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(Precision Measurement and Quality Planning)


Question Marks
1 Define inspection? State the need of inspection in industries? 2
2 Define the term Metrology? State its types. 2
3 Differentiate between precision and accuracy with suitable example. 2
4 Define a) Calibration b) Linearity 2
5 State the characteristics of a good Comparator. 2
6 Compare between line standard and end standard. 2
7 List any four instruments used for angular measurements with least count. 2
8 Differentiate between Angle Gauges and Slip Gauges. 2
Describe following errors,
9 2
i) Loading error ii) Environmental error iii) Observation error
10 Define systematic error, state the causes of these errors. 2
11 Compare between measuring instruments & comparators. 2
12 Explain a Mechanical comparator with neat sketch. 6
13 Explain pneumatic comparator with neat sketch. 6
An angle of 98°, 17', 15" is to be measured with the help of following standard
14 angle gauges: [1°,3°,9°,27°,41°] , [1',3',9',27'] , [3",6",18",30"]. Also sketch the 8
arrangement for the same.
15 Describe LVDT as an electrical comparator with neat sketch. 8
16 Explain working principle of optical comparator with neat sketch. 7
What is the process of measuring angle of light component with the help of
17 8
sine bar? Explain setup with a neat sketch.
Write advantages & disadvantages of the following:
18 8
i) Mechanical comparator ii) Electrical comparator
Draw the neat sketch of ‘Universal Bevel Protractor’ & write procedure for
19 7
measuring angle of work piece.
20 State & explain any four types of errors in measurement. 8
Draw neat sketch Universal bevel protractor and write the procedure for measuring
21 8
Angle of work piece.
An angle of 117°, 8', 42" is to be measured with the help of following standard
22 angle gauges: [1°,3°,9°,27°,41°] , [1',3',9',27'] , [3",6",18",30"]. Also sketch the 8
arrangement for the same.

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