Delayed Menstruation Like Me

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I know a lot of curios are wondering why I did myday ultrasound, many are asking if I am pregnant.
For you to know that I am not pregnant.
I have experience of delayed mentration, from October 29, 2020 to November 03, 2020, that's my
last period until now and I still haven't had it, on February 07, 2021 I peed with blood, I thought I had
menstruation so I watched it until night but there was nothing so I got nervous, just before I had my
menstruation, I thought it was just normal that's why I ignored it. But delaying menstruation is not
normal and there may be complications. I have experienced side pain, stomach ache to back, blurred
eyes, dizzyness, I just ignored all of that until my feeling pain continuously so we decided to have a
checkup on March 30, 2021 but only pee is chinecked on me I have UTI they can't tell why I'm
delayed so they gave the request ultrasound to know what the result is. So today April 05, 2021 I had
an ultrasound and we went to the doctor it was confirmed that I have PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome
(PCOS). My left and right ovary got a lump or a cyst called my left and right ovary caused it to be
impossible to have a child that I just read before on Facebook I thought I won't have it but it's wrong.
The doctor also suggested me to reduce weight and exercise take medicine 3 x a day 2 tablets avoid
milktea softdrink and reduce food because I can also have diabetic. I also have a follow up
ultrasound after 1 months to know if the swelling or cyst in my ovary has been reduced or removed
that caused pain on my side and it's hard to pee. As a woman like me this matter is very valuable. So
if you have delayed menstruation like me don't ignore it get a checkup immediately so it won't get
worse. Girls, let's take care of ourselves. It's hard to get sick nowadays especially when there's a
pandemic. I just shared this based on my experience. Thank you for reading.
PS: If you also have delayed menstruation and feel headaches, blurred vision, Insomia, Falling hair,
go to the doctor.

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