HCI Project / Case Study Assigned Group No. Project/ Case Study Assigned

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HCI Project / Case Study Assigned

Group Project/ Case Study Assigned

The word "haptic" means "of or relating to or proceeding from the
sense of touch". A haptic interface is a device which allows a user to
interact with a computer by receiving tactile feed back. These devices
can be used by people with disabilities or people who learn best
through tactile or kinesthetic experiences. In this problem, you are
asked to work on the following.
  a)      Perform a literature survey on haptic devices and learn more
about it.
b)      Name at least 5 commercially available haptic products (you
must provide references along with the products).
c)      Assume a situation where you are asked to design a haptic device
for a specific web based application, say �web-enable home
appliances� (not limited to). Propose a scheme for the interaction.
Your proposal should contain (1) the problem statement (2) device
and system description (3) tasks and (4) the dialogue specification.
Note: �Web-enable home appliances� basically controlling the
appliances like TV, AC, Computer, Fridge, Fan, Lights etc. in an office or
home. Assume that these appliances are well connected to the
Internet (if you need any special connectivity, you should mention

2. Presently, most of the operating systems (Windows, Linux etc.) support GUI
based direct manipulation based interaction style. There are medium like audio
(like speech, music, heptic (like touch, smell, pressure, temperature etc.) and
other human qualities (like  is also possibilities. We can term an interaction
style as multi-modal, if we consider two or more of the these things in an
interface, then it is called multi-modal interface.
Make a detail survey on multi-modal user interface. Identify the pros and
lacuna in it.
Based on your survey, plan for a future OS.
(You should clear consider user’s profile into an account.)

3. A PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is an digital device (also called Pocket PC) and
in fact claim as more than what computer can do. If you are new to PDAs then
do a survey and have the preliminaries on it.  Prepare a consolidated survey 
highlighting the following.
Present state-of-the art of PDA technology and its usefulness.
Issues and challenges ahead.
Your approach to address those issues and challenges.
PDAs in future

4. It is felt to prepare embedded book (we can call it as eBook). It is called

embedded because both hardware and software are embedded into the design
using the principle of augmented reality and of course it looks physically alike a
paper-based book.
Identify the scope and need of eBook technology.
Plan different features that you may consider in the design of eBook from the
following perspectives

5. Same user sees the same interface differently as he grows. How you can make
your system grow with user as well? This is the one challenging area in HCI and
popularly called Adaptive UI design.(AUI)
Get sufficient preliminaries on AUI design.
Identify challenges to be overcame.
Identify all parameters you should consider towards the AUI design.
Illustrate your proposed approach on AUI with a case study.

Cyber India for India is as follows.
  78% people are digitally illiterate.
Internet accesses are only confined to urban areas. Rural pointes are
remotely located and in some places low bandwidth connections are
visible. Government utmost attempted or trying   to connect them in
cyber world by providing wireless satellite communication etc. but in
coming decade it is not wise to expect a much progress unless there is
Rural peoples are illiterate, but intelligently comparable to that of
their urban counterparts. However, they are reluctant to any foreign
languages, rather they prefer to have everything in their mother
As an HCI engineer it is a task for you to reshape the Cyber India.
Report your proposal

User evaluation of interactive systems sometimes becomes problematic or
even impossible. Model based automatic evaluation of interactive systems is
used to overcome this problem.
  Review the following models (not limited to) and assess their 
applicability in the automatic evaluation of interactive systems.
Model Human Process
Keystroke Level Model (KLM)
GOMS and its family
Fitt’s Model
Based on your survey propose your approach of automatic interface

So far expert analysis based HCI evaluation is concerned, we have noticed a
sufficient development. However, evaluating with  users remains open.
Identify the problems with user-based evaluation and a tentative solution
against each problem you have identified. Support your solution with
sufficient comments/justifications

9. If you are knew to soft keyboard (also called virtual keyboard) learn the
preliminaries on it. Then report on the following.
What are the varieties in soft keyboard reported so far?
What are the applications of such keyboard?
What things you should consider to enhance their performance? (You should
give your idea of evaluating a soft keyboard, in general).

10. Soft keyboard and scanning are two buzz words in the context of developing
interface for quadriplegic people.
You are to review the state-of-the-arts in this domain with acute criticism for
11. Web page is in fact an interface to Internet. It is not so worth to mention that
Internet becomes an integral part in our life.  A number of works reported in
recent literature to make a good web page. You are asked to study existing
approaches and include those in your report. In addition to that you may
consider of your own idea  for the same. Justify your idea with a case study.
12. Visualizing inter-personal communications:
Continuous inter-personal communications are becoming central to the lives of
younger generations. While it is useful to maintain contact with colleagues,
friends, relatives for personal or work-related activities, it can also lead to
overwhelming inundation of email, voicemail, instant messages, etc. Bogus
communications (spam) is making the process even more tiring. Additional
forms of communication, such as phone messaging, snail mail, instant
messaging, web forums, and other devices, only add to the confusion.
Maintaining multiple asynchronous conversions with many different people
over long periods of time can overwhelm a persons memory capacity. How can
we design better user interfaces that will help people communicate effectively,
manage communication overload, track conversation history, find previous
communications, and locate other people?

13. Student recruiting information management:

Academic departments have difficulty maintaining information about its
students and new recruits (typically potential graduate students).  New
solutions are needed that enable new recruits to express interest, faculty to
maintain contact with recruits and share information with each other about
recruits, and for students and faculty to manage students academic
experience while a and evaluate overall performance.  Potential users are
faculty, admissions personnel, graduate applicants, and students

14. The HCI of computer security:

With the waves of malicious attacks by hackers, viruses, and worms,

keeping a networked computer system secure is a challenging task. 
Automated tools can detect obvious known intrusions, but vigilance by
the computer user or administrator is the only defense against the rest. 
System hardening can prevent intrusions (e.g. unplugging the system!),
but can also render the system unusable by its users.  Enabling useful
features for the user (such as file sharing), also opens holes for attack. 
Hence, users must monitor their system closely to ward off intruders.
Methods for monitoring system events, running processes, open ports,
incoming and outgoing packets, communications between processes,
user status, etc., are needed to enable more secure systems and greater
levels of trust.

How can users or administrators maintain a close watch over the

internals of their system or entire sub-network?  Can visualization be
used to monitor this diverse array of information?  How can these tools
be designed to enable users to maintain alertness while working on
other tasks without overly disrupting their work?  How can the tools
support in depth analysis of potential intrusions?

15. Adaptive Web Page Design:

https://cambum.net/CambUM/DesignBed.html Consider given web page . Use this

web page and the eleven buttons on right to design any meaningful application.
Please rearrange the buttons, add more controls like textboxes, radio buttons or
check boxes. You may also copy this web page, rename it and develop an
application with multiple web pages. The Google Map currently shows weather
forecast and the traffic layer on zooming at a point. You may also consider to add
more data to the google map interface. The left hand side buttons are meant to
operate the weather forecast feature. You can remove those buttons and the
google map, in case you are designing an application with multiple web pages and
at least one page contains the google map.

16. Design a user-friendly Android application to control Microwave

17.     Usability Evaluation of the next version of IIIT Pune Website 
18. Online Eye Testing Interface for illiterate Indian users
19. Human Computer Interface Design for Illiterate and Semi-literate

Indian users for access To E-Governance Applications

20.   Usability Evaluation of E-commerce websites
21. A Novel Design & Navigation Mechanism for an Augmented Reality

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