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TAHUN AJARAN 20../20..

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : V (Lima)
Hari / Tanggal : …………………..
Waktu : …………………..

1. Tulislah namamu di sudut kanan atas!
2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti!
3. Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal yang kamu anggap paling mudah!
4. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum kamu serahkan kepada Bapak / Ibu Guru!

A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b,c atau d didepan jawaban yang
benar !

Text to number 1 – 5

Mr. Joko have a big house. His house has many rooms. There are five bedrooms and three
bathroom. Mr. Joko also have a large kitchen, his wife very like to cooks in the kitchen. His
wife name is Mrs. Diana. In the living room, there is a big table, ten chairs and big LCD TV.
Mr. Joko’s familys often spend their times in the living room. In the front of house, there is a
big garden. There are much plants and flower in the garden. Because Mr. Joko and his wife
like gardening.

1. Mrs. Diana is Mr. Joko’s ....

a. Son
b. Daughter
c. Wife
d. Husband

2. Mr. Joko’s house has ..... bedrooms

a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six

3. Mr. Joko’s wife like ....

a. Cooking
b. Living
c. Planting
d. Watching TV
4. Mr. Joko’s familys often spend their times in the ....
a. Kitchen
b. Bedrooms
c. Living room
d. Garden

5. There are ten ..... In the living room

b. Table
c. Chair
d. Sofa

6. Mr. Joko and Mrs. Diana like ....

a. Swimming
b. Cooking
c. Reading
d. Gardening

7. A teacher work in the ....

a. Hospital
b. School
c. Field
d. Office

8. Who is work in the hospital ?

a. Policeman
b. Doctor
c. Entrepeneur
d. Postman

9. The chef is working in the .....

a. Restaurant
b. Hospital
c. School
d. Post office

10. My mother like sew the cloths. My mother is a ....

a. Sailor
b. Tailor
c. Farmer
d. Nurse

11. Kucing berada di atas meja. The english sentences is ....

a. The cat is on the table
b. The cat is under the table
c. The cat is behind the table
d. The cat is inside the table

12. Rika : “Do you like reading comic books?”

Sinta : “ .....”
The correct answer is ....
a. Yes, I do not
b. No, I do
c. Yes, I am not
d. No, I do not

13. Mr. Budi is my uncle. The indonesian sentences is ....

a. Pak Budi adalah ayahku
b. Pak Budi adalah kakekku
c. Pak budi adalah pamanku
d. Pak Budi adalah kakakku

Text to numbers 14 – 17

Riyan : “Hi Iqbal, do you know where I can find science books?”
Iqbal : “No, I do not. You must ask to shopkeeper.”
Riyan : “Ok, thank you.”
Dika  : “Hi, I am Dika. I am the shopkeeper in this bookstore. Can I help you?”
Riyan : “Yes, I wants to buy a science books. Where I can find it?”
Dika : “The science books at there. You can find it between drawing books and enclycopedia
books. There are many science books there.
Riyan : “Thank you for your informations”
Dika : “Youre welcome.”

14. Riyan and Iqbal are in the ....

a. Library
b. Bookstore
c. Classroom
d. School

15. Riyan wants to buy ....

a. Enclycopedia books
b. Math books
c. Science books
d. Drawing books

16. Dika is a ....

a. Student
b. Teacher
c. Shopkeeper
d. Waiter

17. Where Riyan can find the science books?

a. Between drawing books and enclycopedia books
b. between math books and enclycopedia books
c. Between novels and enclycopedia books
d. Between comic books and enclycopedia books


The girl can read many book in the ....

a. Fruitstore
b. Bookstore
c. Library
d. Playground

19. Putra has .... at 6.00 o’clock in the morning.

a. Lunch
b. Breakfast
c. Dinner
d. Fasting

20. Bagas : “Why you look so .... ?”

Santi : “Because I gets 4,5 score in this examinations. This is very bad.”
a. Happy
b. Fun
c. Laugh
d. Sad

21. Daughters – Five - has – Sony

The correct order is ....
a. Sony five has daughters
b. Sony has five daughters
c. Sony daughters has five
d. Sony has daughters five

22. Kamu terlihat begitu bahagia. The english sentences is ....

a. You look so laugh
b. You look so happy
c. You look so sad
d. You look so angry

23. Doni gets 8 score in the examinations tes, and Joko gets 7. Doni is more ..... than Joko.
a. Clever
b. Sad
c. Stupid
d. Funny

24. Riko is ..... boy, because he never learn at home. He always play game all day.
a. Diligent
b. Helpfull
c. Lazy
d. Persistent

25. Lukman : “I am happy, ....?”

Rosi : “Yes, you are.”
a. What you
b. Is you
c. Aren’t you
d. Do you


1. My mother is cooking in the ....

2. My uncle sends letter everyday. My uncle is a ....
3. The ..... go to sea everyday to work.
4. The mother of my father is my ....
5. Rina look so .... because she sick.
6. The students are playing football in the hall. ..... look very happy.
7. Mr. Anto receives his guest in the ....
8. My sister is having a toothache. My father is taking her to a ....
9. Ayuk always smile when she meet her friends. Ayuk is a ..... girl.
10. Mr. Joko and .....wife will build a newe house.


1. Arange the word to correct order!
a. Watching - televisi – the - is – Laela – in – living room
b. Aisyah – Jakarta – father - and - her – went - to
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................................

2. Translate into Indonesian language!

a. Andi gets ranking 1, because he always learn everyday.
b. Sinta very happy, because she wiil get a new cycle from her father
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................................

3. Translate into English language!

a. Rina adalah adik perempuanku dan Tito adalah kakak laki-lakiku.
b. Rumah Dika besar tetapi lantainya sangat kotor
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................................

4. Mention five rooms that you can find in the your house!
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................................

5. Write the name of the place where the following people work!
a. Farmer
b. Teacher
c. Postman
d. Pilot
e. Fisherman
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................................

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