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Department of Architecture

Hindu School of Architecture, Sonepat

Practical Training Schedule (June – Nov. 2018)


1. Training Schedule
2. Rules and Regulations
3. Mode of Submission and Allocation of Marks
4. Joining Report
5. Monthly Progress Reports (One report per Week to be submitted at end of month for all 4
weeks )

Best Wishes,

Prof. H. M. Thapliyal
Coordinators - Practical Training 2018, VII Sem

Note: Read all the rules and regulations carefully and follow them without any deviations.
Department of Architecture
Hindu School of Architecture, Sonepat
Practical Training Schedule (June – Nov. 2018)

Training Schedule


Commencement of practical training :

On any date between 1st June 2018 to 12th June 2018

Conclusion of practical training

On any date between 26th. Nov.2018, to 30th Nov 2018, in order to complete the stipulate 24
weeks required by the university regulations.

Submission of portfolio
To be conveyed later

Viva- voce
To be decided later by the university.

Schedule For Progress Reports

WEEKLY reports on the prescribed pro-forma should be mailed by registered post by the dates
stipulated so as to reach the college office within a week of date of dispatch. Any dispute on
account of postal delay will be considered only on the production of postal registration receipt
by the student. The monthly report can be submitted by hand to the department office by 1 PM
by the stipulated date. (One report per Week to be submitted at end of month for all 4 weeks )
Department of Architecture
Hindu School of Architecture, Sonepat
Practical Training Schedule (June – Nov. 2018)


Every student after appearing in the seventh semester B Arch examination is required to
undergo practical training for a period of 24 weeks.

Choice of Firm

1. Architects under whom the training is to be taken should have a minimum professional
experience of 10 years and should be a qualified architect/s
2. Students should intimate to the college office and obtain approval of the Chairman
within the stipulated period.
3. The Chairperson (Arch.) reserves the right to ask the student to change the office if he
deems it necessary.

Change of office and address :

1. Students should not change the office they have first joined. Any change, if necessitated
shall be made only with prior permission of the Chairperson (Arch).
2. Any Change of address should be intimated to the Chairperson (Arch).


1. Leave up to 6 days only can be allowed in addition to the Gazetted Holidays of the
Organization concerned. Any leave taken over and above this period shall have to be
made good. All the leaves taken during the training period have to be notified in the
monthly reports and a proper leave account shall be maintained by the Department.

Progress reports & viva-voce :

1. Regular progress reports are to be sent to the college office every month as
stipulated in the schedule of submissions.
2. The submission is to be made as mentioned in detail in the "Mode of submission".
3. The system of marking the reports and other submission has been elaborated in the
"Allocation of Marks".
Important :

1. All correspondence should be done under registered/speed post.

2. All correspondence should be addressed to the Principal, Hindu School of Architecture,
Industrial Area, Sonepat,Haryana.

1 Joining report 15th June 2018

2 Progress report June 16th July 2018
3 Progress report July 13th August 2018
4 Progress report August 17th September 2018
5 Progress report September 15th October 2018
6 Progress report October 12st November 2018
7 Progress report November
(At the time of viva)
Department of Architecture
Hindu School of Architecture, Sonepat
Practical Training Schedule (June – Nov. 2018)


The total marks assigned to the Practical Training in the Scheme of examination are 200.
These shall be distributed as detailed below:-

A Periodic reports

1. Joining Report 10 Marks

2. Monthly Progress Report (5) 10 marks each 50 Marks

NOTE :The system of marking reports is detailed out in the Training Schedule.


1. OFFICE HOURS: The following work done by the student during the office hours must be

a) Drafting, Tracings, Perspectives, Presentation Drawings, Models,

Submission drawings.

b) Working Drawings:
Base drawings and details

The Maximum number of blue prints to be submitted at the time of viva-voce is

restricted to 16 prints which shall be attested by the employer. The prints should cover the
important projects the student has worked on during the training and should be representative
of the work done by the student during the training period.


This includes a Building Design Analysis and a study report which the student is required to do
in the extra office hours. The study should comprise multifaceted aspects of any building or a
complex in the final stage of construction or recently completed.

This report is to be submitted on a standard A-4 size with spiral binding on the shorter side.

This study and analysis shall be put under following heads:-a) Context, b)Space analysis,
c)Circulation, d)Form, e)Built in furniture, f)Services, g)Constructional Techniques

Students must choose a building or a complex either it being a work of the employer of any
other architect's work which has been started lately i.e., its construction stage should not be
more than one year old.

VIVA-VOCE 20 marks

The Criteria shall be the students comprehension of the work submitted and professional
experience gained during the training in a office and site visits.

Photocopy of a certificate from the employer after the completion of the training shall be
submitted along with the Final Progress Report at the time of Viva-voce.

The Chairperson
Department of Architecture,
Hindu School of Architecture, Sonepat

Subject : Approval of offer of Apprenticeship


I have received an offer to work as a student trainee in the office of/architectural

and would like to seek your approval for the apprenticeship.

1. Period of Apprenticeship……………………………………………………………
2. Emoluments fixed………………………………………………………………………
The above mentioned firm has been in existence for…………………………………………………………
The principal architect possesses a professional experience of ………………………………….years.

Yours faithfully.


NAME _________________________
ROLL NO. ______________________

Certified that the information given above is correct.

_______________________________ __________________________
(Employer's Name with office stamp) (Employer's Signature)

Council of Architecture Registration No

Employers Educational Qualification

(Note : To be typed on Employer’s Letterhead)

Department of Architecture
Hindu School of Architecture, Sonepat
Practical Training Schedule (June – Nov. 2018)


1. Name of student
(in block letters) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Address for correspondence

during training ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


3. Name and Address of

Employer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


4. Date of joining office …………………………………………………………………………………………..................

5. Emoluments fixed ......................................................................................................................

Dated __________________ (Trainee's Signature)


Certified that
Mr./Ms.__________________________________________________________________ has
joined my office/this firm as a student trainee and that the information supplied by him/her is

Dated____________________ (Employer's Signature with office stamp)


For college use only

1. Date of receipt in college/Deptt.___________________________

2. Marks awarded_________________________out of__________________
Department of Architecture
Hindu School of Architecture, Sonepat
Practical Training Schedule (June – Nov. 2018)

June/July/August/Sep./Oct./Nov. 2018 (tick appropriate month)

Name of Student______________________________Roll No._________________________

Details of the project handled by you in this period:

Name of project:

Salient features of the project.


Titles of drawings handled


Nature of work contributed in drawings

Details of site visit

Date: ____________________ ____________________________

Trainee’s Signature

1. Certified that the information given by

Mr/Ms_________________________________________ is correct.

2. Certified that Mr./Ms. ____________________________________________________

was on leave for_______________days during this period.

Employer’s Signature ____________ Office Stamp

NOTE : All weekly reports for a particular month should reach the Deptt. Office by Hand / Post
latest by given day of subsequent month.( Late marks shall be deducted after that )


For college use only

1. Date of receipt in college/Deptt.___________________________

2. Marks awarded_________________________out of__________________

Also please submit your Approval for training and joining report on the letterhead of your

Wishing you a Happy and Comfortable Practical Training.

Best Wishes,

Prof. Heera Mani Thapliyal

Coordinators - Practical Training 2018, VII Sem

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