Endsem Online Jan May 2021

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Total Marks 30
Duration: 2 Hrs
Deadline to upload: 12 pm today.
Please read instructions.

1. Attempt any ONE question from EACH part.

2. Please write the chosen question before you begin to answer.
3. Submission is on Turnitin, therefore please do not plagiarize. Write in your own
4. Pasting large sections from the class readings will also count as plagiarism.
5. Word limit for each question: 1200 words maximum. You may write less but not
6. Submission in WORD only. NO PDFs.
7. Use the same class ID and Enrollment Key that you used for the term paper.
8. Please upload the paper by 12 noon.

Part A

1. Compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes’ understanding of state of nature and social
contract with John Locke’s. Which philosopher’s ideas primarily inform the
provisions of the UDHR? (15)
2. Does cultural relativism weaken or strength the concept of human rights? Provide
Jack Donnelly’s and Ellen Messer’s arguments in this debate. Take a position in this
debate and Illustrate with relevant examples in favor of your argument. (15)
Part B
1. Define Humanitarian Intervention. Discuss the debate in international law on the
legality of Humanitarian Intervention. Provide both sides of the argument. According
to you, did the situation in Rwanda in 1994 necessitate a humanitarian intervention.
( 15)
2. Critically discuss the arguments offered in favor of pre-emptive war in the US
Security Strategy Doctrine 2002 with reference to Just War theory. (15)


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