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ELA Certification on the

Supervisory/Operational Management
* Required
Part 1 consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. You must attempt all the questions in this part. For each
question, there is only one correct answer. If you put more than one answer, you will get zero marks for the
question. Please thick the answer in the space provided.

[Q36785] Regarding customer service, the most useful information about the
performance of a department is: *

The productivity is 200 items per man per hour.

The department has reached a peak of 30.000 items in performance last week.
Next week 2 employees will be on holidays.
From now on the throughput time of the department is 3 working days for all order types.

[Q36793] Customers have expectations at every level of their interaction with a

business. These interactions are called *
touch points
view points
power points
face points

[Q36794] In logistics, customer expectations drive the provision of the service. When
analysing customer expectations *

the full cost must be considered to assess logistical performance.

the full supply chain must be considered to assess logistical performance.
the market place and competition must be considered to assess logistical performance.
the supply and demand must be considered in order to assess logistical performance.

[Q36795] Satisfied customers – those who stay with the business over the years –
tend to be more profitable than new customers because *
there is less investment in logistics and transport
satisfied customers will accept a reduced serviced or reduction in quality
satisfied customers don't complain
the business does not have to incur the marketing costs associated with finding new
[Q36796] A business has many responsibilities to customers. Some of these include *

Value for money service, To deliver goods on time, To ensure services are available at the
time scheduled, To inform customers of deviation from schedules and make alternative
arrangements to ensure the service is maintained
Value for money service, To deliver goods on time, To ensure services are available at the time
scheduled, To inform customers of price increases
Value for money service, To deliver goods on time, To ensure services are available, To inform
customers of upcoming promotions
Value for money service, To deliver goods, To ensure services are available, To inform
customers of deviation from schedules and make alternative arrangements to ensure the service
is maintained

[Q36807] Types of Analytics Key Performance Indicators are used in four main
areas: *
Revenue improvement, Time reduction, Process cycle-time improvement, Increased customer
Revenue improvement, Price reduction, Process cycle-time improvement, Increased customer
Revenue improvement, Value improvement, Process cycle-time improvement, Increased
customer satisfaction
Revenue improvement, Cost reduction, Process cycle-time improvement, Increased
customer satisfaction

[Q36808] Employee productivity is an important factor when it comes to customer

service because *
employees need to do their jobs effectively.
it is a good indication of where you stand in your customers’ eyes
it is an indication of good service
customer issues need to be resolved in a timely manner

[Q36809] Customer satisfaction surveys are performed to *

help the staff know what they are doing right and what needs to change
help the staff know what which customer relationships are important
help the staff know what the customer wants
help the staff know how the customer views the company

[Q36813] A customer who is ’emotionally connected’ to a business is likely to spend

more money than a customer who is merely ‘satisfied’ but not emotionally bonded *
40% more money than a customer who is merely ‘satisfied’ but not emotionally bonded
36% more money than a customer who is merely ‘satisfied’ but not emotionally bonded
46% more money than a customer who is merely ‘satisfied’ but not emotionally bonded
55% more money than a customer who is merely ‘satisfied’ but not emotionally bonded
[Q36821] The organisation and the customers both have sets of conditions to consider
when building the relationship, such as wants and needs of both parties; *
• establish and maintain customer rapport, • customers want good service, a quality product and
an acceptable price
• organisations need to make a profit to survive and grow, • streamlining the offer to what the
customer requires, not want the organisation can make
• determine mutually satisfying goals between organisation and customers, • customers want
good service, a quality product and an acceptable price
• organisations need to make a profit to survive and grow, • customers want good service,
a quality product and an acceptable price

[Q36823] The essential CRM focus of any organisation should be on developing core
competencies, and an overall strategy of building customer relationships. In this way,
all efforts in the organisation can be aligned to: *
• customers and the culture of exceeding of customer expectation • the value of relationship-
building being valued • service being seen as a value-adding activity
• customers and the culture of exceeding of customer expectation • the value of
relationship-building being valued • establish and maintain customer rapport
• streamlining the offer to what the customer requires, not want the organisation can make • the
value of relationship-building being valued • service being seen as a value-adding activity
• customers and the culture of exceeding of customer expectation • the value of relationship-
building being valued • Responsiveness

[Q36824] The following characteristics are associated with delivery of excellent CRM *
• focused • responsiveness • accessibility • consideration • coherent
• reliability • responsiveness • accessibility • consideration • communication
• reliability • coherent • accessibility • consideration • focused
• reliability • responsiveness • relevant • on time • communication

[Q36825] Successful and effective Customer Relationship Management people tend to

display the following key characteristics: *
positive attitude, people orientation, Computer skills
positive attitude, people orientation, organisational skills
cost focused, people orientation, organisational skills
polite, people orientation, organisational skills

[Q36827] Opening the lines of communications with customers gives direct constant
market reaction to *
prices, services and performance
products, services and quality
products, services and performance
prices, services and competitors

[Q36828] The relationship drivers why customers do business with you include *
quality • price • product • location • Lead-time
quality • price • product • location • Customer service
quality • Delivery specifications • product • location • Customer service
Quality • Price • Product • Quantity • Customer service
[Q36830] From the point of view of an overall sales process engineering effort,
customer service plays an important role in an organisation's ability to generate: *
income and revenue
new business
a good customer service experience

[Q36831] Customer service is the service provided to customers *

during and after purchasing and using goods
before and after purchasing and using goods
during and after purchasing goods and services.
before, during and after purchasing and using goods and services.

[Q36837] Talking to a live person remains an efficient way to ensure complete

resolution of issues, *
especially when the resolution is relatively simple
especially when the resolution to a given problem is less than straightforward and
requires research or back-and-forth discussions between the customer and the service
especially when the resolution is straightforward and doesn't require research or discussions
between the customer and the service agent.
especially when the customer is unhappy with the level of service

[Q36839] Under the Consumer Rights Act consumers are entitled to *
a warranty
a refund
customer service
clear and honest information

[Q36840] If a customer complains, make sure that a relevant account manager knows.
If the complaint is, for example, about product quality, ensure the person responsible
for *
Sales is informed and that action is taken to avoid a recurrence
Marketing is informed and that action is taken to avoid a recurrence
Manufacture is informed and that action is taken to avoid a recurrence
Warehousing is informed and that action is taken to avoid a recurrence

Part 2 consists of 4 short answer questions. You must answer all the questions.
These questions require answers of only a few words and you should write your answers in the space provided
on the paper below each question.

[Q17101] Service recovery is concerned with *

[Q36773] Identify the channels available to communicate to customers *
1. Chat Channels (Eg: Live Web Chat, FAQ page, Chat Bots, Social Media,
Messenger Apps)
2. Written Channels (Eg: Email, Post, Web Forms, Sending out SMS)
3. Face-to-face communication Channels (Eg: In-store appointments, Video Chats)
4. Voice Channels: (Eg: Telephone number, Phone Calls, Web Calling, Call Back)

[Q36774 ] Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term that refers to *

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the combination of practices, strategies
and technologies that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions
and data throughout the customer lifecycle. CRM also is a technology for managing all
your company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential

[Q36775 CRM] Customer relationship management has the goal of *

The goal Customer relationship management are:
1. CRM helps organisations streamline processes,
2. Build customer relationships,
3. Increase sales,
4. Improve customer service, and
5. Increase profitability.
6. Assist in customer retention and
7. Drive sales growth.

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