Lesson Learned 2020 SD Updaed 28 Nov 2020

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2020 Shut Down Lesson Learned (Planning Phase)

Item Observation

1 Delay for SD organization

2 Delay of SD tasks PMR approval

3 Scaffolding
Many insulation works requested from different departements
after freezing Scope and some of them requested during SD

shortage in bolts and gasket and valves

the expander CMS overhauling in W/S takes long time and many
problems were faced during overhauling in addition delay in
supply chain of T/E material needed for unit A

repeated interruption of national grid power supply

some activities have a missing or conflict in executions as cold box

installations spools and manifolds and strainers ..etc
(Planning Phase)

Lesson Learned Action by/Remarks

to issue the SD organization with all slots enough period

ahead SD Procedure

SD Procedure, before freeze

date all PMR's related to SD
to finalize the PMR's approval in advance activities plan

HSE to study and advice

to use sacffolding with net to avoid droped objects accordingly
necesssary to make good coordination with operation
activities before SD to consider insulation works evluation according to freezed
plan plus considered
contingency extra percent to
cover unplanned insulation

enough spare bolts and gasket should be revised and flange management experit to
availed as stock before any major activities. review the stored materials
condition and fittness for
work and preservation
CMS overhauling to be at vendor W/S abroad and FAT
tested to be ready at site any time as a contingency
spare, and all critical material to be secured with
vendors/supplier before enough time period from SD's


to complete the study of alternative power source to be considered by


a check list shall be prepared in co-ordination with

operation, flange management, engineering and any
other concerned department to be followed for major
activities to prevent confilicts. need clarification
Action Target Date

End of 2020

End of 2020



Eng./WH TL's

2021 2nd quarter

2021 2nd quarter

2020 Shut Down Lesson Learned (Execution Phase)


Surplus material requirments during SD
long shift

Lack of LCP

Lack of Cranes / Forklifts

one contractor for construction not proper in contengy cases
Lack of manual valves spares / repair kits

Repeated leakage from methanol injection point
lack of drain plugs / caps

8 contractors brings subcontractor without nominated / assessed

to UGDC as per UGDC-P-34 and the contract between them.

9 PETROJET bad behaviour and ego to obbey UGDC safety rules /

advices by Unit # 10 Area Autherity
Siemens was used a handicapped inspector and he was inducted
10 as restricted work case and he identified to work on ground level,
but he didn’t adhere to the requirements.

the communication was difficult due to crowded channnel

11 operation ch.1
shortage of offices for external manpower and vendors


some conflicts occurred due to new hired SD manpower and

13 because they are not recognized by exiting team and their
different cultures

although we have a better motivation strategy in 2020 SD

14 compared with earleir one , we still need to develop and apply
more efficient reward system during SD to enhance the
performance of the SD participants

15 Many scaffolds quantityies have been requested to be added

during the implementation without pre-planning.
cranes operators competancy assurance


Misalignment for Cold Flare 80" Riser Duct.


Misalignment for the 24" flanges of upper 36 inch E01/E03 Cold

18 Box
Change in repair procedure due to reassessment of the anomaly
19 after dismantling the clamp, that require new material.

many lifting conflicts occurred during SD due to shortage of LCP

and the instruction of all lifting activities shall be done through
20 LCP

some mechnical repairs requested during executions


some conflicts occurred during night shift in delay of PTW and

procedure approvals

22 Huge amount of PTW taking a lot of times in preparations

(Execution Phase)

Lesson Learned Action by/Remarks

To review and keep minimum material i.e. valves ,
fitting , bolts , pipes , etc.to be considred in operation
store Planning TL

To avoid long shifts SD Mgr

To review the QHSE requirments for LCP and re-visit the

simple lifting requirments and costumise the requiremnts HSE

Many difficults during the SD rented equipments ,

prefered to check other contrcators

to study avail additional construction contractor

To contract specialized contractor i.e. EVACO for the
manual valves repair Maint.
Repair kits to be available for U-10 methanol injection a part of SD contingency
points .. New task to consider checke / inspection of U-10 materials included in SD
injection points every major SD Procedure
To avail minimum no. of NPT caps 3/4 " &1/2" SS and CS /
LTCS ( minimum 20 from each one) SD Procedure

contractor owner department to stress on this and add

this note in the contract if needed
availabilty of ulternative standby construction contractor

communications traffic
remark improved than before
it is important to find more channels and distribute and additional channels is
departement over radios channels security autherity not UGDC
recommended to have enough spaces /offices enough for
manapower New building hurry up and
using TCF for S/D manpower
recommended to avail manpower with enough time and
to be familiar with UGDC rules , and to wear same UGDC
coverall Need to discuss

To plan a good reward system especially to diffrentiate

the high performance key persons
Need to discuss
locations need to be identified in marked layout /PID and
communicated to all concerned parties
Need to discuss

Pre-evaluation for all cranes/ forklifts’ operators and

riggers in the pre-stage of coming SD and issue special ID
for each, include the equipment type and model.
HSE assessment to consider
Recommendation to avail the “80 inch Air Riser Duct”
separate and to be assembled on the existing flange to
ensure the alignment Tech./PMT
Recommendation to avail the new Header with the same
centre distance of cold box Flanges Tech./PMT
Recommended to take into consideration several
scenarios for the required repair to prevent any expected
shortage in material. SD Procedure

to avail enough LCP and to revist lifting authorities

distribution according to its category
a contengency plan with team and materials shall be in
place before SD
SD Procedure
to challenge for a smooth transition between two shiftis
and work with same level of understanding
better to think about
recommended to think about effective using the permit electronic PTW system
extensions part to minimize extended activities effrots
(just thr new shift signature is needed)
Action Target Date

2ND Quarter 2021

1st quarter 2021

1st quarter 2021



2020 Shut Down Lesson Learned (Closing and Start up Ph


Expander B Mallfunction and doupt regarding the magnetic

bearing coils readings discovered by chance when the vendor rep.
1 checked (was not in its checking list/procedure before, leads to
stop the machine and plan for SD to positive isolate and carry the
machine out to the work shop for investigation.

all lesson learned not well communicated

Close out PMR's related to SD activities

4 Removed Isolation materials

(Closing and Start up Phase)

Lesson Learned Action by/Remarks

to consider such checks in the machine after overhauling

next time Maint.

to revisit the expanders isolation SOR and expedite

solutions by Technical, to avoid lossed of stopping the
plant to apply isolatoin to the expander, also to avoid
that stopping/starting that causes cold boxes excurssions Eng./Process.

to have a standby ready complete overhauled machine Maint.

This is the target and

to add the outcome lesson learned to the ATR for ensure considered in the SD
the tracking / follow up procedure draft Revision
JRE's of PMR'S executed during SD are responsible for
expedite and close out next stages; commissioning,
startup and close out

Tagging and Preservation of isolation materials in W/H

Action Target Date

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