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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________

Subject: TLE 7 Teacher: __________________________________ Score: ______________

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 4 LAS 1
Activity Title : Apply appropriate safety measures
Learning Target : Identify and determine tools and its safety measures
Reference(s) : SLM TLE 7, MELC
Safe Keep of Tools, Materials and Outfits
Cleaning of Tools and Equipment
1. Tools and equipment are cleaned immediately after use in line with farm procedures. 2. Wipe off
any oil or grease on the floor. 3. Keep tools clean by brushing off any dust and wiping off excess oil.
4. Wash them thoroughly to remove dirt attach to it. 5. Wash working clothes separately from
domestic clothing or use disposable clothing.

Materials storage
1. Storage areas – These are designate storage areas for plant, materials, waste, flammable
substances e.g. foam plastics,
2.flammable liquids and gases such as propane and hazardous substances e.g. pesticides and
timber treatment chemicals.
3. Pedestrian routes – Do not allow storage to spread in an uncontrolled manner on to footpaths and
other walkways. Do not store materials where they obstruct access routes or where they could
interfere with emergency escape.
4. Flammable materials – This is usually needed to be stored away
from other materials and protected from accidental ignition.
5. Storage at height - If materials are stored at height e.g. on top of a container, make sure necessary
guard rails are in place if people could fall when stacking or collecting materials or equipment.
6.Tidiness - keep all storage areas tidy, whether in the main compound or on the site itself. Proper
Storing of Tools, Materials and Outfits

Safety tips for the storage of tools, materials and outfits

1). Provide an immediate supply of clean water and have an eyewash dispenser immediately
available for emergencies
2). Soap and a first aid kit are also necessary.
3). Prevent pesticide fires. Some pesticides are highly flammable; The labeling of the pesticides that
require extra precautions often will contain a warning statement in the "Physical and Chemical
Hazards" section or the "Storage and Disposal" section. Install fire detection systems in large
storage sites and equip each storage site with a working fire extinguisher that is approved for
all types of fires, including chemical fires

Place and Time for Safety Measures

The students are at the workplace during their scheduled laboratory period. They will spend
their time in the fishpond
A. Pond draining and drying. Wear a hat and a long sleeve shirt. Over exposure to heat and
extreme temperature may result in range of injuries from burns to frostbite.
B. Cultivation of pond bottom. Use long sleeve working clothes, hat and hand gloves. For small
ponds, a shovel or rake is used in tilling or cultivating the pond bottom just after draining. For large
pond, a rotavator is used.
C. Levelling. Wear gloves and long sleeve working clothes and hat to prevent fingers from possible
injuries and to prevent skin from direct sunlight of the sun. Remove or gather shell of snails in the
pond for these may cause incision or puncture to the feet.

Identify and encircle the words that you can see in the puzzle that is related to the topic (3pts. each)

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