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8 Time to celebrate!

Complete this paragraph with the words in the box.

O got to9othetr O music O füqworks O d9eoratiom

0 hollday, O �ustorns 0 pkt>lc O celebrate
One of the most importam. national �­
in the United $tates is lndependence Oay. This is the
day whon A.meric:ans __ celebrate
_ winnlng their
independente from Btitain almost 250 years ago.
There are many ______ for lndependence
Oay. Most towns, big and small, this holiday
with �rades- and ______ .. lhey put up a lot
of ___ , usually in l'ed, white, and blue.
the colocs of die U.$. flag. Bands play pat<iotic
______ . lt's also a day when many Americans
get together with family aod fri-ends to celebrate
with a barbecue or a _____picnic _

• Complete the sentences with the clauses in the box.

O whon I fool sad and dcprtt$Od

O when·Khoo1 starts
O whon ¡,6oplo h.nvo to p;iy thoir to.)(os
O when summcr v.i,�tion b in$-

1. 1 hate April 151 In the United $tates, it's the d-ay

when people have to pay their taxes.

t always owe the govemment mon ·ey.

2. June is my favotite month. h's the month
when summer vacations begins.
1 always go sttaight t0 the bé-ach.
3. September is my least favorite month. lt's the
when school starts.
month _____________ _
Good-bye. sommer!
4. l've never liked winter. lt's a s;eason
when I feel sad an d depressed. .Theco!d
weathe, akvays. affects my mood negatively.






Spring is the season when flowers start to bloom.

New Year's Eve is a night when people celebrate new begginings.

The weekend is a time when people realx.

Father's Day is a day when children spend time with their fathers.

Winter is the season when we go skiing.

receives many
presents from family and friends.

share most of their things.

it's family make a

party to celebrate the graduation.

she wears a ring on

her left hand.

they open a saving

acoount for the child's education.

before the wedding reception end.

, most couples like to be alone
, many newlyweds have to live with relatives
when they have enough money to pay for it.
When a couple gets engaged, usually the bride is in charge of all the wedding arrangements. A date is
set for the wedding day. The couple decide what kind of wedding they want to have, where, who are
they gonna invite to the wedding.

The wedding day , usually the wedding is in a church. The bride wears a white long dress. She is supposed
to walk down the aisle by her dad's side, and the groom is waiting in the front part. The ceremony takes
place while family and friends are sit observing.

Couples usually make a reception after the wedding ceremony, it is a big party where some games are
played. Sometimes the wife or the husband prepares a show for the other. They can choose if they
want to leave the party and go straight to their honeymoon in somewhere else, or spend their first
night in a hotel and the next day take a trip.




New Year's Eve is the night when many people have parties.

At the end of the year, Japanese people exchange oseibo presents to show their appreciation for the people in their lives.

In June, many Brazilians celebrate the Festa Junina.

In Sweden, occur Midsummer's Day around June 21.

Do you celebrate with fireworks?

What do you do at midnight?
Are we sharing any special food?
Do we have to sing and dance?
What kind of clothes should I wear.

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