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VijñānaYoga: Practicing, Feeling, Understanding from inside.

According to the great Vedantist philosopher Sankara, vijñāna is a deep understanding or

knowing that cannot come about merely through outer knowledge. Even the knowledge
expounded by our teachers and the inspiration we receive from spiritual texts is not enough.
Vijñāna is when inner clarity is revealed through personal experience.
Calling our way of practicing “vijñāna yoga” is but giving recognition to something that has
always been there. Something that is at the core of our discipline: Practicing, Feeling,
Understanding – from inside. (Orit San-Gupta, founder of vijñāna yoga)

A yoga session will usually be composed of Meditation, Pranayama and Asanas. While the yoga
practice in general aims to clear our mind and quiet our nervous system, the Vijnana practice
does this by bringing awareness to our personal experience (feeling from inside) with a special
emphasis on the back. The back holds the spinal cord which is part of the Central Nervous
System (CNS) and thus is a tranquil back enables a quiet mind. Searching for a tranquil back
while moving through or being in the postures is used like a gauge to measure oneself in the
pose. This technique uses the achieving ego in a constructive way and builds awareness and
sensitivity to our sensations. When both are done intelligently the practice is fascinating and safe.

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