6AB - Revision 2

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Name: ____________________________________ Class: 6th Grade

Date: ______________________________ Schoolyear 2009/10


1. Read the text carefully and accomplish the following tasks.

John and his family are English but they

always go to the beach in the summer. They like
the sea, the sand, the sun and to play on the
beach. They have a house in Las Palmas, in Gran
Canaria, and they always go there.
Last summer they went to Las Palmas as
usual. They always woke up very early, got
dressed, had a quick breakfast and went to the
beach. After applying sunscreen, John and his
sister Carol swam, played volleyball, surfed and
built sand castles. His parents prefered other things: Mrs. Peyton read a magazine or
listened to music and Mr. Peyton relaxed and sunbathed.
Now it’s almost summer and John is looking at the photos from last summer. Mrs.
Peyton is cooking lunch while is father is preparing the car for the big trip. Carol is talking
on the phone with her friends. John is very happy and he can’t wait for the summer holidays!

2. Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

a) John spends his summer holidays in England. _______

b) They rent a house in Las Palmas. _______

c) During the summer always they don’t wake up late. _______

d) They have breakfast on the beach. _______

e) Now John is taking photos. _______

3. Answer the following questions on the text.

a) Where do the Peyton family always go in the summer?

b) Why do they go there?

c) Where did they go last summer?

d) What did the children do on the beach?

e) Did Mr. Peyton play volleyball?

f) Now is Carol playing in the swimming-pool?

4. Ask questions for the following answers.

a) John always eats salad.

b) Mrs. Peyton is cooking in the backyard.

c) Last summer Mr. Peyton bought a lot of gifts.

d) Emma spent last holidays with the Peytons.

e) Last night John broke a statue.

5. Complete the following text with words from the box.

Chris, John’s friend, is on a Spanish _____________, Gran Canaria. The ______________

is great, it’s sunny and _____________. He does a lot of things on his hlidays: going to the
__________________, going to the _______________________ to swim, playing
_____________________ and taking ________________.
He ___________________ a lot of souvenirs, including a new ____________________
to wear on the beach.
Chris has got new friends. They are ____________________ but they ______________
English very well.

Spanish hot bought tennis island beach photos

swimsuit weather swimming pool speak

6. Complete the text with the right verb tense (Present Simple, Present
Continuous or Past Simple) of the verbs in brackets.

It’s half past seven now and I _____________________ (get dressed) to go to

school. Yesterday I _____________________ (have) swimming lessons, and that’s why I
_____________________ (be) very tired. I _____________________ (have) swimming
lessons twice a week.
I usually _____________________ (eat) breakfast at home with my mum, because
my father _____________________ (start) work very early. He always
_____________________ (work) very hard.
Last Sunday he _____________________ (not work). We
_____________________ (play) football, _____________________ (go) swimming and
even _____________________ (buy) a new camera.
Well, I _____________________ (have) to go. My classes
_____________________ (begin) at 8 am.

7. Complete the following text with the correct word(s) or expression
(represented but the picture).Remember it can be more than one word in
each space.

Angela is a friend of Chris and John. She is travelling to the USA. She isn’t travelling by

______________________ , ________________________ ,

______________________ or _______________________ .

They are travelling by _________________________ . Write the names of the

things she is taking with her:

1) 3) 4)

5) 6) 7)



15) 16)

13) 14)


18) 19) 20)

1) _____________________ 11) _____________________

2) _____________________ 12) _____________________

3) _____________________ 13) _____________________

4) _____________________ 14) _____________________

5) _____________________ 15) _____________________

6) _____________________ 16) _____________________

7) _____________________ 17) _____________________

8) _____________________ 18) _____________________

9) _____________________ 19) _____________________

10) _____________________ 20) _____________________

8. Complete the sentences with the Imperative of the verbs in brackets.

a) _________________________ (not / bring) the camera.

b) _________________________ (drink) all the milk.

c) _________________________ (be) careful with the sea.

d) _________________________ (not / make) so much noise.

e) _________________________ (not / buy) that book.

9. Now write a small text about your holidays this summer. Speak about:

 Where you are going to go?

 Are you going to go with your family or friends?

 Where are you staying (hotel, a friend’s house,…)?

 What are you going to eat and drink for breakfast?

 What are you going to do in the morning?

 What are you going to do in the afternoon?

 What are you going to do in the evening?

 What souvenirs are you going to buy?

 What are you going to photograph?

 Are you going to send any postcards/e-mails/sms?


Thank you Bruna Dutra for the

wonderful template! XXOO

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