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Focus : Listening and speaking

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 9. Our Solar System
Content Standards: 1.2
Learning Standards: 1.2.2
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. give instructions from and to certain places with guidance.
DAY Teaching Aids : textbook, task sheet.
CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences.
Activities :
a. Pre listening:
1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils to name a few planets in our solar
DATE system.
2. Ask pupils to look the map. (TB page 84)
3. Get the pupils to talk about the places in the map.
 Where can you find cold weather plants?
Subject  What can you see in Venus Garden?
English  Have you been to a planetarium before?
 What can you normally see or do in a planetarium?
4. Introduce directions to pupils by showing directions flashcards.
5. Tell pupils that we can use these directions to give instructions to get from
and to certain places.
Class 6. Give example by reading Mr. Ramesh’s instructions to Nurul and her friends
Year 4 to get from the Planetarium to the Mars Garden.
b. While listening:
1. Get the pupils to work in groups.
2. Pupils give instructions to Nurul and her friends to get from:
 Venus Garden to Saturn Garden
TIME  Saturn Garden to Earth Garden
 The Planetarium to Neptune Garden
3. Encourage pupils to write the instructions on a piece of paper for group
(60 minutes) presentation later.
4. For pupils with low proficiency, teacher may get the pupils to use speaking
cards and get them to fill in the blanks accordingly.
5. Guide pupils from group to group if necessary.
c. Post listening:
1. Teacher randomly calls a few group leaders to give instructions to get to
the places in the previous activity.
2. Other pupils listened carefully and check whether the group leaders’
instructions are correct or not.
3. Teacher and peers give feedbacks.
4. Make corrections if necessary.
5. Get the pupils to write the instructions into their exercise books.
d. Closure:
1. Sum up the lesson by asking pupils to give instructions from their
classroom to the staff room.

Attendance: Reflection:

____ out of ___ a. ______ out of ___ pupils were able to give instructions from and to
Absent: certain places with guidances.
Question and answer cards

Venus Garden to Saturn Garden

From the Venus Garden to the Saturn Garden, you have to

_______________ . You will reach a __________________ and you will

see a sun dial on your left. Turn right. Go straight on until you reach

another junction. ________________________ . You will pass a fountain

on your left. You will reach a junction at ____________________ of the

road. _____________________________ . You will be able to see the

Saturn Garden at the end of the path.

the end Saturnon.Garden go

Go straight tostraight
Earth Garden
Turn right. junction

From the Saturn Garden to the Earth Garden, you have to

_______________ . You will reach a __________________ .

______________________ . You will pass a fountain on your right. Go

straight on until you reach another junction.

________________________ . You will be able to see the Earth Garden

__________________________ .
The Planetarium to Neptune Garden

Turn left. at the end of the path go straight junction Turn right.
From the Planetarium to the Neptune Garden, you have to

_____________________ . Turn left. You will pass ________________

on your right and ________________ on your left . Go straight on until you

reach a junction. ________________________ and Venus Garden is on

your left. You will be able to see Neptune Garden at the


Uranus end of the

walk through an arch rose bushes Turn right.
Garden path
Focus : Reading
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: 9. Our Solar System.
Content Standards: 2.2
Learning Standards: 2.2.2(b)
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. identify correctly at least 4 out of 5 true or false statements.
b. complete the table correctly on rockets using information from the
passage read.
DAY Teaching Aids: textbook, task sheet, pictures.
CCE/EE: Thinking skills.
Activities :
DATE a. Pre reading:
1. Teacher shows a few pictures of rockets.
2. Teacher gets the pupils to talk about rockets.
Subject 3. Prompt questions pertaining to the pictures.
English Examples:
 Have you seen a rocket before?
Class  Is it big?
Year 4  Is it fast?
 Does our country have a rocket?
TIME b. While reading:
1. Get the pupils to read the text aloud. (TB page 86 or refer to power point
(60 minutes) slides)
2. Ask a few questions orally to check understanding.
 What is a rocket?
 What is the famous space telescope?
 What is a space station?
 Where do astronauts live?
3. Pupils get into groups.
4. Distribute task sheet to each group.
5. Pupils use the information from the passage to complete the table.
6. When all the groups are done, they take turns to present their completed
tables to the class.
7. Check their answers and provide feedback.
c. Post reading:
1. Pupils work with the same group.
2. Distribute task sheet to each group.
3. Pupils read identify and true or false statements.
4. Discuss answers with pupils.
d. Closure:
1. Get the pupils to name a few occupations related to rocket.
Examples: astronaut, engineer, scientist, technician
2. Write pupils’ answers on the board in bubble map form

Attendance: Reflection:
___ out of ___ a. _________ out of ____ pupils were able to read and understand the
Absent: story by identifying correctly at least 4 out of 5 true or false
b. _________ out of ____ pupils were able to complete the table
correctly on rockets using information from the passage read.
Space Station:
Telescope: Rockets are
Complete the table
Launched to launch:
in separate partsofand using
 ____________________ things in.
information from
 Useful
space. for __________________ and.
the text.
 _________________________
Astronauts live on________________
The most famous _______________

 Can
for long
be used
_____________to of
is time.
the Hubble.
__________________ .
State True or False.

1. A rocket takes photos of things in space.

2. A satellite is used to forecast weather.

3. A space station is launched as one complete piece.

4. A space telescope is used to launch a rocket into space.

5. Astronauts live on space stations.

Complete the bubble map below on occupations that are related to rockets.

Focus : Writing

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 9. Our Solar System

Content Standards: 3.1, 3.3

Learning Standards: 3.3.1(b)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
a. Create a power point slides on Venus.
DATE b. Complete the double bubble map on similarities and differences of the
planets Mars and Venus.

Subject Teaching Aids : text book, task sheet, computer, power point slides.
CCE/EE: Creativity and innovation, ICT skills, I-think.
Year 4 Activities :

TIME a. Pre writing:

1. Get the pupils to look at Kim Seng’s power point presentation on planet
(60 minutes) Mars. (TB page 89)
2. Ask a few questions orally to check understanding.
3. Tell pupils that we can do presentations using PowerPoint application.
4. Show them the steps to make a power point presentation.

b. While writing:
1. Divide pupils into groups.
2. Tell pupils that they are going to create a power point presentation on Venus.
3. In groups, pupils discuss what they are going to write in the power point
presentation. Pupils may refer to TB page 87 and 88.
4. Guide pupils to create power point presentation on Venus.
********* for schools with no ICT facilities, please change the activity to
creating a poster on Venus.

c. Post writing:
1. Get each group to show their power point presentation to the class. (use LCD
2. Teacher and peers give feedbacks.

d. Closure:
1. Get the pupils to think of similarities and differences between the planets
Mars and Venus.
2. Write pupils’ responses on the board in double bubble map form.

Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ____ a. _____ out of ____ pupils create a power point slides on Venus.
b. _____ out of ____ pupils complete the double bubble map on
similarities and differences of the planets Mars and Venus.
Venus Sample
1. Venus is the second planet from the sun.
2. The nearest planet to Earth is Venus.
3. The temperature during the day is so hot that metal can melt.
4. Thick clouds cover the surface of Venus.
5. Venus spins slowly.
What are the similarities and differences between the planets Mars and Venus? Complete the double bubble map below.
Suggested Answers


 Planet in the solar system

 Next to Earth


 Mars:
 Half the size of Earth
 Fourth planet from the Sun
 named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty

 Venus:
 Almost the same size as Earth
 Second planet from the Sun
 named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty
Focus : Grammar
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic:9. Our Solar System
Content Standards: 5.1
Learning Standards: 5.1.5 (a)(b)(e)
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
a. complete sentences using ‘above’, ‘below’, and ‘between’ based on the
DAY pictures given.
b. write sentences using ‘above’, ‘below’, and ‘between’ based on the pictures
DATE Teaching Aids: text book, power point slides, task sheet, pictures.
CCE/EE: Thinking skills, multiple intelligences.
Activities :
Subject a. Presentation:
English 1. Recap previous lesson on prepositions by asking pupils to name 3
prepositions that they have learnt.
Class 2. Explain the usage and examples of prepositions on power point slides.
Year 4 3. Show pupils a composite picture.
4. Lead pupils to talk about the picture using the prepositions.
TIME 5. Write down all sentences on the board.
b. Practice:
(60 minutes) 1. Get the pupils to work in pairs.
2. Distribute task sheet to each pair.
3. Get the pupils to talk about the picture.
4. In pairs, pupils complete the sentences using above, below, and between.
5. Check and confirm answers with pupils.
c. Production:
1. Pupils work individually.
2. Distribute task sheet to each pupil.
3. Pupils write two sentences for each prepositions.
4. Guide pupils in their writing.
5. Teacher randomly calls a few pupils to read their sentences to the class.
6. Discuss and check pupils’ answers.
d. Closure:
1. Teacher chooses one pupil.
2. Get the pupils to stand or sit at certain places.
 Between pupil A and B
 Above the classroom mat
 Below the teacher’s table
3. Pupils will tell where their friends are using the prepositions above, below,
and between.
Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ____
a. ____ out of ___ pupils were able to complete sentences using ‘above’,
Absent: ‘below’, and ‘between’ based on the pictures given.

b. ____ out of ___ pupils were able to write sentences using ‘above’,
‘below’, and ‘between’ based on the pictures given.
Talk about the picture.

Complete the sentences using ‘above’, ‘below’, and ‘between’.

1. There is a space shuttle model ___________________ the solar system mobile.

2. The solar system mobile is ___________________ the globe.

3. A painting on the Moon is ___________________ the bookshelf.

4. A book on Venus is ___________________ a book on Mars and a book on Uranus.

5. There is a carpet ___________________ the table.

6. The Earth poster ___________________ is the Saturn poster and the painting of the

Look at the picture.

Write sentences using the prepostions given.

1. above

a. __________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________

2. below

a. __________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________

2. between

a. __________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________
Suggested answers:

1a. There is a big picture above the bed.

1b. There are some model planet hanging above the bed.

2a. The bed is below the ceiling.

2b. The ceiling lamp is below the ceiling.

3a. The table lamp is between the vase nad the books.

3b. The flower vase is between the bed and the cabinet.
Focus : Language Art
Theme: World of Stories
Topic: 9. Our Solar System (The Jungle Book)
Content Standard: 4.2
DAY Learning Standards: 4.2.1(a)
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. talk about the characters in the story by answering questions.
DATE b. complete the chart given.
Teaching Aids: task sheet, pictures, The Jungle Book story book.
CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, thinking skills.
Activities :
Subject a. Presentation:
English 1. Teacher recap previous lesson on chapter 1 by asking questions.
 Can you name the characters in the story?
 Who is the enemy to the pack of wolves?
Class  Who wanted Mowgli to stay with the wolf-family?
Year 4 2. Get the pupils to read the second chapter silently.
3. Ask a few questions orally pertaining to the characters in the chapter.
 What did Mowgli learn several years after joining the pack?
TIME  Who taught Mowgli and his wolf brothers the law of the jungle?
 Who taught Mowgli to hunt with a knife?
 Why did Baloo refuse to teach Mowgli about the monkeys?
(60 minutes)  Why did the monkey become angry?
b. Practise:
1. Get the pupils to work in groups.
2. Distribute task sheet to each group.
3. Pupils discuss and complete the task sheet given.
4. Discuss and check pupils’ answers.
c. Production:
1. In the same groups, pupils choose their favourite character in the chapter.
2. Ask pupils to give reasons.
3. Invite group leaders to present their answers to the class.
4. Teacher and peers give feedback.
d. Closure: (HOTS)
1. Give this question to the pupils.
2. Question: What kind of life would you choose, the life of a wolf, a monkey
or a human being?
3. Pupils give reasons for their choice in simple sentences.
4. Guide pupils if necessary.
1. Pupils work individually.
2. Distribute task sheet to pupils.
3. Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct words.
4. Discuss and check pupils’ answers.

Attendance: Reflection:
___ out of ___ 1. _____ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about the characters in the
Absent: story.

2. _____ out of ___ pupils were able to complete the chart given.
Complete the chart below.

What do they do in
Characters Who are they?
this chapter?

They ______________
Friends of Mowgli __________________

Animals who are called They capture Mowgli

__________________ and take him away.

He _______________
An old _____________
of Baloo.

What do they do in
Characters Who are they?
this chapter?

They teach him how to

Friends of Mowgli become a member of
the wolf-family.

Animals who are called They capture Mowgli

Monkey People. and take him away.

He rescues Mowgli from

An old friend of Baloo.
the monkeys.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

jungle hunt Mowgli

Cold Lairs monkeys

Several years later, the boy named __________________ , grows

to be a strong boy and adapts the jungle life well. He learns to

_________________ as well as the laws of the ________________ . One

day, a troop of ____________________ kidnap him and put him in the

__________________ . His good friends, Baloo, Bagheera and Kaa manage to

free him.

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