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Opt-outs – how many customers request fewer alerts or


Interactions – what percent of customers are messaged and

prompted; what percent of customers respond to a message or

App screens per session – how many parts of your app (screens)
does a customer launch in a single session?
Session length – how much time does a customer typically spend
in your app in a single session?
Session interval – how frequently do customers launch your app?

Conversion rates for events – what percent of customers

complete x action within the app?

Opt-ins – how many customers sign up for additional alerts or

engagement rate

Number of conversions generated
TR / total # of active users
from each social media channel
SMM надо группировать по
каналам number f leads
dividing the number of leads with
AD costs/ # of installs mobile ad the number of conversions.

audience size
AD costs / amount of new and
loyal application uses you get Traffic from social media
from the ad campaign CPLU loyal users Mobile

сравнить охват аудитории и кол-во потребителей
Number of customers

CPI cost per install

the amount of actives you have retention rate

during a month / install amounts
during the same period

numb user say 'love'

mobile app CTR on PPC
app / numb users
shown engagement
promt LOVE ratio
Paid adv Leads & conversions from paid ads

CPA = (Marketing Costs + Sales Costs) /

$ of New Customers



leads generated per offer

keyword performance
landing page new contacts

content convertion rate

page views per visit

total page view CTR

Convertion rate Retention Rate = ((CE-CN)/CS)) X 100

new & returning visitors visits per channel
performance CE = number of customers at end of period
(inbound traffic sources)
age group & gender
Retention rate CN = number of new customers acquired during period

Time to cinvertion CS = number of clients at start of period

Average close rate


new leads groupping by sourse

qulified new leads (have the potential to
become a paying customer)
Bounce Rate
Marketing qualified leads
the percentage of single-page sessions on your website
ROI Sales-accepted leads
Cost Per Lead LEAD generation marketing metrics
Media efficiency ratio
Conversion Rate Sales qualified leads

conversion rate for call

to action
CPM -cost per impression

Email landing page & traffic metrics Costs


Referral CPL -cost per lead

Organic Search closing rate CPC

Sales metrics
paid search Sale qualified leads

Traffic Win rate

Direct Traffic


MROI/ MROS close rate per chanel

REVENUE channels
Customer Acquisition Cost month to date goal

Landing page conversion rate Paid & Organic persantage

time-durations on page
lead channel origination rate
mobile traffic conversion rate
Pages per visist (whether
your site navigation is set up
in a logical order = call to Social media influence Keyword Rankings
action button way)
Use your CRM tool to track customers with organic lead source
and use the landing page data to see how a customer first found
Average Time on Page out about your site. To be able to do this, you need to connect
SEO optimization conversion rate per key word your marketing and CRM tools with Google Analytics.
Page Tracking

conversions from organic search

Average Session Duration

стоимость размещения рекламы / количество traffic from organic search
предполагаемых контактов * 1000
Average Pages per Session COSTS
CPV: Cost-per-view
new leads from organic search

Bounce Rate CPC: Cost-per-click

inbound links to website

CTR: Click-through-rate
traffic from video content
CPA: Cost-per-acquisition

Web Page Rankings

Page Loading Speed

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