How Did You Get Your Idea or Concept For The Business?

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1. How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

Ans: According to Miss Ojaswi Baidya, She had participated in a event called "Greenovation
Challenge" individually during her MBA in kusom college and had a different idea for the event
as per the requirement of the challenge that the idea must have a business model. She further
added, during the sessions of the event every member of her so formed group had unique ideas
for the challenge. Those ideas were getting quite vague that they thought of narrowing it down
and getting focused on a specific idea. Having said that, they came to the conclusion of making
products out of waste materials and also added the term "non-biodegradable resources" to it. So,
while exploring for this green idea they happened to research about the rubber products
(basically tyres) and its implications. They came to know how it was being utilized more often
by brick factories as a fuel but also were found disposed in the land fields and river banks. So,
for the sake of environment protection they thought of reusing the products for materials like
furniture, belts, shoes, etc. But also they solely wanted to focus on using those tyres as it is
instead of cutting and wasting some parts of it and thought of making a unique product out of it.
After pitching for it in the very event, it happened to be a winning idea. This is how they began
their research and development activity for implementing this innovative idea and finally
initiated this as their business.

2. What was your mission at the outset?

Ans: Their mission at the starting of the business was to conserve the environment around us by
recycling and reusing waste produced by each household. She further added the term "up
cycling" which means creating interesting products out of non-biodegradable inorganic
waste(primarily tyres) which can be used for various purposes. They also wanted this innovative
idea to be known by many people and to develop its application in different parts of the country.
3. When did you "charter" the business?

Ans: The company 'Tyre Treasures' was officially launched as a company in November 2017,
just as the Greenovation challenge concluded after the assistance and guidance of various
mentors on the idea as well as the concept of entrepreneurship.

4. How many employees? And In what positions?

Ans: As per her response, When they started their business there were four people but later on
two of them left. Then, the current two CEOs of Tyre Treasures executed the whole working
process by themselves for a while before recruiting a number of team members to handle
different line of work within the enterprise. Now the team is growing and currently they have
one member working full time as a production associate and a few working part time looking
after products, delivering them, etc.

5. What are the qualities you look in employees?

Ans: She said, "Basically, there is no such stated qualifications that I look forward in the
employee. If you are dedicated and hard working and have the positive attitude then he/ she is
warmly welcome in this business".

6. What products do you manufacture?

Ans: She mentioned about her products which were the artifacts like tables, chairs, turfs, sung
cushion (i.e. the cushion made of scrap cotton which is fitted inside the painted tyre. Other things
include, 'Sarjayanthi'( a line of table and muda set whose intricate pater patterns are supported by
sturdy tyres, wings and Treasure Garden, Tyre planter, mats and many more.

7. How do you advertise your products?

Ans: Tyre Treasures started as an online marketing business. They have now moved into selling
or show casing their products at different locations and stores throughout Kathmandu where
customers can check out the creations before buying them. The Nepali market thrives on
analyzing and physically inspecting products before it is bought. They learned this quick enough
and implemented it into their business strategy. Besides opening an outlet for their inventions,
their products are also show cased at 'Maya ko Chino' a collective store in Jhamsikhel, as well as
displayed at the House of Palettes studio nearby. They also try collaborating with the interior
designers and architects. Thus, their business is being promoted through different Social Medias,
event shows as well as their official website.

8. What kind of Corporation is your business?

Ans: The Company is basically a partnership business. The co-founders are the two talented
women- Ojaswi Baidya and Loonibha Manandhar.

9. How have you been managing your funds so far?

Ans: In the research and development works for the commencement of the business, they had
used the prize money which they had gained during the Greenovation Challenge. After that they
began utilizing their savings and started to re-invest their sales revenue in the business itself.
Since, it was an unplanned enterprise, there were no any hard and fast policies for generating any
kind of funds from any other sources. In this way, the business is being run by the use of their
personal savings and revenues.

10. Do you work locally or nationally?

Ans: Currently, they are working locally utilizing the local materials to produce the goods but
since, they are getting inquiries from different parts of countries as well, their business is slowly

11. What are your company's goals?

Ans: According to the CEO, the main motive of the business is clearly up cycling. Despite that,
to have the responsible action towards their resources and promoting the products which can last
longer and can serve for the betterment of the people and society are some other goals. Having
said that, promoting a responsible consumerism adds up to the proper motive of the company

12. What is unique about your business?

Ans: She replied, you may have a heard a lot about the term reusing and recycling but this
business sums up the idea of 'up cycling' which is a unique term itself. It is all about using the
rubber tyres as a whole and making a unique and innovative creation out of it whereas there are
other organizations which deal with the reuse and recycle techniques from the plastic and glass
materials. This thing sounds very common in context of Nepal. Thus, Tyre Treasure is a unique
business on its own.

13. What made you choose this business?

Ans: When everyone nowadays is only focusing on the profit motive they not only thought of the
profit but also contributing for the betterment of our society and nation at the same time. So, they
thought of reducing the pollution in the country by utilizing the waste materials found at the river
banks and land fields, degrading the quality of the environment. By up cycling those materials
they can create innovative as well as attractive products which can encourage and compel the
people to buy them. Unlike, other products theirs seem to be little expensive but durable at the
same time which can help them in gaining profit as well as serving for the nation. Thus, it
encouraged them to choose this business.

14. What are your responsibilities as the business owner?

Ans: Firstly, She stated how they have worked from the strategic/bird eye view to the ground
level work until now. Initially, they used to collect and clean the tyres on their own as to know
their products and materials and to know how everything is managed and prepared, being a
founder. Also, being in such a reputed position requires the qualities of a leadership to direct and
guide the team. In this way, they are fulfilling their responsibilities be it by helping in the making
process of the products or leading the team to do much better.
15. What made you choose your current location?

Ans: Their current workplace is located in Kupondole Road, Lalitpur. Firstly, they started their
work from Jhamsikhel but then looking for a bigger space indeed, Ms. Ojaswi Baidya happened
to shift the work on an empty flat of her own residence and since then started working there.
Another reason for choosing that place is it is near to the bank of Bagmati River and also because
lots of workshops are located there which can make the excess of tyres for them very easy. She
further added that there is plenty of handicraft markets nearby which made them easier to
explore in a bigger area. Also the interior designs and architects offices are situated at the very
place being a proper strategic and excellent location for them to carry out the operations.

16. Does your company help the community where it is located?

Ans: Yes, the company helps the community where it is located. People are encouraged and
motivated by their products so, many of them visit their workplace to have a look at the products

17. What kind of feedback are you getting till now?

Ans: According to her, At the outset of their business there were no positive or active feedback
from the people as it was a new thing for all of them and wasn't easily acceptable. But as the
business kept on growing people started liking the products and slowly they are getting the
customers support. Still few modifications are needed on the products kind of responses are
being popped up. Yet due to its amazing quality and uniqueness the market for those artifacts is
slowly increasing, inquiries have being coming and have being getting an active feedback.

18. How long do you take to figure out the outlook of the product?

Ans: She said," We cannot exactly figure out the time period to complete one product. It all
depends on the nature, design of the products. And also, we try to complete the orders of
products as the customers estimate. But in general, the designs of the products are prepared in a

19. What have you thought about the expansion of the business?

Ans: She replied, "Definitely, expansion is always on our minds". Currently, they have been
running their business locally with limited operations and capacities. Still they are supposed to
be getting inquires from other countries which further motivates them to expand their business in
other parts of Nepal as well as to promote their business in an international platform; not at a
time but by taking small steps indeed.

20. What are some of the challenges and threat for your business?

Ans: Firstly, opening such business is a challenge in itself. Because they didn't get a good
feedback initially, now they are only focused on doing much better in the future and grabbing the
people's attention towards their products. Also, people seem to be quite price sensitive towards
their products which is a major challenge for the business. So, they are planning and thinking
about making their customers aware, increasing the production and lowering the costs and also
develop a responsible consumerism towards them. Similarly, they are also skeptical about the
fact that later on in the future if some issue rises regarding the use of tyres how will they cope up
and deal with it. So, these are some of the challenges and threat for their business

21. What are the distribution channels of your products?

Ans: Initially, they were taking the help of third-party stores for the distribution of their
products. But currently, they are directly selling and distributing it to their customers and
markets. The other way they supply and promote their product is by showcasing it in 'Maya ko
Chino' and other such stores.

22. If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?
Ans: "Believing in yourself" is what we got to hear from a young entrepreneur herself as a
answer to this question. She also added, when you are surrounded with people who ask the
reason behind the starting of this business and choosing such products, sometimes you lose your
motivation and belief. Likewise, if there is no support system, you start thinking about the
negative aspects. So the only advice she want to give to the beginners is that just believe in
yourself, have self-confidence in you and also stay positive and spread positivity around you.

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