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Add some Interactivity to your lecture slides with fun and rewarding quizzes!

The way it works:

Step 1: Log in or Sign up at Step 2: Press the create button on the
top right.

Review the data on the question responses

Step 4: to understand if you successfully landed your
Import slides using powerpoint or key points and edit your presentation
pdf and add questions using accordingly for next time!
Step 3: these buttons.

Different applications
In this second
In this example, S1 example, the first S1
there are 3 slides slide is followed
followed by 2 quiz by two quiz questions. Q1
questions at the S2 those are followed
end. These quiz
questions reitirate S3
by one more slide
and a quiz question Q2 Q1
and highlight the at the end.
keypoints of the
This is to ensure S3
lecture. students stay
focused while
Q2 enjoying the quiz Q2
Using the results from these quiz questions is a key
to a perfect use of Kahoot presen0tations.
Questions where students struggled could be
mentioned in future lectures ensuring information
reaches the student.

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