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Federal Board SSC-1

Chemistry Test # 3
Time Allowed: 2.15 hours Total Marks: 53


Q.2 Attempt any SIX parts from the following. All parts carry equals marks. (6*3=18)
i. Why tin plated steel is used to make food cans?
ii. Explain how chemistry interact with photography?
iii. Define oxidation state? Also find oxidation state of S in the following compounds:
a)- b)-
iv. Define Electrolytic cell and also write its importance?
v. Differentiate between amorphous and crystalline solids.
vi. How does temperature affect vapour pressure of a liquid?
vii. Define allotropes. Also explain the allotropic form of Phosphorus?
viii. Why does evaporation lower the temperature of liquid?


Q.3 Attempt any FIVE parts from the following. All parts carry equals marks. (5*3=15)
i. For what purpose electrochemical industries are used.
ii. What do you know about electroplating on steel? Explain.
iii. Define oxidizing and reducing agents. Elaborate with examples.
iv. Identify oxidizing and reducing agent in the following reaction:
v. Explain the effect of external pressure on boiling point.
vi. Define the following terms:
a)- Sublimation b)- Melting Point c)-Distillation
vii. State Charles’s Law. Explain volume-temperature relationship using Charles’s Law.

Temperature( C) Volume(cm ) Temperature( C) Volume(cm )

25 117.5 35 121.3
30 119.4 40 123.2
Temperature-volume data of a gas at 1 atm

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NOTE: Attempt any TWO parts from the following. All parts carry equals marks. (2*10=20)
Q.4 a. Describe the method of recovering metal from its ores. (04)
b. Draw and explain the following: (06)
(a) Electrolytic Cells (b) Galvanic Cells (Daniel Cells)

Q.5 a. Explain manufacture of Sodium Metal from fused Sodium Chloride. (05)
b. Explain briefly what is corrosion? Also write its prevention. (05)

Q.6 a. Explain the effect on the volume of a gas by a change in the (04)
(a) Pressure (b) Temperature
b. Explain the Typical Properties of Gasses. (06)


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