3309 Summer 09 HW 09 Sol

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Problem 10-29E A wall is constructed of two layers of 0.7-in-thick sheetrock (k = 0.10 BTU/hr ft °F), which is a plasterboard made of two layers of heavy paper separated by a layer of gypson, placed 7 inches apart. The space between the sheetrocks is filled with fiberglass insulation (k = 0.02 BTU/hr ft °F). Determine a) the ther- - mal resistance of the wall, and b) its R-value of insulation in English units. L O72 Paice Retocirock = Ry = Ry =) = "= __ = 0.583 8? °F. BI Sheetrock eee S010 Btu fF) a ec : L fT i 17.9? oP yp tu > (0.020 Bwh.f.°F) R jbergass = Rrotat = 2R, + Ro = 20.5834 29.17 = 30.34 ft? .°F.h/Btu (b) Therefore, this is approximately a R-30 wall in English units. Problem 10-30 The roof of a house consists of a 15-cm-thick concrete slab (k = 2 W/m °C) that is 15 m wide and 20 m long. The convective heat transfer coefficients on the inner and outer surfaces of the roof are 5 and 12 Wém?°C. Ona clear winter night, the ambient air is 10°C, while the night sky radiates at an effec- tive temperature of 100°K. The house and the interior surfaces of the wall are maintained at a constant temperature of 20°C. The emissivity of both surfaces of the concrete roof is 0.9. Considering both radiation and convec- tion heat transfer at the surfaces, determine a) the steady rate of heat transfer through the roof, and b) the inner surface temperature of the roof: Tay = 100K = Qroom oroot convrad = root cand = Oroofw soundings Ty =10°C roomnoreat.convtrad = yA Eyoom ~Lsin) +245 Troon! Tin? =($ Win? -°C)(300m?)(20-7, ;, °C +(0.9)(300 m?)(5.67x10-8 Wim? -K*) fe0+273K)* (yy, #273 K)'] ; T, root ecnd = SE = 2 Wim-°C)(300m") root wsin,coavirad = hyAT sou ~Tour)+ £40 (Tou ~Teare') = (12 Wim? -°C)300m? (Ty oy -10)°C +(0.9)(300 m? (5.67 x10 W/m? RASC oe +273K)* —(100 xy] Q= 37,440 W, Tj, = 73°C, and T,, 4 =-2.1°C ‘The total amount of natural gas consumption during a 14-hour period is Opn = Qrotat _OAt | (7.440 ki/s)(14x3600s) (_I therm _ = 22.36 therms e- 0.80 0.80 0.80 105,500 kJ. Problem 10-38 ‘Heat is conducted in parallel along a circuit board that has a copper layer on one side, The circuit board is 15 cm long (L) and 15 cm wide (w). The thicknesses of the copper and epoxy layers are 0.1 mm and 1.2 mm, respectively. Disre- garding heat transfer from side surfaces, determine the percentages of heat con- duction along the copper (k= 386 W/m °C) and epoxy (k= 0.26 W/m °C} layers. Also, determine the effective thermal conductivity (k,,) of the board. aa 5 AT AT Copper ! Oa (ue) ui) ow [age +9 gs WE 4 AT O=(ME) hea nm ton AE eg eager epey) = Dg + ED ep _ Wenge HOD gry Feopper + Fepoxy (Kt) copper = (386 Wim -°C)(0.0001 m) = 0.0386 W/°C ) epoxy = (0.26 Wim :°C)(0.0012 m) = 0.000312 W/°C (Kt) oat = ) copper ++ (kt) epary = 0-0386 + 0.000312 = 0.038912 W/°C Mt Bevo _ 0.000312 _ 9 998 -0:8% Seany = (roa 9.038912 _ CO )copper __ 0.0386 = 0.992 = 99.2% Jeome: =a) yay 0.038912 __ 386x0.0001+ 0.260.012) W/°C a (0.0001+-0.0012)m = 29.9 Wim.°C Problem 10-63 A 5-m-wide, 4-m-high, and 40-m-long kiin used to cure concrete pipes is made of 20-cm-thick concrete walls and ceiling (k = 0.9 W/m °C). The kiln is maintained at 40°C by injecting hot steam into it. The two ends of the kiln (4 m x 5 m in size) are made of 3-mm-thick sheet metal covered with 2-cm-thick styrofoam (k = 0.033 W/m °C). h,__ = 3000 W/m? °C and Danes 25 W/m?°C. Determine the rate of heat loss from the kiln when the ambient air is at 4°C. Assume the kiln is sitting on the floor with negli- gible heat transfer through the floor. Area, = 2X 40x (4-04) + 1x 40x (5—0.4) = 472 m? For convection Area gige = 2X40x4 + 1x40x5 = 520m For Conduction: Area... 4. 2X 40x (4—0.2) + 1x40x(5~0.2) = 496m? —_ (effective area) Areas = (4~0.2) x (5—0.2) = 18.24 m? (average one side) Problem 10-63 (Continued) A 5-m-wide, 4-m-high, and 40-m-long kiln used to cure concrete pipes is made of 20-cm-thick concrete walls and ceiling (k = 0.9 W/m °C). The kiln is maintained at 40°C by injecting hot steam into it. The two ends of the kiln (4 m x 5 m in size) are made of 3-mm-thick sheet metal covered with 2-cm-thick styrofoam (k = 0.033 W/m °C). h,,,. = 3000 Wim? °C and Diver 25 Wim?°C. Determine the rate of heat loss from the kiln when the ambient air is at—4°C. Assume the kiln is sitting on the floor with negli- gible heat transfer through the floor. RR Reomceete Ro Th WWW Zoe a 1 : A; 000 Wim? -°C) (472m) 9-0071.x 10*°C/w Be 0.2m ~ (0.9 Wim-°C) (496 m2) enone dan (25 Whm? -°C)(520 m’ 4.48 x 104°C/W = 0.769 x 104*°C/W Rectit = Ri + Reomerte #Ro = (0.0071 + 4.48 + 0.769) x 104 = 5.256 x 10+ “c/w T_ -T, (40 —(-4)PC Jaa fue __{(0- COPEL 83,714 W upsides = - Riot 5.256 104 °C/W Problem 10-63 (Continued) A 5-m-wide, 4-m-high, and 40-m-long kiln used to cure concrete pipes is made of 20-cm-thick concrete walls and ceiling (k = 0.9 Wim °C). The kiln is maintained at 40°C by injecting hot steam into it. The two ends of the kiln (4 m x 5 m in size) are made of 3-mm-thick sheet metal covered with 2-cm-thick styrofoam (k = 0.033 W/m °C). h,,_., = 3000 Wim? °C and hye 25 W/m?°C, Determine the rate of heat loss from the kiln when the ambient air is at— 4°C. Assume the kiln is sitting on the floor with negli- gible heat transfer through the floor. ee ee Se aie ea ann ee 1 1 a R= oz xt04 CW 4, 3000 Wim? -°C)f(4—0.4X5—0.4) m?] = Lk _ __3x10%m : : Bacment = ER TS Wim (124m?) ~ +09 x 104°C L 0.02 m R peneaest + = 0.0332°C/W eee kA, (0.033 W/m-°C) (18.24 m?) 1 = = 0.0020°C/W , | (25 Whin? -°C)[4x5 Reowat =; + Rrrifoam + Ro: = 0.201x10~ +-0.0332 + 0.0020 = 0.0352°C/W : Tin Tg —(40—(-4)PC id oe SN ™ 1250 and Cond safes TR * 0.9350 CW A Then the total rate of heat transfer from the kiln becomes rot = Oprries + 2 Ogg, = 83,714 + 2(1250) = 86,214 W Problem 10-72 Steam at 320°C flows in a stainless steel pipe (k = 15 W/m °C) whose inner and outer diameters are 5 cm and 5.5 cm, respectively. The pipe is covered with 3-cm-thick glass wool insulation (k = 0.038 W/m °C). Heat is lost to the surroundings at 5°C by convection and radiation with a combined heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m*°C. h,.,,, = 80 W/m?°C. Determine a) the rate of heat loss from the steam per unit length of the pipe, and b) the tem- perature drops across the pipe shell and insulation. = aD,L = 2(0.05 m)( m) = 0.157 m? A, = 2D,L = 2(0.055 + 0.06 m1 m) = 0.361? ‘The individual thermal resistances are R R Ry Ro seta lieat 1 goseciw "kA; (80 Wim? -°C)(0.157 m?) RR, tel In(2.75/2.5) pn ky L (15 Wim -°C)(1 m) noe _ Ings /2)___1965.75/2.75)____ s oggecyw 2M nsilation Dak L — 270(0.038 Wim-°C)(1 m) : : 0.1847 °C/W Ro epg ey asa aeoCu SEI A. (15 Wim? -°C)(0.361m?) Rit = Rj +R, + Ry +R, = 0.08 +0.00101 +3.089 + 0.1847 = 3.355 °C/W ‘Then the steady rate of heat loss from the steam per m. pipe length becomes ga TarTer _ GW=I°C _ 93 gw Riot — 3:355°C/W The temperature drops across the pipe and the insulation are AT pine = OR pipe = (93-9 W)(0.00101 °C/W) = 0.095°C AT nsutaion = OR nsutaion = (93-9 W)3.089 °C/W) = 290°C Problem 10-92 A 10-m-long, 2.2-mm-diamter electric wire is tightly wrapped with a 1-mm- thick plastic cover whose thermal conductivity k = 0.15 W/m °C. A current of 13 amps passes through the wire and there is a voltage drop of 8 V along the wire. If the insulated wire is exposed to a medium at T, = 30°C with a heat transfer coefficient h = 24 W/m?°C, determine the steady state tem- perature at the interface of the wire and the plastic cover. Also, determine if doubling the thickness of the plastic will increase or decrease the interface temperature. O=W, =VI=(8V)13 A)=104 W 1, ‘ . Tea The total thermal resistance is AWW : : a = 1 _____ so isgecrw figdy (24 Wim?.°C)[7(0.0042 my(10 m)] Regang = CL) _ In(2.1/1.0) puss ak ~~ 2(0.15 Wim.°C)(10m) Root = Reouy + Rptastic = 0.3158-+ 0.0686 = 0.3844 °C/W Then the interface temperature becomes ,_ T-T, = 02 = 0.0686 °C/W Be OT Ton + Rat = 30°C + (104 W)(0.3844 °C/W) = 70.0°C oil The critical radius of plastic insulation is _& _ 0.15 Wim.2C =—= Ton = 0.00625 m = 6.25 mm ho 24 Whm?°C Doubling the thickness of the plastic cover will increase the outer radius of the wire to 3 mm, which is less than the critical radius of insulation, Therefore, doubling the thickness of the plastic cover will increase the rate of heat loss, and decrease the interface temperature, Problem 10-110 Obtain a relation for the fin efficiency of a fin with A, = constant, perimeter p, length L and thermal conductivity k that is exposed to a medium at T, with convective heat transfer coefficient h. Assume that the fin is Jong, that the temperature at the end is T, and that there is no heat transfer at the end. T, is the temperature at the base. Simplify the relation for a) a circular fin of diameter D and b) a rectangular fin of thickness t. From Equation 10-70 (Page 436) — thpkde y-t _ fhpkas 4 flay Sie teen Ld5t : hA,. (i~ Te) hp pa Fora circular fin of diameter D: ob fa = feb" Hay cele | ph” aidh For a rectangular fin of thickness t: Problem 10-110 Obtain a relationship for the efficiency a fin of constant cross sectional area A, perimeter p, length L, and thermal conductivity k that is exposed to a con- vection medium at T,, with a heat transfer coefficient h. Assume the fins are long such that the temperature at the end is T,. The temperature at the base is T,. Simplify the relation for a) circular fin of diameter D and b) rectangular fin at thickness t. ‘ Actual heat transfer rate from the fin 74 ~ Teal heat transfer rate from the fin if the entire fin were at base temperature _VhpkA,(y~Ta) _hpka, 1 [iea, Ag (Ty-To) hph_——-LY ph This relation can be simplified for a circular fin of diameter D and rectangular fin of thickness t and width w to be ee 14) | (xDyh kas 1 [_kGwt) 1 fio Ph LY wtih LV 2wh LY2h 7?fim,circular = Min,rectangular = 7 Problem 10-117 Steam in a heating system fiows through tubes whose outer diameter is 5 cm and whose walls are maintained at a temperature of 180°C. The. aluminum fins (k = 186 W/m °C) are attached to the tube, have an outer diameter of 6 cm, and a constant thickness of | mm. There are 250 fins per meter length of tube each spaced 3 mm apart. Heat is transferred to the surrounding air at T, = 25°C where h = 40 W/m?°C. Determine the increase heat transfer from the tube per meter as a results of adding fins. Ayo tin = MDL = 7(0.05 m)(1 m) = 0.1571 m? Qyo fa, = AAno in Tp - Tro) = (40 W/m?.°C)(0.1571 m?)(180—25)°C = 974 W The efficiency of these circular fins is, from the efficiency curve, Fig, 19-43 180°C L=(Dz—D,)/2= (0.06-0.05)/2= 0.005 m ry +(t/2) i 0.03 +(0.001/ 2) * dos 17? 2s°c 12 2r(e] -(+4 a ‘Nin = 0.97 PP) Fe = (000s +200 40Wim?°C_ _ og 2 (186 W/m°C)(0.001 m) Heat transfer from a single fin is Agig, = 2at(ry? — 7) + 2argt = 2(0.03? — 0.025) + 27(0.03)(0.001) = 0.001916 m? fin = 7 in Pen soax = Mtn Ata (Ts ~ To) =0.97(40 W/m?.°C)(0.001916 m?)(180 — 25)°C =11.53W Problem 10-117 Steam in a heating system flows through tubes whose outer diameter is 5 cm and whose walls are maintained at a temperature of 180°C. The. aluminum fins (k = 186 W/m °C) are attached to the tube, have an outer diameter of 6 cm, and.a constant thickness of 1 mm. There are 250 fins per meter length of tube each spaced 3 mm apart. Heat is transferred to the surrounding air at T., = 25°C where h = 40 W/m?°C._ Determine the increase heat transfer from the tube per meter as.a results of adding fins. Heat transfer from a single unfinned portion of the tube is Aafia = 7D, s = 7(0.05 m)(0.003 m) = 0.0004712 m? Quntia = bAwntn (Th ~ To) = (40 Wim? °C)(0.0004712 m? )(180—25)°C = 2.92 W * There are 250 fins and thus 250 interfin spacings per meter length of the tube. The total he: the finned tube is then determined from Quwain = "(Ofin + Ountin ) = 250(1 1.53 + 2.92) = 3613 W ‘Therefore the increase in heat transfer from the tube per meter of its length as a result of th fins is Qinerease = Qratsin ~ Ono fn =3613-974 = 2639 W Problem 10-117 Steam in a heating system flows through tubes whose outer diameter is 5 cm and whose walls are maintained at a temperature of 180°C. Circular alumi- num allow fins (k= 186 W/m °C) of outer diameter 6 cm and a thickness of 1 mm are attached to the tube. The space between the fins is 3 mm, and there are 250 fins per meter length of tube. Heat is transferred to the surrounding air at T, = 25°C, with h=40 W/m?°C. Determine the increase in heat irans- fer from the tube per meter length as a result of adding the fin. Analysis in case of no fins, heat transfer from the tube per meter of its length is Ago fin = 2D, L = (0.05 m)(1 m) = 0.157] m? Qo fin? = Ayo fin (Th, ~ To.) = (40 W/m? °C(0.1571 m? (180 - 25)°C = 974 W The efficiency of these circular fins is, from the efficiency cutve, Fig. 10-43 L=(D, —D,)/2= (0.06-0.05)/2=0.005m 1 + (1/2) _ 0.03+(0.001/2) =1.22 r 0.025 v2 pf -(e+4 [h Nin = 0.97 KA, Na Ze = (00051 2904 40 Wim? °C 5 2 N86 W/m?C\(0.001m) ~ A gg = 2at(rg? ~ 7?) + 2aryt = 27(0.03" — 0.025") + 2r(0.03)(0.001) = 0.001916 m? Orin = Nin Prin.wax = sin tAfin (Ti, - T.) = 0.97(40 Wim?.°C)(0.001916 m?}(180 — 25)°C =11.53W Auntin = 7D, = 77(0.05 m)0.003 m) = 0.0004712 m? Quntin = Ans (7 To.) = (40 Wim? °C)(0.0004712 m? (180 ~25)°C = 2.92 W Qrotartia = "(Orn + Quntin ) = 250(11.53-+ 2.92) =3613 W rotain ~ Ono fn = 3613-974 = 2639 W rserase =

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