The Story of Chicken Licken - Print - Quizizz

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06/11/2020 The story of Chicken Licken | Print - Quizizz


The story of Chicken Licken
10 Questions

1. Where is Chicken Licken at the beginning of the story?

a) in the farmyard b) in the house

c) in the palace d) in the sky

2. What falls on Chicken Licken's head?

a) a bone b) a nut
c) a tree d) a stone

3. Who does Chicken Licken meet rst?

a) Foxy Loxy b) Henny Penny

c) Ducky Lucky d) Goosey Loosey

4. Where do they want to go?

a) London b) Pilisvörösvár
c) Paris d) New York

5. How many children does Foxy Loxy have?

a) one b) two
c) three d) four

6. Foxy Loxy takes Chicken Licken and his friends to his...

a) tent b) house
c) den d) friend

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06/11/2020 The story of Chicken Licken | Print - Quizizz

7. Chicken Licken meets...

a) a bear, a duck, a goose and a hen b) a hen, a duck, a goose and a monkey
c) a hen, a cock, a goose and a fox d) a hen, a duck, a goose and a fox

8. What is Chicken Licken always saying?

a) The sky is falling down. b) The king is coming down.

c) The sky is coming down. d) The fox is coming fast.

9. Foxy Loxy is very...

a) helpful b) tired

c) sad d) sly

10. Chicken Licken is really...

a) smart b) silly

c) fast d) tall 2/3
06/11/2020 The story of Chicken Licken | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. a 4. a 7. d 10. b
2. b 5. b 8. a
3. b 6. c 9. d 3/3

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