Inquiry-Based Teaching: A Stimulus For Professional Discussion

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A stimulus for professional discussion
Inquiry-based Teaching
Professional Learning Module

Overview of the resource 1
Using the resource 2
Modelling teaching skills 3-5
DVD lessons 3
The activity lesson: teaching skills associated 4
with the different phases
Practising inquiry-based teaching skills 6-7
Inquiry-based teaching strategies 8-11
Inquiry-based teaching 12-19
Which of the following are inquiry lessons? 12
What is inquiry- based teaching? 13
What are the features of inquiry-based teaching? 14
Forms of inquiry 15
Inquiry: busting the myths! 17
What research says about inquiry-based teaching 19
Stories from the classroom 20-24
References 25

Overview of the resource
The essence of Science by Doing is that students will be engaged in
interesting and stimulating science activities. Activity lessons require
teachers to use a range of teaching skills if they are to be effective in
helping students learn. This professional learning resource explores the
different phases of an activity lesson and the teaching skills required for
each phase. The four components of the resource complement one another
and should be used together to ensure effectiveness of the resource.

BOOKLET: Inquiry-based Teaching
A stimulus for
l discus This written guide provides background information
which supports the ideas and topics explored in the
digital resources. Further reading lists and helpful tips
and tools are included.

DVD: Modelling Teaching Skills

The DVD describes and demonstrates the phases of

an activity lesson by showing two different lessons.

a l Le a


These lessons illustrate the different teaching skills

rn i n g Re

Teaching Skills

required in each phase, and in the process highlight the

so u


Science by Doing is supported

by the Australian Government.
Disclaimer: The views expressed
herein do not necessarily represent
the views of the Australian
Government Department of
Education, Employment and

very nature of inquiry-based teaching, as well as some

Workplace Relations.

of its defining characteristics.

CD-ROM: Practising Inquiry-based Teaching Skills

The interactive digital resource provides an opportunity to

essional Learn

Teaching Skills
and Strategies
practise the teaching skills associated with each phase of
an activity lesson. This is done via interacting with a virtual
Pr o f

Science by Doing is supported
by the Australian Government.
Disclaimer: The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent the

classroom using a recording device such as a webcam. For

views of the Australian Government
Department of Education,
Employment and
Workplace Relations.

feedback the teacher can watch the way other teachers

have responded to each lesson phase. Teachers will also be
prompted to reflect on their own approach to identify areas
of strength and weakness. The simple act of recording is an
essential feature of this resource.

CD-ROM: Inquiry-based Teaching Strategies

Using animation, this resource describes and illustrates six
teaching strategies that facilitate an inquiry-based approach
to teaching and learning. Following an introduction to each
of the strategies, the teacher is presented with a range
of classroom scenarios and the opportunity to select the
strategy most appropriate to each.

Using the resource
The components of the resource have been prepared for use in the
following sequence:

 iew the DVD:

Modelling Teaching Skills

View and interact with the CD-ROM:

Practising Inquiry-based Teaching Skills

 iew and interact with the CD-ROM:

Inquiry-based Teaching Strategies

 ead book and discuss with colleagues:

Inquiry-based Teaching

While the resource has

been developed primarily
for an individual teacher
to use on a computer, it
can also be adapted for
groups such as a school
science department or
a large workshop. The
value of the resource
will be determined by
the opportunity for
participants to be actively
engaged in doing,
reflecting and sharing

Modelling teaching skills

DVD lessons
There are two lessons that illustrate the different skills
in inquiry-based teaching.

Lesson one: Investigating pond water


In this lesson the students use different types of

a l Le a

rn i n g Re

microscopes to investigate a variety of living things

Teaching Skills

found in pond water. The students observe and draw

so u


Science by Doing is supported

by the Australian Government.
Disclaimer: The views expressed
herein do not necessarily represent
the views of the Australian

specific animals. Their observations are assisted

Government Department of
Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations.

by a series of prepared questions related to the

characteristics of living things.
Lesson two: The rule of the seesaw
Using a ruler, pencil and washers students explore
how to balance a seesaw (ruler). While students are
encouraged to try their own ways of balancing the
ruler with a variety of washers, there are also some
suggested exercises available to students who may
wish to use them. As a result of this exploration,
students are encouraged to develop a rule they can
use to help them balance the ruler.

“It is remarkable to see how

much students learn when
they are given an opportunity
to come up with their own
designs for experiments.”
Science by Doing
Pilot teacher, ACT

The activity lesson:
teaching skills
associated with the
different phases
Some people believe that for
student-centred inquiry the teacher
has less of a role to play in student
learning. The truth is that a skilled
teacher remains the key to effective
instruction and is the key element
in any inquiry-based classroom.
Introducing the activity
An activity lesson usually has
three phases; an introduction, the
activity time and a conclusion. To
perform effectively teachers must
use different skills according to
the focus and aim of each part of
a lesson. These phases and the
teaching skills required for each
are outlined on the following page.

Discussing the activity Student activity

Introducing the activity
The introductory phase is the initial part of the lesson where the scene
is set for the day’s activity. In this phase the teacher is the ‘director’ and
‘organiser’. The teacher’s role is to:
• Gain the interest of the students
• Elicit student prior learning
• Outline the problem or activity, and provide advanced organisation
where appropriate
• Describe the arrangements for collection and use of equipment/materials
• Communicate time and outcome expectations
Communication with students in this phase should be simple, direct and
concise to ensure that students receive the necessary information to carry
out the task. Where possible, the introductory phase should be kept brief.

Student activity
The bulk of the lesson is dedicated to student
‘doing’ and is referred to as the activity
phase. In this phase the teacher is the ‘helper’
and ‘facilitator’, engaging students to:
• Assist with materials and activities
• Discuss ideas, challenging students to
think more critically. During this phase
the main method of communicating with
students is via questioning.

Discussing the activity

An important, but often neglected and
rushed part of the lesson is the conclusion
phase. In this phase the teacher acts as
coordinator, drawing together the
students’ ideas into a meaningful and
coherent picture.
This is the most challenging phase of an activity lesson. The teacher:
• Encourages students to share their results from the activity
• Through discussion, helps students summarise the main ideas
or concepts.
Again, questioning plays an important role in this phase to draw out
students’ ideas and assist them in refining their thoughts.

Practising inquiry-based teaching skills

Using the CD-ROM part of the resource, you have

the opportunity to practise the skills modelled in the


DVD by teaching a virtual class. The value of teaching

essional Learn

Teaching Skills

a virtual class is that you can focus on the specific

and Strategies
Pr o f

skills required for each phase without potential

Science by Doing is supported
by the Australian Government.
Disclaimer: The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent the
views of the Australian Government
Department of Education,
Employment and
Workplace Relations.

classroom distractions.

The uniqueness of this resource lies in
the self-review aspect of the recording
activities. After being introduced to a
concept you are invited to practise
putting it to use by recording
yourself teaching a virtual class. Such
opportunities are repeated throughout
the digital resource. Learning is further
enhanced by conducting a self-review
while playing back the recordings, and
by watching the supplied footage of how
three other teachers respond to the same
teaching task.
In terms of getting maximum
effectiveness from the resource, the
priority would be to make visual
recordings with a webcam or video
camera. Second to this would be to make
auditory recordings using an MP3 player,
dictation device or tape recorder. Where
no such technology is available you
may simply write down how you would
approach the teaching task. It should be
noted that as you move down the scale
of options listed above the amount of
user ‘doing’ is reduced; thus, the efficacy
of the resource is compromised.

Inquiry-based teaching strategies

Adapted from: Goodrum, D (2004) ‘Teaching Strategies for Science

ce Classrooms’ as found in Venville, G. and Dawson, V. (2004) The Art of

Teaching Science. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW.

essional Learn


There is a range of different teaching strategies that

Teaching Skills
and Strategies
Pr o f

Science by Doing is supported
by the Australian Government.
Disclaimer: The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent the
views of the Australian Government
Department of Education,
supports the inquiry-based approach and includes
collaborative and cooperative learning opportunities.
Employment and
Workplace Relations.

Brainstorming Envoy

Gallery Predict-Observe
Walk -Explain (POE)

Six of these are outlined in the following three pages.

Further information can be obtained from the Inquiry-
based Strategies section of the CD-ROM which
includes animations of these strategies in action.

Concept mapping
Concept maps allow students to represent diagrammatically what they
know about the links and relationships between concepts. They allow
students to access prior knowledge and provide teachers with feedback
on what is known or unknown and/or what is misunderstood, either at
a single point or over time. Concept maps are designed to increase
the students’ ability to organise and represent thoughts and help with
reading comprehension.

How it works
When concept maps are first
introduced, model their use at
the whole-class level. Brainstorm
ideas as a class and ask students
to assist jointly in grouping the
words generated. Explain that
each concept can be used only
once. Link relationships with
arrows or lines and talk aloud to
model the cognitive processes
involved. Ask students to assist
in identifying and labelling the
relationships between concepts.

The purpose of brainstorming is to generate ideas quickly – it is a
creative, problem-solving strategy.

How it works
Quantity is more important
than quality; all ideas are
accepted and not criticised.
Hitchhiking (building from each
other’s ideas) is encouraged.
Write exactly what is said
– no paraphrasing.

This strategy encourages students to learn from each other and take
responsibility for learning. It helps students to develop listening and oral
skills and promotes skills in synthesising and summarising.

How it works
Students are formed into groups
and are given a topic to discuss.
One student from each group is
selected to be the ‘envoy’. When
the group has completed its
discussion of the topic the envoy
reports to another group and
outlines what was discussed. The
envoy also listens to a report from
the group they are visiting. The
envoy then returns to their original
group, which has also received a
report from another group’s envoy,
and they exchange new ideas.
Each group should now have input
from two other groups.

Gallery walk
Student or group work is placed around the room and students are given
the opportunity to view other students’ work and to ‘show off’ their own.

How it works
Student work is placed around the
room and students are given time
to circulate and view the display.
Students can use the opportunity
to read information prepared by
others or consider the way the
information is presented. They can
collect information from the work
of others or peer-assess using a
prepared set of guidelines.

This strategy provides a structure for group work and also allows students
to cover a broad amount of information in a shorter period of time.

How it works
Students are formed into ‘home’
groups of about five or six. The topic
is divided up into sections and each
student in the home group is given
a different aspect of the topic to
research. The home groups split up
and the students form into ‘expert’
groups so all members in one group
are researching the same aspect of
the topic. Students research their
aspect of the topic in the expert
groups and prepare to report to
their home group. Students return
to their home group and take turns
to report as the expert on their
aspect of the topic.

Predict-Observe-Explain (POE)
This strategy encourages students to think more carefully and critically
about scientific phenomena by challenging them to examine events that
surprise them.

How it works
Students are given a situation and
asked to predict what happens
when something is done to change
that situation. As the change is
implemented the students make
careful observations about what
happens. By comparing their
observations with their predictions
they are encouraged to develop
explanations of what is happening.

Inquiry-based teaching

Which of the following are inquiry-based lessons?

Investigating pond water

Replicating Galileo
Students observe living things
Students are asked to replicate
found in pond water using
Galileo’s experiment on rolling
microscopes. Their observations
balls on an inclined plane. They
are drawn and compared with
compare their results with the
resource books and posters that
conclusions that Galileo reached.
show and describe pond life.
Galileo’s results and method are
During the exploration students
provided to students.
are free to work independently
with the materials supplied.

Hot cars
In response to a newspaper Sorting matter
article about the danger of Students are given fifteen
leaving small children in a different everyday substances.
parked car during hot weather, They are asked to sort them
students devise their own into groups which are then
experiment about sunlight labelled. Students identify
and cars. The teacher acts as their own sorting criteria and
facilitator, providing feedback have an opportunity to explain
and advice on investigation and compare their reasoning
design, materials, time with the class.
management etc.

Rule of the seesaw

Using a ruler and washers, Using the Internet
students explore ways of Using the Internet, students
balancing a seesaw. In the are asked to investigate how a
process they develop a rule particular metal (say aluminium,
that suggests how to balance iron, silver or copper) is extracted
the seesaw. Some guiding and refined. Students decide
instructions are made available how they will conduct and
to students, but students may present their research to best
devise their own approach to meet the criteria provided
reaching a conclusion. by the teacher.
To help you answer this question, read the next
few pages then make your decision.

What is inquiry-based teaching?

Science by
This is a simple question, but the answer is complex. Inquiry-base

The reason is that the nature of inquiry is itself

ing Professional
sion l discus
‘What is professiona
This resource
answers the
ed teaching?’
simple question
In doing so,
it explores
a variety of
A stimulus for
inquiry-bas lesson and
of an activity Included with
different phases strategies.

complex and multifaceted. There are many different

ed teaching CD-ROM.
DVD and interactive
booklet is a Effective
series include:
titles in this Change and

Learning Resour
Some other t, Leading for
g, Assessmen
Student Learning. ing /sciencebydo

pictures of inquiry.

Perhaps to understand inquiry one needs to SBDPLR1-IBT

understand the nature of science. Science is a way of

answering interesting questions about the natural and built world.
The body of science understanding has been constructed upon questions
and more questions. These questions arise from observations and the
gathering of evidence.

Science inquiry
Science inquiry embraces the diverse ways in which scientists attempt to
find answers to these questions. In education we refer to these ways as the
science inquiry skills. Just as scientists seek answers, inquiry teaching refers
to the ways in which students attempt to find answers to questions about
science phenomena. Teachers or the students themselves may pose
these questions.
While these two ideas, that is, science inquiry skills and science inquiry
teaching, have similar features, they are also different. By understanding
the similarities and differences, a teacher of science can more effectively
implement successful inquiry teaching.

Science inquiry teaching

Science inquiry teaching is more than just teaching students science
inquiry skills. It is about helping students find answers to their questions to
do with science phenomena. It is about providing activities that provoke
these questions and then creating opportunities by which students can
gather and interrogate evidence and information. From this interrogation,
understanding and genuine learning will occur. It is about structuring
situations by which students can discuss their answers to questions with
other students and the teacher. Through such discussion their ideas about
science phenomena can be refined and developed in a way that leads to
meaningful understanding. Within this discussion there continues to be an
important place for teacher explanation.
Inquiry teaching is therefore associated with student activity and,
commonly, student investigation. Within an activity lesson students may
be given a task or problem or question to investigate. The teaching skills
needed for inquiry lessons are varied, as illustrated by this professional
learning resource.

What are the features Seeking answers to questions
of inquiry-based This feature emphasises the
teaching? student-centred dimension of
the learning. If students have little
As explained previously, inquiry- desire to actively seek answers,
based teaching is focused on then there is little likelihood
helping students find answers that learning will occur. For
about science phenomena. this reason it is important that
questions are posed in a context
There are some important
that is meaningful and interesting
features of such classroom to students. The context of
lessons. These include: the questions influences the
• Students seek answers to motivation and interest
science questions. of students.
• Students develop answers Sometimes students may pose the
and explanations based questions, but more commonly
on evidence. it is the teacher who presents
• Students refine their them to students. Even if students
explanations in the light of new suggest a question, teachers
information or experiences. usually need to refine the question
so it can be answered in a more
• Students communicate and
manageable way. The art of good
justify their explanations inquiry teaching lies in the art
to others. of developing interesting and
relevant questions that can be
Answers and explanations are successfully answered by students.
based on evidence
There are two dimensions to this Explanations are refined
feature. Firstly, the critical role of Tentative explanations need to be
evidence. The evidence may come tested in new situations and with
from the students’ observations new information. For example, if
or from the data gathered by an students develop a classification
investigation or from such sources system for certain objects, the
as books, the Internet or people value of the system is tested by
with relevant expertise. introducing new objects.
The second dimension involves
Explanations are communicated
the development of explanations
The process of refinement
based on reason and logical
depends significantly on
deductions. Initially, explanations
students communicating their
are tentative with respect to
ideas to others, including the
the available evidences and
teacher. Through sharing these
information. Teachers have a critical
explanations, students can review
role in guiding the development of
and clarify their ideas.
student explanations.

Forms of inquiry
Inquiry-based teaching is a complex, multifaceted way of teaching.
One of the complexities relates to the fact that there is a variety
of forms of inquiry-based teaching. While the most common form
is guided-inquiry teaching, one can also present lessons that can
be described as open inquiry or in other cases as closed inquiry.
What factors influence the nature of these different forms?

One way
of explaining the
The posed question
different forms is
by deciding who is The method by
responsible for the which the question
different aspects is investigated
of the inquiry
 answer or solution.

Forms of inquiry and responsibility for the different aspects of the inquiry
process can be illustrated by the following table:

Question student teacher teacher teacher

Method student student teacher teacher
Answer student student student teacher
Type of open guided  uided
g verification
inquiry inquiry inquiry inquiry lesson
Sorting matter
Examples investigation Replicating
Hot cars Rule of the
(see page 12) Using the Galileo
seesaw Internet

Open inquiry
For open inquiry the student is responsible for posing the question to be
investigated, for determining how the question will be answered and for
collecting the relevant evidence or information by which the question is
answered. While open inquiry lessons tend to be time demanding, they
are invaluable in helping students refine their inquiry skills.

Verification lesson
A verification lesson is one where the teacher is responsible for all the
decisions associated with the question, method and answer. There are
some situations where such lessons are appropriate.

Guided inquiry
The most common inquiry lesson is the guided inquiry lesson. In these
lessons the teacher provides the question and/or the method by which the
question is answered. There are also subtle variations in that students can
make an input with the skillful guidance of a teacher.

“The confidence of students in

my class has increased due to
the collaborative and cooperative
learning opportunities created
through the inquiry method.”
Science by Doing
Pilot teacher, NT
Inquiry classrooms are
unstructured and chaotic
While inquiry classrooms frequently take
Inquiry: on this appearance, a closer inspection
usually reveals students who are engaged,
busting the enthusiastic and (very often) excited by
myths! their learning. In this state teenagers
can appear a little unruly, but it is worth
remembering that the correlation between
student engagement and poor classroom
behaviour is a negative one. It has been
widely reported that students engaged
through inquiry rarely present behaviour management problems. So while
the productive chatter and high energy levels in an inquiry classroom
can present a challenge for the teacher who prefers quiet and order, the
benefits far outweigh a bit of noise and rabble! Planning and organisation
is the key to ensuring that the hustle and bustle results in productive
learning experiences.

You can’t assess inquiry-based learning

? Inquiry-based learning can be assessed like any other concept
or topic in science; learning is learning! There are some special
features of inquiry-based learning, however, that make it particularly suited
to particular methods of assessment. Inquiry learning can be thought of as
a journey during which the body of knowledge and skill set grow. The use
of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment activities effectively
punctuate the journey to provide evidence as students move from the
known to the unknown.

Inquiry is only good for high-achieving students

? The ability to think creatively and critically is not solely for the
high-achieving student. In fact, the Science by Doing Pilot
revealed numerous cases where low-ability students embraced inquiry-
based approaches much more readily than those more academically able.
Many high-achieving students are proficient at ‘working to the test’ and feel
uncomfortable with the ‘unknown’ that inquiry represents.

Doing hands-on science is the same as doing inquiry

? Many science activities are highly structured despite being hands-on.
Such tasks tell students what questions to answer, what materials to
use, and how to go about solving questions and problems. Charts and tables
to record data are often provided. This type of ‘cookbook’ activity provides a
step-by-step approach to a solution. Although most inquiry-based activities are
hands-on, not all hands-on activities are inquiry-oriented (Llewellyn 2002).

In inquiry-based teaching it is never okay to tell
? students the answers to their questions
It is not practical to assume that all knowledge can be gained
through the inquiry method. There are always competing priorities for how
students spend their time in class and decisions about how to respond to
students’ questions are made within this context. There will be times where
it is not possible to have students design an investigation, or take the time
to conduct research. Teacher explanation certainly still has a place in an
inquiry-oriented classroom. However, it is through investigations that deep
understanding and a greater transfer of knowledge is achieved.

All science subject matter should be taught through

? an inquiry-based approach
There is no one-size-fits-all, ‘silver-bullet’ solution for science
education. Inquiry should be thought of, and used as, one of a variety of
effective approaches and strategies. Relying on any one method, including
inquiry, would be ineffective and likely to result in boredom for students.
No-one knows your students and the context in which they learn better
than you, therefore, you are best placed to make decisions about the
variety and choice of approaches used in the classroom.

True inquiry occurs only when students generate

? and pursue their own questions
Students need practice at asking questions that are investigable.
This takes time, guidance and many teacher-initiated investigations in the
process. When time and student ability permit, however, every opportunity
to allow students to pose and investigate their own questions should
be seized upon. It is these experiences that promote advanced inquiry
abilities and an understanding of how scientific knowledge is pursued.

It is impossible to cover everything in the curriculum

? using an inquiry-based approach
This statement holds true. It is not suggested that all science
should be learned through inquiry. However, investigations are important
ways to promote deep understanding of science content and the only way
to help students to practise inquiry abilities. Science by Doing promotes
more depth, less breadth, but appreciates that the issue of coverage vs.
learning remains to be addressed.

What research says about inquiry-based
The broad field of research supports inquiry-based teaching and suggests
that such teaching will result in more positive learning. The research is
not, however, uniform. This is in part due to the fact that the nature of
inquiry-based teaching is not uniform (Anderson, 2002). As indicated
previously, inquiry-based teaching is a complex and multifaceted idea.
This complexity has impacted on the research activity and the results vary
depending on the researcher’s definition of inquiry-based teaching.

In examining the research, there is value in considering

how students learn. This research supports the tenets
of inquiry-based teaching. A comprehensive report by
the National Research Council titled ‘How People Learn’
(Bransford et al., 1999) describes a range of findings from
brain studies, child development and cognition. These
findings in learning research resonate with the general
attributes of inquiry-based teaching.

With respect specifically to inquiry-based teaching, there has been

considerable research. Much of the research took place in the seventies
and eighties. During the sixties and seventies there were a number of
large curriculum projects undertaken. These projects generally were
embedded with an inquiry-based teaching approach. Two significant
meta-analyses studies that synthesise much of the research into these
projects were Shymansky, Kyle and Alport (1983) and Wise and Okey
(1983). Both studies demonstrated a positive impact of inquiry-based
teaching on student learning.
Anderson (2002) suggests that in recent years inquiry-based teaching
research has moved away from questions of effectiveness to questions
about understanding the dynamics of such teaching and how to
implement it.
In a recent evaluation of science learning in United Kingdom schools, the
report by science inspectors concluded that the main factor in the schools
with the highest or most rapidly improved science learning was their
commitment to science inquiry (Ofsted, 2008). Such a conclusion is
a strong endorsement of inquiry-based teaching.

Stories from the seeing the thrill of discovery and
questioning enter the eyes of
classroom my students again. For example,
rather than explain diffusion and
Harry’s story osmosis on the board as I used
When I started teaching over thirty to, I first let the students set up
years ago, I was introduced to the experiments which demonstrated
Academy of Science’s new text the concepts and they made
The Web of Life. I vividly recall observations. Afterwards, we had a
this text being introduced to us discussion about their observations
at Teachers’ College. It was ‘new and, through the questioning
and exciting’ and used the ‘inquiry techniques that came back to me
method philosophy’ as a basis for after many years, I was able to
its approach; this was how it was help the students understand the
described to us. I enjoyed using concepts. The real treat I had from
this method of teaching but over doing this was that they gained the
many years succumbed to the more understanding much faster than
traditional teaching methods used any previous group had ever done.
by the majority of my colleagues. As Doing the exploring before the
for upper school teaching, it ended explaining gave students a concrete
up becoming chalk, talk and spoon experience on which to hang,
feed the students so they pass their and make meaning of, the theory
University Entrance Exams and behind their observations.
forget the ‘fun’ discovery stuff.
I now do my best to pass on ‘the
Over the last few years I noticed message’ about inquiry learning.
more and more of my students Student teachers in particular are
losing interest in their science very interested. I enjoy watching
lessons. Peering into other science their faces as they realise how
classrooms in the school told the much more understanding is going
same story. The boredom showing on in front of them as the result
up on faces behind desks, in rows, of adopting a few simple inquiry
facing the front of the room, was techniques. But the most gratifying
not unique to my classroom. I found experience of all remains watching
myself asking the question, “what a student experience the ‘a-ha’
are we doing wrong in secondary moment! Their face lights up with
school science?” Every year a fresh the thrill and satisfaction of finally
group of Year 8s would arrive to us understanding why something has
all excited about science and then happened, when they connect all
slowly lose this enthusiasm as the the dots and make meaning of their
year progressed. observations. Since returning to my
roots and reinvesting in an inquiry-
Then I got involved in doing the
approach to my teaching I now
playing before the explaining
enjoy seeing more ‘a-ha’ moments
and, over time, I found that I was
than ever before.

Stories from the Described here is the elusive
‘a-ha’ moment when tension
classroom and frustration morph, often
dramatically, into a sense of pride
Emily’s story and accomplishment. For a teacher,
The classroom is a hive of activity as observing the ‘a-ha’ moment in your
students busy themselves creating a students can be one of the most
concept map describing the effect rewarding, satisfying and exciting
of exercise on the body. Students experiences one can have. And it
have been somewhat thrown in the can be quite addictive!
deep-end, in that they have not had
Since adopting an inquiry-based
much experience creating concept
approach to my teaching I have
maps before, and the concepts
observed more student frustration,
they are trying to link result from
but also more ‘a-ha’ moments
their observations of a series of
than ever before. I realize now that
investigations, such as measuring
you can’t have one without the
heart rate and temperature in
other. For me, the true value of
response to exercise. The frustration
inquiry-based strategies lies in the
among many students is building,
ownership it gives to students over
with the most common complaints
their learning. Over time, they too
being, ‘this is too hard!’ and, ‘you
begin to recognize and appreciate
haven’t given us enough instructions
the control they have and become
yet!’. I circulate the room, continually
quite vocal when, for whatever
making judgments about how much
reason, it is taken away.
assistance I will give each student
in order to keep their head ‘above It is important to appreciate that
water’, without actually solving the inquiry approach cannot solve
the puzzle for them. The students all problems for all students and all
interact busily with one another as teachers in all schools. It will always
they share their frustrations and be necessary to adopt a range and
insights. Gradually, sometime during variety of teaching options to cater
the second lesson on this task, one for the complexity of learning needs
light bulb after another starts to that our students present. I adapt
appear. The frustration disappears and mould the inquiry approach
and is replaced by wonder and to fit my capabilities, my students’
a sense of achievement. All of a strengths and weaknesses, and all
sudden the room is abuzz with of the other constraints we face in a
students wishing to share their work traditional school setting. However,
with me and their classmates. inquiry now resides at the core of
my approach because its strategies
provide so many rich learning
experiences for my students.

Without doubt, exploring and Prior to introducing an inquiry-based
adopting inquiry-based approaches approach in my science classes,
with my students has made me there was an evident lack of interest
a better teacher. I now have a and motivation amongst my students
much better understanding of towards science. Taking on students
how students learn, and how they lacking these most important
process, interpret and respond to attributes was a major obstacle that
the learning opportunities I provide I needed to overcome in order to
for them. This knowledge underpins enhance my teaching of science.
my teaching and informs every The introduction of an inquiry-based
aspect of my work with students. approach provided the mechanism
for me to do this. Via the inquiry
method, the teaching and learning
environment of my classroom
Stories from the became much more dynamic and
innovative. Students became more
classroom interested and motivated and
thoroughly enjoyed taking ownership
Rodrigo’s story of their learning.
As a new science educator I had the
By allowing students to explore,
privilege of being involved in the
investigate and discover new ideas,
Science by Doing Pilot program. This
they not only gained knowledge
opportunity has allowed me to adopt
of a given topic or scientific facts,
an inquiry-based approach to my
but most importantly, a deeper
science teaching and, consequently,
understanding of the nature of
I have embarked not only on a great
science and the world around them.
teaching journey, but also an
Once motivated I found that my
extremely rewarding
students’ mindset in relation to
self-learning experience.
their attitude to science changed
dramatically. The excitement,
enjoyment and sense of achievement
that my science students experience
“The excitement, now has also had an extremely
enjoyment and sense positive and wide reaching effect on
of achievement that other areas of the school.
my science students
To have students who are not
experience now has also
in my classes approach me and
had an extremely positive
enthusiastically express their wish
and wide reaching effect
to participate in my science program
on other areas of the
has been the most rewarding and
humbling experience of my
teaching career.

Stories from the record their results. During those
two weeks they also did more
classroom traditional class work, learning
about biology. At the end they
Ingrid’s story wrote up their experiment as a
I became a science teacher because formal scientific report. Many of
I loved science and I wanted to help their reports were better than
kids love science too. I also believe those I’ve received from Year 10
that it’s vitally important that people students. That said, I must admit
can make informed decisions in that they were the top class in the
relation to nuclear power, gene year and most of them were already
technology, and whatever other interested to learn what science was
technologies come our way. Even all about.
when students don’t learn directly
Since then, I have had mixed
about such things, science is the
success with inquiry teaching.
perfect forum in which they can
Students who have already had one
develop critical thinking skills and an
or two years of science that they
ability to make informed decisions
thought was boring, or difficult,
based on evidence, not hype.
are much more reluctant to take
Unfortunately, many students dislike the sort of intellectual risks that
science because they think it’s too are involved in inquiry learning.
boring, or too hard. So when I Sometimes, even the top-ability
started the Science by Doing Pilot classes are not interested because
Program I was excited about finding they are so focused on getting a
new ways to engage students in good grade that they simply want
science. And sure enough, the to be taught the right answer, rather
Year 7 class that I trialled the than discovering it for themselves.
program with loved it. They were It’s also difficult to do inquiry based
keen, interested and engaged. experiments with a disruptive class.
They enjoyed discovering things In theory, inquiry teaching can be
together, asked many interesting adapted to fit any level of ability. In
and probing questions and loved theory, it will help students engage
doing experiments. It was some of with science. But in practice I have
the most fun I’ve ever had teaching. found that I don’t always have the
skills to make it work.
Together we did an inquiry to
discover what type of environment I keep trying though. I’m designing
slaters preferred. The students a general science course using
designed habitats where the slaters inquiry principles and martial arts
could choose between dark, light, to teach core concepts in physics
wet or dry areas. It took about two and human biology. Hopefully,
weeks for the students to plan their this combination will engage the
experiment, build their habitat, students enough for them to pick
carry out their observations and up some theory along the way.

Stories from the The manner in which I interact
with students has changed
classroom significantly. The first change I
knew I had to make was to get
Steve’s story better at communicating and in
I consider myself to be an particular listening. I now can say I
experienced high school physics am a better teacher because I am
teacher with a good sense of a better listener. I actually recorded
humour. I, however, had concerns the amount of time I talked and the
about how much my students really amount of time my students talked.
understood of what I taught. The I initially did most of the talking, but
students would ‘learn’ their science now that situation is reversed. This
for the test then seemed to forget simple exercise was a turning point
it. For this reason I decided to in my appreciating the value of
become involved in a program that inquiry-based teaching.
emphasised inquiry-based teaching.
Sharing experiences with other
As I began to implement a more colleagues has also been an
inquiry-based approach, there important factor in helping me
were some initial problems, but the improve my teaching. I think my
successes outweighed the mistakes. students understand science more
than previously. They now discuss
One of my first misconceptions was
science ideas in ways that show that
that I thought inquiry teaching was
they are really interested.
mainly doing laboratory activities.
I have found that while labs can
help students in the process of
sense-making, they have little
value if they are just ‘cookbook’ or
verifying a science idea I have told
them. The essence of inquiry lies
in the seeking of answers through
the different interactions; student-
materials, student-teacher,
“As I began to implement
a more inquiry-based
approach, there were some
initial problems, but the
successes outweighed the

Anderson, R. (2002)
Reforming Science Teaching: What research says about inquiry.
Journal of Science Teacher Education, 13(1), 1-12.

Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (Eds). (2000)

How People Learn: brain, mind, experience and school.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Goodrum, D (2004)
‘Teaching Strategies for Science Classrooms’ as found in Venville, G. and
Dawson, V. (2004) The Art of Teaching Science.
Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW.

Llewellyn, D. (2002)
Inquire Within: implementing inquiry based science standards.
Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, California

National Research Council (2000)

Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: a guide for teaching
and learning.
National Academy press, Washington, D.C.

Ofsted (June, 2008)

Success in Science. London. Ofsted. Retrieved September 22, 2008

Shymansky, J.A., Kyle, W.C., Jr., & Alport, J.M. (1983)

The effects of new science curricula on student performance.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 20(5), 387-404.

Wise, K.C., & Okey, J.R. (1983)

A meta-analysis of the effects of various science teaching
strategies on achievement.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 20(5), 419-435.

Authors Reference Group
This resource was written by Professor Denis Goodrum Professor Jennifer A. Marshall Graves AO FAA
and Amelia Druhan. (Australian Academy of Science) [Chair]
Australian Council of Deans of Science
Acknowledgement of assistance Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
Science by Doing would like to thank the following for Authority
their contribution to the development of this resource: Australian Government Department of Education,
Ingrid Bean, Telopea Park School, Canberra Employment and Workplace Relations
Niels Hider, Amaroo School, Canberra Australian Science Teachers Association
Ian Hart Australian Secondary Principals Association
CSIRO Publishing Catholic Education Office
Fuel Creative Pty Ltd CSIRO Education
Hartbeat Multimedia Department of Education TAS
Interactive Multimedia Pty Ltd Department of Education and Children’s Services SA
Department of Education and Early Childhood
Funding Acknowledgement Development VIC
Department of Education and Training ACT
Science by Doing is supported by the Australian
Government. Department of Education and Training NSW
Department of Education and Training WA
Project Management Team Department of Education and Training QLD
Project Director: Professor Denis Goodrum, FACE Department of Education and Training NT
(Australian Academy of Science) Independent Schools Council of Australia
Project Deputy Director: Amelia Druhan NSW Aboriginal Educational Consultative Group
(Australian Academy of Science) Ms Shelley Peers (Project Director, Primary Connections)
Professor Russell Tytler (Deakin University)
Steering Committee
Professor Jennifer A. Marshall Graves AO FAA Copyright
(Australian Academy of Science) [Chair] © Australian Academy of Science, 2011
Professor Denis Goodrum (Australian Academy of Inquiry-based Teaching: ISBN 085847 269 4
Science) Published by the Australian Academy of Science
Mr Scott Lambert (Australian Government Department GPO Box 783
of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations) Canberra ACT 2601
Dr Sue Meek (Australian Academy of Science) Telephone: 02 62019400

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available on the Creative Commons website (accessible
using the links provided) as is the full legal code for
the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
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Last modified: March 2019
This resource answers the simple question ‘What is
inquiry-based teaching?’ In doing so, it explores the
different phases of an activity lesson and a variety of
inquiry-based teaching strategies. Included with this
booklet is a DVD and interactive CD-ROM.

Some other titles in this series include: Effective

Questioning, Assessment, Leading for Change and
Student Learning.


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