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10:16 am, Sep 18, 2016


___ / 289

Assignment 6.1
I. Identifying interval size
___ / 19
A. Write the number that represents the size of each interval in the blank below.

B. In the numbered blanks that correspond with each shaded melodic interval, write the interval size.

Mozart, Sonata in C Majo4K. 545, first movement, mm. 1-4 f)

(r) (2) (3) (5) (6)

0) (8) (e) (ro) (n)

3 (4) (10)
(1) 0)
(2) (5) (B) (u)
(a) (6) (e) (rz)

Assignment 6.2
I. Identifying interva,ls
___ / 29
A. For each harmonic interval below, write the size and quality (e.g., P+).

B. For each shaded interval below, write the size and quality (e.g., m2) in the corresponding blank. (You
identified the size of these intervals in Assignment 6.1.)

Mozart, Sonata in C Major,K. 545, first movement, mm. 1-4 O

(1) (2) (s) (5) (6)

0) (8) (e) (ro) (u)

M3 (ro)
(1) (4,) 0)
(z) (s) (8) (11)

(3) (6) (e) (tz)

Chapter 6 Intervals
Assignment 6.3
I. Writing major, minor, and perfect melodic intervals
___ / 15
A. Write the following melodic intervals, as whole notes, above the given pitch.

(r) (z) (g) (4) (5) (6)

(e) (ro) (u) (rz) (rs) (r+) (rs) (16)

P5 M3 M2 m6 P4 m3 M6 M2

B. Write the following melodic intervals, as whole notes, below the given pitch. ___ / 15

II. Writing majory rninor, and perfect harmonie interva,ls

___ / 15
A. Write the following harmonic intervals, as whole notes, above the given note.

(1) (2) (6)

Chapter 6 Intervals
B. Write the following harmonic intervals, as whole notes, below the given note. ___ / 15

Mto P4 M10


III. Writing melodies from intervals

Starting with the given pitch, write the following series of melodic intervals. The labels and arrows above
the staffindicate the interval and whether it should be written above or below the previous note. When fin-
ished, play or sing the pitches to determine which song you have notated, and in which key. Write the name
of the key and song (if you know it) in the blanks.
___ / 10



Bonus point if the song is correct

___ / 11


Bonus point if the song is correct

Part I Elements of Music

Assignment 6.4
I. Interval inversion ___ / 21
A. For each given interval, rewrite the second pitch, then write the first pitch up an octave. Label both intervals.

1 point for the inversion, 1 point per proper identification of both intervals

B. Invert each given interval as in A, but this time rewrite the second pitch, and then write the first pitch
dousn an octave. Label both intervals.

(r) (2) (3) (4,) ___ / 21

1 point for inversion, 1 point per proper identification of both intervals

II. Writing q,ugtnented a,nd diminished intervals

A. First write the major, minor, or perfect interval requested, above the given note. Then copy the bottom
note, and raise or lower the top note to create the augmented or diminished interval specified.
___ / 12
(r) (2) (s) (4,) (5)

P5 d5 M6 A6 P4 A4 m3 d3 m7 d7
1 point per correct note, 3 per example.

B. First write the major, minor, or perfect melodic interval requested,

below the given note. Then copy the top
note, and raise or lower the bottom note to create the specified augmented or diminished melodic interval.
___ / 12

A5 M6 A6

Chapter 6 Intervals 65
Assignment 6.5
I. Writing diminished and q,ugrrlented intervals ___ / 7
A. Write the specified harmonic interval above the given note.
(r) (2) (3) (4) (5)

A4 ds A2 d7 A6

B. Write the specified harmonic interval below the given note. ___ / 7
(r) (2) (3)
(3) (4)
(4) (s)

d7 d7 d3 d+

IL Writing enharrnonica,lly equiva,lent in terva,ls

For each interval given below, write two intervals beside it that sound the same but are spelled differently.
Label each interval in the blank below.
___ / 15

1 point per interval, 1 point per identification: 5 points per example.

III. Interval clo,ss

Identi$r the size and quality of each interval (e.g., M3) and the interval class to which it belongs (r to 6).
f,} (r) (z) (s) @) (s) (6)

Interval: P4
Interval class:

f,) 0)

Interval class:

Chapter 6 Intervals
Assignment 6.6
I. Identifying all interval types
Identifii the size and quality of the following intervals (e.g., M3). In the second row of blanks, label each
interval I (imperfect consonance), P (perfect consonance), or D (dissonance). ___ / 30
0 (r) (z) (s) (4) (s) (6) (D (8)

Type: I

0 (e)


IL Writing all intervq,ls ___ / 7

A. Write the following harmonic intervals, as whole notes, below the given pitch.

m6 ds MZ d+ A2 46 ds

B. Write the following harmonic intervals, as whole notes, above the given pitch. ___ / 7
(r) (z) (s) (4) (5) (6)

A4 P5 d7 M2 m7 M7

C. Write the inversion of each given harmonic interval, in whole notes on the staffbeneath. Write the
name of each interval in the blank provided. ft
___ / 21





1 point per interval and 1 point per identification of interval, 3 points per example. Chapter 6 Intervals

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