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Jaymar S.

Villarmino MAEd-AS

1. Cite two positive Pilipino values that are present in your Organization.

The 2 positive Pilipino Values that are present in our organization are being hospitable and
practicing "bayanihan system"

2. What do you think about this Pilipino values in your organization gives values formation as an
individual? Why this values exist in the organization?

These Pilipino Values which are being hospitable and having "bayanihan" are very essential in
our organization. At first, our organization/family are always showing hospitality to our guests
and visitors. We always make sure that they feel cozy or comfortable when they are in our
home. We are doing the best service that we can give to them. Secondly, we keep on practicing
"bayanihan system" This values is really present in our organization/family. Everytime we have
activities, work, programs, we usually put our hands together in order to finish it right away and
to become fruitful or successful. Even when we have problems, we are helping one another so
that we can find the solution. These values exist in our organization because we are born to be
hospitable and cooperative. These values make our organization empowered to do something
great and worthwhile.

3. Give one negative Pilipino values you hate the most as a person or to individual. Why?

The negative Pilipino Values that I hate the most is manana habit. I really don't like this behavior
/habit because I don't want to waste time. As the saying goes "Time is Gold." Time is definitely
precious, that's why we must use it wisely.

4. What can you do to make that negative values that you hate the most be transform into
positive values?

I can make this negative values manana habit be transformed into positive values by acting as a
role model on using my time productively. I should instill in my mind and heart that every
seconds, minutes, hours, are precious. That's why I have to do something great and memorable
that can improve and develop myself and also for others.

5. Cite one Pilipino values that are indigenous as a Pilipino. Why?

I think the Pilipino Values that are indigeneous as a Pilipino is "bayanihan system." This Pilipino
values is very important in our family, society and for the country. We must work together in
order to achieve our common goal which is to become successful. We are ought to know that
teamwork makes the dream works. Competence, Teamwork, and Unity are the answers of our

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