Business Management Exam

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Colegio Villa Rica- Clave 30PBH0169R Total Points 60

Bachillerato Ciclo Escolar 2019 - 2019 _____/60

Points obtained
Second Partial
Test Percentage 40%

Name: ____________________________________ Student's Grade on the Test _____

Subject: Business Management
Professor: Lic. Adriana Acosta Nunn
Grade VI group(circle one): EA 1a EA 1b Final Grade ________
Date: May 7, 2019
1.- Carefully read instructions
2.- Before handing in your test, review your answers one last time.
3.- In order to go over your test with the professor, you must use blue or black ink
4.- Watch your grammar

ACTIVITY I VALUE 1 Point each TOTAL 5 points.

Analyze the following sentences and underline the correct answer
1.- Part of the process where deviations are corrected.
A) Direction B) Control C) Planning D) Organizing

2.- He states that the objective of the control process is to make sure that events go according with
established plans.
A) Elton Mayo B) Frederick Taylor C) Burt K. Scanlan D) Peter Druck

3.- This step is perceived as a method that pressures the members of an organization.
A) Management B) Control C) Planning D) Organizing

4. This is an element of control

A) Establish corrective measures B) Centralization C) Departmentalization D) Planning Techniques

5.- Control is important because:

A) It gives you authority B) Defines an organization C) Reduces costs, saves time D) It is authoritarian

ACTIVITY II VALUE 1 Point each TOTAL 6 points.

Choose from the following. Write the complete answer on the line.

Principle of exception Principle of equilibrium Principle of opportunity

Principle of affordability Principle of the controlled function Principle of deviations
Principle of standards

1. - For control to be efficient it needs to be opportune. It must be applied before a mistake is made.
2. – An equal degree of responsibility and authority should be given to each of the groups.
3. - Control won't be valid if it’s not founded on objectives or if achievements are not evaluated.
4. - Establishing a system of control must justify the cost that this represents in time and money
with relation to the advantages that it reports. ____________________________________________
5. - Control must be applied, preferably on exceptional or representative activities with the
objective of reducing costs and time and properly identifying which strategic functions require
control. ____________________________________________
6. - All deviations that occur with relation to the plans must be analyzed in detail. Identification of
the causes originating the deviations permit the pertinent preventive measures to take place.

ACTIVITY III VALUE 2 points each TOTAL 12 points.

Write the number of the author that matches the definition.

123 Robert Eckles 765 George Terry 987 Henry Fayol

876 Koontz and O´Donell 654 Robert Buceele 546 Robert Appleby

Concepts of Control Number

Control is the process to determine what is being done, evaluate what is

being done and if necessary apply corrective measures in order to have
performance comply to what was planned.

Control consists of measuring and correcting what is being done by

subordinates. It also includes the company's objectives and plans to
reach their goals in order to make sure they are being met both
efficiently and economically.

Control implicates the measurement of what has been achieved with the
standard, and correction of deviations.

Control is the process of measuring the current results with relation to

the plans.

Control is in charge of making sure that everything occurs according to

the chosen plan, with the instructions that were emitted and established
as principles.

Control is the regulation of activities, of conformity with a preset plan

created to reach objectives.


According to the Sales budget formula, explain each one of its elements.

PV= ( ( V +- F) E) A

V (1 points)

F (3 points)

E (2 points)

A (2 points)

Calculate the sales budget with the following information. (12 points)

V= 850,000

F = a -3.5%
b 4.8%
c - 4.05%

E= 2.05%

A= -4.02%


Draw the control process diagram:


In each one of the steps, of the control process diagram, write an example that would apply to your
product for your final project. Indicate the step and then the example.


Name 3 types of power.

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