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Interviewer: Grace

Interviewee: Jane Yang (my mom)

Location: At my home
Date/time: 5/23/2021
Subject: The Economic Reform In China

The original interview is in Mandarin.

1. 你还记得改革开放之前你的生活是什么样子的吗? 1:30-5:00


1. Do you remember what your life was like before the Economic Reform? 1:30-5:00

It's not like I was living one way today and another tomorrow. It's not like there was a sudden
leap and change ....
My mother told me how the economic reform didn’t change her life the moment it started. It
still took several years for things to settle down (because citizens of China did not like this
reform as it was capitalism) and start to have good effects. She then proceeded to tell me how
her life was compared to her father, to show me the differences. She talked about her job after
she finished college in ‘92. It was 12 years after the program of Economic Reform was
established when my mother started to see the changes.

I think my life is very different from my parents, for example: I can have the freedom to choose
where I work, what I work on. I don't have to be like my parents, they can only work in one
place their entire lives. all their lives. No matter how good or bad their work is, their lives are not
significantly affected. To my generation, as long as you work hard, you may have a great change
in the quality of life. For example, if you work hard, looking for more development
opportunities, then you will earn more money to improve your life.
If I followed my parents’ footprints, I would have to be limited to one place. For example, I
would be limited by the household registration, limited by the work establishment. I could only
work in this one place, in one unit of work. It is difficult to change the content and place of your
work. After I graduated from college, I worked in my hometown. I did not like that place, I felt
very dull. I wanted to go to Shenzhen, because I saw how rapidly Shenzhen was advancing. I
wanted to come to Shenzhen to experience that, so that’s why I came to Shenzhen.
I didn’t have to worry about leaving my hometown and not having a way to live. The economic
reform, specifically Shenzhen, gave me a lot of possibilities for change, and I was free to choose
my job. I will come across all kinds of new opportunities. You know, a society in rapid
development will have a lot of opportunities offered to you, and you can go to seize it. Instead of
moving forward in a fixed track. So the economy is growing so that I have more opportunities
and freedom, and that I have more possibilities to make money. Then the country's doors open,
but also so that I can go outside to see some different world. For example, Australia, the United
States, Hong Kong, Singapore. I can have the opportunity to go out. In the past, it was
impossible for people to go out of the country and see what the outside world was like. But I can
see how other people live, and that is certainly a great stimulus for my mind.
Because the country's economy is strong, a lot of highways have been built, and there are many
airlines. Then I earned a lot of money. I can also buy my own car ah, and then buy my own want
to live in the building, is the accommodation. I can enjoy a more material life, and greater
spiritual freedom.

2. 你有机会体验这样的生活是因为改革开放吗?4:58-6:38


2. Is it because of the economic reform that you are able to have such a life?

Yes, because the change of the national economic policy gave us a lot of opportunities to develop
ourselves. The country has become richer and stronger. In the past, it was probably just a small
country road, and I could only drive a car with very little horsepower on it, so it went very
slowly. Now that the bridges, railroads and highways are built, I can go fast and then go to more
places. We used to be confined to a small place, but now because the country is strong, then you
can have more places to see, to experience, including going abroad. For example, around 1995, I
went to Thailand.I also went to Singapore, Japan, and then to Australia, Europe and the United
States. Then I saw how they are different from me in culture, and saw a different lifestyle.
Everything I was able to do relied on my country. Only when your country’s economy develops
can you have such opportunities. If the country is poor and you’re even having trouble with basic
needs, how can you have the opportunity and energy to see how other people live?

3. 那你觉得按照原来的发展轨迹(沒有改革开放)像姥姥姥爷他们那样子的。你觉得那

糖。我住的房子呢,也是单位分配给我的, 按照我的级别。我大概是一个小科员,我可能住
3. Do you think that according to the original development trajectory (no reform and
opening up) like grandma and grandpa they were like that. What do you think your life
would be like now? Or what would the development trajectory of the whole China be like?

If that were the case, I would probably be in some place and see the same people every day. And
then life is set in stone, my life could be fixed. For example, the food I eat would be at a fixed
amount. Women would have 28 pounds of grain, men would have 32 pound. I'll eat two pounds
of meat, five pounds of oil, and eat half a pound of sugar. The house I live in is also assigned to
me by the unit, according to my rank. If I was a small section member, I might live in a 60
square meter house. I reached a bureau-level cadre, to such a degree, I might live in a 90 square
meters house, then I reached a fourth-level cadre, I might then live in a 110 square meters house.
I would have to be fixed in that unit, because if I don't work in that company, everything will be
gone. Including my account, my salary, and no one will give me a house anymore。 I may not
have a place to live. I see the same people every day and do the same job. Then I might get
married and have children with someone who lives the same life as I do, and then I'll be like this
for the rest of my life, having one child, having two children, and the same daily life path. The
circle I live in will be in the square circle around me. I can't afford a car, so I can't travel by car. I
can't open the door of my country, so I can't go abroad without a passport. Then our minds are
forbidden, then foreign things can not come in. I can't listen to foreign songs or watch other
people's movies. I am a pool of stagnant water. I live in one place. Then everyday would be the
same content.

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