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Quarter 4 – Module 4

Listening Comprehension

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Predicting what is to follow after a segment of a text listened to
What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will learn how to predict what is to follow after a segment of a text
listened to. You will also be given varied activities in order to master your listening
comprehension skill.

What’s New

Activity 1: Picture analysis

Directions: Study the series of pictures below.

What Is It

Prediction is a strategy in which readers use information from a text (including

titles, headings, pictures, and diagrams) and their own personal experiences to
anticipate what they are about to read (or what comes next).

Making predictions is a basic reading skill that requires higher level thinking.
To make a good prediction, readers must consider available information and make
an inference. Good readers make predictions based on textual evidence.

Story clues + your experience = PREDICTION

You can make a prediction when you use clues from the story, together with
what you know from your own experiences, to figure out what will happen next.

Jane loved biking. She had biked in all kinds of weather. She had been
planning this bike trip for weeks. Today is going to be great. She woke up early and
looked out the window. It was raining!

What would be your prediction?

Prediction Clues Experience

Jane will still go on She had biked in all kinds of When you really love to do
the trip anyway. weather. something, you won’t let a
little rain stops you.

What’s More
Activity 2: Try this!

Kervin always had trouble getting up in the morning. His mother usually had
to call him at least twice. He’d already been late for school three times this month.
His mom had already called him once and now headed up to his room and knocked
on the door. When he didn’t respond she walked in and found him deeply asleep.

What would be your prediction?

Prediction Clues Experience
What I Have Learned
Activity 3: Test Time!

Directions: Write your prediction after each sentence below.

1. The children did not wash their hands before eating.

What do you think will happen?

2. Mia forgot her notebooks and books at school. The schedule of her exam will be
What do you think will happen?

3. The day was bright. The sun was up. Everybody was busy preparing food. The
people were expecting a…
What do you think will happen?

What I Can Do

Activity 4: Let’s watch and predict!

Watch this short video clip from

Youtube and answer the questions below.

1. What is the video clip all about?

2. What will happen when Sunny sees that her awards are scattered on the floor?
Raising questions about the text listened
2 to

What’s In

In in the previous lesson, you have learned predicting what is to follow after a
segment of a text listened to.

What’s New
Activity 1: Study the picture!
Directions: Study the picture below and ask at least two questions about the


2. _
What Is It

Why is important to ask question BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER reading or

listening to a material viewed or listened to?

It activates prior knowledge or stock knowledge of the reader or listener. It
sets the purpose for reading. Asking questions before reading is like predicting on
what the text all about.


It activates your knowledge about the material that you read. To verify that we
understand what we are reading.

It provides the readers the opportunity to summarize, reflect, discuss, and
respond to the text better.

What’s More
Activity 2: Let’s do some practice!
Directions: Study again the picture in activity 1. Write your prediction,
inference, and summary or overall thought about the picture. Write your
answer on the table provided below.

I predict that… I can infer that… Therefore to summarize…

Lesson Information from the text Listened to

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned to raise questions about the text
listened to.

What I Need to Know


Buckley (2004), in her popular writing text Fit to Print, defines summarizing as
reducing text to one-third or one-quarter its original size, clearly articulating the
author’s meaning, and retaining main ideas.
The purpose of summarizing is to briefly present the key points of a theory or
work in order to provide context for your argument/thesis.

A text is anything that conveys a set of meanings to the person who examines
it. You might have thought that texts were limited to written materials, such as books,
magazines, newspapers, and ‘zines (an informal term for magazine that refers
especially to fanzines and webzines).

What’s New
Activity 1: Background Knowledge-Check
Directions: Assess your background knowledge on Singapore.
Check “Yes” or “No” on the table below.

Singapore Yes No
Singapore is a country in Southeast Asia.
It is an independent country that has only one city.
In 1975, they gained their independence and established their own
Over 20,000 companies from around the world have offices in
Tourism is another important area for Singapore's economy.

What Is It
In the activity above, you assessed your background knowledge of Singapore.
Now, you need to prepare yourself for the listening activity. Hence, understanding of
what is listening comprehension is important.

Listening comprehension is the precursor to reading comprehension, so it’s

an important skill to develop. Listening comprehension isn’t just hearing what is said
— it is the ability to understand the words and relate to them in some way.

For example, when you hear a story that is being read aloud, good listening
comprehension skills enable you to understand the story, remember it, discuss it, and
even retell it in your own words. You use these same comprehension skills when you

What’s More
Activity 2: Listen and Summarize

Directions: Prepare a pen and notebook or paper. Make sure to jot down important
details that will be mentioned as you watch and listen to the video.

Watch or access the video on ‘Singapore’ from:

search_query=singapore+4K+interesting+facts+ABOUT+S INGAPORE

Activity 3: Comprehension check!

1. How many official languages in Singapore?

2. Why Orchard Road is considered as the most travelled district?

3. Why there is no slum areas in Singapore?

What I Can do
Activity 4: Be Vigilant!

Directions: Listen or watch one (1) news from television or radio. Then, write
a summary of the specific news you have listened. Make sure to write the
name of the tv/radio station and reporter.



Date & Time:


Key to Answers

Lessons 1:

Activity 1 (possible answer) The ball cracks the window and enters the house.

Activity 2

Prediction Clues Experience

Kervin will be late again to his He didn’t respond when her He had trouble getting up in
class. mom knocked on the door and the morning and for a month
found him deeply asleep. he incurred 3 late.

Activity 3

1. Hands are dirty and there is a possibility of bacteria that will cause stomach ache.
2. She will get low scores in the test because she could not study her lessons.
3. There might be visitors to come for a certain occasion.

Lesson 2:

Activity 1 (possible answers)

1. How many have survived from the sinking of the ship?
2. What causes the ship sink?

Activity 2 (answers vary)

b 3:

Activity 1

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No
4. No
5. Yes

Activity 3

1. English, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, and Tamil.

2. (possible answer) It is where more than 5,000 establishments are located that offer great
lifestyle experiences. There are a lot of shopping malls where people can visit.
3. (possible answer) An estimate of 82% of the citizens of the country have government housing

Activity 4 (each learner will have different answers of the activity)

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