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Date: Score:

Hypothesis Testing
Testing the Population Mean

Directions: Perform what is being asked. Write your answers on the spaces provided. (3 items x 5 points)

1. A researcher reports that the average salary of College Deans is more than Php 63,000. A sample of
35 College Deans has a mean salary of Php 65,700. At 𝛼 = 0.01, test the claim that the College Deans
earn more than Php 63 000 a month. The standard deviation of the population is Php 5,250.


Step 1: Null and alternative hypothesis

𝐻0 :
𝐻1 :

Step 2: Significance level 𝛼=

Step 3: Test statistic:

Step 4: Decision rule:

Step 5: Decision:

2. One of the undersecretaries of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) claims that the
average salary of a civil engineer is Php 18,000. A sample of 19 civil engineer’s salary has a mean of
Php 17,350 and a standard deviation of Php 1,230. Is there enough evidence to reject the
undersecretary’s claim at 𝛼 = 0.01?


Step 1: Null and alternative hypothesis

𝐻0 :
𝐻1 :

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Step 2: Significance level 𝛼=

Step 3: Test statistic:

Step 4: Decision rule:

Step 5: Decision:

3. The operations manager of a sales company wants to see whether there is a significant difference in
the ages of male and female customers. He selected a sample of 35 samples for each group. The ages
are shown in the table below:
Male Female
𝑥̅1 = 27.3 𝑥̅2 = 28
𝜎1 = 2.4 𝜎2 = 3.1
𝑛1 = 35 𝑛2 = 35
At 𝛼 = 0.05, decide if there is enough evidence to reject the claim of no difference in the ages of the
two groups.


Step 1: Null and alternative hypothesis

𝐻0 :
𝐻1 :

Step 2: Significance level 𝛼=

Step 3: Test statistic:

Step 4: Decision rule:

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Step 5: Decision:

Rubric for scoring:

Criteria Points
Complete solution with the correct answer 5
The last two major steps of the solution are 4
Half of the solution is correct. 3
The first two major steps of the solution are correct. 2
The first major step of the solution is correct. 1

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