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New words explored ≦

1. Outset- beginning
2. Protracted- prolonged
3. Hubris-excessive self confidence and self pride
4. ‘Future’ in financial sense is a contract for assets
5. Dwindle - diminish gradually
6. Ebb - best used in context of emotion, means gradually
7. Communiqué -an official statement usually to the media
8. Teeter - move or balance unsteadily
9. Discretion - freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation OR speaking or
behaving very cautiously to
10. Inopportune - in inconvenient time
11. Insofar - as much as I can
12. Enshrine - reserve (a right, tradition, or idea) in a form that ensures it will be protected and
respected. Sort of expressed. Like laid out
a) The idea of socialism was enshrine by the writer in his economic excerpt in 2009.
13. Proclivity - tendency to do something, a , liking
a) A proclivity to work in a firm for the rest of one’s life
14. Frivolity - lack of seriousness
a) Ugh! I hate him with his frivolity, I hope he doesn’t work here.
15. Dampen - lessen or weaken. It can also means make something slightly wet
a) The prompt action of the driver to avoid that unknown animal on the road dampen the
effect of the car crash.
16. Peters out - fade
17. Ossify - fix or rigid in a position
a) The political system that we are currently using is ossified because it is rooted from the
Magna Carta in 1688 Glorious Revolution, quite a number of century ago.

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