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The future is female

Dear ladies,

today I want to talk about a woman that changed the history of American slavery as
well as a phenomenon that helped escaped slaves .

The first woman I want to talk about is Harriet Tubman. She was born between 1820 and
1825 ( undeva intre anii, nu se stie cu precizie/- s-a nascut undeva intre anii 1820-1825)
in Dorchester County Maryland as Aramita Ross. The young girl was rented out as a
domestic servant to the neighbours of her master ( era inchiriata ca servitoare / Stapanul
o imprumuta vecinilor ca servitoare domestica/ o dadea in chirie vecinilor) . She fought
against slavery even as a young girl. There is a story describing how she defended an
enslaved man ( sclavii fugari/ a luat apararea unui sclav ) and was in consequence hit
with very heavy object by her master in the head( a lovit-o in cap cu un obiect foarte
greu). She will suffer severe headaches( dureri cumplite/ groaznice de cap) , diziness
and narcolepsy due to this blow to the head. In 1844 she married John Tubman and
dubbed herself Harriet Tubmann( si-a luat numele de ). Five years later she she escaped
with her two brothers to the northern counties ( a fugit in statele din nord / sa fuga de
sclavie/ sa fuga din sclavie ), leaving her husband behind. She used the underground
railroad system, a route of escape routes ( diverse rute/ cai ) and safe
houses( adaposturi / casa conspirativa/ refugiu) to flee her owner. She then returned to
the South several times in the years to follow to help many people escape their
owners( sa scape de stapanii) . It is estimated that she freed over 300 people through the
underground railroad. Travelling by night and in extreme secrecy, “ Moses” ( as she
would be known) is said to have never lost a passenger ( nu a pierdut pe nimeni pe
drum/ nu a lasat pe nimeni in spate/ in urma ) and therefore changed many
lives( schimband vietile multor sclavi fugari) .
You might wonder what the underground railroad was? Well it was a network made up
of people, both African American and white which would offer shelter to escaped
enslaved people form the South( reteaua alcatuita din oameni, atat de culoare, cat si albi
care asigurau adapost sclavilor fugari din sud ) . In the early 1800( dateaza din inceputul
sec 19) the Quaker Isacc T Hopper would set up the first network in Philadelphia ( a
initiat reteaua in Philadelphia) and soon also Quakers from North Carolina joined in.
The Methodist Episcopal Church would also help the escapees.( au contribuit si ei) .
Guided by so-called ‘conductors” the escapees would use private homes( casele
oamenilor), churches and schoolhouses, these often called stations (gara de tren/
numite gari de tren/ punctele de oprire erau gari) . The railroad was operated ( din retea
au facut parte/ s-au implicat /au participat) by ordinary people but also rich business
owners like Gerrit Smith.

As you can see Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad shaped the American
history we know today.
A schimbat istoria sclaviei in America
a conturat istoria americi asa cum o stim azi.

Dorchester County Maryland

Aramita Ross
Quaker Isacc T Hopper

North Carolina
The Methodist Episcopal Church- biserica episcopala metodista
The second woman I want to talk about is Hedy Lamar. You might ask yourself who she
is ? You might even know some of her movies like “ Samson and Delilah” , but her
movies will not be the reason she will go down in history as she wasn’t a remarkable
actress. She will be remembered as being the parent of WIFI and GPS. Hey Lamar was
born in Austria to Jewish Parents. Hedy would marry her husband at 19, just as her
career was gaining track as she was starring in more and more movies. Her husband was
a munition manufacturer, a very powerful and wealthy man whom she will flee 4 years
later. Hedy headed for Paris and then London, arriving to Hollywood in 1938. She will
often be typecast as an exotic seductress. In her spare time she would work on various
inventions, even though she had not specific training in scientific domain. Her
friendship and later relationship with the magnat Howard Hughes gave gave Hedy
access to a large science team.
During the First World War Lamarr learned that radio controlled torpedos could be
easily jammed and set of course. She then created a frequency hoping signal that could
not be tracked or jammed by enemy forces.

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