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Jamboree Enterprises, Bank reconciliation, November 30,2002

After all posting is completed on November 30, the company’s book balance of the cash account had a
1 Br. 16,380 debit balance, but its bank statement showed a Br, 38,520 balances.
2 Checks No. 2024 for Br. 4, 810 and No. 2036 for Br 5000 are, Outstanding. Deduct 9810 frm BB
In comparing the canceled checks returned by the bank with the entries in the accounting records. We
find that check No. 2025 in payment of rent is correctly drawn for Br. 1000 but was erroneously entered
3 in the accounting records as Br. 880. Deduct 120 from DB
The November 30 deposit of Br.17, 150 was placed in the night depository after banking hours on that
4 date, and this amount did not appear on the bank statement. Add 17 150 to BB
In reviewing the bank statement, a check belonging to jumbo enterprises in the amount of Br.160 was
5 erroneously drawn against Jamboree’s account. Add to BB 160
A credit memorandum enclosed with the bank statement indicated that the bank collected a Br. 30,900
note receivable on Jamboree’s behalf. This transaction was not recorded by Jamboree before receiving
6 the statement Add 30900 to DB
) A debit memorandum for Br. 1000 listed a Br. 1,100 NSF check. The check had been received from a
customer, Abreham W; Jamboree had not recorded the return of this check before receiving the statement
7 Deduct from 1100 DB
Bank service charge for November totaled Br. 40. These charges where not recorded by Jamboree
8 before receiving the statement. Deduct DB by 40
Jambo enterprise
Bank reconcilation
For the Month Ended Nove 30, 20*1

Balance as per Ldger balance (depositor's record/book) 16,380.00

Collection by Bank 30,900.00
Depositor error that understated cash balance
Non-Sufficient Fund Checks (1,100.00)
Bank service Charges (40.00)
Other deductions
Depositor Errors that overstated Cash balance(1000-880) (120.00) 29,640.00
Correct cash balance 46,020.00

Balance as per Bank Statement (bank record) 38,520.00

Deposit outstanding (intransit) 17,150.00
Bank errors that understated cash balance 160 160.00
Checks outstanding (not cleared by bank) (9,810.00)
bank errors that overstated cash balance 7,500.00
Correct cash balance 46,020.00

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