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Volume 00, Number 00, 2020, pp. 1–5
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/acm.2019.0361

The Effects of Essential Oil on Salivary Oxytocin

Concentration in Postmenopausal Women
Wataru Tarumi, PhD and Kazuyuki Shinohara, PhD

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to find essential oils that have increased the oxytocin concentration in
postmenopausal women.
Methods: Fifteen postmenopausal women participated in this study and the effects of 10 different essential
oils were investigated. The essential oils included rose otto, sweet orange, lavender, neroli, frankincense,
jasmine absolute, ylang ylang, roman chamomile, clary sage, and Indian sandalwood. The subjects were
exposed to the control first for 20 min, followed by exposure to an essential oil for 20 min. Each subject received
exposure to only a single kind of essential oil per day. Saliva was collected four times for each patient:
immediately before and immediately after control exposure, and immediately before and immediately after
essential oil exposure. The oxytocin concentration in the saliva was measured using a competitive ELISA kit.
Results: The results showed that salivary oxytocin concentrations increased significantly more after exposure
to lavender, neroli, jasmine absolute, roman chamomile, clary sage, and Indian sandalwood than after exposure
to the control odor.
Conclusions: The aroma of certain essential oils may elicit increased secretion of oxytocin in postmenopausal
women. This study suggests that olfactory stimulation with any of a number of essential oils increases salivary
oxytocin concentrations, which may inhibit aging-induced reduction in muscle mass and function in women.

Keywords: odor, essential oil, oxytocin, postmenopause, anti-aging

Introduction for preventive purposes to inhibit the decline in muscle

function in women. Aromatherapy is considered one kind of

A ging is a natural process in all living organisms and

is characterized by a sustained reduction in physiological
function. Reduction in physical function with aging increases
complementary or alternative medicine that can help extend
the healthy life expectancy of women.15 Aromatherapy is
defined as a therapy that uses essential oils, namely aroma
the likelihood of falls, fractures, reduced quality of life, hos- components extracted from plants, to act on the body and
pitalization, and entrance to nursing homes.1–3 The state of mind for the purpose of treatment of disease and relief of
reduced physical function features decrease in muscle mass symptoms.15,16 Our previous study showed that exposure to
and function.4 Muscle mass and function are lower in women essential oils increased the secretion of hormones that al-
than in men,5–7 and in addition, reduction in muscle mass and leviated menopausal symptoms in women.17,18 Studies on
function accelerates with aging, particularly in women.8–10 the application of aromatherapy to a variety of geriatric
Age-dependent accumulation of adipose and connective tis- diseases and problems have been conducted, and scientific
sues in skeletal muscles increases postmenopausally,11,12 evidence of efficacy of aromatherapy is accumulating.
which reduces the quality of muscles.9,13,14 Therefore, the Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that is synthesized in the
quality and mass of female skeletal muscles are susceptible magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular
to adverse effects of aging. The average life expectancy for nuclei and is released from the posterior pituitary gland.19
women is longer than that for men; therefore, women are more Oxytocin is released into the circulation as a hormone and is
vulnerable to frailty and disease associated with aging. involved in parturition, lactation, and control of the hypo-
From the above perspective, it is thus important to de- thalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis.19 Oxytocin is reported to
velop a variety of strategies, including alternative medicine, act as a neurotransmitter and is involved in the development

Division of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Graduate School of Bio-
medical Sciences, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan.


of social skills and in the sexual behaviors of humans.20,21 Table 1. Age and Number of Participants
Oxytocin is also known as an antioxidant that can play a role Who Participated in the Testing
in protection against ischemia–reperfusion injury in skeletal of Each Essential Oil
muscle.22,23 Oxytocin activity decreases age dependently. A
Essential oil n Age (years), average – SD
recent study showed that decline in oxytocin activity con-
tributes to the aging-associated decrease in skeletal muscle Rose otto 15 59.47 – 6.44
mass and strength.24 Such loss of skeletal muscle mass and Sweet orange 15 58.47 – 6.38
strength with aging is called sarcopenia.25 Lavender 14 57.21 – 5.55
In mice, blood oxytocin concentrations greatly decrease Neroli 15 59.60 – 6.27
with aging.26 Oxytocin receptor expression levels of muscle Frankincense 15 59.40 – 6.48
stem cells also decrease with aging.26 Oxytocin is indis- Jasmine absolute 15 57.00 – 5.42
pensable for the regeneration and homeostasis of skeletal Ylang ylang 15 58.67 – 6.35
Roman chamomile 15 58.33 – 6.52
muscle; a genetic lack of oxytocin leads to premature sar-
Clary sage 15 57.67 – 5.85
copenia. Of interest, administration of oxytocin to aged mice Indian sandalwood 15 58.93 – 6.62
improves muscle stem cell function and enhances muscle
regeneration.26 Pharmacological inhibition of oxytocin sig- SD, standard deviation.
naling impairs muscle regeneration in young mice.26 There-
fore, targeting oxytocin receptors can be a potential new periment. As a preliminary experiment, 7 women (37.8 – 3.1
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therapeutic strategy for anti-aging of skeletal muscle. years old) evaluated the degree of pleasure when they sniffed
In summary, we consider aromatherapy a promising ther- each concentration of essential oil. Participants rated the
apy to inhibit the aging-related decrease in muscle mass and pleasantness of each odor using a 9-point Likert scale (1 = ‘‘I
function in women. This is a feasibility study to screen es- don’t like it at all,’’ 9 = ‘‘I like it very much’’). We adopted a
sential oils with potential to increase oxytocin concentrations maximum odor concentration that did not give a rating of <5
in postmenopausal women. If we can find essential oils that (neither comfortable nor uncomfortable) by 7 participants in
can increase salivary oxytocin concentration, the results of this the main experiment. The information about the solvent, con-
study will enhance the feasibility of clinical studies that aim to centration, chemical composition of each essential oil is given
inhibit the decrease in oxytocin concentrations and maintain in Table 2. Note that only sweet orange was not diluted, and
muscle mass and function in postmenopausal women by the dipropylene glycol was used as its control. This information
use of essential oils. From this perspective, we exposed post- was available from the brochure of the products.
menopausal women to essential oils to examine whether
salivary oxytocin concentrations increased. In this study, we Apparatus for odorant exposure
selected essential oils that have long been considered to have We used an apparatus for odorant exposure that had been used
anti-aging effects in the field of aromatherapy.17,18,27,28 in a previous study.17,18 It consisted of an air pump, a flowmeter,
Materials and Methods a glass bottle, a silicon tube, and a glass funnel. The glass bottle
was filled with 15 mL of each diluted essential oil or solvent. The
Participants flow rate was set at 2.0 L/min using the flowmeter. Air was sent
To test the effects of 10 essential oils, 15 women for each to the glass bottle, and then airflow from the glass bottle was
essential oil participated in this study. These 15 women were delivered, through the silicon tube, close to the subjects’ nostrils.
exposed to different essential oils. The number of subjects was The glass funnel was used to reduce the airflow stress that
set based on our previous studies.17,18 One subject did not par- subjects might experience during the experiment.
ticipate in the exposure experiment with lavender essential oil
for personal reasons. Table 1 provides the number and age of the
subjects. The subject’s age is an indicator of whether menopause To stabilize the psychological state of the subjects, we
has occurred owing to aging. This is because the mean age at asked them to rest quietly for 15 min after arriving at
menopause is 50.5 years.29 The definition of menopause is the laboratory. In the present experiments, we exposed the
amenorrhea for at least 12 months. The subjects were selected subjects to essential oils using a method that had been es-
according to this definition.29 All subjects were nonsmokers and tablished in our previous study. In brief, subjects were ex-
provided written informed consent before the initiation of the posed to the control first for 20 min, followed by exposure to
study. The study protocol was performed according to the De- an essential oil for 20 min. Each subject received exposure
claration of Helsinki. This study was approved by the Ethics to only a single kind of essential oil per day. Saliva was
Committee of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, collected four times for each patient: immediately before
Nagasaki University (approval no. 13121970). and immediately after control exposure, and immediately
before and immediately after essential oil exposure. The
Chemicals saliva collected was stored at -80C until analysis.
The effects of 10 different essential oils were investigated in
Measures of salivary oxytocin levels
this study. The essential oils included rose otto, sweet orange,
lavender, neroli, frankincense, jasmine absolute, ylang ylang, Saliva samples were thawed completely and centrifuged
roman chamomile, clary sage, and Indian sandalwood. The at 1,500 g for 15 min at room temperature. The oxytocin
essential oils were produced by Sanritsu Co., Ltd (Osaka, concentration in the saliva was measured using a competitive
Japan). To determine the concentration of each essential oil ELISA kit (Oxytocin ELISA kit; Enzo Life Sciences, Inc.)
used in the main experiment, we performed a preliminary ex- according to the protocols recommended by the manufacturer.

Table 2. Composition of Each Essential Oil Used in the Present Study

Essential oil Conc. (%) Chemical composition (%) Solvent
Rose otto 6 Citronellol (34.18), geraniol (11.84), nonadecane (7.74), Propylene glycol
nonadecene (7.30), nerol (5.75)
Sweet orange 100 Limonene (95.09) —
Lavender 30 Linalyl acetate (36.90), linalool (31.30) Dipropylene glycol
Neroli 7.5 Linalool (37.60), limonene (12.53), b-pinene (11.09), trans-b- Dipropylene glycol
ocimene (7.31)
Frankincense 45 a-Pinene (40.13), limonene (15.73), sabinene (6.56), Dipropylene glycol
a-thujene (6.05)
Jasmine absolute 12 Benzyl acetate (16.39), benzyl benzoate (16.25), phytol Dipropylene glycol
(9.13), linalool (6.95)
Ylang ylang 1.5 Linalool (17.18), geranyl acetate (9.77), benzyl benzoate Dipropylene glycol
(8.87), methyl-p-cresol (7.65), germacrene D (7.03),
b-caryophyllene (6.55)
Roman chamomile 0.75 Isobutyl angelate+isoamyl methacrylate (35.27), isoamyl Dipropylene glycol
angelate (15.45), methyl allyl angelate (8.31)
Clary sage 12 Linalyl acetate (58.63), linalool (17.09), germacrene D (3.23) Dipropylene glycol
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Indian sandalwood 30 a-Santalol (44.50), b-santalol (21.19) Propylene glycol

Analysis jasmine absolute, roman chamomile, clary sage, and Indian

Oxytocin secretion exhibits a circadian rhythm. To 30 sandalwood (Table 3). Significant difference was not ob-
minimize the impact of the circadian rhythm on experi- served between other essential oils and control.
mental results, we determined the rates of change in salivary
oxytocin concentrations. The rate of change was calculated Discussion
by dividing the oxytocin concentration after exposure to the This study examined the impact of exposure to essential oils
odor by that before exposure. Smirnov–Grubbs test was on salivary oxytocin concentrations in postmenopausal wo-
performed within control groups to verify that the experi- men. The results showed that salivary oxytocin concentrations
ment was working properly. This test succeeded in ex- increased significantly more after exposure to lavender, neroli,
cluding subjects with outliers (lavender: n = 2, frankincense: jasmine absolute, roman chamomile, clary sage, and Indian
n = 1) from the lavender and frankincense groups. To show sandalwood than after exposure to the control odor.
the effect of essential oils on salivary oxytocin concentra- Clarifying the relationship between exposure to odorants
tions, we compared the rates of change of salivary oxytocin and endocrinological changes is useful for the elucidation of
concentrations between the control and essential oil groups. physiological mechanisms and associated drug develop-
Statistical analysis was performed using paired t-tests be- ment. We were able to obtain provisional evidence that
tween groups, and significant difference was set at p < 0.05 chemical components in lavender, neroli, jasmine abso-
in the all statistical analyses. lute, roman chamomile, clary sage, and Indian sandalwood
exerted biological effects. Among these essential oils, ex-
posure to clary sage oil is reported to increase salivary
oxytocin concentrations in pregnant women.31 This supports
We observed a significantly larger increase in the salivary the validity of our study results with clary sage and also
oxytocin concentration upon exposure to an essential oil enhances the reliability of the results with essential oils
than exposure to the control odorant for lavender, neroli, other than clary sage.

Table 3. Averages and Standard Deviations, and 95% Confidence Interval

of Salivary Oxytocin Concentration Under Each Condition
Control 95% CI Essential oils 95% CI p
Rose otto 1.15 – 0.33 0.97–1.34 1.29 – 0.33 1.10–1.47 0.2407
Sweet orange 1.15 – 0.29 0.98–1.31 1.35 – 0.43 1.11–1.59 0.0877
Lavender 1.02 – 0.45 0.73–1.31 1.62 – 0.68 1.19–2.06 0.0011
Neroli 0.99 – 0.33 0.81–1.18 1.33 – 0.36 1.13–1.53 0.0066
Frankincense 1.03 – 0.22 0.90–1.16 1.03 – 0.21 0.92–1.16 0.9292
Jasmine absolute 0.99 – 0.46 0.73–1.24 1.42 – 0.75 1.01–1.84 0.0492
Ylang ylang 1.10 – 0.42 0.86–1.33 1.65 – 1.18 0.99–2.30 0.1147
Roman chamomile 1.01 – 0.37 0.80–1.21 1.60 – 0.43 1.36–1.84 0.0002
Clary sage 0.97 – 0.28 0.82–1.12 1.43 – 0.48 1.16–1.69 0.0031
Indian sandalwood 1.15 – 0.39 0.94–1.37 1.55 – 0.61 1.21–1.89 0.0170
The oxytocin concentration is expressed as ‘‘rates of change’’ ([concentration after exposure]/[concentration before exposure].
CI, confidence interval.

Table 2 lists the major chemical constituents of lavender, olfactory stimulation with certain essential oils can serve as
neroli, jasmine absolute, roman chamomile, clary sage, and an anti-aging strategy in postmenopausal women.
Indian sandalwood. Linalool is a major component of lav-
ender, neroli, jasmine absolute, and clary sage. The odor of Acknowledgment
linalool reportedly exerts anxiolytic effects.32 Oxytocin
also has the same effects.33,34 Therefore, linalool may ex- The authors thank Yoko Komori and Yuka Nakazawa for
ert anxiolytic effects by enhancing oxytocin secretion in their technical assistance.
postmenopausal women. This reasoning is based on the
assumption that essential oil-induced increase in salivary Authors’ Contributions
oxytocin concentrations is attributed to linalool. On the Conceived and designed the experiments: W.T. and K.S.
contrary, the effects observed may have been induced not by Performed the experiments: W.T. Wrote the article: W.T.
a single chemical component but by a combination of che- and K.S. Performed critical revision of the article for in-
mical components.35–37 Linalool is present in neither roman tellectual content: W.T. and K.S.
chamomile nor Indian sandalwood essential oils. In contrast,
linalool is present in ylang ylang essential oil; however, this Author Disclosure Statement
essential oil did not increase salivary oxytocin concentrations.
This suggests that not a single chemical component but a No competing financial interests exist.
combination of chemical components determines the bio-
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logical effects of essential oils. Alternatively, Indian sandal- Funding Information

wood has increased salivary oxytocin concentration, which No funding was received for this article.
may be because of undetected chemicals for trace amount.
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