Full Scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands To Treat Domestic Wastewater by Juncus Acutus and Cortaderia Selloana

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International Journal of Phytoremediation

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Full scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed

wetlands to treat domestic wastewater by Juncus
acutus and Cortaderia selloana

Fulya Aydın Temel, Esin Avcı & Yüksel Ardalı

To cite this article: Fulya Aydın Temel, Esin Avcı & Yüksel Ardalı (2017): Full scale
horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands to treat domestic wastewater by
Juncus acutus and Cortaderia selloana, International Journal of Phytoremediation, DOI:

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Full scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands to treat domestic wastewater by

Juncus acutus and Cortaderia selloana

Fulya Aydın Temela,*, Esin Avcıb, Yüksel Ardalıc

Giresun University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Environmental Engineering, Giresun,
28200, Turkey
Giresun University, Science and Art Faculty, Department of Statistics, Giresun, 28200, Turkey
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Ondokuz Mayıs University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Environmental Engineering,
Samsun, 55139, Turkey

*Corresponding author: e-mail: fulya.temel@giresun.edu.tr, esin.avci@giresun.edu.tr,



In the present study, a full scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland was designed,

constructed and operated to treat domestic wastewater of Kızılcaören village in Samsun city of

Turkey. The total surface area of HSFCW was divided into equal parts. The effects of Juncus

acutus L. and Cortaderia selloana (Schult.Schult.f.)Asch.&Graebn. on pollutants removal in

HSFCWs were evaluated with the meteorological factors. The average removal efficiencies of J.

acutus and C. selloana were determined as 60.3-57.7% for BOD; 24.2-38.9% for TN; 31.4-

49.8% for OM; 35.4-43.3% for TP; 18.9-27.1% for orthophosphate; 24.4-28.7% for NH4-N;

29.5-37.2% for TSS; and 35.3-44.3% for TSM. Two-way ANOVA was applied to determine any

difference for the removal of all parameters between the plant types and months on the mean

values of contaminant removal. A correlation matrix of all parameters was determined.

Subsurface flow constructed wetland was found quite efficient for the treatment of domestic


wastewater in rural settlements. HSFCW is also more economical to install and maintain than a

conventional wastewater treatment system while enhancing ecosystem services.


Juncus acutus; Cortaderia selloana; constructed wetland; wastewater; treatment.

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1. Introduction

Wastewaters such as domestic, industrial and agricultural are the most important sources of

pollutants in developing countries. They contain inorganic and organic chemicals, biodegradable

organic substance, toxic materials, and disease causing agents. Many wastewaters discharge into

receiving environments like rivers, lakes, wetlands and especially seas without any treatment in

many regions (Kivaisi, 2001). Untreated wastewaters affect negatively the habitat of receiving
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environments, humans, animals, and plants.

Conventional wastewater systems consist of the collection, transport, treat, and discharge of

wastewater. They are very expensive technologies due to the construction cost, maintenance and

repair costs, and costs to hire skilled staff for careful operation (Mburu et al., 2013;

Bhamidimarri et al., 1991). For this reason, wastewater treatment is not always at adequate levels

in many countries (Weerakoon et al., 2013). Technologies that are cheaper, effective,

dependable, sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternatives should be developed for

wastewater treatment (Mburu et al., 2013; Gearheart, 1992). In-site treatment technologies

should be improved in the rural settlements due to the construction costs required for

infrastructure facilities and maintenance/repair costs occurred from decreased flow rates during

transfer to wastewater treatment plants.

According to the USEPA (1992), alternative methods for wastewater treatment, in small

communities, can be applied to three categories: natural treatment systems, alternative

wastewater collecting systems and engineered treatment systems such as stabilization ponds,

wastewater storage and treatment reservoir, up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor, bio filters,


aerated lagoons, oxidation ditch and constructed wetlands (Gunes and Tuncsiper, 2009; Chan et

al., 2008). Constructed wetlands (CWs) are engineered and ecological-based wastewater

treatment system simulated from natural wetlands (Wu et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2014). CWs

have been successfully used to remove different contaminants such as organic compounds,

suspended solids, pathogens, metals, nutrients, pharmaceutical and personal care products until

today (Zhang et al., 2014). Capital, operation, maintenance and repair costs of CWs are low.
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Because they do not contain mechanical equipment and they do not need external energy or

require skilled staff for operation (Mburu et al., 2013; Abou-Elela et al., 2013). CWs are

environmentally friendly, efficient in wastewater treatment. They provide habitat for different

kinds of plants and animals as well as esthetic value (Abou-Elela et al., 2013; Tsalkatidou et al.,

2009; Kayranli et al., 2009). When constructed wetland systems are designed and constructed in

accordance with engineering guidelines, the risk of inadequate treatment decreases (Tsalkatidou

et al., 2009).

The most important disadvantages of CWs encountered during construction and operation are the

large surface area requirement and clogging of filter materials of the subsurface flow treatment

bed (Gunes and Tuncsiper, 2009; Chan et al., 2008). Treatment performances in CWs are

affected by some parameters such as wetland type, wetland design, vegetation type, substrate

type, influent contaminant concentrations, hydraulic loading characteristics, microbial

interactions, local environment mainly temperature, and hydraulic retention time (Chan et al.,

2008; Kayranli et al., 2009; Tsalkatidou et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2010).


CWs can be assigned two main categories as free water surface (FWSCWs) and subsurface flow

(SFCWs) constructed wetland systems. However, these two main systems can be applied

together as hybrid systems (Farooqi et al., 2008; Cui et al., 2009; Lesage et al., 2007; Yang et al.,

2012). Subsurface flow systems are divided into two subgroups as horizontal (HSFCW), vertical

(VSFCW) subsurface constructed wetlands, and combinations of these two type namely hybrid

systems (HS) (Chen et al., 2008; Brovelli et al., 2011). HSFCW or VSFCW is commonly applied
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for in situ treatment of wastewater in the rural region and industries (USEPA, 2000; Vymazal

and Kröpfelová, 2011). All types of constructed wetlands have several advantages as follows: (i)

they have high pollutants removal performance, (ii) the treatment performance is not so much

affected by the climate conditions (iii) they do not produce residual bio solids or sludge requiring

subsequent treatment and disposal. Additionally, in a HSFCW or VSFCW, there is a no problem

such as mosquitoes and similar insect vectors by comparison with FWSCWs (USEPA, 1993;

USEPA, 2000).

Wetland vegetation is an important component of CWs (Cui et al., 2009). The benefits of

wetland plants in CWs are the following: (i) to stabilize the treatment bed surface, (ii) to increase

porosity, (iii) to absorb and store the nutrients, (iv) to insulate the bed versus the climate

conditions especially freezing, (v) to procure the uniform flow, and (vi) to increase the value of

wetland esthetics. Moreover, the plant roots increase the contact site for microbial activities;

contribute to the formation of carbon and oxygen (Coleman et al., 2001).

The wastewater treatment in CWs occurs by physical (sedimentation, filtration, sorption,

volatilization, and crystallization), chemical (precipitation, hydrolysis, sorption, and


oxidation/reduction), biological (various microbial activities, natural die off, and nutrient uptake

by macrophytes), and ecological (predation, food chain, and bioaccumulation/biomagnification)

processes (Pedescoll et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2015; Rousseau et al., 2004; Gearheart, 1992).

Constructed wetlands were established in almost all regions of Turkey by the municipality. A

total of 1800 constructed wetlands are found as of the moment, 99% of these consist of

subsurface flow constructed wetlands. In these wetlands, common reeds are often seen
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depending on the climate of the region. However, there are also many publications which have

been awarded literatures (Korkusuz et al., 2005; Tuncsiper, 2009; Gunes and Tuncsiper, 2009;

Yalçuk et al, 2010; Kayranlı et al., 2010; Gunes et al., 2012; Ayaz et al., 2012; Türker et al.,

2014; Doğdu and Yalçuk, 2016)

In the present study, a HSFCW was designed to treat the domestic wastewater in Kızılcaören

village of Samsun located in Black Sea region. And it was divided into two equal parts. The aims

of this study were as follows: (i) to determine the performance of a full-scale HSFCW systems

for treatment of domestic wastewater, (ii) to determine the capital cost, (iii) to suggest the

solutions to overcome problems encountered in design, construction and operational phases, (iv)

to compare the performance of J. acutus and C. selloana plants in wastewater treatment, (v) to

quantify the effect of climate conditions on removal of pollutants, (vi) to make the statistical

evaluation of results.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Description of HSFCW location


The HSFCW treatment system was constructed in the village of Kızılcaören in Samsun located

in the Black Sea region (Turkey). The plant area over the map showing the boundaries of the

village was given in Fig.S1. The population of the village was 437. The village has a typical

Black Sea climate with high and evenly distributed rainfall during all year. The meteorological

data of region was given in Table S1.

2.2. Description of plant construction and design

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The horizontal subsurface flow system (HSFCW) was designed for secondary treatment of

domestic sewage. The treatment bed was divided into two equal parts by using curtain wall to

evaluate the efficiencies of two different plant species (J. acutus and C. selloana). The treatment

system has four main parts. As it is seen from Fig. 1, the system consists of the septic tank, a

main manhole, two inlet manholes, two parallel horizontal subsurface flow treatment beds, and

two outlet manholes.

The domestic wastewater is collected into sewerage system and stored with in a septic tank for

pretreatment. The pretreatment is the most important part of this system because suspended

solids entering directly to the system can cause the clogging which is the main problem of CWs

in the treatment beds. The clogging could cause the surface flow in the treatment beds. So, the

operation of the plant could fail. Wastewater from the septic tank was connected to the main

manhole. The wastewater was transferred from the main manhole to inlet manholes. Manholes

used to collect samples and to control the treatment system are an important part of the system.

The effluent was collected from the treatment beds via drain pipes passed through outlet

manholes. It was discharged in Taşkın Stream.


The construction of HSFCW was begun in May 2011 and completed in May 2012. The HSFCW

has the surface area of 476 m2. During the construction of the system, the area was excavated to

the depth of 1 m. Each unit of constructed wetlands was pressed with a 20 cm layer of floor

cover material after being leveled with a slope of ‰ 4. The perforated distribution and drainage

pipes were situated in the horizontal position, and the inlet and outlet zones were filled with a

crushed rock in order to prevent the closure of the holes on the pipes (Fig. 2) to provide the
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uniform distribution of domestic wastewater to the treatment beds. After that, HSFCWs were

filled with mineral material from the bottom to the surface over floor cover material. The

treatment beds consist of three gravel layers in 20 cm of diam 5--15 cm, 50 cm of diam 3--5 cm,

and 10 cm of diam 1.5-3 cm over floor cover material, respectively. The wastewater level was

maintained at 10 cm in all units. The system components are given Fig. 2 as a sketch. Therefore,

wastewater is distributed across the width of the beds uniformly.

The design parameters were determined by using “Constructed wetlands and aquatic plant

system for municipal wastewater treatment design manual” presented in USEPA (1988). The

accepted and calculated design parameters to construct the full-scale HSFCW in Kızılcaören

village are given in Table 1. The land area was organized considering both the treating of current

wastewater and the adding of a new unit if required.

Consensus has not been reached to researchers related to the subject of ideal constructed

wetland, due to the complexity of wetland ecosystems. Increasing usage of CW applications

creates pressure for researchers to develop and agree on the best design model (Gouriveau,

2009). However, CWs found in the most regions of the world were designed as biological


reactors by using a first order plug flow model focused on the removal of BOD 5 (USEPA, 1993;

Lee, 1999; Siracusa and La Rosa, 2006; Vymazal, 2005; Gouriveau, 2009). The model

relationship is given as follows (USEPA, 1993; USEPA; 1988; Reed and Brown, 2012; Siracusa

and La Rosa, 2006):

 e KT t (1)
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where C0 is the initial BOD5 concentration (mg L1), Ce is the effluent BOD5 concentration (mg

L1), KT is the first order rate constant based on temperature (day1), t is hydraulic retention time


Hydraulic retention time is expressed as:

V LW. .d .n
t  (2)

A  LW
. (3)

where L is surface length of CW (m), W is surface width of CW (m), d is the average water depth

in CW (m), n is the porosity corresponding to proportion of typical wetland cross section not

occupied by vegetation, Q is the average wastewater flow rate (m3 day1), and A is the treatment

area of CW (m2). n value changes depending on the size of filter material between 0.25-0.45 for

SFCWs, and 0.65-0.75 for FWSCWs (Reed and Brown, 2012).

The surface area can be rewritten by using Eq. (1), (2), and (3) as:


Q  lnC0  lnCe 
A (4)
KT .d .n

The effect of temperature is commonly modeled via Phelps equation as:

KT  K20 T 20 (5)

where K20 is the rate constant at 20°C (day1), T is the wetland temperature (°C), and θ is the
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temperature coefficient constant depending on the pollutant removal. For BOD removal K20 =

0.678 day1 and θ = 1.06 while for NH4+ removal K20 = 0.218 day1 and θ = 1.048 (Farooqi et al.,

2008; Siracusa and La Rosa, 2006). The calculated parameters of HSFCW are given in Table 1.

2.3. Description of vegetation

J. acutus and C. selloana were selected in this study because they were both locally compatible

and there have been not enough studies with these plant species in the literature, yet. In Jun 2012,

J. acutus was planted in Unit-1 while Unit-2 was planted with C. selloana. The planting densities

were 4 plants/m2 and 1 plant/m2, respectively. J. acutus and C. selloana had about 100 cm of


2.3.1. Juncus acutus L. (J. acutus)

Juncus acutus is from the family of Juncaceae. It can live in marshes that is situated the fresh

and salt waterfront. The underground parts of these species grow in rhizome form. 34 species of

Juncus’s grow naturally in Turkey. Juncus is a plant that commonly grows in wetlands. J. acutus

was provided from Kızılırmak delta that is one of the most significant natural wetlands in


Turkey. Plants were collected with similar size. Plant development was evaluated in local

conditions, and the use of Juncus in the HSFCW was found suitable due to the positive results

observed in the adaptation.

2.3.2. Cortaderia selloana (Schult.Schult.f.)Asch.&Graebn (C. selloana)

C. selloana is native to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. C. selloana is herbaceous in cold

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climates and grows very quickly while remaining evergreen in mild climates. It is an invasive

species. It tolerates all soil types but prefers sandy soils that are well drained. It is also known as

Pampas grass. To produce pampas grass, stems need to be separated in April. Pampas grass can

be produced by planting directly in the soil (Saura-Mas and Lloret, 2005). For this study, C.

selloana was provided in the Yalova city of Turkey. The adaptation of plants to environmental

conditions of Kızılcaören village was evaluated by preliminary tests due to the seasonal varieties

between Yalova and Samsun cities. The plant growth indicated that this plant is resistant to

seasonal conditions in the work area. Thus, the plant was reproduced to use in the HSFCW of

Kızılcaören village.

2.4. Experimental procedure

After plants were transplanted into the treatment beds, water samples were collected monthly for

chemical analysis. The representative wastewater samples of 1 liter were collected from each of

influent and effluent manholes.

In this study, treatment performances of each plant species were evaluated with the following

parameters: organic matter (OM), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total nitrogen (TN),

ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), total phosphorous (TP), orthophosphate (PO 43), total solid


materials (TSM), and total suspended solids (TSS). They were analyzed with the analytic test

kits and according to the standard methods (APHA-AWWA-WEF, 2010). The minimum and

maximum inlet values of water quality parameters are given in Table 2.

2.5. Cost of plant

The total estimated cost of HSFCW was determined as 34446.29 ₺ (~80978.78 €) without value-

added tax. It includes the excavation for foundation, transfer of filter and floor cover materials,
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materials needed for manholes and curtain wall construction such as sand, gravel, cement, and

iron. The cost which is paid for per person of these plants was also determined as 78.82 ₺

(~185.23. €). The cost of these items was not calculated to determine the total cost because

employees, heavy equipment such as excavator, tractor, digger, filter and floor cover materials

were provided from the region sources by District Municipality. When all these expenses are

calculated, the approximate cost of budget needed for such a plant would be about 50000 ₺

(~117500 €)

2.6. Statistical analysis

All statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS 21 for Windows. Two-way ANOVA was

applied to determine any difference for the removal of all parameters between the plant types

over time on the mean values of pollutant removal. The confidence intervals of 95% were

obtained for all parameters. According to the intervals (p < 0.05) were concluded statistically

significant. The suitability of Two-way ANOVA was statistically evaluated for each parameter.

A correlation matrix was determined.

3. Results and discussion


3.1. Organic matter (OM) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)

The constructed wetlands were monitored over seven months. As a result, the OM concentrations

ranged between 6±0.85 and 31±0.92 mg L1. As it is seen from Fig. 3(a), the removal

performance of OM was higher in Unit 2. When the climatic conditions were taken into

consideration, it was observed that the removal efficiencies of J. acutus and C. selloana had been

increased with temperature rise. Because the activities of microorganisms increase with
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temperature rise, the disintegration rates of organic matter also increase.

The minimum, maximum and mean values of BOD5 influent concentrations were determined as

143 ± 2.65 mg L1, 193± 25.239 mg L1, and 158.810 ± 12.759 mg L1, respectively. The mean

removal efficiency of J. acutus planted in Unit 1 was 60.25% while C. selloana was 57.66% in

Unit 2. It was concluded that each plant species shows the similar removal performance.

As it is seen in Fig. 3(b), the maximum removal efficiency of J. acutus was observed 71% in

April, and the effluent concentration of Unit 1 was found as 49.667 ± 5.508 mg L1 in this

month. The minimum, maximum and mean values of BOD5 effluent concentrations in Unit 1

were determined as 41.333 ± 8.083 mg L1, 89 ± 9.644 mg L1 and 63.381 ± 7.159 mg L1,

respectively. When it was investigated the BOD5 removal efficiencies of C. selloana, the effluent

concentration and maximum removal efficiency of Unit 2 were found as 74% and 37 ± 5.773 mg

L1 in February, respectively. The maximum, minimum and mean values of BOD5 effluent

concentrations in Unit 2 were determined as 96.333 ± 3.215 mg L1, 36.667 ± 5.774 mg L1, and

68.381 ± 7.338 mg L1, respectively.


When we looked to other researches, removals of BOD exhibit diversity. For instance, a study

carried out (2013) two emergent macrophytes- Cyperus alternifolius L. and Typha Latifolia L-

planted separately in a pilot horizontal subsurface flow system for phytoremediation of treated

urban wastewater in the West of Sicily (Italy). The removal efficiencies of BOD were defined as

72.4% and 64.8% for Typha latifolia L., and Cyperus alternifolius L., respectively (Leto et al.,

2013). And in several studies, the BOD removals of 70--90% were achieved (Mburu et al., 2013;
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Weerakoon et al., 2013; Song et al., 2006; Vymazal, 2002; Steer et al., 2002; Neralla et al.,

2000). When it was compared with these studies, the effluent from our units did not meet the

accepted design parameters. As a reason for this, the development of plant root depth was

incomplete. They are required to stay at least one spring for plant adaptation. It is considered that

their removal efficiencies will increase after the plant adaptation.

3.3. Total nitrogen (TN), and ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N),

The influent and effluent concentrations of TN are given in Fig. 4(a). As it is seen from Fig. 4(a),

in spring, TN removal performance increased in both units. In Unit 1, the removal efficiency was

observed to be top with 39% in the first month. Although it was the beginning of winter, it was

considered that nitrogen was taken in the maximum level by the plant roots due to the

regeneration of plant cell and repairing of destruction occurred in the root, stem, and leaves of

the plant during removing from the natural environment of the plants and planting to the

treatment bed. It was seen to be in the minimum removal level because of cold climatic

conditions in the region.


In Unit 2, the removal efficiency was observed to be top with 56% in March. After that, the

removal efficiencies were decreased. As the reason for this, it was thought that the oxygen

transfer could not be made adequately by plant roots and could be the lack of oxygen in the

treatment beds. The mean removal efficiencies of J. acutus and C. selloana were found as

24.15% and 38.90%, respectively. The mean effluent concentrations for TN in every unit were

determined as 39± 1 mg L1 at the end of 7 months.

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Ammonium nitrogen is the most abundant present nitrogen compound in domestic wastewater.

The influent and effluent values of NH4-N are given in Fig. 4(b). There is also seen that the

initial NH4-N concentrations change from 15.892 ± 1.470 mg L 1 to 63.467 ± 0.208 mg L1. The

removal of NH4-N was not at desired levels. It is thought that this situation is a result of

insufficient nitrification due to the lack of oxygen in the treatment bed. For the solution of this

problem, it is required to increase the hydraulic retention time or to provide oxygen mechanically

to the system. This also means greater land and energy namely cost increases. More efficient

ammonium nitrogen removal and removal of organic matter would be expected to realize the

increase of nitrifying bacteria, development of the root system, being stable of the filler material.

Looking to other researches performed with CWs, the results obtained from TN removal show

variety. For example, in a study conducted with Cyperus alternifolius, eight different VFCWs

were constituted and operated for 2 years. The mean reduction of TN was provided the

maximum efficiency with 6.45% in Y1-P among others (Cui et al., 2009). It was observed that

the removal efficiencies of TN ranged from 16% to 84% in HSFCW (Trang et al., 2010). In

another research performed in the Czech Republic, the average removal efficiency was indicated

to be 41.6% according to the results obtained from 10 years observations. The same study was


indicated that TN removal efficiencies ranged from 24.5% to 55.6% in the literature (Vymazal,

2002). A study in China have compared the efficiencies of three pilot scale CWs (VSF, HSF,

FWS), and the removals of 20--52% for TN, and 23--46% for NH4-N were procured (Li et al.,

2008). The removal of NH4-N was determined as 40.6% in a full scale study conducted in China

(Song et al., 2006). And consequently, it cannot reached the accepted removal efficiencies

because it is considered to be incomplete the development of plant root depth. But the obtained
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results show that the results are among the literature results.

3.4. Total phosphorous (TP), and orthophosphate (PO43)

When the removal efficiencies were investigated, it was seen clearly the effect of climatic

conditions. According to the results obtained from the monitoring during 7 months, the average

removal efficiencies for J. acutus and C. selloana were found 35.35% and 43.31%, respectively.

The maximum removal efficiencies were observed as about 65% for two plants in April. While

removal efficiencies of TP were the lowest values in cold climates, they reached the maximum

level in spring.

Orthophosphate concentrations and removal efficiencies of each unit are given in Fig. 5(b). As it

is seen from Fig. 5(b), it was observed that decreases and increases in the removal performances

of both plant species were similar and C. selloana showed better removal efficiency than J.

acutus with a difference of 3%. The removal performances with 10% and 20% were decreased

minimum level in the month of February that was seen the coldest climatic conditions while in

the spring the maximum was seen as 29% and 32%, respectively.


When we looked at other researches, a study performed in 2009, it was used Phragmites sp. and

the removal PO4-P of 31.71% was achieved (Valipour et al., 2009). And, TP removal of 26%

was achieved in a case study (Mburu et al., 2013). Another study conducted on a pilot scale, TP

removal of 35% was provided by Phragmites communis from industrial wastewater (Chen et al.,

2006). In a study performed with Phragmites australis, the effects of two different filter media

(slag and gravel) were investigated. The removal of TP and PO4-P were reported as 45% and
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44% for slag, 4% and 1% for gravel, respectively (Korkusuz et al., 2005). A study in China

compared the performances of three pilot scale CWs (VSF, HSF, FWS), and TP removals were

found as between 35 – 66% (Li et al., 2008). The removal of TP was determined as 29.6% in a

full scale study (Song et al., 2006). It was observed that the results are similar although different

treatment systems designed with different types of plants were established.

3.5. Total solid material (TSM), and total suspended solid (TSS)

Removal of solid materials is provided by physical treatment processes such as sedimentation

and filtration compared to the biological process in the HSFCW. Sedimentation of suspended

organic matters is also contributed greatly to the reduction of BOD 5 in the wastewater. A large

part of solid materials is removed in a few meters from the initial part of the HSFCW. Therefore,

If the system treated the wastewaters containing solid materials at high concentrations is not

designed and constructed in accordance with the rules, clogging problems occur in this part of

the system.

Average removal efficiencies of facilitated by units planted with J. acutus and C. selloana were

as 29.48%, and 37.18% for TSS; 35.30%, and 44.31 for TSM, respectively. It was observed that


the degree of filtration increased as a result of the development of plant roots through the bed

depth with the increase of temperature in spring. The maximum removal efficiencies of TSS

were observed as 40% for J. acutus, and 33% for C. selloana in April.

As it is seen in Fig. 6, although the removal efficiency was 80% of removal efficiency in the first

month, were stayed below 20% by a rapid decline in January and February. Solid particles and

the slime water exceeding the septic tank went in system directly because the septic tank was not
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cleaned regularly. Correspondingly, this problem caused clogging of wastewater distribution

pipes and inlet zone of treatment beds. The clogging problem was noticed in January, and the

materials such as chocks, diapers, trash, chippings were removed from pipes. The filter material

in inlet zone of treatment beds is taken away; it was placed after washing with pressurized water

and put the system into use again. After that, the removal efficiencies increased and reached 30--

40%. But still, these results are low compared to literature (Chen et al., 2008; Vymazal and

Kröplová, 2011; Valipour et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2006).

3.6. Statistical evaluations

Table 3 presents correlation matrix of pollutant removal. Due to the lack of normality, Spearman

correlation coefficient is used to measure the relationship between each pair of variables.

Positive high correlations (Spearman Correlation>0.7) are obtained between TN-TP, TN-

Orthophosphate, TN-NH4-N etc., which imply a strong relationship between two variables in the

same direction. It means that two variables tend to increase or decrease together.

Each main effect of plant types and months, and their interactions with each other influenced

removal of all evaluated pollutants (p<0.01) are given in Table S2 and Fig. S2. Bar plots of plant


types for each contaminant are given in Fig. 7. The effects of plant types on removal

performances of pollutant over time are not same. For example, in December the difference of

plant type can be seen clearly for BOD5 pollutants, while Unit-1 and Unit-2 have almost same

amount of removal. In April, all plant types have a different effect on removal amount (Fig. 7).

So for each pollutant, the amount of removal is different according to months and plant types.

To determine which of the plant types is best to pollutant removal, we perform Tukey’s multiple
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comparison analysis. Table 5 represents multiple comparison results for plant types. As it is seen

in Table 5, there is a statistically significant difference between two different types of plants (p <

.05). Influent is different from Unit-1 and Unit-2 for BOD5 pollutant only. All plant types are

different for the other pollutant (p < .05). There is no difference in an amount of removal

between Unit-1 and Unit-2 for BOD5.

4. Conclusions

In this study, the suitability of the constructed wetland technology was evaluated by constituted

HSFCW in order to treat domestic wastewater of Kızılcaören village. The HSFCW which cost

approximately 50000 TL (117500 €) with the contribution of local governments should be

preferred to implement in rural areas for the protection of natural resources. According to the

results, it was observed that the removal efficiencies of all parameters were decreased in the

winter due to plant dormancy. The sap flow in plants starts with the increasing temperature in

spring. In this period, revivals such as increasing of leaf amount, growing off the leaf tall and

flowering are observed in the plants. So, the removal efficiencies of plants for all parameters

reach the maximum levels in this period. CWs are a good treatment option for small and rural


communities as they are economically feasible and serve to protect the environment. In the case

of CWs are designed correctly, they may be utilized successfully in the secondary and tertiary

wastewater treatment.


This work was financed by a scholarship from the Ondokuz May University for support of
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Scientific/Technological Research (PYO.1904.11.017). Authors thank the Ondokuz May

University for providing the opportunity to research.



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Table 1. The accepted and calculated design parameters of HSFCW

Accepted Design Parameters Calculated Design Parameters

Parameters Value Parameters Value
Water consumption, L person1day1 54 N population of village, person 437
Influent BOD 5, mg L1 130 Q total flow rate, m3 gün1 23.598
Effluent BOD 5 (project goal), mg L1 30 KT value, gün1 0.30
Bed fill materials Gravel t theoretical retention time, day 4.893
Wastewater temperature in coldest period, °C 6 AS the surface area required, m2 476
Slope of bed (S), m m1 0.004 KS*S value, m gün1 2.4
Porosity (ε) 0.35 Ac bed cross sectional area, m2 9.833
K20, l gün1 0.678 W bed width, m 14
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Empirical temperature coefficient (θ) 1.06 L bed length, m 34

Root lenght of vegetations, m 0.7 Asp specific area requirement, m2m3day1 20
Hydraulic conductivity (Ks), m3 m2day1 600 LW hydraulic loading rate, m3m2day1 0.050
Vegetation species-1 J. acutus W/L ratio 0.412
Vegetation species-2 C. selloana LBOD BOD loading rate, kg m3 0.0065


Table 2. The initial water quality parameters of domestic wastewater (n = 3)

Parameter Min. value ± SD Max. value ± SD

pH - 7.01 8.59
EC mS cm1 1.09 2.75
BOD5 mg L1 132 ± 10 173± 16
OM mg L1 5.44 ± 0.85 31.5 ± 0.92
TN mg L1 18.3 ± 0.58 65 ± 1
NH4-N mg L1 15.9 ± 1.5 63.5 ± 0.21
NO2-N mg L1 0.206 ± 0.022 1.44 ± 0.008
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NO3-N mg L1 <0.1 19.3 ± 1.1

TP mg L1 0.997 ± 0.015 7.23 ± 0.23
PO43 mg L1 0.733 ± 0.58 7.03 ± 0.15
TSS mg L1 254 400
TSM mg L1 894 2070
Mg mg L1 63.7 ±1.3 95.3 ± 2.5
Fe (+2) mg L1 0.04 ± 0.009 3.06 ± 0.006
Fe(+3) mg L1 0.019 ± 0.009 0.920 ±0.25
Cl mg L1 0.157 ± 0.005 1.81 ± 0.021
Total Cl mg L1 0.221 ± 0.012 1.91 ± 0.080
Ca mg L1 216± 1.5 606 ± 1.4
SAA mg L1 0.166 ± 0.011 0.362 ± 0.028


Table 3. Correlation matrix of all parameters

Spearman'srho BOD TN TP Orthophosphate OM NH4-N
BOD 1,000 0.616** 0.501** 0.350** 0.534** 0.594**
TN 0.616** 1.000 0.821** 0.841** 0.329** 0.808**
TP 0.501** 0.821** 1.000 0.935** 0.317* 0.836**
Orthophosphate 0.350** 0.841** 0.935** 1.000 0.192 0.798**
OM 0.534** 0.329** 0.317* 0.192 1.000 0.386**
NH4-N 0.594** 0.808** 0.836** 0.798** 0.386** 1.000
. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
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Table 4. Two-way ANOVA results

BOD5 TN TP Orthophosphate OM NH4-N

Source F p F p F p F p F p F p
Plant types 517.438 0.000* 827.673 0.000* 1496.454 0.000* 92.680 0.000* 1009.277 0.000* 1235.977 0.000*
Months 28.309 0.000* 1937.385 0.000* 1170.249 0.000* 695.924 0.000* 374.482 0.000* 1211.791 0.000*
Plant 4.070 0.000* 27.654 0.000* 242.360 0.000* 9.773 0.000* 163.433 0.000* 164.978 0.000*
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Table 5. Multiple comparison results for the different sources

BOD5 TN TP Orthophosphate OM NH4-N

Source Mean p Mean p Mean p Mean p Mean p Mean p
Difference Difference Difference Difference Difference Difference
Influent 95.429 0.000* 8.238 0.000* 1.704 0.000* 0.738 0.000* 6.682 0.000* 10.657 0.000*
– Unit-
Influent 90.429 0.000* 10.952 0.000* 1.945 0.000* 0.995 0.000* 9.341 0.000* 12.106 0.000*
– Unit-
Unit-1 5.000 0.302 2.714 0.000* 0.241 0.000* 0.257 0.000* 2.659 0.000* 1.450 0.000*
– Unit-
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Fig. 1. The flow chart of HSFCW (a: main manhole, b: inlet manholes, c: horizontal subsurface

flow treatment beds, d: outlet manholes)

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Fig. 2. Layout of filter media (a) and distribution/drain pipes (b) in the HSFCW (a1: floor cover

material, a2: 10 cm of diam 1.5-3 cm, a3: 50 cm of diam 3--5 cm, a4: 20 cm of diam 5--15 cm,

a5: water level)

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Fig. 3. The influent and effluent concentrations of OM (a) and BOD 5 (b) and removal

efficiencies of each unit (n = 3) (Co: initial conc. mg L1, J.a.-Ce: the effluent conc. of J. acutus

in Unit -1, mg L1 ; C.s.-Ce: the effluent conc. of C. selloana in Unit-2, mg L1, J.a.%: the

removal efficiency of J. acutus, C.s.%: the removal efficiency of C. selloana)

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Fig. 4. The influent and effluent concentrations of TN (a) and NH 4-N (b) and removal

efficiencies of each unit (n = 3) (Co: initial conc. mg L1, J.a.-Ce: the effluent conc. of J. acutus

in Unit -1, mg L1 ; C.s.-Ce: the effluent conc. of C. selloana in Unit-2, mg L1, J.a.%: the

removal efficiency of J. acutus, C.s.%: the removal efficiency of C. selloana)

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Fig. 5. The influent and effluent concentrations of TN (a) and orthophosphate (b) and removal

efficiencies of each unit (n = 3) (Co: initial conc. mg L1, J.a.-Ce: the effluent conc. of J. acutus

in Unit -1, mg L1 ; C.s.-Ce: the effluent conc. of C. selloana in Unit-2, mg L1, J.a.%: the

removal efficiency of J.acutus, C.s.%: the removal efficiency of C. selloana)

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Fig. 6. The influent and effluent concentrations of TSS (a) and TSM (b) and removal efficiencies

of each unit (n = 3) (Co: initial conc. mg L 1, J.a.-Ce: the effluent conc. of J. acutus in Unit -1,

mg L1; C.s.-Ce: the effluent conc. of C. selloana in Unit-2, mg L1, J.a.%: the removal

efficiency of J.acutus, C.s.%: the removal efficiency of C. selloana)

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Fig. 7. Bar plots of plant type for each parameter


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