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. A a a a a. A a a a a a a a a a

• Israel & Palestine:

The division of land between Israel and Palestine is a long term issue between two
countries. The Turks controlled this are and after defeat in World War ll the British
emerged as the victor. They gave this land to the Jews of that time without asking the
people living there. The recent attacks of Israel destroyed the buildings of the
residents of the Gaza in fighting Hamas, a liberation organisation fighting for
freedom. Israel has a powerful army and a lot of resources to fight Hamas. However,
they are doing bombardments on the civilian population and try to capture a land
despite all the humanity loss. This is a zero sum situation. According to situation,
the loss is only for Palestine and gain is only for Israel.

Non Zero Sum Situation

“Non Zero Sum Situation is a description of a situation in which the gain of a
member is not the loss of other member . In a situation, all participants can lose or
gain at the same time. This is called non zero Sum situation.”
The result of non zero sum will always be non zero.

Examples of Non Zero Sum Situation:

• Belt Road Initiative
This is a initiative led by Chinese Government to make different trade corridors in
several countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh for economic prosperity of all the
region . This project is beneficial for all countries in regard of development,
foreign investment, stability in the region and economic progress. This joint road
routes can be used to make free trade corridors.
• The New Eurasian Land Bridge, which connects Western China to Western Russia.
• The China-Mongolia-Russia Corridor, which connects North China to Eastern
Russia via Mongolia. A a. As. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. A a a a
• The China-Central Asia-West Asia Corridor, which connects Western China to
Turkey via Central and West Asia.
• The China-Indochina Peninsula Corridor, which connects Southern China to
Singapore via Indo-China.

• The China-Pakistan Corridor, which connects South Western China through

Pakistan to Arabia sea routes. a a a a. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
• The Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Corridor, which connects Southern China
to India via Bangladesh and Myanmar. A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
According to non zero Sum Situation, the gains are for all countries in this

• China USA Trade War:

China-USA trade war is also one of the example of non zero sum situation. This trade
war is a ongoing economic conflict between China and USA related to trade. USA
imposed tariffs on China for pushing China for a fair trade ratio with USA and also to
control trade deficit of the country. In response to that, China also imposed tariffs on
the imports of USA goods.The trade war has negatively impacted the economies of
both the United States and China. In the United States, it has led to higher prices for
consumers and financial difficulties for farmers. In China, the trade war contributed
to a slowdown in the rate of economic and industrial output growth. According to a
non zero sum Situation, there is a loss for both countries in that situation.

CPEC is a infrastructure development project between China and Pakistan signed on .
China Pakistan Economic Corridor is a framework of regional connectivity in the
region of South East Asia. The collection of infrastructure projects are under
construction throughout Pakistan under the banner of CPEC. A vast network of
highways and railways are to be built all around Pakistan. This results a billions of
dollars investment in the country and also become a source of employment. CPEC
will not only benefit China and Pakistan but will have positive impact on Iran,
Afghanistan, India, Central Asia and all over the world. China will have a small and
fast trade routes and it is the exporter of the world. According to non zero sum
situation, there are lot of gains for both Pakistan and China.
• China and Iran Deal
Despite sanctions of USA, China has made a deal with Iran for next 25 years. The
deal is known Comprehensive Strategic Partnership which amounts to $400
Billion dollars. China will invest in the development of Petroleum, infrastructure,
banking and communications. At the same time, China will get a discount on its
purchase of oil and also its influence in region will increase. Iran’s economy has
shrank a lot in the result of Us sanctions. This is a major partnership for both China
and Iran. According to non zero sum situation, there is a gains for both countries
from this deal.

The foreign relations are of very complex nature and it is difficult to have a check
either a state is gaining or losing something in the situation. This problem solved by
using zero sum and non zero sum situation. This demonstrates the gain of one country
is the loss of other country and maybe both countries have loss or gain in a particular
situation. These situations are used to view and track the gain and loss of a country in
a situation. A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

Question # 3

Canada and USA both are the part of the developed countries and progressing
rapidly. These both countries share the longest border of the world and USA is the
super power of world. The relationship both countries are friendly and they also
contribute a lot in economies of each other. Canada is one of the powerful countries
but it never try to complete USA in arms or military race. In comparison to that, USA
is super power of the world and also strangle in different conflicts. USA has one of
the military in the world. The behaviour of USA can be explained through realism
theories. However, the relations of Canada can only explain with theory of Liberal
institutionalism in context to USA. Canada has friendly approach to all countries in
the world and try to play its part through United Nations.

View of Canada’s Liberal Institutionalism:

Canada was the former colony of the British. After American revolution, British
feared that American could attack Canada. As a result, they gave freedom in Canada
to run their own government and had foreign relations in their hands. After Canada
demanded their independence and became independent nation of the world in 1867.
Canada also followed a liberal policies and believes liberalism Institutionalism as a
key to conduct international relations with other countries. It maintains friendly
relations with its neighbour and never indulge itself in power politics or try to
increase its influence in the region. With the rise of globalisation, a liberal
Institutions, like UNO, WHO , WTO, are formed to solve the issues between the
countries peacefully. The foreign policy of Canada is based on the liberal
institutionalism and its relations with USA can be explained only regarding this
theory. A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. A a a a a a a a a a a. A a a a a a a a

Examples of Other InterState Relations:

There also other states which conduct their foreign policy on the basis of Liberal
Institutionalism. These countries also believe that institutionalism can bring and
promote peace in all the world and issues between countries can be solved peacefully
on the table by talks. A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. A a a a a a

South Korea vs North Korea

The relations between South Korea and North Korea can better be explained by
liberal institutionalism rather than realism. The both countries claim a Korean
Peninsula but both has different approach and view in foreign relations.
Korea was under the rule of Imperial Japan. After end of World War ll, Korea was
divided into two parts between USA and USSR. this resulted as form of two different
ideologies on one nation. North Korea also attacked South Korea in 1950 but
ceasefire had held between two countries. A. A a a a a a a a a a a. A a a. A a a a
North Korea’s Realism
North Korea is an authoritarian regime based on the strict dictatorship. It has a One
Party Rule in the country. The theory of realism can explain the motives and foreign
relations of North Korea in the region. North Korea always struggle for power and
influence in the region. It has increased its military capabilities on the expense of
human development and infrastructure development in the country. North Korea has
tested a series of different missiles, including short-, medium-, intermediate-, and
intercontinental- range, and submarine-launched ballistic missiles.North Korea has
nuclear bombs and conducted several nuclear tests. The regime possesses the know-
how to produce bombs with weapons-grade uranium or plutonium, the primary
elements required for making fissile material. This is a one of the grave threat for
USA and security council. North Korea’s actions and its aspiration to gain power in
the region can only explained by realism.
South Korea’s Liberal Institutionalism:
South Korea has a democracy with a multi party system. In comparison to North
Korea, South Korea formed international relations on the basis of liberal
institutionalism. South Korea worked hard for the betterment of his people. The
human condition is greatly good as a comparison to North Korea. South Korea has
free market principles and people have a freedom of expression. In the aggression of
North Korea in 1950, South Korea raised his issue in United Nations and guarantees
the support of world powers. South Korea conducts its foreign policy on the basis of
liberal institutionalism and never try to compete with North Korea in arms race.
There is a lot infrastructure and development in South Korea.

Malaysia vs Singapore
Singapore got freedom from Malaysia in both countries conduct their foreign policy
on the basis of liberal institutionalism and never become part of power struggle in the
Singapore was a trading post of British empire and later became the colony of British
Empire. Singapore gained self-governance from British in 1959, and later became
part of the new federation of Malaysia in 1963. After two years, it got independence
from Malaysia on the basis of some differences.

Singapore’s Liberal Institutionalism:
Singapore is a democracy based on the parliamentary form of the government.
Singapore consists of islands and have population from different ethnic backgrounds.
It is one of the developed countries in the world. Singapore conducts its foreign
relations on the basis of liberal institutionalism and never became a part of power
struggle in the region. It has free market principles and people have freedom of
expression. There are full rights for ethnic minorities. Singapore play its part as a
responsible state in the United Nations and its relations with other countries based on
mutual interests. A a a. As a a. A a a. A a a a a a a a a. As. As a a. A a a a a a

Malaysia’s Liberal Institutionalism:

Malaysia has a unique political system. It is also a developed country in the region.
Malaysia has foreign relations with other countries on the basis of mutual interests. It
has free market principles and people have freedom of expression. Malaysia has a
liberal view in the country. The relations of Malaysia with other countries can also
explained by theory of Liberal institutionalism and used these institutions for the
settlement of different issues.

Comparison of Realism and Liberal Institutionalism In Aspect of Relations:

The realism is a old concept in International Relations. However the concept of
liberalism and institutionalism are new concepts in IR.The emergence of liberal
institutionalism as an alternative to realism in International Relations theory has led
to debate about the validity of liberal institutionalism as a real alternative to realism.
Liberal institutionalism argues that emphasis should be placed on global
governance and international organisations as a way of explaining international
relations. Institutionalism places emphasis on the role that common goals play in the
international system and the ability of international organisations to get states to
cooperate. In comparison to that, the realist assumed that international politics is a
struggle for power in which military security issues are top priority. The

inability of the United Nations and the World Bank to address grave issues such as
nuclear proliferation, poverty reduction and environmental issues. These are the
points raised by the critics of institutionalism. The globalisation has led to greater
interconnectedness and as a result the internationalist theory has also developed that
led to greater analysis of international relations through concepts such as collective
security and critical theory. Realism based on the struggle for power and it is like
is Might is Right policy. Institutionalism places emphasis on the role that
international organisations and international society play an important part in
world affairs. This international society is based on the idea of cooperation between
states for common goals and interests. Liberal institutionalism argues that in order for
there to be peace in international affairs states must cooperate together. Liberal
Institutionalism differ from realism on these points: multiple channels which allow
for interaction among actors across national borders; attention is given equally to all
issues, there is no distinction between high and low politics. The concept of realism
is placed on security issues and the decline of military force as a means by which
policy is determined. In institutionalist model states seek to maximise absolute gains
through cooperation and less concerned about the advantages achieved by other
states in arrangements. The greatest obstacle to cooperation in world affairs is non-
compliance or cheating by states. International organisations such as the United
Nations, WTO, the European Union and the World Bank and liberal
institutionalism argues for greater emphasis on soft power.

The globalisation of world affairs has had a major impact on international relations
theory and it is this gave birth to the liberal institutionalism. An institutional
perspective, which places emphasis on the structure of international society and
focuses on the importance of institutions as advocates of norms and values such as
human rights and which also takes into consideration domestic politics. There are
many countries on the world which are following this approach and want to resolve
the issues of the world from the forum of United Nations.
A. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. A a a

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