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Activity 1.....................................................................................................................................................1
United Kingdom Legal System....................................................................................................................1
UK Legal Resources.....................................................................................................................................1
General law.................................................................................................................................................2
European Union Law...................................................................................................................................2
European Conference on Human Rights.....................................................................................................2
How UK law is classified?............................................................................................................................2
How civil law is enforced in England and Wales........................................................................................2
How is the Criminal Law is Enforced in England and Wales......................................................................3
Carter Tackle Complex Immigration Case Rose..........................................................................................3
Business immigration services....................................................................................................................4
UK Senior Appellate Courts........................................................................................................................4
Activity 2.....................................................................................................................................................5
Local policy reference.................................................................................................................................5
Employment and the structure of the industry..........................................................................................6
Financial performance................................................................................................................................7
Productivity and innovation.......................................................................................................................8
Financial forecast........................................................................................................................................9
Potential development area.......................................................................................................................9
Recent trade show......................................................................................................................................9
Oldham Council.........................................................................................................................................10
Oldham Enterprise Trust...........................................................................................................................11
Summary of professional support and providers in this area..................................................................12
“Activity 1."
“1. To provide and critically evaluate the legal system and laws with pieces of evidence
of relevant examples of the local community to support the judgments by analyzing the
current development and reforms.

A brief introduction regarding the legislation and UK's legal resources is provided. Many laws
are implemented in the various regions of the UK. So the classification of UK laws is mentioned
to have a better understanding of common law and civil law enforcement in the UK. Differences
are observed between persona laws and public laws that govern the relations between local
citizens, states, and the private legislations representing the relationship between the
individuals and private entities of the law.

Great Britain and the UK are comprised of four crucial countries like Northern Ireland, Wales, England,
and Scotland. Some of the country's laws are implemented in the whole UK, While some apply to
only one or more countries.
This assignment aims to describe and analyze the law implemented in the UK, England, or
Wales. This law is not oy practiced in oy Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales.

“UK Legal Resources”

The four main ways of developing law in the UK are common law, Convenient European Laws about
Human Rights and laws. There are no source Sir documents that exhibit the law regarding the whole
United Kingdom (Dutta et al., 2015)

“The legislation enacted by the legislature. The laws of Parliament are fundamental. The” “main
legislature comprises of UK Parliament present in London. In all the British countries, it is the
only authorized source to pass applicable legislation. The UK Parliament is the Parliament based
on the “House of Lords” and the “House of Commons."

“Total members of Parliament in the house is 650. Each Parliament member represents a
particular geographical area whose voters vote for their candidate through the past-post system.
Each voter has a chance to vote once a, and the member with the maximum votes for that
particular period is selected as the Member of Parliament.
The “House of Lords” comprises around 800 associates. Six hundred of them are officially
selected but the British Queen with the approval of the Prime Minister. Another House of the
Lord's members is provided titles like lady or Lord and Church's senior bishop of England's

Scotland's Parliament, Assembly of Northern Ireland and Wales National assembly, can
introduce the extensive matter laws. But these laws are only followed by the countries in which
they are implemented. Each. all of these conferences and assemblies have their sources and
websites (Bessant and Tadd, 2015)

“General law."
The law enforcement rule of Wales and England is a general law, and the senior Court members'
decisions are the central part of the regulations implemented in these countries. ”

“European Union Law”

The United Kingdom is considered an integral member of the European Union state(EU), which means
that the EU laws are more effective than the UK laws and legal system. .”

(ECOHR)European Conference on the rights of Humans:

Being a part of the European Council, UK is bounded to the ECHR ( European conventions On Human
Rights). The legislation regarding Human Rights of 1998 was enforced in October 2000, and it ensures
the protection of rights mentioned in ECHR all over the UK courts.

“How laws in the UK are classified?

Differences are observed between persona laws and public laws that govern the relations between local
citizens, states, and the private legislations representing the relationship between the individuals and
private entities of the law (Drucker,2006)

For practical implementation, there are apparent differences between civil and criminal laws.

Civil was being applied in family issues, employment, land and property matters, and contracts.

Criminal law is the branch of pubic law and describes the limits of acceptable conduct. An individual
violating the criminal law is known to a criminal committing a crime against the whole society.

“How is the civil law enforced in England and Wales?

A person who considers that an individual or an organization has been accused of committing a civil
crime can fill a complaint form and send it to court. In more than 200 locations, the nation's court
locates delays the claims in around £25000-£50,000, including the injury made to an individual. The High
Court of London solves the significant cases. In the high courts, each case is presented and translated by
one Judge only (Shams and Kaufmann, 2016). The person who fights a civil case is known as the
claimant, and he is responsible for proving that the other individual has committed a civil crime. Some
actions like prohibiting an individual from behaving in a particular way are provided in certain situations.
If the claimant proves his truthfulness, the compensation is lost, which is the defendant's amount.
Parties can file a case against the decisions of the High court.

Enforcement of Criminal laws in England and Whales

A person who believes that any individual has committed a crime is investigated. After the arrest and
interview of that Orson, if police prove that he has committed a crime, the person is charged, and the
report of the whole scenario is sent to the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service). If the CPS believes the
success of a case and considers it suitable for the public interest, the indictments are made against that
accused individual. The Crown Prosecution Service bears the responsibility of proving a doubt regarding
the crime committed by the defendant.

Magistrate court hears more of the minor crimes. Many England and Wales cities consist of their own
Magistrate Courts, where three judges hear the case. Judges do not need to have any legal
qualifications. However, they receive advice from clerks, who are qualified and experienced attorneys.
Judges are not supposed to states reasons for their decisions in the court. The trials in Crown Court UK
solve severe crimes such as murder, theft, and rape. The Crown Court is present in around 90 locations
of England and Wales. The jury consists of a group of 22 members, who are selected randomly from the
general public to decide the crime of the defendant. The decision is made unanimously by the jury. But
it is totally up to the judges to determine the majority's ratio by 11:1 or 10:2. The Judge implements the
law, and it plays the same role if the defendant is found guilty.

“2. Describe the different law sources and role played by the government about
implementing common law in the justice courts and its role in developing the functions.
You are required to provide an on depth analysis of the impact of organizations, jobs,
contract laws, and local companies. Also, show the understanding about legislations, their
standards, and regulations with the help of examples.

“Carter Tackle Complex Immigration Case Rose”

Intermediate crimes such as minor thefts are placed in Magistrate Court and Crown Court.
Penalties against the criminals accusing the crimes include fines (money paid to the state), jail,
and a societal fiend. Carters Complex immigration case is fixed to pink.

“Whether you want to motivate the UK to work with a partner, invest, study or settle down, the”
“Carters Manchester Immigration team will assist with every step of your visa application, from”
“initial consultation to appeal hearing (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012).”

“If your visa is denied, Carters Solicitors specialize in appeals, representations at immigration”
“tribunals, and complex legal review lawsuits. Carters can provide advice and support to those”
“already facing visa issues and deportations in the UK, giving you the support you need in a”
“stressful situation.”

“Business immigration services."

“Carters support companies in meeting sponsorship standards in the UK for foreign workers”
“and represent businesses when immigration issues arise.”

“Carter Law is approved and recognized by the Law Society in Immigration and Asylum Law”
“and proves that our team is one of the best immigration solicitors in Manchester.”

“Carters has a high level of knowledge, skills, experience, practice, and Carters will invest time”
“and effort in your Carters relationship.”

“UK Senior Appellate Courts”

UK Senior Appellate Courts make decisions on the appeals made by law courts. Two senior appellate
courts of the UK are

 Supreme Court
 Court of Appeal

The court of appeal performs its operations in England and Wales, remarkably Civil and Criminal
divisions. The civil division then appeals against the decision granted by High Court, while the criminal
division appeals to Magistrate and the UK's Crown Court. Appeal Lord Justice hears the cases and makes
their own decision in the form of a big speech. The court decisions are finalized by a majority of 2:1

For future purposes, an individual can consult the Supreme Court's decisions, Appellate council,
and the court of appeal. The court ensures that all decisions are made and treated equally that can
play an essential role in implementing justice (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012).”

“Activity 2."
“Local policy reference."
It consists of the objectives and priorities of the three primary present documents. Its ai a policy
framework that comprises business and investment plans and strategies.

They consist of GM Spatial framework policy, 2015-2035, Oldham strategic investments, and GM

“Employment and the structure of the industry."

In 2025, the total employment of Oldham is estimated to be about 80,700. It is 7% of the GM
employment. A career in comparison employment density is considered to be 0.57. In some
areas, it is higher than this, like in Rochdale and Topside, there it is lower than Manchester,
affected by Manchester and Trafford's performances.

“In recent years, after Oldham suffered, there has been a relatively strong growth in”
“employment Especially worse during the financial crisis and the subsequent recession. This
increase is a lot. Due to the 10% increase in part-time jobs between 2010 and 2015, The”
“number of full-time jobs increased by 8%. By comparison, nationally, there Part-time and full”
“time jobs grew by 3% and 9%, respectively. Reliance on the public sector, especially in”
“relation to Oldham Employment. As of 2014, according to the private sector GM reference”
“model (GMFM) Employment at Oldham was lower than in 2005. In contrast, the public sector”
“EmploymentEmployment increased by 19% over ten years. At the UK level, the public sector”
“Employment increased by 10% during the same period, but here the private sector employment
increased also When growing, about 5%.”

“Financial performance."
“Based on GMFM data, Oldham was up 6% in Greater 2015. Manchester Gross Value Added”
“(GVA) 1. Over the past decade, Oldham’s proportion Contributing to the “urban area "
economy is largely stable, and the borough's GVA The growth rate between 2006 and 2015”
“was the same in GM and the North as a whole. West Zone.”

“In 2010, when a large enterprise gap was seen in the Oldham Local Economic Assessment, the
active number of organizations was increased at a half rate. The rate experienced in the whole
GM and a minimal number of businesses left in proportion to the total population of Boro. Over
the past decade, stocks have been trading Oldham rises 11% lowest growth rate in ten (above
Tom side) GM Borough.”

“Productivity and innovation."

“Based on GMFM, the average GVA per employee in Oldham in 2015 was approx. 7,36,700”
“(2011 prices). This result compares to the average GVA per employee for GM The national
average” “is £39,900 and 4,44,400 (later distorted as the number is strong London and Southeast
show).” “The gap between productivity levels at Oldham and Overall GM has declined slightly
in recent” “years, although it has risen slightly Than Britain (Career and finance, 2016).”

Provide comparison, recommendations, and contrast among the effectiveness of legal

solutions and advice through examples. Provide support to resolve the disputes to increase
the potential client base in Oldham.

“Financial forecast."
To predict Oldham's future, employment is expected to increase at a low rate in Burrows compared to
other cities of Northern Borough. In the last ten years, GM employment is likely to increase with around
85000 jobs. 75% of these employment opportunities are present in Manchester, Stockport, Trafford, and
Sanford. A growing concern of employment is seen in the relationship between Northern GM and
southern divisions.

“Potential development area."

“The GMFM forecast was analyzed to inform SIFs and identify areas within Oldham has the”
“potential for competitive advantage and growth. It depends on Determining the highest”
“employment areas in Oldham / Economic Activity (GVA) is the total (space above 1) and the”
“future compared to the UK Growth is higher than the UK average. The results of this analysis”
“indicate Oldham's significant growth areas include manufacturing, construction, distribution /”
“logistics, professional and the business support services, and healthcare. Social care.”

“Recent trade show."

“To replace information based on the above business, even basic data Available about”
“businesses within Oldham and the GM subdivision. The main result of the survey in Oldham is
described below. Oldham businesses are displayed following Greater Manchester, if not

“Business confidence in GM is extreme with 31% of businesses Reporting employment”

“growth and the turnover increase of 50%. Oldham businesses Fewer believers reported an
increase” “in turnover of only 42%, although 38% reported it. It is as well. 71% of companies
asked about “the implications of Brexit.

No impact on the investment decision, 6% expected sales increase, 10%. While companies said
they had stopped making investment decisions, 13% said they were unaware.

“Growth drivers - In the context of key drivers of growth, businesses have reported that”
“regulations are a product and services were considers as the most critical factor around (47%)
followed by human resources and 45% skills. In Oldham, a large number of businesses have
initiated to describe the significance of products and services offered by companies (Kotler &
Armstrong, 2012).”

“Growth barriers - Lack of skills is the biggest obstacle to growth in the business base Access”
“to post-employee markets and sales opportunities (24% to 30% in 2014) (27%) And access to”
“finance (22%).”

“Product and service innovations - 80% of surveyed companies did less an innovative activity”
“in the last year. It also includes new investment Access to knowledge/skills to improve plant /”
“machinery, business and Introducing new business structures and processes. Although the”
“invention is widely diverse, it is a positive sign showing the progress towards filling the city's
innovation gaps. The survey also indicated that many businesses do not understand the tax credit
regarding Research and Development (63%)

Building satisfaction among local area – usually higher satisfaction is observed in Oldham
businesses with campus strength, access and access to public transportation was reported for road
transport.” “Business dissatisfaction of availability issues was reported Parking cost, crime and
sedition” “behavior and occupation rates.”

“Business Transfers - Overall, only 17% of businesses find themselves under scrutiny Full or”
“partial transfer (55% in the local jurisdiction, 33% elsewhere in GM).”

“Oldham Council”
Oldham council currently runs several business teams, but all rules are according to the support and
coordination to help establish, develop, grow, and uniqueness of businesses. The area is looked at by
several investment teams. The teams plan various roles like managing g the urban area and market and
promoting the tourism and marketing trends in Oldham. The council's most crucial role is relationship
management, vantage among the committees, and ensuring information and advice to parties.


 “Support local businesses to strengthen, grow and thrive in Borough’s economy."

 “Create local employment;”
 “Working with local and regional key partners to promote entrepreneurship and”
“entrepreneurship projects through HIP Enterprise."
 “Support many targeted programs and programs;”
 “Attract existing support and new retail investment rates in the city and district centers.
 “Securing important internal investment and partnership to sustain reproduction”
 “Strengthening the nation's economy.

Internal teams carrying out the businesses for communication purposes include

 Building monitoring and control

 Planning
 Protection for public
 Town center and markets
 Licensing and authorizing
 Libraries
 Economic rates
 General public protection."

“Oldham Enterprises”
The main aim of Oldham Enterprises is to improve the encouragement of organizations and residents to
contribute to the companies' long-term growth . Being a member of the “ To Get Olden Working”
initiative, the trust was developed by donating 1 million m Helping the next” “generation of
entrepreneurs get startups from The Stuller Charitable Trust. It also aims to assist” “land-related
businesses and youth in employment (Wang, 2017). A small group of people can manage funds due to
the trust in conjunction with the council's strategic investment teams. The initial funding was done by
the Stuller Trust and proved to be a bit of great Business advice and support. The funds helped a lot in
initiating startups, newly budgeted plans of around $2 million for companies and the young generation.
The motive of building trust is to work for business finances. The main solution for Manchester Growth
Company is to arrange sufficient funding for expansion purposes to increase its growth. It is known as
the "White Label Enterprise Fund” available companies that work under the Oldham Authority and local
areas. Some other GM areas are also present for developing similar items.
“Summary of professional support and providers in this area."
A variety of businesses support the service deliver by Oldham and its key partners, who are involved in
the delivery process. The summary represents the support on offers like:

 Professional advice
 Finances
 Development and research innovations
 Premises
 Innovation in staffing and skills development
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