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GS Paper-I (TS21E1013)

1. Answer: (a) tightened, a trend which remained

Explanation: conspicuous till the Crown directly took
The Regulating Act of 1773 provided for over the Government of India in 1858.
the establishment of a Supreme Court of The Act established the principle that the
Justice at Calcutta, to give justice to the Government of India be placed under the
Europeans, their employees and the Governor General and a Council of 3, so
citizens of Calcutta. that if only 1 member of the Council
Warren Hastings was the first Governor supported him, he could have his way.
General of Bengal. The Governor General was given a casting
The Regulating Act of 1773 did not work
smoothly in practice. Its defects and The Act clearly stated that the
weaknesses were exposed when it was Presidencies of Madras and Bombay
put to working. The supervision of the were to be subordinate to the
British government was ineffective. The Presidency of Bengal in all matters of
Governor General had to face the war, diplomatic relations and revenue.
opposition of his Council, who united The Government of India was to be
against him. He had no power to over-ride carried on till 1857, according to the
them, though in case of an equal division framework given in the Pitt's India Act.
he had a casting vote. Disunity of the Cornwallis, when appointed the Governor
Council prevented it from solving the General, insisted on having the power to
external and internal problems of serious over-ride his Council in important
nature. It had to often face deadlocks matters, such as safety, peace and
which impeded smooth working of the interests of the Crown in India.
administration. As per the Act of 1784, the offices of the
Governor General and the Commander-
2. Answer: (a) in-Chief were to be united in the same
The Pitt’s India Act of 1784 established a
Board of Control consisting of 6 3. Answer: (a)
Commissioners, including 2 Cabinet Explanation:
Ministers. The Board of Control was to The Charter Act of 1793: A regular code
guide and control the work of the Court of of all regulations that could be enacted
Directors and the Government of India. for the internal Government of the British
They were to control all matters of civil territory in Bengal was framed. The
and military Government of the British Regulation applied to the rights, persons
territories in India. A secret Committee, and properties of the Indian people and it
consisting of 3 Directors, was appointed bound the Courts to regulate their
to take the place of the Court of Directors decisions by the rules and regulations
in political and military matters. contained therein.
The Act laid the foundation of a The Act of 1793, thus, laid the foundation
centralized administration, a process of the government by the written laws
which reached its climax towards the and regulations in British India, in place
close of the 19th century. The Parliament's of the personal rule of the past rulers.
control over the East India Company was The interpretation of the regulations and

written laws was to be done by the territories in India. These laws were
Courts. The concepts of a civil law, applicable to all persons, British or
enacted by a secular human agency and Indian foreigners or others and to the
applied universally, was an important servants of the Company. They were
change. enforceable by all courts in India.
The Indians were not given positions The Act provided for the codification of
where they could share the influence laws in India. There were several types of
or authority. The Indians were laws before 1833. There were the English
excluded "to satisfy the demand of the Acts, Presidency Regulations, Hindu Law,
English men for lucrative jobs." Muslim Law, Customary Law etc.
The Company was deprived of its
4. Answer: (b) monopoly of trade with China. This act
Explanation: permitted the English to settle freely in
The Charter Act of 1813 renewed the
Company's Charter for 20 years, but it
asserted the sovereignty of the British 6. Answer: (d)
Crown over the Indian territories held by Explanation:
the Company. The Company was allowed The idea of a Constituent Assembly to
to have territorial possessions for another frame a Constitution for a country was
20 years. alien to the British imperial practice. It
The Company was deprived of its was first demanded by the Indian
monopoly of trade with India. It was National Congress in 1934. The Muslim
allowed to continue with its monopoly of League was opposed to it, because it
trade with China for 20 years. The Indian suspected that a Constituent Assembly,
trade was thrown open to all British elected by adult franchise, would be
merchants. dominated by the Congress, whom the
Under the Charter Act of 1833, the League considered to be a Hindu party.
Company was to have only the political
functions. The Indian possessions of the 7. Answer: (b)
Company were to be held in trust for the Explanation:
British Crown.
In January, 1946, there were elections to
the Provincial Legislatures. In March, the
5. Answer: (b) same year, a Committee of the British
Explanation: Cabinet, known as the Cabinet Mission,
The Charter Act of 1833: The Governor led by Sir Pethick-Lawrence, visited India
General of Bengal became the Governor to assess the Indian political situation
General of India. The Governor General in and frame a scheme for making a
Council was to control, superintend and Constitution for India. The Cabinet
direct the civil and military affairs of the Mission held a conference at Shimla to
Company. bring about an understanding among
Bombay, Bengal, Madras and other the major political parties, but failed
regions were subjected to complete to achieve it. As a result, the Mission
control of the Governor General in issued its own plan.
Council. The Central Government was to The Constituent Assembly: The plan
have complete control over raising of the made by the Cabinet Mission
revenues and expenditure. recommended for a Constituent
By the Act of 1833, the Governor General Assembly, consisting of the
in Council was given the power to representatives of all the major groups.
legislate for the whole of the British The Cabinet Mission thought that,

though the ideal way to form it would be communal way. According to that
through election on the basis of adult procedure, the Provinces would sit in
suffrage, there was no time left for that. three sections as determined by the
Earlier that year, the Provincial Mission. Two of such sections would be
Legislatures had been elected on the the Muslim-majority and the third section
basis of a limited franchise and would be the Hindu-majority. The Hindu-
communal electorates. The Cabinet majority section - Section A - would be
Mission proposed that the Constituent made up of the provinces of Madras,
Assembly be elected by those Provincial Bombay, the United Provinces (now Uttar
Assemblies. Pradesh: UP), Bihar, the Central Province
The Cabinet Mission held that, as the (now Madhya Pradesh: M.P) and Orissa.
Muslims were apprehensive of a unitary, Section B would comprise Punjab,
Hindu majority state, the Constitutional Baluchistan, the North-West Frontier
Structure should be Federal. The Province and Sind. Section C would be
Provinces should have maximum made up of Assam and Bengal. Assam
autonomy and the Central Government itself was not a Muslim-majority province.
should have minimum power, such as on But, Bengal and Assam together would be
foreign affairs, defence and a Muslim-majority section (Section C).
communication. The Union could raise The third extra-ordinary phenomenon
necessary financial resources required for was a partial application of the communal
the administration of such subjects. The veto. No decision on a major communal
Union would include not only the British issue could be taken in the Constituent
Indian Provinces, but also the Princely Assembly without a majority of the
States, so long under the paramount members of the two major communities
power of the British Government. All the (General and Muslim) agreeing to it. This
residual powers, i.e., the powers not given principle, however, would not apply to the
to the Union, would belong to the sections where a simple majority was
Provinces and the States. The Union enough to take any decision.
should have an Executive and a The fourth extraordinary phenomenon
Legislature, consisting of the was the formula that, once a section
representatives of the Provinces and the formed a Group Constitution, no Province
States. Any question raising a major would be free to withdraw from the group
communal issue in the Legislature should it was in. A Province could leave such a
require for its decision a majority of the group only after the first general election
representatives present and voting of held under the Group Constitution.
each of the two major communities, i.e.,
the Hindu and the Muslim. 8. Answer: (c)
The Cabinet Mission made an Explanation:
extraordinary proposal: 'The Provinces
In the Constituent Assembly, the
should be free to form groups with
Congress had an overwhelming majority.
Executives and Legislatures, and each
But, the Congress party had nominated
group could determine the provincial
several members from outside the party's
subjects to be taken in common'. This
fold. Many of them were legal experts and
would create a third-tier of the
leading legislators in the previous British
government, between the Union and
Indian Legislatures. Several brilliant
the Provinces hitherto unknown to the
officials of the British Indian Government,
Federal practice.
led by Sir Benegal Narsing Rau (Sir B.N.
The Cabinet Mission itself laid down a Rau), were drafted for the work of the
procedure for the Constituent Assembly Constituent Assembly. Experts from
that would necessarily create groups in a outside were frequently consulted.

Precedents of the foreign Constitutions statesmanship, as did some
were carefully studied. Congressmen, like K. Santhanam and
Sir B. N. Rau was one of the foremost T.T. Krishnamachari, whose association
Indian jurists of his time, who played a with the party was not long.
key role in drafting the Constitution of Krishnamachari, a critic of some aspects
India. He was a distinguished Indian Civil of the Draft Constitution, was actually
Servant, jurist, diplomat and statesman. included in the Drafting Committee in
Rau helped draft the Constitution of late 1948.
Burma in 1947 and that of India in 1950. Among the 299 members of the Assembly,
He was also India’s representative to the 15 were women, who had either been
United Nations Security Council from voted or chosen to represent their
1950 to 1952. From February, 1952, until Provinces, who left their mark on the
his death, he was the first Indian to be a making of the Republic. The women
judge of the Permanent Court of whose speeches can still be found in
International Justice, The Hague. Before archives are Durgabai Deshmukh,
his election as a judge, he was regarded Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Begum Aizaz
as a candidate for the post of the UN Rasul, Renuka Ray and Purnima Banerji,
Secretary-General. as well as well-known names like Sarojini
Naidu and Vijayalakshmi Pandit. Ammu
9. Answer: (c) Swaminathan, better known as the
mother of Captain Lakshmi Sahgal,
expressed her disappointment about the
There were two broad types of leadership
length of the Constitution, wishing they
in the Constituent Assembly: (i) political
had made one which could be easily
and (ii) technical. Because of the
converted into a pocketbook. Sucheta
predominance of the Congress party, the
Kriplani led the Assembly in singing
political leadership naturally vested in its
‘Vande Mataram’, ‘Saare Jahan Se
leaders. The top of this leadership
Achcha’ and the national anthem.
consisted of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,
Subhash Chandra Bose was not a
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Maulana Abul
member of the Constituent Assembly. M.
Kalam Azad and Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
K. Gandhi also was not a member of the
Granville Austin calls the Nehru-Patel-
Constituent Assembly of India.
Azad-Prasad team 'the oligarchy.'
Below this level there were the Cabinet
Ministers at the centre, Provincial Prime 10. Answer: (d)
Ministers, former Congress Presidents, Explanation:
like Pattabhi Sitaramaiya and important The Congress had nominated not only
Congress leaders like K.M. Munshi, two Hindu Mahasabha leaders, M.R.
Thakurdas Bhargava, A.V. Thakkar and Jayakar and Syama Prasad Mukherjee,
Sri Prakasa. Outside the party's pale but also two Socialists and two Forward
there were the legal luminaries of the Bloc members.
time and statesmen of the liberal In early 1948, the Socialists and the
tradition, like Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar, Forward Bloc severed their connections
N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar, B.R. with the Congress and directed its
Ambedkar, K.M. Panikkar, Pandit Hriday members to resign from the Assembly.
Natli Kunjru (who was not a member of The members declined and continued in
the Constituent Assembly) and, in the the Constituent Assembly.
early days, B.L. Mitter. Of these leaders, Such people, as several Congressmen,
K.M. Munshi within the Congress and were critical of several aspects of the
B.R. Ambedkar from outside combined Constitution, but could not be called
their technical brilliance with consistent 'oppositionists'. At the end of

the Constituent Assembly's work, most of the functions of Mavalankar
them expressed satisfaction. Some the Constituent
Muslim Leaguers and the Akali member, Assembly
Sardar Hukum Singh, however, remained 3. The States Jawaharlal
strong critics of the Constitution for its Committee Nehru
denial of political status of the minorities
to the Muslims and the Sikhs.
13. Answer: (d)
11. Answer: (c) Explanation:
Explanation:  Article 1 in the Constitution states
that India, that is Bharat, shall be a
The Constituent Assembly set up a large
Union of States.
number of Committees on procedural and
substantive matters. Some of the  It is not possible for the States of the
Committees consulted outsiders, besides Union of India to exercise any right of
discussing the issues thoroughly. After secession.
the preliminary works were completed  By the 16th Amendment of the
and the Reports of the Committees were Constitution in 1963, it has been
discussed in the Constituent Assembly, made clear that even the Advocacy
they were forwarded to the Drafting of Secession will not have the
Committee for incorporation of the protection of the freedom of
recommendations in the Draft expression.
Constitution. The Draft Constitution was
moved in the Constituent Assembly. 14. Answer: (b)
There were three readings of the Draft Explanation:
Constitution in the way all legislations
 The French (not the Dutch)
have. Some of the draft provisions were
settlement, Karikal, Mahe and
discussed again and again. The debate
Yanam, were ceded to India in
was thorough and intensive. After nearly
3 years of work, the Constituent
Assembly of India produced the world's  Article 371F deals with the special
biggest written Constitution. It was provisions related to Sikkim.
authenticated by the Chairman of the
Constituent Assembly, Dr. Rajendra 15. Answer: (d)
Prasad, on 29th November, 1949, and Explanation:
came into force on 26th January, 1950.  In the Indian Union, the states are not
Meanwhile, 554 Princely States merged “indestructible’’ units, as in the USA.
with a Republican India.
 Not only does the Constitution offer
K.M. Munshi was the Chairman of the
no guarantee to the states against
Order of Business Committee.
affecting their territorial integrity
without their consent, there is no
12. Answer: (b) theory of ‘Equality of State Rights’
Explanation: underlying the federal scheme in our
S.N. Committee on the Chairman Constitution, since it is not the result
Constituent of any agreement between the states.
Assembly  Under our Constitution, there is no
equality of representation of the states
1. The Ad Rajendra
in the Council of States. As given in
hoc Committee on Prasad
the Fourth Schedule, the number of
the National Flag
members for several states varies from
2. The Committee on G.V. 1 to 31.

 The territory of India shall consist of establishment of new states and
the following: alteration of the names, areas and
o The territories of the states, boundaries etc., of the established
o The Union territories and states, are not to be considered
Amendments of the Constitution
o Any territory that may be acquired in
under Article 368.
 It means that these can be passed
without resorting to any special
16. Answer: (b)
procedure and by a simple majority.
 By a simple majority and by the
Article 2 states that the Parliament ordinary legislative process the
may, by law, admit new states into the Parliament may form new states or
Union of India, or establish new states alter the boundaries.
on the terms and conditions it deems fit.

20. Answer: (a)

17. Answer: (c)
1. Jharkhand 15th Nov., 2000
 The Parliament of India can form new
states by separation of a territory from 2. Uttarakhand 9th Nov., 2000
any state. 3. Chhattisgarh 1st Nov., 2000
 The Bills that seek to change or alter 4. Telangana 2nd June, 2014
the name, boundaries, area of a state,
or form a new state by separation of
territory from any state under Article 21. Answer: (a)
3 of the Indian Constitution, require Explanation:
prior recommendations of the The Regulating Act of 1773: In the field
President. of Executive Government, the status of
the Governor of Bengal was raised to the
18. Answer: (d) Governor General. His Council would
consist of 4 members. In this body was
vested the civil and military
 The proposal containing the administration of the Presidency, and the
alternation of the area, boundaries or government of all the territorial
the name of the state has to refer by acquisitions and revenues in the
the President to the Legislature of the kingdoms of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
concerned state, for expressing
The Governor General in Council was
given the power to superintend and
 Such opinion has to be expressed control the Presidencies of Madras and
within a period specified by the Bombay in the matters of war and peace.
President. The Governors of Madras and Bombay
 In any case, the views expressed do were required to send regularly to the
not bind the decisions of either the Governor General, information connected
President or the Parliament. with the government, revenues or
interests of the Company. The Governor
19. Answer: (b) General, in turn, was under the direct
Explanation: control of the Court of Directors and kept
it fully informed of the affairs concerning
 Article 4 of the Indian Constitution
the interests of the Company.
specifies that the laws provided in
Articles 2 and 3, admission /

22. Answer: (c)  The Board of Control and the Court of
Explanation: Directors were abolished. Their place
 By the Charter Act of 1853, the was taken by the Secretary of State of
separation of the executive and the India and his India Council. They
legislative functions was carried a step were to govern India in the name of
further by the provision of additional Her Majesty. The Secretary of State
members of the Council for the was to sit in the Parliament. He was a
purpose of legislation. Cabinet Minister of England and as
such, was responsible to the
 The Law Member was made a full
Parliament. The ultimate power over
member of the Executive Council of
India remained with the Parliament.
the Governor General. The consent of
the Governor General was made  The Act created an India Council of 15
necessary for all legislative proposals. members. It was to advise the
In this framework the central Secretary of State who could over-rule
legislature was completed. its decisions. The approval of the
Council was essential in financial
 The Council in its legislative capacity
matters. Most of the members of the
was to consist of 12 members. These
India Council were those who had
included the Governor General, the
retired from the Indian services.
Commander-in-Chief, 4 members of
his Council and six legislative
members. 24. Answer: (b)
 All vacancies in India were to be filled Explanation:
in by competitive examinations. S.N. Committees and Chairperson
 The number of Directors was reduced Sub-Committees
from 24 to 18. Six of them were to be the Constituent
nominated by the Crown. Assembly

 The "Legislative Councillors" were 1. Rules of Dr. Rajendra

neatly distinguished from the Procedure Prasad
"Executive Councillors" and by doing Committee
so, the legislation was, for the first 2. Minorities Sub- H.C.
time, treated as a special function of Committee Mukherjee
the government, requiring special 3. North-East Gopinath
machinery and special procedure. Frontier Tribal Bardoloi
 The authorities in Britain felt that Areas and Assam
when the Council, which consisted of Excluded &
the British officials only, showed Partially
boldness and inquisitiveness, and Excluded Areas
pried into the field of the executive. Sub-Committee
 No Indians was associated with the
Legislative Councils. 25. Answer: (a)
23. Answer: (d) S.N. Committees / Chairperson
Explanation: Commission
The Government of India Act, 1858 – 1. Expert Nalini Ranjan
 The Government of India passed from Committee on Sarkar
the hands of the English East India the Financial
Company to the Crown. The armed Provisions of the
forces of the Company were
transferred to the Crown.

2. Linguistic S.K. Dhar 9. Directive Principles of State Policy
Provinces 10. Fundamental Duties
Commission 11. Secular State
3. Special Jawaharlal 12. Universal Adult Franchise
Committee to Nehru 13. Single Citizenship
Examine the 14. Independent Bodies
28. Answer: (d)
4. Ad-hoc S. Varadachari Explanation:
Committee on
The structural part of the Constitution
is, to a large extent, derived from the
Government of India Act of 1935.
26. Answer: (b) The philosophical part of the Constitution
Explanation: (The Fundamental Rights and the
Among all the Committees of the Directive Principles of State Policy)
Constituent Assembly, the most derives its inspiration from the American
important Committee was the Drafting and the Irish Constitutions, respectively.
Committee, set up in August, 1947. It The political part of the Constitution
was this Committee that was entrusted (The principle of Cabinet Government
with the task of preparing a draft of the and the relations between the
new Constitution. It consisted of seven executive and the legislature) has been
members. They were: largely drawn from the British
1. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (Chairman) Constitution.
2. N. Gopalaswamy Ayyangar
3. Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar 29. Answer: (b)
4. Dr. K. M. Munshi Explanation:
5. Syed Mohammad Saadullah S.N. Features Sources
6. N. Madhava Rau (He replaced B. L. 1. Procedure Japanese
Mitter, who resigned due to ill-health) established by Constitution
7. T. T. Krishnamachari (He replaced D. Law.
P. Khaitan, who died in 1948)
2. Fundamental Soviet
Duties Constitution
27. Answer: (a)
3. Concurrent List Australian
Explanation: Constitution
The salient features of the Indian
4. Nomination of the Irish
Constitution are as follows:
members to the Constitution
1. Lengthiest Written Constitution Rajya Sabha
2. Drawn from various sources
3. Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility
30. Answer: (d)
4. Federal System with Unitary Bias
5. Parliamentary Form of
 In the Berubari Union case (1960), the
Supreme Court said that the Preamble
6. Synthesis of Parliamentary
shows the general purposes behind
Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy
several provisions in the Constitution
7. Integrated and Independent and is, thus, a key to the minds of the
Judiciary makers of the Constitution. Further,
8. Fundamental Rights where the terms used in any Article

are ambiguous or capable of more 32. Answer: (d)
than one meaning, some assistance at Explanation:
interpretation may be taken from the The Objectives Resolution was introduced
objectives enshrined in the Preamble. by Jawaharlal Nehru. It was adopted by
Despite this recognition of the the Constituent Assembly in 1947.
significance of the Preamble, the
This Constituent Assembly declares its
Supreme Court specifically opined
firm and solemn resolve to proclaim India
that the Preamble is not a part of the
as an Independent Sovereign Republic
and to draw up for her future governance
 In the Kesavananda Bharati case a Constitution:
(1973), the Supreme Court rejected
1. Wherein the territories that now
the earlier opinion and held that the
comprise British India, the territories
Preamble is a part of the Constitution. that now form the Indian States, and
It observed that the Preamble is of such other parts of India as are
extreme importance and the
outside British India and the States,
Constitution should be read and as well as such other territories as are
interpreted in the light of the grand
willing to be constituted into the
and noble vision expressed in the
Independent Sovereign India, shall be
a Union of them all; and
 In the LIC of India case (1995) also, 2. Wherein the said territories, whether
the Supreme Court again held that with their present boundaries or with
the Preamble is an integral part of the such others as may be determined by
Constitution. the Constituent Assembly and
thereafter according to the law of the
31. Answer: (a) Constitution, shall possess and retain
Explanation: the status of autonomous units,
There had been a demand from different together with residuary powers, and
regions, particularly South India, for the exercise all powers and functions of
reorganization of the states on linguistic the Government and the
basis. Accordingly, in June, 1948, the administration, save and except such
Government of India appointed the powers and functions as are vested in
Linguistic Provinces Commission under or assigned to the Union, or as are
the chairmanship of S. K. Dhar to inherent or implied in the Union or
examine the feasibility of this. The resulting therefrom; and
Commission submitted its report in 3. Wherein all power and authority of the
December, 1948, and recommended the Sovereign Independent India, its
reorganization of the states on the basis constituent parts and organs of
of administrative convenience, rather Governments are derived from the
than linguistic factor. people; and
This created much resentment and led to 4. Wherein shall be guaranteed and
the appointment of another Linguistic secured to all the people of India
Provinces Committee by the Congress in justice, social, economic and political;
December, 1948, itself to examine the equality of status, of opportunity, and
whole question afresh. It consisted of before the law; freedom of thought,
Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel and expression, belief, faith, worship,
Pattabhi Sitaramayya and hence, was vocation, association and action,
popularly known as the JVP Committee. subject to law and public morality;
It submitted its report in April, 1949, and and
formally rejected language as the basis 5. Wherein adequate safeguards shall be
for reorganization of the states. provided for the minorities, backward

and tribal areas, and depressed and the Fundamental Rights is not
other backward classes; and absolute, but qualified. There is a
6. Wherein shall be maintained the concept of reasonable restriction
integrity of the territory of the imposed to restrain Liberty.
Republic and its sovereign rights on
land, sea and air according to justice 35. Answer: (c)
and the law of civilized nations; and
7. The ancient land attains its rightful
Preamble to the Constitution: In the
and honoured place in the world and
Kesavananda Bharati case, the Supreme
makes its full and willing contribution
to the promotion of world peace and Court held that the Preamble is a part of
the welfare of mankind. the Constitution. It observed that the
Preamble is of extreme importance and
the Constitution should be read and
33. Answer: (d)
interpreted in the light of the grand and
noble vision expressed in the Preamble.
A democratic polity can be classified into
Like any other part of the Constitution,
two categories: Monarchy and Republic.
the Preamble was also enacted by the
In a Monarchy, the head of the state
Constituent Assembly, but after the rest
(usually the king or the queen) enjoys a
hereditary position, i.e., he comes into the of the Constitution was already enacted.
office through succession, e.g., Britain. In The reason for inserting the Preamble at
a Republic, on the other hand, the head the end was to ensure that it was in
of the state is always elected directly or conformity with the Constitution, as
indirectly for a fixed period, e.g., the USA. adopted by the Constituent Assembly.
Therefore, the term ‘Republic’ in our The question as to whether the Preamble
Preamble indicates that India has an can be amended under Article 368 of the
elected head, called the President. He is Constitution arose for the first time in the
elected indirectly for a fixed period of 5 historic Kesavananda Bharati case
years. (1973). It was urged that the Preamble
A Republic also means two more things: cannot be amended, as it is not a part of
one, vesting of the political sovereignty in the Constitution.
the people and not in a single individual, The Supreme Court, however, held that
like a king; second, the absence of any the Preamble is a part of the
privileged class and hence, all public Constitution. The Court stated that the
offices being opened to every citizen opinion tendered by it in the Berubari
without any discrimination. Union case (1960) in this regard was
wrong and held that the Preamble can be
34. Answer: (a) amended, subject to the condition that no
Explanation: amendment is done to the ‘basic
The term ‘Liberty’ means the absence of features’. In other words, the Court held
restraints on the activities of the that the basic elements or the
individuals and, at the same time, fundamental features of the Constitution,
providing opportunities for the as contained in the Preamble, cannot be
development of individual personalities. altered by an amendment under Article
However, Liberty does not mean ‘license’ 368.
to do what one likes and has to be The Preamble calls for liberty of thought,
enjoyed within the limitations mentioned expression, belief, faith and worship.
in the Constitution itself. In brief, the
Liberty conceived by the Preamble or

RAUSIAS-TS21E1013 10
36. Answer: (b) 37. Answer: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:
The Doctrine of Harmonious The Indian Constitution offers no
Construction is judicial approach guarantee to the states against affecting
interpretation of differing conflicting their territorial integrity without their
statutes or laws. consent.
If two or more provisions of the same There is no theory of 'Equality of State
statute are repugnant to each other, then Rights' underlying the federal scheme
in such a situation the court, if possible, in our Constitution, since it is not the
will try to construe the provisions in such result of any agreement between the
a manner as to give effect to both the states.
provisions by maintaining harmony The supremacy of the Constitution and
between the two. The question that the independent judiciary is a must to
two provisions of the same statute are ensure Federalism. The states in India
overlapping or mutually exclusive may be are destructible (Article 3 of the
difficult to determine. Constitution).
The Doctrine of Pith and Substance:
The basic purpose of this Doctrine is to 38. Answer: (b)
determine under which head of power or
field, i.e., under which List (given in the
The term ‘Secular’ was added by the
Seventh Schedule) a given piece of
42nd Constitutional Amendment Act
legislation falls. Pith means ‘true nature’
of 1976. However, as the Supreme Court
or ‘essence of something’ and Substance
said in 1974, although the words ‘secular
means ‘the most important or essential
state’ were not expressly mentioned in the
part of something’.
Constitution, there can be no doubt that
The Doctrine of Pith and Substance says
the Constitution makers wanted to
that where the question arises of
establish such a state and accordingly
determining whether a particular law
Articles 25 to 28 (guaranteeing the
relates to a particular subject (mentioned
Fundamental Right to freedom of religion)
in one List or another), the court looks to
have been included in the Constitution.
the substance of the matter. Thus, if the
Secularism has been pronounced to be a
substance falls within Union List, then
basic structure of the Indian Constitution
the incidental encroachment by the law
by the Supreme Court in the S.R.
on the State List does not make it invalid.
Bommai case.
The Doctrine of Colourable Legislation
While the communities have been
tests the competence of the legislature
given the right to freely practice,
against an enacted law. This Doctrine is
profess and propagation of religion,
based upon the Latin maxim “Quando
however, the Indian state can
aliquid prohibetur ex directo, prohibetur
intervene in the religious affairs.
et per obliquum”, which means “you
Article 25 of the Constitution says:
cannot do indirectly what you cannot do
Freedom of conscience and free
directly”, and based on the Doctrine of
profession, practice and propagation of
Separation of Powers.

RAUSIAS-TS21E1013 11
1. Subject to public order, morality and inserted to spell out expressly the high
health and to the other provisions of ideals of socialism.
this Part, all persons are equally It is to be noted, however, that the
entitled to freedom of conscience and ‘socialism’ envisaged by the Indian
the right freely to profess, practise Constitution is not the usual scheme of
and propagate religion. state socialism, which involves
2. Nothing in this Article shall affect the nationalization of all means of production
operation of any existing law or and the abolition of the private property.
prevent the state from making any law Though the word Socialism’ is vague, our
– Supreme Court has observed that its
(a) regulating or restricting any economic, principal aim is to eliminate inequality of
financial, political or other secular income and status, and standards of life,
activity, which may be associated with and to provide a decent standard of life to
religious practice; the working people. The Indian
(b) providing for social welfare and reform Constitution, therefore, does not seek to
or the throwing open of the Hindu abolish private property altogether, but
religious institutions of a public seeks to put it under restraints, so that it
character to all classes and sections of may be used in the interests of the
Hindus. nation, which includes the upliftment of
Explanation I – The wearing and carrying the poor.
of kirpans shall be deemed to be included Instead of a total nationalization of all
in the profession of the Sikh religion property and industry, it envisages a
Explanation II – In sub clause (b) of mixed economy, but aims at offering
clause reference to Hindus shall be equal opportunity to all and the abolition
construed as including a reference to of ‘vested interests’.
persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or From 1992 onwards, the trend is now
Buddhist religion, and the reference to away from socialism to privatization.
Hindu religious institutions shall be Investment in many public enterprises
construed accordingly. has been divested in favour of private
persons, and many industries and
services, which were reserved for the
39. Answer: (d)
government sector, have been thrown
open for the private enterprise. This is in
Socialism in the Indian Constitution –
keeping with the worldwide trend after
The Indian Constitution aims at
the collapse of socialism in the U.S.S.R.
establishing a 'Welfare State' and the
and the East European countries.
establishment of a 'Socialist State'. At the
Avadi Session of the Congress in 1955, a
40. Answer: (c)
Resolution was adopted for an
establishing 'socialistic pattern of society' Explanation:
in India. The goal of the Indian polity is The Separation of Powers in India – The
socialism, was declared clearly by Indian Constitution does not follow strict
inserting the word 'socialist' in the separation of powers, as in the
Preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Constitution of the USA. The executive
Amendment Act of 1976. It has been and legislatures are related. The

RAUSIAS-TS21E1013 12
executives, i.e., the ministers are part of at a time and not extending in any case
the legislatures. The Ordinance making beyond a period of six months after the
powers of the President also dilute the Proclamation has ceased to operate.
separation of power.
However, in the case of judiciary, there 42. Answer: (d)
appears strict separation of powers. This Explanation:
is evident by:
Citizenship at the commencement of the
1. Bar on the legislatures to discuss the Constitution:
conduct of the judges, apart from the
At the commencement of the Indian
removal of a judge.
Constitution, every person who has his
2. The Collegium System, in which the domicile in the territory of India and
senior judiciary is appointed by the
(a) who was born in the territory of India;
collegium of the senior most judges of
the country.
(b) either of whose parents was born in
the territory of India; or
41. Answer: (b)
(c) who has been ordinarily a resident in
Explanation: the territory of India for not less than
Democracy in the Indian Constitution 5 years immediately preceding such
– Democracy is of two types: direct and commencement, shall be a citizen of
indirect. In direct democracy, the people India.
exercise their supreme power directly, as
is the case in Switzerland. There are four
43. Answer: (b)
devices of direct democracy, namely,
Referendum, Initiative, Recall and
The citizens of India have the following
Plebiscite. In indirect democracy, on the
rights under the Constitution, which the
other hand, the representatives elected by
foreigners shall not have.
the people exercise the supreme power
and, thus, carry on the government and 1. All Fundamental Rights are available
make the laws. This type of democracy, to the citizens of India. Some are
also known as the representative exclusively available to the citizens
democracy, is of two kinds: Parliamentary alone (Articles 15, 16 and 19).
and Presidential. India follows the 2. Only the citizens are eligible to certain
indirect system of democracy. offices, such as those of the President,
According to Article 83 of the the Vice-President, the Judges of the
Constitution, the House of the People, Supreme Court or a High Court, the
unless sooner dissolved, shall continue Attorney General, the Governor of a
for 5 years from the date appointed for its state and the Advocate-General.
first meeting and no longer and the 3. The right of suffrage for the election to
expiration of the said period of 5 years the House of People and the
shall operate as a dissolution of the Legislative Assembly of every state
House: Provided that the said period may, and the right to become a member of
while a Proclamation of Emergency is in the Parliament and of the Legislature
operation, be extended by the Parliament of a state is also confined to the
by law for a period not exceeding one year citizens.

RAUSIAS-TS21E1013 13
44. Answer: (a) the Census of 1951 in respect of each
Explanation: village, showing the houses or holdings in
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, a serial order and indicating against each
2019 – house or holding the number and names
of the persons staying therein.
1. Any person belonging to Hindu, Sikh,
Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian Under the provisions of the Foreigners
community from Afghanistan and Act, 1946 and the Foreigners (Tribunal)
Bangladesh, who entered into India Order, 1964, only the Foreigners’
on or before the 31st day of December Tribunals have the right to declare a
2014 and who has been exempted by person as a foreigner. Recently, the
the Central Government under the Ministry of Home Affairs has amended the
Passport (Entry into India) Act,1920, Foreigners (Tribunal) Order, 1964. It has
shall not be treated as an illegal given the powers to the District
migrant. Magistrates, the State Governments and
the Central Government to establish the
2. After the fulfilment of the conditions
Fforeigners Tribunals.
laid down for citizenship by
naturalisation under the Citizenship
(Amendment) Act, a person granted a 46. Answer: (b)
certificate of registration or certificate Explanation:
of naturalisation shall be deemed to The National Population Register (NPR) is
be a citizen of India from the date of a Register of the usual residents of the
his entry into India. country. It is being prepared at the local
3. This section of grant of citizenship (Village/sub-Town), sub-District, District,
under the Citizenship (Amendment) State and National levels under the
Act shall not apply to the tribal areas provisions of the Citizenship (Registration
of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram or of Citizens and Issue of National Identity
Tripura, as included in the Sixth Cards) Rules, 2003. It is mandatory for
Schedule to the Constitution and the every usual resident of India to register in
areas covered under "The Inner Line", the NPR. A usual resident is defined for
notified under the Bengal Eastern the purposes of NPR as a person who has
Frontier Regulation, 1873. resided in a local area for the past 6
months or more, or a person who intends
45. Answer: (a) to reside in that area for the next 6
months or more.
It includes both the Indian citizens, as
Section 14A was inserted in the
well as the foreign citizens. The objective
Citizenship Act, 1955, in 2004, providing
of the NPR is to create a comprehensive
for the compulsory registration of every
identity database of every usual resident
citizen of India and the issue of a
in the country. The first National
“national identity card” to him or her. It
Population Register was prepared in 2010
also said that the Central Government
and updating this data was done during
may maintain a “National Register of
2015 by conducting door to door survey.
Indian Citizens”.
The National Register of Citizens, 1951, is
a register prepared after the conduct of

RAUSIAS-TS21E1013 14
47. Answer: (d) 49. Answer: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:
The Persons of Indian Origin of all S.N. Member (The Portfolio held
countries, except from Bangladesh and First Cabinet
Pakistan, are eligible for the Overseas of Free India -
Citizens of India (OCI) status. 1947)
The OCI cardholder cannot acquire 1. Jawaharlal Commonwealth
agricultural or plantation properties in Nehru Relations
2. Dr. John Railways and
The OCI status is given under the
Mathai Transport
provisions of the Citizenship Act,
1955. 3. R.K. Finance
48. Answer: (a)
4. V.N. Gadgil Works, Mines
and Power
State-wise Membership of the
Constituent Assembly of India as on
December 31, 1947: 50. Answer: (b)
 The United Provinces : 55 Explanation:
 Madras : 49 The Constituent Assembly held its first
 Bombay : 21 meeting on December 9, 1946. The
Muslim League boycotted the meeting
 West Bengal : 19
and insisted on a separate state of
 Assam : 8
 Bihar : 36 The Objectives Resolution influenced the
eventual shaping of the Constitution
through all its subsequent stages. Its
modified version forms the Preamble to
the present Constitution.

RAUSIAS-TS21E1013 15

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