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Naskah Diterima xxx The decreasing supply of petroleum at this time will be estimated to run out in 15-
Naskah Direvisi xxx 20 years, therefore making scarcity of fuel oil will be difficult to avoid. Ideas
Naskah Disetujui xxx about alternative fuels began to be considered, both the search for new fuels to
Naskah Online xxx
replace fuels and the addition of certain ingredients to fuel oil. Therefore, one way
to use bioaditives. Various types of bioadditive one of which is cajeput oil.
Cajeput oil is a bioaditive derived from cajeput oil tree and filtered to produce
cajeput oil .In this study, researchers used experimental research methods to
determine the effect of the use of cajeput oil (without cajeput oil, 3% cajeput oil,
6% cajeput oil, 9% cajeput oil) on performance. Tests carried out by taking three
experiments at each engine speed of 1500 rpm, 2000 rpm, 2500 rpm, 3000 rpm,
3500 rpm, 4000 rpm, 4500 rpm, 5000 rpm, 5500 rpm, 6000 rpm. Data analysis
techniques used Two Way Anova to find out the significance of changes in
performance. Based on the analysis of research data, it can be concluded that
using cajeput oil, there was a change in torque at the addition of 3% cajeput oil
from standard conditions, an increase of 1.92% with a peak torque of 11.64 Nm, a
change in torque at the addition of 6% cajeput oil at 1.05% with a peak torque of
11.54 Nm. Torque decreased at the addition of 9% cajeput oil from standard
conditions of 0.17% with a peak torque of 11.40 Nm

Keywords: Cajeput Oil, Biadotive, Performance, Torque, RPM

1. INTRODUCTION plants, Cajeput oil is an example of this type of essential

The decreasing supply of petroleum at this time oil.
will be estimated to run out in 15-20 years, therefore Cajeput oil can be used as a bio additive because it
making scarcity of fuel oil will be difficult to avoid. Ideas dissolves in fuel, and from the results of the analysis of its
about alternative fuels began to be considered, both the constituent components contain a lot of oxygen, so it is
search for new fuels to replace fuels and the addition of expected to increase fuel combustion in the engine. Another
certain ingredients to fuel oil thing that is quite important is the compound space The oil
Pertalite is a fuel oil for motor vehicles that are widely compiler is in an open chain, which can reduce the bonds
used in Indonesia. In general, Pertalite is used to fuel between the fuel constituent molecules, so it is expected that
motorized vehicles, such as cars, motorbikes and others. the combustion process will be more effective.
Pertalite includes non-renewable fuels, so that
alternative fuels have now been developed to save on fuel 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
consumption, such as biofuels and add additives to fuel oil.  COMBUSTION ENGINE
An additive is an ingredient added to fuel oil that aims to Engine is a device that functions to convert thermal
improve combustion performance or perfect combustion in energy from combustion of fuel into mechanical energy,
the engine combustion chamber, so that the power produced where the combustion process takes place in the engine
becomes greater. cylinder itself so that the combustion gas fuel that occurs
One type of additive that can be used as an alternative directly is used as a working fluid to do mechanical work
fuel is bio-additive, which is an additive derived from (Wardono, 2004) [1].

 Make a mixture by mixing pertalite with cajeput
 Prepare a 150 cc motorcycle.
 Close the gas tap in the tank so that the fuel intake
Fuel is a material, substance, or object that is used in the comes from the tank but from the fuel that was
combustion process to produce heat energy (Raharjo and mixed earlier.
Karnowo, 2008: 37) [2]. The fuels most commonly used  Prepare the dynotest.
today are the majority of non-renewable types of fossil fuels  Perform a torque test with predetermined variables
and liquid minerals. Gasoline and diesel are examples of the (standard, pertalite + 3% cajeput, pertalite + 6%
most widely used mineral fuels. If it continues to be used in
large quantities, of course this fuel will slowly run out, so it cajeput, pertalite + 9% cajeput.
is necessary to hold the problem of fuel handling in various
ways. Below this is a description and picture of a series of
studies used in testing, as follows:
 TORQUE 1. Pertalite
Torque is the rotational force on a rotating part (Jama 2. Cajeput oil
and Wagino, 2008: 23) [3]. Torque can be obtained from the 3. measure pertalite levels with cajeput oil to be mixed
product of force and distance. The calculation formula is as
4. Mix pertalite with cajeput oil
5. Install the fuel mixture on the vehicle
6. Torque testing with dynotest
T=Fxr (1)

T = Torque (N.m)
F = Force (N)
r = Torque arm distance (m)

In this study data collection will be carried out with
independent variables, namely variations in cajeput oil

Torque chart
11.20 11.64
11.33 11.42 11.54
12.00 10.8
10.53 10.85 10.92
9.53 9.94 11.40
10.00 10.07 10.52 10.60
Torque (Nm)

8.00 4. RESULT
6.00 In this study examines the effect of the addition of
eucalyptus oil on pertalite fuel on the performance of a
150cc motorcycle. The study uses pure cajeput oil with
2.00 levels of 3%, 6%, 9%, and at 1500 rpm, 2000 rpm, 2500
0.00 rpm, 3000 rpm, 3500 rpm, 4000 rpm, 4000 rpm, 4500
1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000rpm, 5000 rpm, 5500 rpm, 6000 rpm.
1. the results of the ratio of torque between standard,
pertalite + 3% cajeput oil, pertalite + 6% cajeput oil,
content that is 3%, 6%, 9%. While the dependent variable is pertalite + 9% cajeput oil.
torque on a 150cc motorcycle. The data processing method
is by taking a number of samples and then taking an average
of each variable and then analyzing it using the Two Way
Anova method.

The following are the data collection methods.

 prepare the tools and materials needed


[1] Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat, dan Aromatik. 2010.

Penggunaan Minyak Serai Wangi Sebagai Bahan Bio aditif
Based on the test chart above shows that there is an Bahan Bakar Minyak. Sinar Tani Edisi 24 – 30 November
effect of the addition of cajeput oil on pertalite fuel. In 2010.
standard conditions, the torque of 9.53 Nm at 1500 rpm,
then increased by 7.34% at 2000 rpm which is 10.23 Nm.
Then it increased again by 2.93% at 2500 rpm by 10.53 Nm. [2] Endyani, Indah Dwi dan Toni Dwi Putra. 2011. Pengaruh
Then up 6.64% at 3000 rpm which is 11.21 Nm. Torque Penambahan Zat Aditif
decreased slightly by 0.08% at 3500 rpm which is 11.20
Nm. Then down again at 4000 rpm by 3.3% which is 10.83
Nm. Torque increased by 4.61% at 4500 rpm which is [3] Gupta, H.N. 2009. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion
11.33%. The peak torque is reached at 5000 turns at 11.42 Engines. New Delhi: Rajkarnal Electric Press.
Nm and at subsequent rounds it tends to decrease. After
changing the fuel by mixing pertalite with 3% cajeput oil.
Direct torque increased by 4.19% compared to standard [4] Astuti, W dan Nur Nalindra Putra. 2014. Peningkatan Kadar
conditions at 9.93 Nm at 1500 rpm. Then up again by 2.34 Geraniol Dalam Minyak Sereh Wangi dan Aplikasinya
Sebagai Bio Additive Gasoline. Jurnal Bahan Alam
from standard conditions at 2000 rpm which is 10.47 Nm. Terbarukan. Vol 3. Edisi 1.
Then it increased by 3.13% at 2500 rpm which is 10.8 Nm.
Then it increased by 1.07 percent at 3000 rpm which is
11.33 Nm. Torque increased again by 1.25 at 3500 rpm by [5] Sastrohamidjojo,H. 2004. Kimia Minyak Atsiri.
11.34 Nm. Then up again by 5.54% at 4000 rpm which is Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
11.43 Nm. Then stable at 4500 rpm which is 11.33 Nm and
peak torque occurs at 5500 rotation of 11.64 Nm with an
increase of 1.92% compared to the peak torque at the [6] Silaban,Mawardi.2012.Pengaruh Penambahan Bio-Aditif
standard position. After that pertalite with a mixture of 6% Pada Premium Terhadap Kinerja Motor Bakar.JITE Vol.1
cajeput oil, the highest torque is achieved at 5500 rpm with No.14 Edisi Februari 2012:15-26
an increase of 1.05% which is 11.54 Nm. And the peak
torque decreased in the pertalite mixture with 9% cajeput oil
with a decrease of 0.17% which is 11.4 Nm. After that, [7] Sastrohamidjojo,H. 2004. Kimia Minyak Atsiri.
from the three variations of the mixture, a percentage of the Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
most significant torque was taken among the three mixtures.
The highest increase among the three mixtures, namely in
the mixture of pertalite with 3% cajeput oil that is equal to [8] Kadarohman, Asep. 2009.Eksplorasi Minyak Atsiri Sebagai
1.92% compared to the standard, while the torque on Bioaditif Bahan Bakar Solar. Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA. 14:2.
pertalite with a mixture of 9% cajeput oil has decreased
0.17% compared to the standard.
[9] Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun
2006 tentang Kebijakan Energi Nasional.

From the results of the test analysis data contained in the [10] Ma’mun, Sriyadi, S. Suhirman, H. Mulyana, D. Suyatno dan
previous chapters, it can be concluded as follows: D. Kustiwa. 2010. Minyak Atsiri Sebagai Bioaditif Untuk
1. The effect of changes in torque on the addition of Penghematan Bahan Bakar Minyak. Laporan Teknis
3% cajeput oil from standard conditions increased Penelitian Tahun Anggaran 2010 Balai Penelitian Tanaman
by 1.92% with a peak torque of 11.64 Nm. Obat dan Aromatik.
2. The effect of changes in torque on the addition of
6% cajeput oil from standard conditions increased
by 1.05% with a peak torque of 11.54 Nm. [11] Endyani, Indah Dwi dan Toni Dwi Putra. 2011. Pengaruh
3. There was a decrease in torque at the addition of 9% Penambahan Zat Aditif
cajeput oil from a standard condition of 0.17% with
a peak torque of 11.40 Nm.
4. The addition of eucalyptus oil bioadditive into [12] Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia nomor 1 Tahun
pertalite fuel can improve engine performance. 2006 tentang Penyediaan dan Pemanfaatan Bahan Bakar
Nabati (Biofuel) sebagai Bahan Bakar Lain.
5. The addition of cajeput oil by 3% produces the best
and efficient performance.

[13] Kustiwa.2010.Minyak Atsiri Sebagai Bioaditif Untuk [14] Mulyono, Sugeng, Gunawan, Budha Maryanti. Tanpa
Penghematan Bahan Bakar Minyak.Laporan Teknis Tahun. Pengaruh Penggunaan dan Perhitungan Efisiensi
Penelitian Tahun Anggaran 2010 Balai Penelitian Tanaman Bahan Bakar premium dan Pertamax terhadap Unjuk Kerja
Obat dan Armatik. 77. Motor Bakar Bensin. Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Volume 2
Nomor 1 Hal 28- 35.


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