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ECC309 – Theory of Machines I

Tariku A. Asress

Chapter 1: Introduction and Basic Concepts

Introduction and Basic Concepts

Introduction, motivation and aim of study

Examples with motion and force requirements
Nomenclature and Classification
Types of links and kinematic pairs
Kinematic chains and classification
Kinematic diagrams, visualization (examples)
Degree of Freedom
Grashof Criterion
• Kinematics: Study of motion of particles and rigid bodies
without reference to forces
• Mechanisms and machines: kinematics of inter-connected rigid
• Equilibrating forces: quasi-static analysis
Mechanism: Combination of rigid bodies (links) so shaped and
connected that they move relative each other for the purpose of
transferring and/or transforming motion/force from input(s)
(actuator(s)) to an output.
Machine: A device that uses mechanism(s) to transform and
transfer motion and force from a power source to perform some
useful mechanical work.
Key Points

• Mechanism and Machine: Transmission and transformation of

motion and force

• Motion: displacement, velocity, acceleration, path

• Force transmission: actuator forces


Mechanization and Automation: requirement of specialized

mechanical devices (manufacturing, material handling, assembly,
painting, packaging, etc…)

Health-care: transfer aids and devices, physiotherapy, surgery

• Transfer aids/Devices • Surgical Instruments
• Landing Gear • Excavator

• Robots: Kinematic geometry (degree of freedom, rigidity)

positioning, velocity, acceleration, work-space, motion planning,
• Flight simulators: realistic body motion, actuator rates and
Nomenclature and Classification
• Kinematic link or Element: Each part of a machine which
moves relative to some other part is known as kinematic link.
• Kinematic chain: a combination of interconnected links which
are rigid bodies.
Characteristics of Link:
• It should have relative motion with respect to other link.
• It must be a resistive body need not be rigid body.

A simple link has two pairing elements whereas a compound link has
more than two pairing elements.

Types of Links:

1. Rigid link: does not undergo any deformation while transmitting motion.

2. Flexible link: partly deformed in a manner not to affect the transmission

of motion. (belts, chains, rope, wire)

3. Fluid link: formed by having a fluid in a receptacle and the motion is

transmitted through the fluid by pressure or compression only. (hydraulic
presses, jacks and brakes)

Kinematic Pair: kinematic pair is defined as a joint of two or more links

having relative motion between them. Example: hinge

Based on nature of contact:

a) Lower pair: If the joint by which two members are connected has
surface/area contact, the pair is known as lower pair.

b) Higher Pair: A higher pair is a kinematic pair in which connection

between two elements is only a point or line contact.

Lower Pair Higher Pair


Planar and Spatial chains

Planar kinematic chain Spatial kinematic chain

• All links move in parallel plane • Link motion not restricted
• Kinematic chain:
• Open: at least one singular link
• Closed: with no singular link
• Hybrid: combination of closed and open chains

Open kinematic chain Closed kinematic chain

Classification: According to the type of closure.

a) Self/form closed pair: When the two elements of a pair are

connected together mechanically in such a way that only
required kind of relative motion occurs. (lower pairs)

b) Force - closed pair: When the two elements of a pair are not
connected mechanically but are kept in contact by the action of
external forces, the pair is said to be a force-closed pair. (Cam
and follower)
Classification: Types of kinematic pair

Revolute pair (R):

• Lower pair
• One pair variable: 1 degree of freedom
• Powered R pair: rotary motor
Classification: Types of kinematic pair

Cylindric pair (C)

• Lower pair
• Two pair of variable: 2 DOF
Classification: Types of kinematic pair

Prismatic pair (P)

• Lower pair
• One pair variable: 1 degree of freedom
• Powered P pair: linear motor, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators
Classification: Types of kinematic pair

Screw Pair (H)

• Lower pair
• One pair variable: 1 DOF
• Powered H pair: using rotary motor and ball screw (equivalent
to powered P pair)
Classification: Types of kinematic pair

Spheric pair (S)

• Lower pair
• Three pair variable: 3 DOF
Kinematic Diagram
• Schematic line diagram showing the arrangement of links and
their inter-connection
• Reveals the kinematic chain(s)
• Dimensions are secondary

Steering wheel mechanism (Ackerman)

Kinematic Diagram

Crimping tool IC engine

Kinematic Diagram

Surgical instrument Surgical scissor

Kinematic Diagram
Landing gear Excavator
Degree of Freedoms(DOF)

• The minimum number of independent coordinates, or variables

that need to be specified to fix the configuration of a mechanism

• One link of the chain is grounded

- Number of Links
- Number of joints
- DOF of the pairs

DOF = 3 DOF = ?
Degree of Freedoms(DOF)
Degree of Freedoms(DOF) - Examples

• A mechanism must have at least one DOF

• A structure has zero degree of freedom

• An over constrained structure has negative

Degree of Freedoms(DOF) - Examples
Degree of Freedoms(DOF) – Calculation Failures

• Failure due to special dimension

• Extended parallelogram mechanism: F = 1
• DOF calculation remains the same

Structure Mechanism
Degree of Freedoms(DOF) – Calculation Failures

• Failure due to special geometry

• Friction discs (pure rolling): F = 1
Degree of Freedoms(DOF) – Calculation Failures

• Failure due to special connectivity: 3P loop

Grashof Criterion – 4R chain

• Simple relation that describes the behavior of the kinematic

inversions of a four-bar mechanism.
lmin + lmax ≤ p +q
where, lmin = lenght of the shortest link.
lmax = lenght of the longest link.
p and q are the other links.
• If Grashof criterion is satisfied, then the shortest link can rotate
completely while the other links rock with respect to each other.
• Link that can rotate completely is called crank.
Grashof Criterion – Inversion Cases

Inversions: Various possibilities depending on choice of ground link.

Case 1. Shortest link is adjacent to the fixed
link – Crank rocker mechanism
Case 2. Shortest link is the fixed link –
Double crank mechanism
Case 3. Shortest link is opposite the fixed
link – Double rocker mechanism
Grashof Criterion –3R1P chain
Metamorphosis: 4R to 3R1P
Grashof Criterion –3R1P chain
• lmin: length of shortest link
• e: offset (distance perpendicular to sliding
direction between the two hinges of the P
pair links)
• p: lenth of the other link
Grashof 3R1P chain lmin + e ≤ p
then the shortest link can rotate completely
respect to all other links.
Inversions of Grashof 3R1P chain
Non- Grashof Criterion –3R1P chain

lmin + e > p
then each link will oscillate with respect to
the other.

 All inversions are slider-rocker mechanisms

 Single assembly mode

Determine the range of extension of the P-

pair for which the robot mechanism shown
is Grashof. Also, identify the crank.
Example – Solution
Case I: Case II:
lmin = 20cm, and lmax = 40cm lmin = 20cm, and lmax = S
lmin + lmax ≤ p + q lmin + lmax ≤ p + q
20 + 40 ≤ s +35 20 + s ≤ 40 +35
25 ≤ s s ≤ 55
25cm ≤ s ≤ 40cm (double crank ) 40 ≤ s ≤ 55 (double crank )

Case I + Case II 25cm ≤ s ≤ 55cm (Double crank)

Example – Solution
Case III:
lmin = s, and lmax = 40cm
lmin + lmax ≤ p + q
s + 40 ≤ 20 +35
15 ≤ s
0 ≤ s ≤ 15cm (crank-rocker )

1. Identify the number of binary, ternary and quaternary links in

the following recliner chair and excavator shown in the

2. Find the number of revolute pair and the degree of freedoms of

the following mechanisms.

3. On the a-e parameter plane, determine the region(s) where the

mechanism shown is Grashof.
End of Chapter

Assignment submission date: a week after end of this lecture.


[1] Shigley, J.E., and Uicker, J.J., “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms“, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New York, NY.
[2] Khurmi, R. et al, E.R. (2005). " Theory of Machines," 14th Edition, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

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