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Sacred Heart

School Board Minutes

August 18, 2010

Members Present: Fr. Larry, Dave Andrys, Jennifer Briske, Phil Meyer, Nikki Anvinson, Jim
Remer, Rob Jung, Mary Amundson, Ed Zimprich, Karen Cisek

Absent: Sharon Fletcher, Mare Thompson

I. Prayer

II. Mary Amundson called the meeting to order.

III. Agenda/Minutes Approval

a. Attendance as listed above.
b. Agenda additions or deletions: approved by consensus as published
c. Minutes for June were approved by consensus without change

IV. Standing Committee Reports:

a. Athletic Club – Junior high volleyballcoach hired: Dani Stramer

b. Development – Dave has asked for a rep from Development; he will ask them how
they want to handle communication with the School Board.
c. Lumen Christi – will not be held this year
d. Social – None
e. Policy – None
f. SSP – MNSAA report distributed; we are in compliance in all areas.
Outgoing senior e-mails have been provided to David Flynn for the
Senior Survey
g. Diocesan School Board – No meeting held

V. Principal Reports:

a. David Andrys’ reported:

1) Preschool is full with a waiting list.
2) Kindergarten – 25
preK-6 – 217
K – 6 - 149
b. Phillip E. Meyer reported:
1) Najla Neuman is the new 7-8th grade Religion teacher and RE coordinator
2) New Athletic Director – Pat Phanneuf; transition in progress
3) Enrollment 7-12 = 150; each class ~25
4) Handed out article on The Power of Co-curricular Activities
5) MNSHL – focusing on concussions; officials can now make the call to take an
athlete out of the game
6) Mike Marek will be inducted into the UND Hall of Fame and receive the
Clifford Award
7) Phil Meyer will be inducted into the NDSU Hall of Fame with his football
8) Cheerleading adviser – Jackie Gaddie
9) Volleyball coaches – Head coach – Leah Marti; JV – Stephanie Mason; C
Squad – Kris Egland; 7-8th – Dani Stramer

VI. Superintendent’s/Pastor’s Update:

a. Upcoming changes to Pastoral staff

b. Lost Religion teacher; working on covering this position.

VII. New Business

a. School Board Calendar Planning – tabled
b. Election of officers – Ed Zimprich motion/Nikki Anvinson second/passed
unanimously, the following slate of officers (no changes from last year):
i. President: Mary Amundson
ii. Vice-president: Rob Jung
iii. Secretary: Karen Cisek
iv. Board Committees
1. Budget: Rob Jung, Jim Remer, Ed Zimprich
2. Community: Nikki Anvinson, Jennifer Briske, Karen Cisek
3. Policy: Mary Amundson, Sharon Fletcher, Mare Thompson
v. Standing Committees:
1. Athletic Club: Sharon Fletcher
2. Diocesan School Board: Karen Cisek
3. Lumen Christi: Mare Thompson
4. PGI: Nikki Anvinson
5. Parish Council: Jim Remer
6. SSP: Mary Amundson, Nikki Anvinson, Ed Zimprich
c. Method of decision making will continue to be by consensus (Jim-motion; Nikki-
second; passed unanimously).
d. End of year financial report – Fr. Larry reported on overall financial picture; reviewed.
e. New fiscal year budget – A full-time financial/development position will be filled.
f. School Board social gathering – covered by PGI
g. Future school year start dates - tabled

VIII. Continuing Business

a. Policy Updates – Large Scale Absence Policy – to be discussed next month

IX. Next meeting will be held Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 7:00 pm, Social Hall

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