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The word "love for wisdom or intelligence" in philosophy.

One understands the fundamental

notion of man's existence by philosophy. It is not about universe discoveries; it is about the
general and basic world and cultural values. Philosophy study enables one to understand
human nature.

Thinking, existence, and the connection between the earth and both. Ways of analyzing
human nature and view of the universe are reasoning and reason. It improves the sensible
and rational way of thought.

Philosophy is not a matter of body or truth but of simply and vividly thinking of facts.
Philosophy trains us to think objectively, know implicit assumptions, construct coherent
arguments, and speak plainly and in writing.

There is no previous experience required to consider an optional topic for philosophy.

Philosophy studying will increase the ability to understand and analyze, which can be of use
in any other discipline.

Studying philosophy will increase students' writing and reasoning and make the paperless
difficult as much of the subjects discussed in essays refer to democracy, humanism,
philosophy, ethics, secularism, women's liberation, etc.

The philosophical paper takes less time to schedule when planned and determined correctly
because it has narrower curricula than other topics.

The syllabus of Philosophy has been planned to make paper I a large part of paper II that
saves time and makes UPSC an intelligent decision.

Philosophy study not only broadens the spectrum of following a dream, but it also clarifies
the meaning of Paper IV, Ethics, Integrity aptitude, Test, and Interview.

The interview is the last hurdle before anyone is appointed and must be cleared. Studying
philosophy enables you to answer questions in interviews intelligently, making you correctly
interpret things and understand the underlying nature.

The preparation of the paper on ethics can be complex because the content of the paper is
far more accessible than what the curriculum says. Studying Philosophy provides insights
into critical perspectives on life, making it even more straightforward.

One thing about Philosophy Paper that cannot be overlooked is that it is mostly static and
does not resemble modified current affairs.

As an IAS, the essence of the decision must be continually assessed and compared to the
situation's facts and decided. The study of philosophy falls with this metaphysical mindset.

The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed daily life, induced broad-sized disease and
mortality. It has caused prevention steps such as social distancing, confinement, and school
closures without predicting something, except science fiction, movie scripts, and novels. It
has hit overwhelmingly many who deliver primary care and cannot operate remotely;
unemployment has terrible repercussions in a still precarious sector. Now that nations close
borders and airports are vacant, this pandemic is both the prime indicator of globalization
and deglobalization. No departures, no delays. Everything changes and no one is prepared.
Everything has changed. The pandemic interrupted time flow and unraveled normal
conditions. A phenomenon (thinking of Badiou in 2009) is emerging that restarts times,
causes drastic divisions and imbalances, and creates a new need in the event (Žižek 2020).
Such incidents challenge the current situation. Whereas we can see that life is changed
during covid-19 and its also effect on studies. Philosophy as an optional subject helped me to
understand the behaviors of others and made me thinking about what is going around me.
Philosophy is a fantastic subject that helps me socialize intellectually, and it helped me stay
calm and see things logically. Because of covid-19, our study moved online, and it has not
impacted my philosophy subjects because of its logical approach.

The controversy between rationalism and empiricism relates to how our efforts to achieve
insight rely on sensory perception. Rationalists claim that our ideas and information are
learned independently of sensory perception in essential respects. Empiricists claim that the
factual basis of our ideas and awareness is sensual perception.

In general, rationalists shape their opinion in two directions. First of all, they contend that it
exceeds the facts that sensory experiences can offer through the content of our ideas or
awareness. Secondly, they explain that they have more detail about the universe in some
way or another. Empiricists are presenting additional thinking lines. Next, they explain how
the knowledge rationalists cite from experience, so long as we have it in the first place.
(Philosophers at times choose cynicism as an alternative to rationalism: if we do not have
expertise that can give the ideas or the insight that rationalists quote.) Second, empiricists
attack the rationalists’ accounts of how reason is a source of concepts or knowledge.

Intuition is a logical way of seeing. In the rational grasp of a statement, we "know" the
essence of this intellectual "seeing" only in a manner that creates a genuine, justifiable trust
in it. The deduction is a mechanism in which we draw inference through valid statements
from intuitive premises that have to be concluded if the premises are correct. E.g., we
understand that number three is primary and that it is more significant than two. From
experience, we can deduce that there is a number larger than two. Thus, intuition and
inference provide us a priori with information, i.e., knowledge obtained without being aware
of senses.

Nietzsche's psychology treats the self rather than something fundamentally granted as part
of the universal spiritual system. An entity joins the universe as something that has to be
attained or constructed. Schacht (1983) has already found this notion of self as it was
accomplished rather than granted, and in Nehamas' (1985)'s influent Nietzsche analysis, it
was raised to a central topic. In this lecture, Nietzsche's metaphysical agenda is centered on
the project of human self-design or self-creation. So, we see how philosophy is essential for
us to as a course, and it helps us a lot during covid-19

A reasonably broad but restricted collection of permissible types of argument known as
"syllogisms" was developed by Aristotle and subsequent Medieval dialecticians consisting of
a general or central premise, a particular or minor premise, and a conclusion. Though
Descartes acknowledged that these syllogistic types preserved the facts from start to finish
such that if the assumption was valid, he also held the inference to be true. In the first place,
these premises should be understood, whether they are only accepted since they express
only dazzling possibilities. Thus, assumptions drawn from only possible premises are likely
just themselves, and thus these possible syllogisms are more valuable than information in
creating uncertainty. In addition, through using this approach through those embraced by
the scholastic tradition, such nuanced conjectures and logical reasoning had contributed to
an accessible building of counterarguments leading to profound misunderstanding.
Consequently, the scholastic tradition is such a confusing articulation, counterarguments,
and slight differences that the reality was always lost in cracks.

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