If The Idea Like Marshall Plan Is Implemented in Many Poor African Countries, This World Would Be A Better Place

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If the idea like Marshall Plan is implemented in many poor African countries,

this world would be a better place.

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

Hundreds of countries from all over the world have now been established with diverse
geographic and demographic conditions. Many of them are able to make good use of these
conditions, on the contrary, many of them are disadvantaged because of these conditions. Data
from the International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook shows that currently most of the
countries with the lowest GDP per capita come from the African continent which is actually rich
in natural minerals.

Covered by Liputan6.com, almost all of the poorest countries in the world come from the
African continent. Most of the population of the African continent has difficulty in terms of food,
so there are many health cases such as malnutrition, the emergence of the Ebola virus and so on.
The economic conditions there caused the population to be angry so that there were many civil
wars. There were also those who managed ingredients that should not be processed as food
without knowing the pros and cons.

I agree with the statement that ideas like the Marshall Plan are also applied to poor
countries in the African continent. The Marshall Plan is economic assistance provided by the
United States to countries devastated by World War II. This proposal was first put forward by
US Secretary of State George C Marshall. In my opinion, the United States is a developed
country that has been known for a long time by the world. If the United States gave the Marshall
Plan to the African Continent, it would greatly help the population, malnourished children in the
African continent. As far as we know, there are many countries that have helped the hungry
African people. However, if the Marshall Plan is also sent there, it will also have an additional
positive impact on its people. The number of African governments that have failed to improve
their economy is also due to a lot of corruption by individuals from the African government, so
that assistance must be given directly to people who are starving, sick, affected by the plague and

Despite having almost all of the poor countries, Africa has a lot of wealth. So in my
opinion, if the Marshal Plan is given by the United States to poor countries on the African
continent, they can make a fair deal, so that there will be reciprocity. African governments must
also be firm against civil wars that often or are happening in their country, African governments
must also better use their wealth so that it can be implemented in the African economy so that it
can reduce poverty and hunger in Africa.
If the idea like Marshall Plan is implemented in many poor African countries,
this world would be a better place.

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

Ratusan negara dari berbagai penjuru dunia kini telah berdiri dengan kondisi geografis dan
demografis yang beragam. Banyak di antaranya yang mampu memanfaatkan kondisi tersebut
dengan baik, sebaliknya, banyak pula yang justru dirugikan karena kondisi tersebut. Data dari
International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook menunjukkan bahwa saat ini sebagian besar
negara dengan PDB per kapita terendah datang dari benua Afrika yang sebenarnya kaya akan
mineral alam.

Di liput dari Liputan6.com hampir seluruh Negara-negara termiskin di dunia berasal dari Benua
Afrika. Kebanyakan penduduk Benua Afrika kesulitan dalam hal pangan, sehingga banyak kasus
kesehatan seperti kekurangan gizi, munculnya virus ebola dan sebagainya. Kondisi perekonomian
disana mengakibatkan penduduk marah sehingga banyak terjadi peperangan saudara, ada juga
yang sampai mengelola bahan-bahan yang seharusnya tidak diolah sebagai makanan tanpa
megetahui baik buruknya.

Saya setuju dengan pernyataan bahwa ide seperti Marshall Plan juga diterapkan ke Negara-negara
miskin di Benua Afrika. Marshall Plan adalah bantuan ekonomi yang diberikan Amerika Serikat
ke negara-negara yang hancur akibat Perang Dunia II. Usulan ini pertama dicetuskan oleh
Menteri Luar Negeri AS George C Marshall. Menurut saya, Amerika Serikat adalah Negara
maju yang sudah dikenal sejak lama oleh Dunia. Jika Amerika Serikat memberikan Marshall
Plan kepada Benua Afrika, maka hal itu akan sangat membantu penduduk, anak-anak yang
kekurangan gizi di Benua Afrika. Sejauh yang kita ketahui sudah sangat banyak Negara yang
sudah membantu rakyat Afrika yang kelaparan. Namun, jika Marshall Plan juga dikirim kesana
maka juga akan menambah dampak baik bagi rakyat-rakyatnya. Banyaknya pemerintahan Afrika
yang gagal dalam meningkatkan perekonomiannya juga dikarenakan banyak terjadi korupsi yang
dilakukan oknum dari pemerintahan Afrika, sehingga bantuan harus diberikan langsung kepada
rakyat-rakyat yang kelaparan, sakit, terkena wabah dan lain-lain.

Walaupun mempunyai hampir seluruh Negara miskin, Afrika memiliki banyak kekayaan. Jadi
menurut saya, jika Marshal Plan diberikan oleh Amerika Serikat kepada Negara-negara miskin di
Benua Afrika, mereka bisa membuat kesepakatan yang adil, sehingga timbul adanya timbal
balik. Pemerintahan Afrika juga harus tegas terhadap perang saudara yang sering atau sedang
terjadi di Negaranya, pemerintahan Afrika juga harus lebih baik dalam menggunakan kekayaan
yang dimilikinya agar bisa di implementasikan ke perekonomian Afrika sehingga dapat
mengurangi angka kemiskinan dan kelaparan penduduk di Afrika.

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