Effect of Storage On Anthocyanin Degradation in Black Mulberry Juice and Concentrates

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Food Bioprocess Technol

DOI 10.1007/s11947-014-1296-8


Effect of Storage on Anthocyanin Degradation in Black Mulberry

Juice and Concentrates
Togzhan Boranbayeva & Feryal Karadeniz & Emel Yılmaz

Received: 21 February 2013 / Accepted: 5 March 2014

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract Anthocyanins present in fruits and vegetables are Introduction

receiving increased attention because of their potential anti-
oxidant activity but are very susceptible to degradation during Mulberry belongs to the genus Morus of the family Moraceae.
processing and storage. Effect of storage on kinetics of antho- There are 24 species of Morus and one subspecies, with at
cyanin degradation and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) forma- least 100 known varieties (Pawlowska et al. 2008). Mulberry
tion in black mulberry juice and concentrate was determined (Morus species) is grown wild or cultivated in many countries
during 8 months of storage at temperatures of 5°, 20°, 30°, and for its foliage, which is a primary source of food for silkworms
40 °C. The monomeric anthocyanin degradation was in ac- (Bombyx mori L.). In general, there are three types of mulber-
cordance with the first-order reaction kinetics and the activa- ry, including white (Morus alba), black (Morus nigra), and
tion energies of anthocyanin degradation in black mulberry red (Morus rubra) (Aramwit et al. 2010). The Anatolia region
juice and concentrate were found as 56.48 and 49.75 kJ mol−1, of Turkey has growing conditions suitable for cultivating high
respectively. HMF formation in black mulberry juice and quality mulberry fruits. The production of mulberry in Turkey
concentrate increased linearly with storage time and tempera- in 2011 was 78.702 tonnes (FAO 2011) and its cultivation in
ture and followed zero-order reactions. The activation ener- Turkey has been known for more than 400 years. The red-
gies of HMF formation in black mulberry juice and concen- colored fruits are eaten fresh and are also used in marmalades,
trate were found as 75.70 and 104.11 kJ mol−1, respectively. juices, liquors, natural dyes, and in the cosmetics industry
The losses of antioxidant activity for black mulberry juice and (Ercisli and Orhan 2007).
concentrate during storage at different temperatures were in Epidemiological and clinical investigations have associ-
the ranges of 4.87–16.01 and 4.47–33.57 %, respectively. ated diets rich in fruits and vegetables with reduced risk of
Antioxidant activity in black mulberry juice and concentrate heart disease, neurological and chronic diseases, and vari-
was correlated with total monomeric anthocyanins. ous forms of cancer (Hertog et al. 1993). These physiolog-
ical functions of fruits and vegetables may be partly attrib-
uted to their high phenolic content (Cieslik et al. 2006) such
Keywords Mulberry juice and concentrate . Kinetics . as anthocyanins. Nowadays, interest in anthocyanins has
Antioxidant activity . Anthocyanin . HMF . Storage increased because they are potential natural alternatives to
artificial colorants in the food and pharmaceutical indus-
T. Boranbayeva tries and their antioxidant activity plays an important role in
Department of Food Engineering, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan the prevention of diseases (Alasalvar et al. 2005; Patras
State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan et al. 2010). Anthocyanins are highly unstable and easily
susceptible to degradation. Anthocyanin stability is strong-
F. Karadeniz (*)
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, Ankara ly affected by pH, temperature, anthocyanin concentration,
University, Ankara 06110, Turkey oxygen, light, enzymes, and other accompanying sub-
e-mail: karadeniz@ankara.edu.tr stances such as ascorbic acid, sugars, sulfites, copigments,
and metallic ions. The amount of anthocyanins found in
E. Yılmaz
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Food foods decreases during processing and storage as tempera-
Engineering, Trakya University, Edirne 22180, Turkey ture rises (Maccarone et al. 1985).
Food Bioprocess Technol

Another important chemical change occurred in foods dur-

ing processing and storage is nonenzymatic browning reac-
tions, which involve caramelization, ascorbic acid degradation,
and the Maillard reaction (Cornwell and Wrolstad 1981).
Brown pigment formation is desired during food processing
as in the manufacture of coffee, tea, and beer and in the toasting
and baking of bread. This reaction improves the desirable
sensory characteristics of these foods, e.g., color, aroma, and
flavor. Conversely, it is undesirable in concentrated foods, as
maximum reaction rate occurs at water activities of 0.6–0.7
(Eskin 1990). Maillard reactions can also cause losses in nutri-
tional value of foods, formation of undesirable compounds, e.g.
furfural, hydroxy methyl furfural and brown pigment (Martins
et al. 2001). The Maillard reaction, takes place between α-
amino groups and reducing sugars, is the most important reason
for browning in fruit juice during storage (Toribio and Lozano
1984). Maillard reaction is influenced by many factors, includ-
ing reactant concentration, temperature, time, initial pH, and
water activity (Benjakul et al. 2005).
The stability of anthocyanin content during processing and
storage of foods is one of the most important quality attributes
of food products. Several studies have reported the effect of
processing and storage on the stability of fruit juice with high
anthocyanin content (Garzon and Wrolstad 2002; Wang and
Xu 2007; Jiménez et al. 2010). However, the literature
contains no references on the degradation of anthocyanin
in mulberry juice and concentrate during storage. In
addition to this, for the quality of stored fruit juices,
hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is an important criterion.
Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the kinetics
of anthocyanin degradation and HMF formation in black
mulberry juice and concentrate during storage at 5°, 20°,
30°, and 40 °C, as knowledge of the kinetic parameters, such
as reaction order, rate constant, and activation energy is
essential for predicting and controlling food quality. Further-
more, antioxidant activity was also analyzed to determine the
correlations among antioxidant activity, anthocyanins and

Fig. 1 Black mulberry juice concentrate production flow chart

Materials and Methods

Materials pH, Titratable Acidity, and Water-Soluble Solids Content

Black mulberry juice (100 %, 15.2°Bx) and concentrate pH was measured at 20 °C with a pH meter (Consort P407,
(65.7°Bx) were supplied by one of the fruit juice and concen- Schott Gerate, Belgium) (International Federation of Fruit
trate producers in Turkey (Göknur Foodstuffs Import Export Juice Producers (IFU) 1989). After determination of pH, the
Trading and Production Company) just after production date. samples were titrated with 0.1 N NaOH up to pH 8.1 and
Fruit juice samples have been stored in 200-mL glass bottles, results were expressed as gram citric acid per 100 mL juice
wheres concentrate samples have been stored in 100 g jars at and gram citric acid per 100 g concentrate (IFU 1996). Water-
5°, 20°, 30°, and 40 °C for 8 months, and analyses were soluble solid contents of black mulberry juice and concen-
carried out each month as two replicates. Black mulberry juice trates were determined with an Abbe refractometer (NOW;
concentrate production flow chart is given Fig. 1. Nippon Optical Work Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) at 20 °C, and
Food Bioprocess Technol

results were expressed as °Bx (IFU 2000). Before analyzing (ABTS) in double-distilled water was prepared and ABTS
the pH value, total soluble solids (°Bx) and titratable acidity radical cation (ABTS+) was formed after addition of potassium
(g citric acid per 100 g sample) were determined. These values persulphate (Merck) to the mixture in a final concentration
were found as 3.91, 15.2, and 0.26 in fruit juices and 3.29, of 2.45 mM. The mixture was allowed to stand in the dark at
65.7, and 2.69 in concentrate, respectively. pH, titratable room temperature for 12–16 h before use. The solution was
acidity, and soluble solids were determined during 8 months diluted with ethanol to an absorbance reading of 0.7 (±0.02) at
of storage, and no significant changes were observed 734 nm. The ethanolic ABTS+ (1 mL) solution is added to
(p<0.01). three different concentrations of antioxidant compound (5, 10,
and 15 μL), and absorbance readings at 734 nm were taken at
Total Monomeric Anthocyanins Analysis 30 °C, exactly 1 min after initial mixing and up to 6 min. The
percentage inhibition of absorbance is calculated and plotted
The total monomeric anthocyanins were determined using the as a function of concentration of Trolox for the standard
pH differential method described by Giusti and Wrolstad reference data. The results were expressed in equivalents of
(2005). The dilution factor for the samples was determined micromole Trolox (TE) per 100 mL of juices and per 100 g of
by diluting with potassium chloride buffer, pH 1.0, until the concentrates.
absorbance of the sample at the λvis-max (520 nm) is within
the linear range of the spectrophotometer. The absorbance of Calculation of Kinetic Parameters
samples at 520 nm for anthocyanin content and 700 nm for
haze was measured on a UV–VIS spectrophotometer (Model The loss of monomeric anthocyanin content in black mulberry
UV2 Unicam, England) against a blank cell filled with dis- juice and concentrate followed a first-order kinetic model. The
tilled water. The monomeric anthocyanin concentrations were degradation of total monomeric anthocyanins was calculated
calculated as mg cyanidin-3-glucoside (cy-3-glu) equivalents. by using the standard equation for a first-order reaction given
A ¼ ðAvismax −A700 ÞpH 1:0 −ðAvismax −A700 ÞpH 4:5 below:

lnC ¼ lnC o –kt

where C is the concentration at time t; Co the concentration at

The monomeric anthocyanin pigment concentration in the
time zero; k the first-order rate constant (month−1); and t the
original sample was calculated using the following formula:
storage time (month).
Monomeric anthocyanin pigment ðmg=LÞ The accumulation of HMF in black mulberry juice and
¼ ðA  MW  DF  1; 000Þ=ε x 1Þ concentrate was calculated by using the standard equation
for a zero-order reaction given below:

C ¼ C o –kt
where MW is the molecular weight (449.2 for cyanidin-3-
glucoside), DF is the dilution factor, and ε is the molar where C is the concentration at time t; Co the concentration at
absorptivity (26,900 for cyanidin-3-glucoside). time zero; k the zero-order rate constant (mg HMF month−1);
and t the storage time (month).
Determination of HMF Temperature dependence of both reactions was determined
by Arrhenius equation given below:
HMF was determined quantitatively, following the procedure
by IFU (1984) based on the colorimetric reaction between k ¼ k o xe–Ea =RT
barbituric acid and HMF, forming a red-colored complex. The
intensity of red color is dependent upon the concentration of
HMF, which was measured at 550 nm using a spectrophotom- where Ea is the activation energy (kJ mol−1); k the rate con-
eter. A calibration curve of HMF was used to quantify HMF stant; ko the frequency factor; R the universal gas constant
contents of samples. (8.314×10−3 kJ mol−1 K−1); and T the absolute temperature
Determination of Antioxidant Activity −T 1
Q10 ¼ ðk 2 =k 1 Þ10=T 2
The antioxidant activity of black mulberry juice and concen-
trates was determined by Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Ca-
pacity method described by Re et al. (1999). A 7-mM solution where k2 is the rate constant of the HMF formation and
of 2,2′-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) monomeric anthocyanin degradation at T2 temperature; k1 is
Food Bioprocess Technol

the rate constant of the HMF formation and/or monomeric

anthocyanin degradation at T1 temperature.
The half-life value of monomeric anthocyanin degradation
was also calculated using the equation given below:
t 1=2 ¼ ln 2=k

where k is the rate constant (per month).

Statistical Analysis

A statistical program (SPSS 9.05 for Windows and MINITAB

14.0) was used for data processing. All experimental data
were evaluated using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA
technique). Results were expressed as mean values±standard Fig. 3 Monomeric anthocyanin degradation of black mulberry concen-
error of mean (SD). trate during storage at different temperatures

Stravroulakis (1997) reported values of 100 mg kg−1 f.w. in

M. nigra and 10 mg kg−1 f.w. in M. alba cultivated in Greece.
Results and Discussion In this research, the anthocyanin content of black mulberry
juices was lower than the values reported on the previous
Total Monomeric Anthocyanin Content studies. The reason for that might be due to the preparation
of juices from the concentrates by reconstitution. As anthocy-
Total monomeric anthocyanin content of black mulberry juice anins are decomposed easily because of heat treatment in the
and concentrate decreased with temperature and storage time. concentrate production (Patras et al. 2010), it is not surprising
Anthocyanin degradation in black mulberry juice and concen- to get lower results for juices. As known, single strength fruit
trate during storage is shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. juices always have better quality attributes than that of
The initial total monomeric anthocyanin contents of black reconstituted fruit juices.
mulberry juices were 23.38, 23.13, 23.29, and 23.13 mg The losses of total monomeric anthocyanin at 5°, 20°,
cy-3-glu L−1 at 5°, 20°, 30°, and 40 °C, respectively, whereas 30,° and 40 °C for black mulberry juice and concentrate
these values for concentrates were found as 234.84, 235.86, during storage were in the ranges of 1.96–74.55 and
233.96, and 235 mg cy-3-glu kg−1, respectively. Özgen et al. 1.26–98.12 %, respectively (Table 1). Linear regression
(2009) found total monomeric anthocyanins of black mulber- confirmed that the degradation of anthocyanin in black
ry fruits as 253–830 mg cy-3-glu kg−1 f.w. Gerasopoulos and mulberry juice and concentrate followed a first-order
reaction. As the determination coefficient of the equa-
tions obtained from the results for 5 °C is too low, the
results were not used for calculation of kinetic parame-
ters. The heat dependence of the rate constants of antho-
cyanin degradation was represented by Arrhenius equa-
tion on the basis of linear regression analysis of natural
logarithms of rate constant against reciprocal absolute
temperature 1/T in Kelvin (Fig. 4). Activation energies
for anthocyanin degradation in juice samples and con-
centrate in the range of 20–40 °C were calculated as
56.48 and 49.75 kJ mol−1, respectively (Table 2). Previ-
ous studies showed that thermal degradation of anthocy-
anins in different fruits and fruit juices followed first-
order reaction kinetics (Ochoa et al. 1999; Garzon and
Wrolstad 2002; Wang and Xu 2007).
The Q10 values of black mulberry juice determined at the
Fig. 2 Monomeric anthocyanin degradation of black mulberry juice temperature ranges of 20–30 and 30–40 °C were 2.02 and
during storage at different temperatures 2.17, respectively, whereas these values for concentrates were
Food Bioprocess Technol

Table 1 The variation of total monomeric anthocyanin content of black mulberry juice and concentrate during storage at different temperatures

Black mulberry Storage (month) Temperature (°C)

5 20 30 40

Juice (mg cy-3-glu/L) 0 23.38±0.17 A a 23.13±0.09 A A 23.29±0.26 A a 23.13±0.25 A a

1 22.88±0.17 A a 22.92±0.04 A A 22.17±0.29 B b 20.25±0.29 C b
2 23.26±0.13 A a 23.21±0.17 A A 18.08±0.13 B c 16.87±0.09 C c
3 23.09±0.13 A a 22.71±0.25 A A 16.53±0.25 B d 15.32±0.29 C d
4 23.59±0.04 A a 21.38±0.26 B B 16.33±0.13 C de 12.65±0.13 D e
5 23.01±0.13 A a 20.37±0.25 B B 15.74±0.04 C e 8.64±0.04 D f
6 23.00±0.21 A a 19.96±0.00 B B 13.74±0.30 C f 8.19±0.09 D f
7 23.55±0.00 A a 18.25±0.13 B B 13.28±0.17 C f 7.39±0.04 D g
8 22.92±0.04 A a 16.70±0.00 B B 11.86±0.00 C g 5.89±0.05 D h
Concentrate (mg cy-3-glu/kg) 0 234.84±1.82 A ab 235.86±4.10 A a 233.96±1.66 A a 235.00±0.81 A a
1 235.89±0.41 A ab 195.59±1.65 B b 165.51±1.24 C b 122.38±0.41 D b
2 233.43±0.41 A b 175.45±4.52 B c 118.64±0.83 C c 82.53±1.22 D c
3 237.54±0.41 A ab 152.03±3.29 B d 99.56±2.49 C d 41.06±2.85 D d
4 249.70±13.9 A a 153.66±0.36 B d 48.56±0.91 C fg 18.30±1.22 D f
5 235.29±0.51 A ab 123.54±2.13 B e 59.26±0.11 C e 26.88±0.89 D e
6 232.39±1.75 A b 109.61±3.58 B f 50.20±0.91 C f 17.11±0.87 D f
7 232.16±2.03 A b 102.22±1.37 B f 42.80±0.08 C g 7.33±0.02 D g
8 231.88±0.97 A b 76.70±1.38 B g 25.20±1.32 C h 4.42±0.55 D h

Significant differences between sample means were assessed by Duncan multiple test. Means within a line followed by different upper case letters are
significantly different (p<0.01). Means within a column followed by different lower case letters are significantly different (p<0.01)

found as 2.01 and 1.84, respectively. This means that a 10 °C values, anthocyanins in concentrates are decomposed more
increase in the temperature results in an increase approximate- quickly. Wang and Xu (2007) reported that anthocyanins in
ly two times in the rate of anthocyanin degradation in juice the 65.0°Bx blackberry juice concentrate degraded more
and concentrate samples. rapidly than that of 8.90°Bx blackberry juice, with the
The t1/2 values for anthocyanin degradation at 20°, 30°, activation energies of 65.06 and 75.5 kJ mol−1, respectively.
and 40 °C were calculated as 17.4, 8.6, and 4 months The degradation of anthocyanins in raspberry pulp
respectively for juice samples and 5.5, 2.7 and 1.5 months followed by a first-order reaction and the value of activa-
respectively for concentrate samples. According to t1/2 tion energy was reported as 12.45 kcal mol−1 (Ochoa et al.
1999). Garzon and Wrolstad (2002) showed that the t1/2
values for anthocyanin degradation in strawberry juice and
concentrate at 25 °C were 8 and 4 days, respectively.

Hydroxymethylfurfural Formation

HMF content of both black mulberry juice and concentrate

increased significantly (p<0.01) with temperature and storage
time (Table 3). HMF contents of black mulberry juice
increased from initial values of 45.7, 45.85, 45.7, and 45.99
to 46.96, 57.2, 76.34, and 124.41 mg L−1 at the end of storage
time at 5, 20, 30, and 40 °C, respectively. There was a
significant increase (p<0.01) of HMF in black mulberry juice
at the end of 8 months storage at all temperatures except at
5 °C. At the beginning of storage, HMF contents of black
Fig. 4 Arrhenius plots for anthocyanin degradation and HMF formation mulberry concentrate were 93.22, 93.28, 94.69, and
of black mulberry juice and concentrate 93.21 mg kg−1 at 5, 20, 30, and 40 °C, respectively. After
Food Bioprocess Technol

Table 2 Kinetic parameters of

anthocyanin degradation and Parameters Black mulberry Temperature Rate constant Activation energy
HMF formation in black mulberry (°C) (k) (kJ mol−1)
juice and concentrate during
storage Anthocyanin (first-order reaction) Juice 20 0.0173 (0.8815) 56.48
30 0.0350 (0.9594)
40 0.0761 (0.9814)
Concentrate 20 0.0549 (0.9726) 49.75
30 0.1101 (0.9356)
40 0.2021(0.9581)
HMF (zero-order reaction) Juice 20 1.3852 (0.8601) 75.70
30 3.7042 (0.9351)
40 10.080 (0.9851)
Concentrate 20 9.6904 (0.8184) 104.11
30 38.212 (0.9485)
The values within the parentheses 40 148.42 (0.9898)
are determination coefficients

8 months storage, HMF contents of these samples were found Activation energies for HMF formation in black mulberry
as 93.28, 177.44, 369.65, and 1,215.70 mg kg−1, respectively. juice and concentrates in the range of 20–40 °C were calcu-
HMF formation in the black mulberry juice and con- lated as 75.70 and 104.11 kJ mol−1, respectively (Table 2).
centrate fitted well to the zero-order reaction kinetics. Various researchers had been studied on kinetics of HMF
Zero- (Burdurlu et al. 2006), first- (Sancho et al. 1992), formation in foods and big variations were observed in acti-
and second-order (Shallenberger and Mattick 1983) vation energies. For example, activation energy for HMF in
kinetic models were also reported for HMF accumulation carob pekmez was reported as 114.87 kJ mol−1 in the
in foods. temperarture range of 5–45 °C (Özhan et al. 2010), whereas
The heat dependence of the rate constants of HMF forma- it was determined as 28–39.6 kcal mol−1 in apple juice model
tion was represented by the Arrhenius equation (Fig. 4). solution (Resnik and Chirife 1979).

Table 3 The variation of HMF content of black mulberry juice and concentrate during storage at different temperatures

Black mulberry Storage (month) Temperature (°C)

5 20 30 40

Juice (mg HMF/L) 0 45.70±0.00 A a 45.85±0.15 A g 45.70±0.60 A h 46.00±0.30 A ı

1 46.59±0.30 C a 47.40±0.37 C ef 48.82±0.60 B g 51.26±0.52 A h
2 45.85±0.15 C a 46.59±0.30 C fg 49.56±0.15 B g 61.20±0.52 A g
3 45.77±0.22 C a 46.29±0.15 C fg 53.34±0.08 B f 71.36±0.00 A f
4 46.37±0.23 D a 48.15±0.23 C e 54.97±0.37 B e 80.94±0.67 A e
5 46.29±0.15 D a 50.15±0.30 C d 59.94±0.15 B d 87.83±0.00 A d
6 46.22±0.08 D a 52.16±0.08 C c 61.72±0.30 B c 98.29±0.52 A c
7 46.29±0.15 D a 54.97±0.07 C b 71.74±0.23 B b 118.10±0.30 A b
8 46.96±0.08 D a 57.20±0.38 C a 76.34±0.23 B a 124.41±0.08 A a
Concentrate (mg HMF/kg) 0 93.22±1.48 A a 93.29±1.48 A d 94.69±2.96 A i 93.21±4.44 A i
1 92.48±0.74 C a 94.03±0.74 C d 116.88±1.48 B h 247.08±4.44 A h
2 93.00±0.76 C a 95.47±0.46 C d 176.11±2.64 B g 360.29±7.31 A g
3 93.68±1.50 C a 95.82±0.17 C d 206.72±0.12 B f 508.13±4.96 A f
4 94.03±0.84 C a 99.57±0.26 C d 287.64±3.96 B e 751.30±2.06 A e
5 93.52±1.66 D a 111.98±1.65 C c 326.72±0.39 B d 873.50±1.09 A d
6 93.52±1.66 D a 131.87±0.95 C b 348.75±1.20 B c 989.94±4.37 A c
7 94.03±0.84 D a 159.31±0.71 C a 359.40±2.19 B b 1,177.2±1.55 A b
8 93.29±1.57 D a 167.44±3.01 C a 369.65±2.23 B a 1,215.7±4.41 A a

Means within a line followed by different upper case letters are significantly different (p<0.01). Means within a column followed by different lower case
letters are significantly different (p<0.01)
Food Bioprocess Technol

Table 4 The variation of antioxidant activity of black mulberry juice and concentrate during storage at different temperatures

Black mulberry Storage (month) Temperature (°C)

5 20 30 40

Juice (μmol TE/100 mL) 0 336.24±0.00 A a 337.12±0.00 A a 337.27±0.00 A a 336.64±0.00 A a

1 336.25±0.09 A a 334.70±0.94 A ab 335.04±1.72 A a 326.81±0.75 B b
2 336.56±0.11 A a 335.93±0.32 A ab 328.94±0.70 B b 321.78±0.66 C c
3 337.24±0.67 A a 332.39±1.62 B abc 325.68±1.03 C bc 313.77±0.42 D d
4 336.00±0.68 A a 331.37±0.56 B bc 323.89±1.19 C c 307.15±2.10 D e
5 334.75±0.96 A a 329.07±1.69 B c 318.99±0.39 C d 300.66±1.39 D f
6 332.69±1.20 A a 327.61±1.14 B c 314.05±0.75 C e 293.92±1.36 D g
7 333.32±1.91 A a 320.26±3.69 B d 301.89±0.69 C f 288.63±0.86 D h
8 319.88±0.76 A b 312.37±0.84 B e 298.37±0.93 C f 282.73±1.36 D ı
Concentrate (μmol TE/100 g) 0 3,099.4±0.00 A a 3,094.1±0.00 A a 3,086.9±0.00 A a 3,101.6±0.00 A a
1 3,083.4±1.59 A a 3,062.8±3.87 A a 3,033.4±2.26 A a 2,960.9±9.49 B a
2 3,076.4±16.1 A a 3,048.1±9.27 A a 2,966.3±16.5 B b 2,843.4±10.1 C b
3 3,053.9±15.2 A ab 2,983.9±32.7 B b 2,883.1±0.02 C c 2,690.3±8.94 D c
4 3,050.5±21.9 A ab 2,901.7±2.14 B c 2,753.2±1.96 C d 2,567.2±5.11 D d
5 3,036.2±10.4 A ab 2,842.3±2.40 B c 2,666.0±26.3 C e 2,428.5±31.0 D e
6 2,993.7±1.23 A bc 2,751.6±42.0 B d 2,578.3±8.89 C f 2,304.3±10.4 D f
7 2,949.5±5.71 A c 2,639.8±12.9 B e 2,434.8±1.24 C g 2,172.7±6.90 D g
8 2,960.8±9.72 A c 2,580.7±29.9 B e 2,313.5±13.3 C h 2,060.4±1.47 D h

Means within a line followed by different upper case letters are significantly different (p<0.01). Means within a column followed by different lower case
letters are significantly different (p<0.01)

The Q10 values of black mulberry juice for HMF deter- storage. Klimczak et al. (2007) found that antioxidant
mined at the temperature ranges of 20°–30 and 30°–40 °C activity measured by ferric reducing ability of plasma
were 2.74 and 2.65, whereas these values for concentrate (FRAP) assay of orange juice stored at 18, 28, and
were 4.03 and 3.93, respectively. It is pointed out that the 38 °C decreased 23, 34, and 57 %, respectively at the
rate of HMF formation in concentrate samples increased end of storage.
4.03 times when the temperature increased from 20 to
30 °C.
Correlations Among Antioxidant Activity, Monomeric
Antioxidant Activity Anthocyanin Content, and HMF

The significant decrease (p<0.01) in the antioxidant activ- Antioxidant activity in black mulberry juice and concentrate
ity of black mulberry juice and concentrate during storage was correlated with total monomeric anthocyanins (r=0.956,
at different temperatures and times is shown in Table 4. r=0.886, respectively, p<0.01) during storage. The correla-
The initial value of the antioxidant activity in black mul- tion coefficient, among total monomeric anthocyanin, TEAC
berry juice was 336.24, 337.12, 337.27, and 336.64 μmol and FRAP were reported to be significant (p<0.05) for
TE 100 mL−1 at temperatures of 5°, 20°, 30° and 40 °C M. nigra accessions (Özgen et al. 2009). Significant negative
respectively, and in concentrates it was found as 3,099.4, correlations were found between HMF and total monomeric
3,094.1, 3,086.9, and 3,101.6 μmol TE 100 g−1, respec- anthocyanin in black mulberry juice and concentrate, respec-
tively. The loss of antioxidant activity of black mulberry tively (r=−0.928, −0.759, p<0.01) which indicates decompo-
juice and concentrate during storage at 5, 20, 30, and sition of anthocyanins coincide with the chemical browning
40 °C were in the ranges of 4.87–16.01 and 4.47– reactions. In addition, significant negative correlations were
33.57 %, respectively. The loss of antioxidant activity also found between antioxidant activity and HMF (r=−0.835
was also reported by some investigations (Klimczak for juice, r=−0.860 for concentrate, p<0.01). This negative
et al. 2007; Koca and Karadeniz 2008). Koca and correlation may be attributed to the loss of anthocyanins
Karadeniz (2008) showed that the antioxidant activity of which are the main compounds responsible for antioxidant
carrot was reduced by 31 % during 6 months of cold activity in fruits.
Food Bioprocess Technol

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