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CHED Recognized Local College

TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Reaccredited
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.


TERM: 2ND SEM/AY 2020-21
STUDENT: Kay Ann S. Manalo
TOPIC: Social Institution

The word institution conjures many different images: a stark building surrounded
by a high metal fence; a town hall; a church; the building that houses the college president’s
office. To sociologists, however, an institution isn’t a building; an institution is what goes
on inside the building. An Institution is a set of norms surrounding the carrying out of a function
necessary for the survival of a society.
People in every society must fulfill certain functions in order to survive. They must set up
processes for rearing and educating children. They must develop a system for maintaining order
and managing relations with other societies. They must agree on methods for producing and
exchanging goods and services. Societies differ in how they carry out these functions, but they
all must somehow accomplish the same tasks in order to survive as a social unit. Institutions may
seem abstract, but they are part of a world that is very real.
Social institutions are mechanisms or patterns of social order focused on meeting social
needs, such as government, economy, education, family, healthcare, and religion. Some
sociological methods focus on examining social institutions over time, or compare them to social
institutions in other parts of the world. 

 Discuss the characteristics and functions of social institutions.
 Identify and define social institutions.
 Recognize the concept of social institution.
 Understand the primary and secondary institutions.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Cel. no. (0929) 3567646 (Administrative Office),

CHED Recognized Local College

TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Reaccredited
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.


Social Institutions
A social institution is a complex, integrated set of social norms organized around
the preservation of a basic societal value. Obviously, the sociologist does not define
institutions in the same way, as does the person on the street. Laypersons are likely to use
the term "institution" very loosely, for churches, hospitals, jails, and many other things as
institutions. According to Sumner and Keller institution is a vital interest or activity that
is surrounded by a cluster of mores and folkways. Sumner conceived of the institution not
only of the concept, idea or interest but of a institution as well. By structure he meant an
apparatus or a group of functionaries. Lester F Ward regarded an institution as the means
for the control and utilization of the social energy. L.T Hob house describe institution as
the whole or any part of the established and recognized apparatus of social life. Robert
Maclver regarded institution as established forms or conditions of procedure
characteristic of group activity.
Sociologists agree that institutions arise and persist because of a definite felt need
of the members of the society. While there is essential agreement on the general origin of
institutions, sociologists have differed about the specific motivating factors. Sumner and
Keller maintained that institutions come into existence to satisfy vital interests of man.
Ward believed that they arise because of social demand or social necessity. Lewis H
Morgan ascribed the basis of every institution to what he called a perpetual want.

Primary Institutions
Sociologists often reserve the term "institution" to describe normative systems
that operate in five basic areas of life, which may be designated as the primary
(1) In determining Kinship;
(2) in providing for the legitimate use of power;
(3) in regulating the distribution of goods and services;
(4) in transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next; and
(5) in regulating our relation to the supernatural.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Cel. no. (0929) 3567646 (Administrative Office),

CHED Recognized Local College

TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Reaccredited
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.

In shorthand form, or as concepts, these five basic institutions are called the family,
government, economy, education and religion.

The five primary institutions are found among all human groups. They are not always as
highly elaborated or as distinct from one another but in rudimentary form at last, they exist
everywhere. Their universality indicates that they are deeply rooted in human nature and that
they are essential in the development and maintenance of orders.

The secondary institutions derived from Family would be

The secondary institutions of economics would be

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Cel. no. (0929) 3567646 (Administrative Office),

CHED Recognized Local College

TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Reaccredited
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.

The secondary institutions of Religion would be

The secondary institutions of education would be


The secondary institutions of State would be

Sociologists operating in terms of the functionalist model society have provided the
clearest explanation of the functions served by social institutions. Apparently there are certain
minimum tasks that must be performed in all human groups. Unless these tasks are performed
adequately, the group will cease to exist. An analogy may help to make the point. We might
hypothesize that cost accounting department is essential to the operation of a large corporation.
A company might procure a superior product and distribute it then at the price that is assigned to

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Cel. no. (0929) 3567646 (Administrative Office),

CHED Recognized Local College

TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Reaccredited
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.

it; the company will soon go out of business. Perhaps the only way to avoid this is to have a
careful accounting of the cost of each step in the production and distribution process.
An important feature that we find in the growth of institutions is the extension of the
power of the state over the other four primary institutions. The state now exercises more
authority by laws and regulations. The state has taken over the traditional functions of the family
like making laws regulating marriage, divorce, adoption and inheritance. The authority of state
has similarly been extended to economics, to education and to religion. New institutional norms
may replace the old norms but the institution goes on. The modern family has replaced the norms
of patriarchal family yet the family as an institution continues. Sumner and Keller has classified
institutions in nine major categories .He referred to them as pivotal institutional fields and
classified them as follows:

Characteristics of Social Institutions

1. Stable Position and Permanent Structure :
Social institution is of permanent nature with a special structure just as, family, husband, wife,
parents and children formulate its entity. This structure has been existing since ancient times and
in spite of numerous changes this structure has not been changed.

2. Fulfils Specific Needs and Goals :

A social institution is a source of completion of specific needs and objectives just as, a religious
institution functions as a ,spiritual peace, social security and integrity.

3. Specific Relation Patterns :

A social institution is a collection of social values, norms, status, role status and customs and on
the basis of this, it established relations. A family comes into existence through Nikah for

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Cel. no. (0929) 3567646 (Administrative Office),

CHED Recognized Local College

TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Reaccredited
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.

conjugal relations of husband and wife and abides by all the mores, method of domestic working,
marriage, engagement and deaths.

4. Permanent Behaviour Pattern :

In a social institution, behaviours are fixed and individuals are accustomed to these, therefore,
institutions prevent the changes, coming into the society which causing damage to the values.
They think that change brings about a decrease in stability and mutual respect, therefore, these
do not hesitate to attack changes.

5. Tend to be Interdependent :
Social institutions depend on each other and have a mutual co-existence. A family provides men
forces for other institutions. Religious institution provides spiritual relief. A political institution
provides security and stability to a society.

6. Tend to be the Site of Major Social Problems :

When social institutions do not function properly or are not'in harmony with the social needs,
problems are created. For example, if economic institution fails to provide food, employment and
supply according to demand, then problems of famine and unemployment will be produced, if a
political institution fails in maintaining peace, order and justice and then lawlessness, crimes and
disorder will appear.

7. Tend to Change Together :

Social institutions present the change but it does not happen that if a change is brought about in
an institution, other institutions are not affected because they are interdependent. Other
institutions are bound to change. A change is in an agrarian economy then an industrial economy
is bound to affected, family institution from common family to simple family, etc.

Functions of Social Institutions

Social institutions have manifest and latent functions tending to make the stability and setting Up
of complicated relations in the society. These functions are discussed below :

1. Preservation of Human Race :

The family institution basically functions to preserve the human race and its growth by socially
approved way of conjugal relations (marriage), provides food and dress for survival of life. The
political institution provides security. Educational institutions and religious institutions help for
better relations in the society, keeping the existence of society.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Cel. no. (0929) 3567646 (Administrative Office),

CHED Recognized Local College

TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Reaccredited
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.

2. Transmission of Culture :
Social institution not only plays an important role in keeping the culture but also transmits it to
the next generation. The family teaches values, traditions, language, dress and customs to the
individuals. Educational institution transmits experiments through knowledge. Religious
institution teaches to hold beliefs and values about sacred things and ways of worship in the
minds of new generation.

3. Satisfaction of Basic Needs :

All social institutions aim at providing basic human needs and their satisfaction. The family
institution provides sex satisfaction and survival of race. Economics institution provides food
and political institution provides security to life and property. Religious institution provides
moral training. Family and school arrange for education of children, teaches different skills. In
short, all social institutions are for the satisfaction of basic needs of members of a society.

4. Social Solidarity :
Social institution plays a role in keeping law and order and unity. Family institution saves from
sexual waywardness, keeps children safe from disorder by providing training of norms, values
and traditions of the society. Religious institution keeps the society free from dispersion by
teaching regard for social sanctions. Political institution provides stability by saving the society
from external changes and by keeping law and order. The economic institution provides
biological needs of the individuals of the society.

5. Social Welfare and Development : 

Social institutions do the jobs of welfare of the society. Political institution establishes orphan
houses, knitting centers for women, recreation for elders and old people through welfare
institutions and for physically disabled persons to promote their welfare. Similarly, to establish
schools, colleges, universities, professional colleges, research centers, industrial centers to
promote modern inventions are the responsibilities of the social institutions.

6. Provision of Recreational Activities :

Social institutions provide peace, satisfaction and pleasant environment to the individuals of a
society through a strong system of family. Different festivals are arranged to provide recreations
to the individuals of a society just as, family provides such joys through function of marriage and
engagement. Educational institutions do this through plays, games, Speech contest and other
recreational programmes. Political institutions provide national athletic games competitions.
Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Cel. no. (0929) 3567646 (Administrative Office),

CHED Recognized Local College

TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Reaccredited
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.

Films, TV and setting up of theater also provide recreational chances to make a society healthy
to enjoy pleasant activities.

7. Mental and Physical Security :

Social institution provides relief to the individuals in trouble and worry and provides mental
peace and security. Religious institution makes the individuals hopeful and peaceful during
failures and worries. Family provides a sense of security to the old, the rich and with refuge a
mental and physical peace by providing an emotional, social and physical support. Political
institution establishes departments of police, judiciary and jails to provide a security of life,
property, honour and prestige. Welfare centers are established for refuge-less orphans and
disabled people to provide them a mental and physical security.

Education is an important agent of socialization and encourages social integration,
especially in countries with diverse populations. Through their schools, students from a variety
of cultural backgrounds come into contact with mainstream culture. Perhaps the most important
function of education is socialization. If children are to learn the norms, values, and skills they
need to function in society, then education is a primary vehicle for such learning.
Education plays a large part in the socialization of children into society. The school format
is designed to teach children to be productive members of society. Education is a vital part of
society. It serves the beneficial purpose of educating our children and getting them ready to be
productive adults in today's society. But, the social institution of education is not without its
problems. Continual efforts to modify and improve the system need to be made, if we are to reap
the highest benefits that education has to offer to our children and our society as a whole.


Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Cel. no. (0929) 3567646 (Administrative Office),

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